Perfect Love

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Perfect Love Page 19

by Trina Lane

  “This is really nice. Was this your room growing up?” Ethan asked.

  “Nah. Mom and dad fixed this up once the grandkids started popping out. They knew Julie would want to keep them nearby, and there are only three bedrooms on the second floor. So they made this as a spare guestroom. I always stay in here when we get together as a family though. The nice thing is that it’s away from everyone else and well insulated.”

  Ethan cosied up to Ryan and encircled his waist. “Oh yeah? And why is that such a good thing?”

  He grasped Ethan’s ass and pulled him in tight. “Because that means I can make you scream, and they won’t hear you.”

  “And what makes you think I’ll let you have your evil way with me?”

  He forced Ethan to walk backwards to the bed. “Because you love it, you crave it, you beg for it. Your perfect world would consist of me chaining you to my bed, with your ass high in the air twenty-four hours a day.”

  “Awfully high opinion of your skills, don’t you think?”

  “If I’m not mistaken, it was your voice pleading for me to never stop last night as you raked you fingers down my back and pushed into every single thrust as my cock filled you time and time again.”

  Ryan heard Ethan whimper and smiled as memories of hours they’d spent in bed the previous night assaulted him. He’d taken Ethan twice then Ryan could have sworn Ethan had literally sucked his brains out through his cock. They landed on the bed with Ethan beneath him. The mattress bounced but there was no creak.

  “No springs. It’s one of those Tempur-pedic things so we can bounce and pound to our hearts’ content with no one the wiser,” he boasted.

  “Oh God, Ry,” Ethan moaned.

  Ryan swooped in and covered Ethan’s mouth with his own. He was burning up with the need to touch. His taunts had been designed to finish the job of getting Ethan to relax, but Ryan had fallen under his own spell and now craved the feel of Ethan’s body pressed against him.

  He took Ethan’s mouth good and hard. It opened eagerly, and their tongues twisted together. He tasted the coffee and cinnamon candy Ethan had had on the drive up. Ryan let his weight settle, and his rapidly hardening cock pressed against Ethan’s. Those long legs he loved separated and wrapped over his calves.

  They were so involved in the kisses that he jerked when a loud knock echoed up the stairwell from the door.

  “Boys? Julie just got here with the kids. Come on down so Ethan can meet them all.”

  Ryan groaned and dropped his head onto the pillow beside Ethan’s head. “Okay, mom,” he said with his face smashed into the thick filling of the pillow.

  “What?” Angela yelled.

  “He said we’ll be right there, Mrs. Ashton,” Ethan called out.

  “Oh good, take your time. I’m sure you’re enjoying a little rest after that long drive.”

  The door closed, and Ethan chuckled. He pushed Ryan off him and sat up on the bed. He slapped Ryan on the ass and bounced to the edge of the mattress. “Come on, Ry. Let’s not keep your mom waiting. I’d hate for her to come up here and investigate just how much resting we were doing.”

  Ryan’s face was still smashed into the pillow. “She’d be a dead woman, and she knows it.” He rolled over onto his side and propped his head up on his hand. “What am I supposed to do about this?” He pointed to the erection still pushing against his jeans.

  “You still have that? Mine deflated faster than a whoopee cushion the second I heard your mom’s voice at the door.”

  He went over to the top of the steps and looked over his shoulder. “Tell you what, you hold on to that for me and I’ll make sure you’re the one who’s screaming tonight.”

  Ryan groaned as he heard Ethan’s feet trot down the stairs.

  * * * *

  That evening, they sat down to dinner in the formal dining room to celebrate Christmas Eve. The casual elegance of the Ashton’s home was very welcoming. Ethan looked around at the slate blue walls accented by white moulding. It framed each of the floor to ceiling windows, was used as a chair rail and edged the ceiling. What was really neat though was how they used it beneath the chair rail, placing a length in the corners and bisecting the walls to the baseboard.

