Cowboy Bikers MC #3

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Cowboy Bikers MC #3 Page 3

by Esther E. Schmidt

  She huffs and crosses her arms in front of her chest again. Something I’ve seen her do a few times and I like the anger and annoyance swirling inside her. She should be allowed to express herself. And when I think about all the things I’ve read, heard, and seen about her in the little time since she entered my life; it’s clear this woman has been kept in a cage like a little golden bird.

  It’s about time she is free to fly and follow her own instincts for a change. With her demanding clarity between us, it’s a pretty damn good step in the right direction of taking control of her own life.

  “If you were a quick fuck I’d have your legs in the air and my dick strangled and wet by your pussy. But the things going through me when Alfie stepped in here tells me I don’t want anyone else’s hands on you. Add the fact that you made my whole being leap and plunge when I first saw you, I’d say for me it’s more than short term since I’ve never reacted this way to a woman. Until you.”

  “Until you I’ve never had anyone throw me off balance and get my…how did you put it? Rhinestone thong in a twist. But if we’re doing this, then you need to know up front what you’re getting into if you’re planning to have some kind of a relationship with me.” Her voice wavers with uncertainty and she winces as if she’s a ticking time bomb I should slowly back away from.

  “I assume you are referring to your career, since I know about your demand for cleanliness issue.” One I hope to ease her somewhat away from, or at least have a shot of not making it a struggle since it clearly blocks her from enjoying things.

  “Yes. My career. I’m on tour sometimes for months on end. And a lot of stuff I have to prioritize or am not able to do since I’m always in the spotlight. And this means you’ll be pulled into the spotlight as well, whether you want to or not.”

  “Former FBI agent, darlin’. I’ve been in the spotlight more than a few times. And even if it doesn’t compare, I’ve always been the kind of person who can adjust to anything if I put my mind to it. I’m willing to give this a shot if you are.”

  She huffs again as if she’s somewhat frustrated by the fact I won’t back off easily. Either that, or she thinks I’m underestimating shit.

  “Listen,” I tell her and close the distance between us. “I was expecting company. Someone I need to keep an eye on for a few weeks. It’s not as if I signed up to fall for a woman at first sight.”

  Her eyes widen and I realize I admitted more than I should have, but I guess there’s no taking it back; all in from here on out.

  “You’re like...half a mile ahead of me while I’m playing catch-up.” She swallows hard. “But I can’t deny the turmoil of feelings you release inside me.”

  Thank fuck. Her admittance is music to my ears while my chest fills with warmth. “We’ll go slow, okay? You’re in charge.”

  She needs it and I want her so fucking bad I’m willing to agree with anything as long as we’re solid.

  Her head bobs in agreement. “Going slow means only kissing for now.”

  My mouth twitches. “Let me make this clear so there’s no misunderstanding from my part. Only our mouths for now. No dick action.”

  I’m throwing in a loophole here since I’m dying to taste her pussy.

  “Right,” she quickly agrees. “And if we do eventually add dick action, you’d better use a condom because—”

  “No fussy stuff, got it.”

  My words earn me another glare but the smile on her face betrays her inner laughter. And that’s exactly how I manage to ease her into less fussy, throwing the focus off her cleanliness obsession.

  I quickly shift our discussion back when I add, “Normally, if we would meet at a bar and connect, we’d exchange phone numbers, start dating, shit like that. Our situation is slightly different. We’ll be together for the next few days at least so we will find out soon enough how compatible we are.”

  “Crash course getting to know each other.” She gives me a rueful smile. “Maybe the both of us will be happy when this stalker issue is handled and we can each go our separate way.”

  I slowly shake my head. I don’t want to scare her but she also needs to realize, “I’m the kind of man who never gives up.”

  She rolls her eyes. “Great, another stalker to add to the crazy one I already have.”

