Room Service

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Room Service Page 4

by C. M. Steele

  “Are you ready?” I choke out, hoping that she doesn’t want to stop, but I will if I have to.

  “I need you, Jamison.” That’s all I need to hear as I slip my hand between us and tease her pussy, stroking her bud while I press my lips to hers.

  “Mine,” I grunt as I slide into her warmth. The first spurts of my release take me by surprise and force me to mindlessly slam forward, taking her innocence more roughly than I should have.

  “Fuck, Cassandra, I’m sorry,” I choke out. I’m fighting the urge to come as her virginal pussy squeezes me so fucking hard. I wish she would have told me, but it’s too late now. I’ll make it up to her for the rest of our days.

  “Don’t be. It’s okay.” Proving so, she rocks her hips, taking me deeper as I try to pull back.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, now fuck me like you want.” I let go and begin working my hips, pumping into her pussy, destroying it while I lean back and watch my cock disappearing between her legs and reappearing over and over. The tinge of pink mixed with our fluids reminds me that she’s all mine. It shouldn’t matter, but there’s something animalistic, primal that invades me and I lean down, gripping her throat. “You saved this for me, baby? Did you save your little pussy just for me?”

  “Yes,” she moans, running her hands over my chest.

  “What a fucking good girl. I’m putting my son in you tonight.” I lose it and take a kiss violently, gripping her hair with one hand as I hook the other under her knee and piston into her warmth.

  She cries out and starts shaking, coming for the third time and pulling every drop of cum out of my balls to flood her womb. I don’t stop rocking until we’re both spent, and then I pull out and fall onto my back beside her until I can catch my breath.

  “That was incredible,” she sighs.

  “You have no idea,” I pant before sliding my arm under her body and dragging her on top of me. Sleep comes quickly for her, but my mind is swirling with what tomorrow will bring.


  The sun isn’t up yet, but the orange hue is starting to appear over the horizon. Sliding out of bed, I check my messages. Marco needs me to call him so I go into my home office and press call.

  “What’s going on?”

  “I’ve got a lot of information this morning. Guess who checked into the hotel yesterday morning.”

  “Charles Ellis?”

  “Yes. He checked in with an extra suitcase as well. I didn’t get a good look at the bag, but since it had pink flowers on it, I’m assuming it wasn’t his.”

  “Son of a bitch.”

  “I’m still digging, but I have to wait for the company to open to verify it’s his limo that Mrs. Bates saw.”

  “Sure. Text me any time.”

  “By the way, you should call your mother before the gossips find out about your lady friend.”

  “She’s going to be my wife soon. Well, I hope soon. I just have to convince her to stay, so when I do that, I’ll call my mom.”

  “Okay. I’ll let you know if there’s anything else.”

  “Good.” I end the call and sneak back into the bedroom to check on my future wife. Cassandra is sprawled out on her back with one leg bent and the sheet covering her chest. Like a man obsessed, I stare at her as she sleeps, unaware that I’m stalking. Smiling with my heart full, I could get used to this. I will get used to this. One thing’s for sure—I’m not ready to let her go.

  It’s the early hours of the morning and according to my staff, everything is still in great condition. Nothing that the maintenance team can’t handle, so I’m going to spend the day with Cassandra and show her all the wonderful things that Spring has to offer, so she’ll stay with me.

  My phone rings in my pocket. “Cain,” I answer without looking at it.

  “Jamison, we have a problem. There’s a guy here looking for your woman.”

  “What?” I snap out, teeth clenched.

  “Yeah, he says she should have been a guest at the hotel. They told him she wasn’t registered, and now he’s called the cops. Locke’s here, and of course everyone in spitting distance is watching.”

  “Okay. We’ll be down there soon.” I end the call and then nudge my sleeping beauty. “Sweetheart, wake up.”

  “What’s going on?” she grumbles, looking ridiculously adorable. I lean in and press my lips to hers. She moans and slips her arms around my neck. “Jamison.”

  “Good morning, Cassandra. I need you to wake up. We have an issue.” Her sweet smile disappears, and anger floods her face.

  “Oh, no. Is this where you kick me out?” she hisses, tossing off the covers.

  I climb on the bed, pinning her down with my body before she moves another inch. Her hard nipples graze my shirt, and I wish I didn’t have it on. “God, no. Sweetheart, someone’s at the hotel looking for you.”