  The dark cherry wood table was large enough to hold all eight people comfortably. Roman shades in a complementing blue diffused the cool winter light slanting through the tall windows. A silver chandelier emitted a soft glow throughout the room. The stylish comfort of the Ashton’s home was so different from Ethan’s parents’ house. His childhood home had brown carpeting, faded white walls and cheap starving artists’ prints in gold frames on the walls throughout the interior. His mom still sported wallpaper border in the kitchen with illustrated cocks. He nearly snickered at the thought that they weren’t even the good kind.

  Ethan swallowed the giggle and looked over to see Ryan, sitting next to him, raise his eyebrow. Julie, her husband, Jacob, and their youngest, Nick, sat across the table. Ryan’s nine year old niece, Rebecca, sat next to him and his mom and dad graced the ends of the table.

  “Ethan, we’ve all heard Ryan’s version, but why don’t you tell us a little more about yourself?” Julie asked.

  He took a sip of his wine. “There’s not much to tell really. I grew up in central Missouri. My family owns a marina on one of the big lakes in the Ozark region. I went to Boston College on an academic and soccer scholarship then attended Harvard law. I currently work for the U.S. Attorney’s Office.”

  “What about your family? Do you have any brothers or sisters?” Jacob asked.

  “I have one brother. He and his family still live in the town where I grew up, and he works alongside my father. I have two nephews and one niece.” He looked over towards Rebecca. “She’s about your age.”

  “What made you decide to leave Missouri?” Angela chimed in.

  “To be honest, my relationship with my family is rather strained. I’ve always wanted more than working at the marina, and they didn’t understand why. In addition, they don’t accept my lifestyle. They haven’t disowned me or anything, but me being gay is never mentioned aloud, and every time I go home, my mom attempts to fix me up with some daughter of a friend of hers. For the most part, they ignore me but still require my presence on a semi-annual basis.”

  The table was silent for several seconds, and Ethan was worried he’d over shared. Maybe they were just being polite and didn’t want to know all the drama surrounding his relationship with his family? Had he embarrassed Ryan with his honesty? He thought about the children sitting amongst them but didn’t think he’d said anything too adult.

  The tension slowly eased from his body when Ryan gave his hand a squeeze.

  “I know how hard it is to maintain a relationship those who don’t support you,” Ryan’s dad said. “I come from a similar situation myself. Let me be the first to say that you will never have to worry about that in this house. I’ve strived to always make my children feel they can be open and honest with me and their mother, not to mention each other. That’s not to say that we don’t argue or have some rather heated debates, and I can’t say I’ve never tried to talk them out of something I felt was not in their best interest, but once a decision was placed on table, we’ve always tried to support them the best way we can. When you’re here, and as long as you are with Ryan, I will treat you the same as I do either of them.”

  Ethan was stunned by the acceptance of Ryan’s dad. After their initial meeting, which had been more welcoming than he’d ever anticipated, the man had remained pretty quiet. Now hearing words of unconditional support uttered by someone he’d only met hours ago, when he’d never heard them from those who gave birth to and raised him, tears gathered in his eyes. He looked to Ryan and saw him smile then at each person surrounding him. Here in the northern reaches of New York, thousands of miles from his origins, he’d finally found what he’d been searching for his entire life. He’d found a real family.

  * * * *

  That night he l
ay in bed next to Ryan, staring up at the ceiling. “You think if we stay up late enough we’ll hear Santa on the roof?” he asked.

  “And what is it you’re hoping Santa will bring you?”

  Ethan rolled over so that his body was spread over Ryan’s, straddling his hips while keeping their chests pressed together. “My Christmas wish has already come true. I just always wanted to hear the ringing of his sleigh bells and the thunder of reindeer hooves on the roof.”

  “Were you one of those kids who tried to stay up the entire night with a flashlight under your covers, determined to catch the big man in action?”

  “I’ll have you know that my traps were meticulously thought out. One year, I taped a piece of white thread from my mom’s sewing kit to the base of a cookie. I trailed the entire length down the hall to my bedroom and tied one of those little round bells to the other end then sat in wait. When the bells jingled, I knew I’d catch my man.”

  “What happened?” Ryan smiled.

  “When the bell jingled, I sprang from my bed only to find our dog, Crosby, eating the whole plate of cookies. I’d been so excited to snag Santa that I’d forgotten to lock him in his kennel.”