  The mention of her stalker brings back the focus to not just let Nick and his guys handle this. Even if it means she doesn’t need to be here with me; I want this stalker issue resolved so there is no threat surrounding her. And what I mentioned to her is true, I’m more at risk with her being my woman. The stalker will see me as a solid threat, someone he needs to take out.

  “Come on, I need to have a chat with my Prez and VP.” I place my hand on her lower back and guide her to the door. One sharp whistle and Hammer joins us as we head for the truck.

  It’s a quick ride to the ranch and once I park the truck, Weston and Roper are already standing near the fence of the pasture where a herd of Longhorns are grazing in the Texas heat.

  We stroll over to them and Weston turns to hold out his hand. “Muriel, I assume? Decker mentioned you were going to stay here for the time being. I’m Weston, this here is Roper. Our old ladies are in the stables. One of our quarter horses is bound to give birth any second.”

  “I can take you to them if you like. Watching them birth a horse is quite breathtaking. Come on,” Roper says and points in the direction of the stables.

  A flash of horror washes over her face. I lean in next to her ear. “The stables are clean, you’re safe to watch at a safe distance and you won’t get a speck on you. Go on, it’s an amazing sight to see Mother Nature do her thing. And you get to meet Harlene and Cassidy. Both are vets. You’ll like them, they’re good people.”

  “Okay,” she softly says. “Can Hammer come with me or isn’t he allowed into the stables?”

  “He’s allowed. This dog is used to livestock. As long as he doesn’t pick a fight with a porcupine again, he’ll be okay.”

  She manages to swallow a gasp of horror and says, “That sounds painful.”

  “It is. Now, go on, enjoy some young animal magic.” I give her a little push and she falls in step beside Roper.

  There’s a lot of things coming at her all at once here at the ranch, but it also takes away the option to think. And I’m sure that’s the biggest of her issues. I’ve seen germaphobes not wanting to shake hands or so much as come to stand next to a person.

  I’m not trying to belittle her or the discomfort she’s feeling. There are many levels to everything in this world and I just hope she’s able to push some of her issues to the background. Even a small step would be freeing and a personal win for her.

  For now, she’s holding strong and trusts me enough to follow Roper into the stables. I’m pretty sure it’s why she wanted Hammer with her to have one element close she knows with all the new stuff coming at her.

  And if I’m completely honest? My heart fucking squeezes painfully when she pats the side of her leg and softly whistles for Hammer to join her. He doesn’t even think twice and trots right up next to her.

  “You have a look on your face,” Weston states as I watch Muriel disappear into the stables.

  “I’m sure it’s the same look you had when you realized you’ve found your old lady,” I state and meet my president’s gaze to make sure he knows I just voiced a verbal claim.

  He gives me a tight nod. “Understood, brother. Is she aware of your claim?”

  “She knows, but it’s complicated. She has the stalker issue and on top of it there’s her public life as a singer, songwriter. She’s also the President’s niece. A lot of eyes will be on us. On our MC along with it. I owe you and all the brothers a lot and if this causes any issues—”

  Weston punches my shoulder. “No fucking issues too damn complicated, asshole. You’re not cutting us, nor the MC, loose. We handle shit together, whatever we have to face. Spotlight or not, let that fucker shine, we have nothing to hide, not anymore.”

/>   Gratitude fills me and it almost makes my throat close up.

  “Now tell me what’s going on with the stalker issue. You mentioned something about a risk for you instead of her? And a brother to keep an eye on the both of you since you have your head in the pink fucking clouds.” He smirks and adds, “Nice to venture there, ain’t it?”

  “Asshole,” I mutter and his bark of laughter spurs me to chuckle along with him.

  “I’ll pull Alfie, Garrett, Colt, and Ledger into church and make sure those guys work out a routine to stick close. This covers the safety angle.”

  “Not Alfie,” I grunt, making his eyebrow raise in question.

  Roper strolls back to us at the same time I start to explain. “Alfie interrupted us earlier. He mentioned sharing and wanted to watch us go at it.”

