Chicago Bears, 87, 266
Chino, Calif., 212
Christopher Commission, 312
Cinco, Joselito, 93
Ciotti, Paul, 146
Civil War, 26
Cleaver, Eldridge, 119
Clinton, Bill, 274, 294, 300
Clinton, Hillary, 294
Clutter family, 91
Cold War, 12, 92, 94
Comedians, The (Greene), 264–65
Consolidated Crip Organization (CCO), 240
Cook, Edward “Ned”:
background of, 179
Cox’s appeal and, 179, 244, 296–97, 307
Cox’s courtroom restraints and, 180–81
Cox’s trial and, 179–81, 206, 215, 217–18, 244, 296–97, 307
death penalty and, 180, 217–18
Cooke, Dan, 136
Cooley, Steve, 307–8
Cooper, Candace, 146
Corrections Department, Calif. (CDC), 176, 221–22
Counter Intelligence Program (COINTELPRO), 119
County Coroner’s Office, L.A., 46–48
County Jail, L.A., 186, 190
Burns’s imprisonment at, 147, 159–60, 168, 227
Cox’s imprisonment at, 135–38, 160, 182, 221
Module 4800 of, 137–38
County Sheriff’s Department, L.A., 160, 178–79, 220
Court of Appeals, Calif., 176
Court of Appeals, U.S.:
and Cox’s appeal, 307
and Harris’s appeal, 245
and Williams’s lawsuit, 252
Cox, Demontray, 191–93, 195, 202–3, 213–14, 219
Cox, Edrina, 191–93, 202–4, 213–14, 219
Cox, James, 190–91, 214, 219
Cox, Tiequon Aundray “Little Fee,” 230, 237, 272–73
Alexander’s slip with, 186–87, 219, 261–62, 279, 287, 310
appeals of, 179, 181, 243–44, 296–97, 299, 302, 307
arraignment of, 139, 141, 143
athletic talent of, 197, 213
birth of, 191
Burns and, 141–42, 160–64, 170, 181, 200, 205, 219
charges against, 139, 146, 254–55
childhood and adolescence of, 191–98, 202–3, 208–14, 217–19, 261, 297, 299, 302
clemency sought by, 309
comparisons between Alexander and, 218–19, 242
conviction of, 206, 209, 235, 243
criminal record of, 135, 137–40, 142–43, 157, 209–13, 219, 254–55
death penalty and, 175, 180, 215–20, 242–44, 247, 295, 307–9
depression of, 138, 193
education of, 193–98, 211–13, 219, 299
exercising of, 137–38, 212, 281
family of, 163, 188–95, 201, 203–4, 206–7, 209, 213–14, 218–19, 236, 247, 286, 302
finances of, 201, 220, 229, 233
Harris’s execution and, 247
heritage of, 188–89, 218
hypervigilance of, 138, 297, 299
imprisonment of, 135–38, 160, 163, 182, 209, 211–13, 220–25, 238, 240–42, 247, 254–58, 280–82, 295, 297, 302, 308–9
nickname of, 208
palm print of, 135
physical appearance of, 136–37, 166, 181–83, 185, 188, 196, 198–99, 209, 211–12, 216, 281, 302
Pop Warner football played by, 185–86
possessions given up by, 280–81
preliminary hearing of, 146–47, 159–60
prison takeover attempt of, 256–58
psychological analysis of, 302–3
PTSD of, 296–97, 299
shackling of, 180–81, 203–4, 221, 223, 244
street gangs and, 136, 160–61, 178, 183, 197–98, 208–9, 211–13, 215, 219, 240, 244, 254, 258, 281, 302
as suspect in Alexander murders, 135–36
transfer to San Quentin of, 221–23
trial of, 143, 148, 150, 157–64, 178–83, 185, 199–201, 203–7, 209, 213–20, 236, 243–44, 286, 296–97, 307
weapons of, 134, 137, 167, 169, 199–201, 206, 210–11, 216, 218, 234, 240, 254–55
Williams’s trial and, 232–36
crack cocaine, 108
addictiveness of, 111
Alexander as alleged dealer of, 71, 83, 130
Brown and, 165, 230
Hyde Park raids and, 112
Lewis and, 141
Moore and, 165, 230, 234
popularity of, 110
in South Central, 14, 41
street gangs and, 100, 111, 127
Williams and, 151, 230, 232, 234, 236, 310
Crenshaw Avenue, 82, 168, 210–11
Crenshaw High School, 174, 208