  Ryan was laughing so hard he nearly upended Ethan from his perch. “Did your parents find out?”

  He smiled at Ryan’s obvious enjoyment. “Nope. I herded Crosby into his kennel, cleaned up all the evidence then tiptoed back to my room. The next morning when my dad went into the living room, he asked what had happened to all the cookies, and I told him Santa must have eaten them.”

  He didn’t tell Ryan it was that morning his parents had told him there was no such thing as Santa and they were disappointed that he still believed in such nonsense being a full ten years old.

  He kissed Ryan’s lips to stop the laughter from bubbling out. The heat coming off Ryan’s body was a luxury to wallow in. He wished they could always be this close together. Skin to skin, lips to lips.

  He remembered his promise to Ryan earlier and slowly slithered his way down, stopping to nibble and suck on one of Ryan’s copper coloured nipples along the way. He surrounded the little bud with his lips and pulled. Ryan hissed and arched into him. Ryan’s hands speared through his hair to hold him in place.

  When the pressure on the back of Ethan’s head lessened, he backed off to swirl his tongue around the sensitive tip. His fingers manipulated and tugged on the opposite side. A little devil danced on his shoulder as he took the hardened bump between his front teeth and pulled. Not hard enough to cause real pain but definitely enough for Ryan to gasp. Ethan soothed the sting with his tongue for a moment then moved to the other side and repeated the treatment.

  Ryan was breathing hard beneath him, and a hard cock pressed against Ethan’s belly. Ethan wiggled his way down beneath the sheets, kissing his way down Ryan’s chest and stomach. He traced his tongue in the ridges of the defined muscles. They flexed and jumped beneath his tongue. He let out a heavy breath against Ryan’s hairless groin. He loved the smooth skin. Its silky texture slid like glass beneath his lips. Ethan hungrily swiped his tongue across the heated tip of Ryan’s cock, capturing the salty taste.

  Ethan’s moan under the sheets mingled with Ryan’s overhead. Cool air washed over his body when the covering was whipped away. He didn’t allow Ryan’s cock to leave his mouth, but he did look up in question.

  “I want to see you. I want to watch my cock slide in and out of that sweet, hot, wet mouth of yours.”

  Ryan’s harsh whisper filled with lust turned Ethan on even more. Though phrased like a demand, the tone had a distinctive edge of a plea.

  He slid his mouth down Ryan’s length until the tip reached the back of his throat. He tried to relax his muscles as much as possible then take a little bit more. Drawing up, he lavished the tight skin and pulsing veins. He used his other hand to cup and roll Ryan’s heavy balls, every now and then giving them a gentle squeeze. His head bobbed up and down, pausing at the deepest point to tighten and release his muscles, creating an extra stimulation for Ryan. He slid his finger into his mouth along Ryan’s cock and wet the digit as much as possible.

  He slipped the finger down and pressed on the ultra-tight ring of Ryan’s anus. He circled the constricted opening until it softened enough for him to slip the tip of his finger inside. He continued to suck on the perfect cock filling his mouth while he wiggled his finger around trying to loosen the tight opening.

  “Oh god, E…more… Put it in,” Ryan begged.

  Ethan pushed his finger in, all the way to the third knuckle, and moved it around. Retreating from the snug heat, he heard Ryan whimper until he once again advanced. The walls of Ryan’s channel rippled along the length of the single digit. Ethan had never played with Ryan’s ass before. He’d never thought the more dominate man would express a desire for it.

  Beads of sweat dotted, Ethan’s forehead as his arousal climbed. He was surprised when the bottle of lube was placed right in the line of his vision.

  “Please, E. I need you. You promised to make me scream.”

  He released Ryan’s shaft from his mouth and removed his finger from the tight clasp his body. Flipping the cap open, he squeezed out the cool gel and smoothed it around Ryan’s hole. Then he slicked up one digit and placed it once again at the puckered entrance. Pushing against the muscle, he slid in easily. He moved around some more then added a second.

  Ryan groaned.