  “Oh goodness. Why? I should have left my phone on and dealt with them before they decided to show up.”

  “You’re a grown woman,” I snarl, biting on her bottom lip before slipping my tongue along hers until she caves and melts under me.

  I pull back as we take a breather. “You’re right,” she sighs, running her fingers through the hair on the sides of my head. “Do we have to see them?”

  Caressing her cheek, I shake my head. “Not if you don’t want to, but as the owner, I have to speak with the police, who the asshole called.”

  “Fine, but I should turn on my phone and check in with them, so they’ll leave without causing any more trouble.”

  She stretches and then slides out of bed, letting the sheet fall. I groan as she walks over to where I tossed my shirt and then she slips it on, covering her sexy body from me, but she only looks hotter in my clothes. I can’t stop the possessive thoughts that run through my head. Especially because I know it’s that fuck Charles looking for her. I should have had her tell him to fuck off last night.

  I follow her into the living room as she grabs her phone and powers it up. It’s beeping crazy with different notifications, and then it’s ringing. “Oh shit. They aren’t playing.” I stand next to her to see Charles on the screen. “What do I say?”

  “I would go with the truth, but you can leave out the sex if it makes you feel uncomfortable.”

  “Okay. Thanks.” I rub her back and pull her into my lap.

  “Hello,” she says with a hesitation that pisses me off because she shouldn’t be intimidated by that prick.

  “Sandy, where are you? Are you safe? I knew I shouldn’t have let you go on your own,” he shouts. I feel her tense up, and I want to smash his face in.

  “I’m safe. I’m sorry I worried you.”

  “Worried me? You were mugged, and then you don’t get a hold of your family.” His voice rings on the phone.

  “How did you know I was mugged?” she asks, catching his slip up.

  “The police officer told me when I arrived.”

  “Oh yeah?” What a fucking lying sack of shit. My body tenses under her as I think of all the ways I could destroy that man.

  “Yes. Now, where are you so I can take you home where you belong?”

  “I’m not going home yet.” Her voice is weak, like a mouse instead of the tiger that just unleashed on me.

  “What? Don’t play this game. Is that what you wanted? Me to chase you here?”

  “No. I wanted to be left alone. I didn’t have a charger for my phone until last night, and then I fell asleep. I’m sorry you’re upset, but I’m supposed to be on vacation and not at your beck and call.”

  “What did you say? I’ve been helping you out, and this is how you act? If you don’t come back with me, you’ll be out of a job. Understood?” I reach for the phone, but she shakes her head.

  “Understood,” Cassandra states and then ends the call.

  “I’m about to break his fucking jaw for speaking to you like that.”

  She pats my chest, attempting to quash the rage building up in me. “Don’t worry about him. He’ll ca
lm down soon and see how irrational he’s being.”

  “Sweetheart, he didn’t come all the way here because he’s worried about you. He’s been here since you arrived.”

  “What do you mean?” She turns in my arms, pushing her upper body away to look at me better.

  “I mean he’s the one who set up the damn mugging.”

  “What? No. He couldn’t do that.” Cassandra stops herself to ponder my words as if the idea isn’t so absurd anymore. “Do you really think he did that?”

  “I know he did. That’s what we’re supposed to meet with Chief Locke for today. The guy on the bike had been seen ditching the bike and hopping into a private limo. The thing about small towns is that people talk. The plates were noted and given to the chief, who gave them to my security team. The limo was rented by Charles Ellis.”

  “Oh no.” She’s out of my arms and on her feet, glaring at me. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I planned to tell you before the call. Honestly, I didn’t want you to be upset any more than you were already. After having you in my arms, the thought of making you upset tore at me. Besides, I didn’t have all the details until I spoke with Marco. That’s when he gave me that last bit.”

  “I don’t know what to do.” Her dainty, bare fingers run through her long hair. All I can think about is my ring should be on her finger. She begins to pace around the living room, and as much as I want to comfort her, I’m at a loss of what to say that won’t piss her off.

  “What do you want to do?”

  She freezes, slowly raising her gaze to mine as she clasps her hands together. “This is all new. Maybe we rushed last night.”

  “Whatever you want, but do not regret last night.”