  Roper snorts. “Did Miss Class-And-Famous get her panties in a twist when she heard that?”

  With my next breath I have a fistful of his leather cut and pull him close to growl in a deadly tone, “Respect my old lady.”

  His eyes go wide and then crinkles form around them as he says, “Another one bites the dust. Good for you, brother. And you’ll like to know she’s already in the heart of the other two old ladies. The second she stepped foot in the stables there were fucking squeals and hugs.”

  “Hugs?” I ask, concern filling me as my eyes go to the stables.

  “Relax, man. I heard her mention the whole personal space and issues the second she froze during the hugs. But the girls talked and I have no clue how they did it, but tension slipped away and they were all smiles, giggles, and rattling about abscesses, puss, maggots, and other things that gave the two vets the creeps too as they tried to make her feel at ease. And like I said, they make her feel right at home. I observed for a few minutes more but they fully ignored me so I came looking for you guys.”

  I nod absently.

  “No Alfie, unless it’s in the background,” Weston states, pulling us back into the discussion at hand.

  “Prez mentioned she has a stalker causing problems, do they have a suspect?” Roper questions.

  I give a quick shake of my head. “Nick is working on it.”

  “I reckon you have all the details Nick has on file? Bring everything you have into church later. Your old lady is within the protection of the club now, it goes beyond the favor you’re doing for the FBI: it just became club business,” Weston states while Roper nods.

  “Maybe it would be good to have her present at the meeting. I haven’t questioned her directly yet.”

  Roper snickers. “She’s been here, what? One day and you’re turning into a pussy?”

  I growl low and take a step forward.

  Roper jumps out of my reach and holds his hands up. “I was about to comment me and prez are the same way, dude. Calm down. And you should bring her since we all could ask questions and think things through when she answers.”

  “Agreed. Get the word out, church tonight. I want everyone present, no excuses,” Weston grunts. “See you guys later, I have to check on the Longhorns.”

  “Are you taking your bike?” Roper questions.

  “Yeah, easier than saddling up a horse since I also have to swing by Colt’s to make sure he’s present at the meeting.”

  I nod at Weston’s words. Colt most times ignores his phone or leaves it lying around, so it’s useless to call or text and it’s better to swing by.

  “I’ll make sure everyone else knows about the meeting. Are you heading to the old ladies? I’ll join you guys when I’m done,” Roper says as he grabs his phone and takes a step in the direction of the main house.

  “Catch you later,” I grunt, each of us heading in a different direction.


  — Muriel —

  “Is all of this really necessary?” I question and blush due to all the personal questions thrown my way.

  Weston—the president of the motorcycle club Decker is a part of—smacks his palm on the table. “Roper, Garrett, Colt, and Ledger. Stay seated. The rest of you head for the main room and stay close. When we’re done here, I need all of you back inside for the rest of the meeting.”

  A lot of men stand and stalk out the door. Six bikers are sitting across from me while Decker is on a chair beside me.

  “I’m very sorry for any inconvenience, ma’am,” the man they call Colt says. “But we need those answers. While you’re placed in Decker’s care for safe keeping, it shifted slightly the moment he claimed you as his old lady.”

  Old lady? My head whips to Decker and I realize his eyes are already set on me. Intense. Determined.

  “You are now an old lady of this MC and with it you have the protection of the club, making the stalker issue club business. We’re not going to sit on our hands and wait for Nick and his buddies to handle everything. We need to eliminate the threat hanging above your head, that’s our priority.”

  My shoulders sag and understanding now dawns with his explanation. “I’m sorry. All of this is making me uncomfortable even though it makes perfect sense you would need this information when you explain it the way you just did. But it’s also embarrassing to answer the question you just asked me. For some it might not, but for me it’s hard to admit: I have no friends. I do have people around me who work for me in some way. My agent, my management, people I work with at the studio, my social media assistant. But Nick has a list of all of those people.”