Creole, 264, 272, 282, 303
Crews, David, 70, 126
Burns’s arrest and, 142
Cox’s arrest and, 138–40
Cox’s trial and, 182
Jack’s Vermont Club and, 230–31
Lewis and, 146
Williams and, 226–31
imprisonment of, 137, 240–41, 256
origins of, 120–21
rivalry between Bloods and, 123–25
Williams and, 276–78
see also Rolling Sixties Crips
Crittendon, Vernell, 257–58, 277–78
Cunningham, David S., Jr., 108
death penalty, death penalty cases, 249, 256
in Alexander murder case, 133–34, 139, 145–46, 151–52, 154–58, 160, 163, 173–76, 180, 182, 215–20, 227, 234–35, 242–44, 247, 253–54, 295, 307–10
appeals in, 145, 152–53, 224, 243–47, 253–54
Burns’s jailhouse kite and, 163
in California, 1, 133, 145, 150, 152–53, 158, 224–25, 244–47, 253, 289, 295–96, 308–9
constitutionality of, 149, 152–53, 157, 252, 289
executions and, 216, 222, 244–47, 252–53, 276, 278, 289, 296, 307–8
history of, 149–50, 152–53
juries and, 154–58, 182, 235, 244, 254, 287, 308
lethal injection in, 252–53, 289, 296, 308
media coverage of, 154
opposition to, 1, 157, 224, 244, 247, 253, 276–77, 295–96
racism and, 152
reversals in, 253–54
support for, 1, 101, 133, 145, 224–25, 296, 308
Williams and, 151–52, 175, 227, 234–35, 242, 253–54, 310
Denny, Reginald, 248
Denver Broncos, 29
Deukmejian, George, 178
death penalty and, 101, 133, 224–25, 308
gubernatorial campaigns of, 12, 101, 224–25
Donahue, Terry, 47–48, 93
Driver, Lashawn, 58, 199, 205, 226
DuBois, W. E. B., 117
Dunbar, Paul Laurence, 22
Duvalier, François “Papa Doc,” 274
Duvalier, Jean-Claude “Baby Doc,” 274
Eight Tray Gangster Crips, 122, 125
Ellsworth, Annie, 188–89, 192–95, 213–14, 219, 302
Elysian Heights Elementary School, 195
Farrell, Mike, 277, 309
Farrell, Robert, 52–53, 101, 108
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 118–19
Fiderio, Peggy, 59, 135
Fifty-Ninth Place, 71, 85
Florence, Calif., 8, 72, 82
Fogel, Jeremy, 289
Frazier, Marianne, 225
Frontiere, Georgia, 179
Frye, Marquette, 30, 247
Furman v. Georgia, 152–53
Garner-Alexander, Damani Osei (nephew), 9–10, 315
autopsy of, 58
Cox’s death sentence and, 218
and eyewitnesses to Alexander murders, 58
funeral of, 74–78, 80, 185
grave of, 78–79, 85
gunshot wound of, 44, 58, 60, 70
killing of, 3, 5–6, 44, 48, 50, 54–61, 70, 73, 81, 85–89, 94, 113, 132–34, 136, 142–44, 146, 158, 170–73, 175–76, 201,
205–6, 215, 219, 227, 232–36, 241, 244, 266, 313
and motive for Alexander murders, 61
physical appearance of, 6
in reconstruction of Alexander murders, 60
in uncle’s dream, 249–51
Garner-Alexander, Geraldine (sister), 54
Cox’s death sentence and, 218
family funeral and, 75–76
Garvey, Steve, 93
Gates, Daryl F.:
Alexander murder investigations and, 73, 99, 102, 139
Alexander’s meetings with, 99, 101–3
Black Panthers and, 118, 120
Bradley’s relationship with, 100–101, 103
criticisms of, 99–101
Hyde Park raids and, 110
and motive in Alexander murders, 142–43
Olympics and, 100
street gangs and, 99–100, 102
and violence in South Central, 52–53, 248
Gilmore, Gary, 153
Gladiators, 116, 119
Goetz, Bernhard, 84
Gold Rush, 107
Good Samaritan Orphanage, 282, 285, 288
Graham, Barbara, 222
Great Depression, 108, 222, 225
Great Migration, 21, 23, 53, 115–16, 188
Greene, Graham, 264–65
Gregg v. Georgia, 152–53
Grich, Bobby, 93
Grier, Rosey, 97
Grodin, Joseph R., 224–25
Grogan, Bob, 70
Hadl, John, 72