  Searching for that special spot, Ethan was rewarded with a cry when he pegged Ryan’s prostate. Ethan continued to loosen him up. When he thought it was safe, he added a third finger. Ryan tensed for a moment then Ethan felt him bear down and, slowly, open to the intrusion. It must have been some time since Ryan had done this due to the untried muscles Ethan was separating.

  A condom was tossed at him, and he removed his fingers, wiping them on the damp cloth they’d gotten in the habit of keeping by the bed. Sheathing himself in the latex, he dribbled the lube on his cock, which by that point was harder then ever and throbbing for release.

  “How?” he asked.

  “Like this. Wanna see you.”

  Ryan’s legs were a lot more muscular than Ethan’s but not too thick, so Ethan lifted them on his shoulders. Leaning over, he braced one hand on the bed beside Ryan’s head and leant over to kiss him at the same time he placed the head of his cock at the stretched opening and slowly pushed in. His simultaneous gasp mingled with Ryan’s cry when he fully penetrated the larger body beneath him.

  “Fuck, E. You feel so good, so right.”

  He closed his eyes to savour the feel of Ryan surrounding him. His body cried out for more, demanding he thrust, but he refused until he knew he wouldn’t hurt his lover. His ears started to ring, and his lungs burned before he realised he hadn’t taken a breath since merging their bodies.

  He gasped in a lungful of air and stared down at the vision below him. “I gotta―”

  “Move!” Ryan commanded.

  Ethan pulled back so the head of his cock was the only thing held within Ryan’s heat then he snapped forward burying his entire length once again in heaven’s embrace. Retreat and advance, retreat and advance, over and over, he thrust into his lover. Each time was better than the last. He’d felt a special connection between him and Ryan every time they’d made love, but now…now that he’d not only accepted Ryan into his body but claimed Ryan’s body for his own, he knew the circle was complete. He knew, from this point on, their relationship would be more—more than he’d ever had before, more than he’d ever expected, more than he’d ever dreamed.

  Ryan’s hands clutched onto Ethan’s triceps. Pleasure sang through his body with each drive of Ethan’s cock into him. He’d rarely bottomed for anyone, not giving them the trust such a position demanded, but when Ethan had started playing with his hole, he’d known. He’d known that the time was right; the man was right. Ryan needed to feel Ethan claim him this way.

  His cock slapped against his stomach with each thrust, the force leaving kisses
on his skin from the copious amounts of pre-cum. He reached for his cock and stroked in time with Ethan’s thrusts. He’d jacked off thousands of times over the years, but this was different. His hand felt different, his skin tingled and the blood rushed through his veins.

  He knew Ethan was close, felt it in the way the hand on his hip tightened and the rhythm of their bodies sped up until Ethan’s body was nearly a blur of motion. He’d never been taken like this, never anticipated that Ethan’s claiming would be this consuming, this primal. His studious, soft-spoken, fun-loving man had unleashed his animalistic side that left no doubts in Ryan’s mind about who he belonged to.

  Ryan’s balls churned with the need to come, his spine arched, his hand stripped the skin of his cock like never before, and just before he thought he would beg the heavens above for intervention, he screamed in a pleasure so intense stars danced behind his eyes.

  Ethan’s hand took over for him as the orgasm devoured his being and pulverised every cell in his body. Ethan’s rhythm faltered, and a few thrusts later, he stilled deep inside Ryan. He knew Ethan was coming because the cock inside him jerked, and Ethan’s own yell echoed in the still of the night.

  Chapter Nine

  Christmas morning was a revelation to Ethan. More familiar with a subdued exchanging of gifts, he was unprepared for the joyful insanity of the Ashton home. Each person had a small pile of presents with something of theirs placed on top to signify the owner’s stash. The scents of coffee and orange juice mixed with warm, fresh-baked cinnamon rolls.

  When he and Ryan had emerged from their attic hideaway, Ethan had been shocked to find his name printed on some of the boxes in Ryan’s pile. Ryan had convinced him they should snuggle together in a large overstuffed club chair. The chair was wide enough for them to sit side by side if Ethan angled his body and they wrapped around each other.


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