  “Your agent has been asking for you. So did your social media assistant. What was his name?” Colt searches through some of the papers scattered in front of him on the table.

  “Jay,” I tell him.

  Ledger clears his throat, making my gaze land on his. He’s been quiet till now.

  “Were his whereabouts checked?” Ledger questions.

  Colt nods. “I thought I saw a statement from an officer out of state.”

  “Jay is not a man, she’s a woman. She’s been handling most of my social media for almost a year. My agent hired her. She’s sweet and lives in Oklahoma. She was miles away when the murder took place. And she’s never been out of her state. My agent and her family were also cleared.”

  All men nod at my words.

  Roper shifts in his seat. “Your agent. She has a son?”

  “Ronny. He might seem weird with his science projects in the basement and still living at home at the age of twenty-three, but he really is a nice guy.” I try to smile but none of the bikers around me are smiling.

  A sigh rips from me. “I know. The close friend or neighbor is always nice until there’s a journalist pointing a microphone in your face to ask your opinion about said nice friend or neighbor who turns out to be a ruthless killer. I just...I have no clue who would want to...whatever this stalker’s intentions are.”

  “To keep you for him or herself,” Garrett states. “The way he mutilated the body and left you the hands and lips makes me think your stalker wants you to know no one is allowed to touch you. Are your fans aware of your tendencies to keep everything hyper clean and to keep your personal space to yourself? Did you by any chance discuss this with anyone?”

  “I’m sure some assume with the way my meet and greets are set up. Everyone I work with goes out of their way to accommodate me and my weird quirks.” I offer him a small smile again. “However, it stopped the second I arrived here.”

  “People have been dancing around to create an invisible bubble for you to live in for long enough. Time to pop the bubble and smell the…well, not the roses, more like manure,” Decker easily supplies. “No better place than right here at our ranch.”

  “I noticed,” I grumble dryly.

  “Boyfriends? Previous stalkers? Overly excited fans? One of your acquaintances acting weirder than normal? Anything you can think of that can help to widen our search since there’s no suspect at the moment.” Colt looks at me expectantly.

  My cheeks yet again heat and I know it’s useless to question if this is necessary, even more when he just reminded me of
the fact that they don’t have a suspect yet.

  I swallow hard and admit, “No boyfriends, never had one or a one-night stand for that matter. So, without all of that, there’s also no ex. I gave you my passwords and user IDs for all my social media to check out the recent history and any incoming messages. As for the guys at the recording studio, I haven’t seen them in months. My agent and her family are the ones I see the most and they never acted outside of their normal behavior. My parents are currently in Europe where my father accepted a new challenge to explore business wise. I’ve always been a loner and a private person. Really, I have no clue who might have killed that poor man.”

  As soon as the last word slips over my lips, utter silence greets me. All I see are gaping men staring back.

  Garrett clears his throat. “Right. Well. I think we know enough for now. Prez?”

  “Yeah. Decker, lucky fucker, take your old lady and retire for the night. We’ll finish up here and catch up with you tomorrow morning when everything is hashed out. There will be a prospect hanging around the cabin to keep an eye out. The rest of the security detail will be clear in the morning. But it goes without saying you guys need to stick close until we know exactly what we’re dealing with.”

  “You got it, Prez,” Decker says and grabs my hand to pull me up.

  I can barely say goodbye before I’m ushered out of the room and the house as we head for his cabin. He’s in my face as soon as the door falls shut behind us and the snick of a lock flows through the door.

  “You’re a virgin?” he hisses at me through clenched teeth.

  I have to blink a few times. I did not expect the question nor his repressed anger.

  My voice is a hushed whisper as one single word falls from my lips. “Yes?”

  “Why do you voice it as a damn question? Are you not sure?”

  Again, he hisses through his teeth and it makes me snap, “No, I’m sure. I’m a virgin but I’m out of my element here. It’s personal. I didn’t want to say it in front of anyone, certainly not your friends and you right next to me. And why the hell are you angry?”


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