Haiti, 19, 65, 276, 282–95
Alexander’s trips to, 264–65, 270–75, 279–80, 282–87, 295, 315
Alexander’s wife and, 265, 268–74, 279–80, 282–87, 290–92, 295, 298–303, 306–7, 315
earthquake in, 291–95, 298–301, 306
heat and humidity in, 270, 272, 282, 284
history of, 264, 273–74
poverty in, 264–65, 270–71, 273, 294
refugees from, 303
relief efforts for, 294, 300–301
roads and traffic in, 271–72, 294
slums in, 270–71, 293
Haitian Academy Boarding School, 288
Halas, George “Papa Bear,” 87
Hanisee, Michele, 308
Harris, Robert Alton:
background of, 245
execution of, 244–47, 276
Haynes, Cassandra, 141–42, 159, 171
Hedgecock, Roger, 93
Herrera, Efren, 266
Hickock, Dick, 91
Himes, Chester, 115
Hitler, Adolf, 11, 157, 232
Holt, John Lee, 189
Holt, Sondra Lee, 30–32, 189–92, 218, 236
Cox’s childhood and, 191–92, 194, 202–3, 209, 213–14, 302
Cox’s trial and, 201, 203–4, 206–7, 213–14, 286
pregnancy of, 31–32, 189
Holy Cross Cemetery, 77–78, 186
time spent by Alexander at, 85–89
Hoover, J. Edgar, 118–19
Horace Mann Junior High, 195–97, 213
Hyde Park, Calif., 82, 142, 200
Burns and, 151
Cox and, 209–10, 241, 308
drug raids and, 109–12
in history, 109
Kennedy and, 112
Lewis and, 141
Moore and, 165
physical appearance of, 109–10
street gangs in, 110, 112, 125, 164
theories on Alexander murders in, 130–31
Ignatius of Loyola, Saint, 81
In Cold Blood (Capote), 91
“In Loving Memory of the Alexander Family,” 75
Iran-Iraq War, 92
Jacke, H. Clay, Jr., 233–35
Jacke, H. Clay, Sr., 233–34
Jackson, George, 119, 222, 238, 255, 258, 281
Jackson, Jesse, 51, 277, 309
Jackson, Noel “No No,” 256–57
Jackson, Ossie James “Diamond Jack,” 231, 311
Jack’s Vermont Club, 227–31, 237, 311
violence at, 1, 228–29, 231
Williams and, 200, 227, 229–31
Jim Crow, 9, 26, 51, 106, 115, 117, 262, 302
in Louisiana, 17–18, 20–22, 28
John Locke High School, 71
Johnson, Rafer, 12, 159
Jones, Deacon, 97
Jordan Downs, 24, 96, 116
Karenga, Ron, 118
Kendrix, Perry, 201, 205
Kennedy, James “Little Cat Man”:
Alexander murders preliminary hearing and, 146
arrest of, 112–14, 141
Burns’s jailhouse kite and, 163
Cox’s arrest and, 138–39
Cox’s trial and, 200–201
death penalty and, 133–34
imprisonment of, 113–14, 126
nickname of, 112
police interrogation of, 126–28, 131–34, 138–39
rifle of, 112, 127–29, 131–33, 139, 146, 200
street gangs and, 112, 125–28, 134
Kennedy, Shanta, 201
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 117–18
King, Rodney, 247, 312
Ku Klux Klan, 19, 26, 28, 51, 54
and motive in Alexander murders, 65–66
LaBiancas, 90
Lake Perris, 268, 279
Lebby, Rosalyn, 210, 219
Lenoir, Gerald, 158–59, 162
Lewis, Carl, 12
Lewis, Linda, 141, 144, 146, 159
Lewis, Ron, 69–70
Lisak, David, 297, 299
Locard’s exchange principle, 61
Lombardi, Vince, 87, 104
Los Angeles, Calif., 87–88, 91, 159, 169, 176, 179, 226, 265
and Alexander’s childhood and adolescence, 24, 29
Alexander’s family’s move to, 21–23
Black Panthers in, 118–20
blacks in, 11, 22–23, 82, 101, 115–18, 120–25, 130, 188–89
City Hall of, 96
climate of, 13, 52, 74, 78, 92
Cox’s education and, 193–98
Cox’s heritage and, 188–89
Cox’s trial and, 206
drugs in, 110
in history, 14, 109
housing in, 24, 189
Olympics in, 10–13, 35, 38, 50, 82, 96–97, 100
open homicide investigations in, 73
population of, 108
poverty in, 24
street gangs in, 115, 117–18, 120–26, 174
violence and crime in, 40, 51, 73, 90, 101–2, 107–8, 131, 311–12
Los Angeles Angels, 93
Los Angeles Dodgers, 35, 93
Los Angeles Lakers, 35
Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, 63, 102, 104–5, 250–51
Olympics and, 10–13
Los Angeles Rams, 35, 72
Alexander’s career with, 4, 37, 87, 97, 136, 179
Los Angeles Sentinel, 69–70, 85, 136, 176–77
Los Angeles Times, 135–36, 145–46, 196
Los Padrinos Juvenile Hall, 113, 126, 131, 139
Louisiana, 91, 188
Alexander’s childhood in, 17–18, 21, 25, 54, 65, 264
Jim Crow in, 17–18, 20–22, 28
Love, James, 209–10, 219
Lucas, Malcolm, 225
MacArthur, Douglas, 104
McCone Commission, 32
Mackey, John, 107
Malcolm X, 118, 240
Mangola, David, 147, 151–52, 159, 176
Manlove, Detective, 109, 112
Manson, Charles, 91, 152
Manson family murders, 40, 90–91
Marine Corps, U.S., 19–21, 27–28, 65
Marshall, Thurgood, 159
Martin, Audrey, 189, 194–95, 214
Matson, Ollie, 106
Mayer, Jules, 48, 76
Meese, Edwin, III, 225
Miller, Detective, 226
Miller, Dorie, 19
sp; Miller, Hal, 159–60, 162
Miller, Loren, 159
Mission of Hope, 272, 274–75, 280, 282, 288, 294
Mondale, Walter, 92–93
Montford Point Marines, 19–21
Moore, Ida, 230
Burns’s jailhouse kite and, 161–62
Burns’s trial and, 150, 159–62, 165–69, 172, 176
Cox’s trial and, 150, 199–200, 216–17
death penalty faced by, 151–52
van of, 148, 150, 159, 166–67, 169, 234
Williams and, 151, 226, 232–34, 236
Morales, Michael, 289
Moreno, Tony, 142
Morrow, Vic, 180
Mount Carmel High School, 28, 87
Munoz, Aurelio, 158, 176
“Mystery Shrouds Alexander Murders” (Norwood), 69–70
Napolitano, Janet, 300
National Basketball Association (NBA), 35
National Football League (NFL), 30, 37, 70, 83, 96–97, 185, 259, 295
average length of careers in, 104
color barriers in, 29, 107
injuries in, 87, 105–7, 266
Players Association of, 87, 93, 107, 307
salaries in, 93, 105
New Iberia, La., 17–18
Newton, Huey, 117, 119, 222
Niles, Michael and Sonja, 256
Norris, Sterling, 143–46, 251, 272–73
and Alexander as courtroom observer, 148
Alexander murders preliminary hearing and, 143, 146
Bonin case and, 145
Burns’s jailhouse kite and, 160–61, 163, 175
Burns’s trial and, 143, 159–61, 165, 168, 170–76, 182
closing arguments of, 171–72, 201, 205–6
Cox’s appeal and, 243–44
Cox’s trial and, 143, 181–82, 199, 201, 204–6, 215, 218, 220, 244, 296
death penalty and, 145–46, 155, 157, 175, 215, 235, 244, 247, 254
in jury selection, 155, 157
physical appearance of, 145
Williams’s appeal and, 243
Williams’s trial and, 220, 226, 232–36
Norwood, Chico C., 69–70
Oakland Raiders, 93, 105–6
Oklahoma, 159, 261, 265
Alexander’s business ventures in, 67, 260
Olympic Games, 29, 159, 308
in L.A., 10–13, 35, 38, 50, 82, 96–97, 100
Orange County Register, 253
Otto, Jim, 105
Owens, Jesse, 11–12
Parker, William, 99
Paso Robles, Calif., 211–12
Pastorini, Dan, 93
Penney, Gerald, 209–10, 219
phencyclidine (PCP), 130, 197, 309
Philadelphia Eagles, 87
Piccolo, Brian, 87, 266
Playboy Gangsters (PBG), 112, 171
Polanski, Roman, 90–91
Police Department, L.A. (LAPD), 40–49, 262
and Alexander as person of interest, 46, 54, 88
Alexander family funeral and, 74
Alexander murders investigated by, 3, 39, 42–44, 46–49, 54–56, 58–62, 69–73, 81, 85, 88, 94, 98–99, 101–3, 127–36, 138–39, 142–43, 147, 151–52, 226–27, 229–31, 234
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