  “I don’t, but I’m not sure it’s smart to give up my career in Chicago and then things don’t work out—” she doesn’t finish the ‘between us’ part because she knows that her leaving isn’t something I want to hear.

  “Are you serious right now? You’re going to go back to him, work for him?”

  “No, but I can do something else.”

  “You can easily do something else here if you really wanted.” I feel like an asshole when tears flood her eyes. “I’m sorry, Cassandra, but I told you I wasn’t in this for just the night.”

  “I know. I know. I just need a moment,” she pauses and then asks, “Is that why you were on the phone last night?”

  “Yes, but most of the information came this morning. I’m sorry, sweetheart.”

  “I just need some time to process this.”

  “Fine. I’ll go down to the hotel and meet with that asshole and the chief. You can stay here until you make up your mind. Check on your luggage. If you want to leave, I’ll drive you to the airport myself.” I storm out of the villa, feeling angry, jealous, irrational. As I walk to the hotel, I only get angrier. The thought of her leaving with this prick sends me into a jealous rage. I want to stomp on Charles’s head. When I get to the front desk, I have an audience. It seems the local town gossips are lurking.

  “Where’s Ms. Tate?” Locke asks as I walk up to him.

  “She’s deciding if she’s staying or going.”

  “She’s coming home with me.”

  “No, you’re not leaving yet. Chief Locke, my security has the information you need. He’s the one who hired the biker to rob Cassandra.”

  “Mr. Ellis, you’re under arrest,” Locke informs Ellis, reading him his rights as he struggles to put cuffs on the outraged Ellis.

  He tugs his hands away from the chief, but my men are there to assist. “For what? I didn’t hire anyone or steal Sandy’s purse.”

  “It’s Cassandra. Lie all you want. You’re under arrest for attempted abduction, assault, and conspiracy to commit robbery.”

  “I’m sure there’s more, but that will do for now.”

  “Charles.” My eyes dart to my woman. She’s beautiful, standing there in just my clothes and her sandals, hard nipples pebbling, even though I feel like taking her over my knee and spanking her ass.

  “Sandy.” She tenses up when he calls her name.

  “It’s Cassandra,” I remind the fuck.

  “I see what it is. You’re framing me so you can be with her. That’s what this is. I’ll have my lawyers sue you for everything you have.”

  “You could try, but I’m not the one far from home. You’re on camera arriving before Cassandra. In fact, the airport has you on camera swiping her luggage.”

  “You don’t have proof of that. The cameras were down in the airport.”

  “There are plenty of working cameras here in the hotel when you checked in.” I shake my head. “You didn’t trust the limo company to keep her things secure, did you?”

  “I can’t believe you,” Cassandra hisses, glaring at her stepbrother and former boss. I want to kick his ass even more than I wanted to before.

  “He’s lying to you. He just wants to get in your pants.”

  Marco hands me his tablet that has the footage. “Swee—Ms. Tate, is this your luggage?” I’m not trying to spread gossip just yet and besides, I can’t look at her without my cock jerking in my pants. Formality is necessary at the moment until things are settled between us.

  “Yes. Oh my goodness. Why?”

  “I don’t have anything to say until I speak to my lawyer.”

  “I’ll need access to his room and anything inside. I’m sorry, Ms. Tate, but I can’t let you have access to any of it.” She nods, and I give the okay for the chief to search the room.

  “Certainly—he’s no longer a guest at my hotel.”

  Chief Locke takes Ellis out in cuffs.

  “Please follow me to my office, Ms. Tate,” I command. Before we walk away, I tell Marco to clear the lobby of all the damn onlookers.

  Chapter Five


  Shit. He’s gone for full formality. Have I blown it with him? A wave of sadness engulfs me. I can’t lose him. He was so pissed when he left, and then I reminded myself that I was just as upset when I thought he was kicking me out. I left the villa without thinking because I needed to get to him.

  “Is there a reason you’re still in my clothes?” he bites out.

  “Um…” Because they smell like him, and I couldn’t force myself to change, but that’s too much vulnerability for me to share. The man has changed me in a day to a woman I don’t recognize, but I welcome her as long as he’s with me.

  He runs his fingers through his sexy dark hair, making me want to replace his hands with mine. “Come on. Please don’t lie to me. I’ve had enough of it.”

  “I haven’t lied to you at all.”

  “No? You are ready to run after promising to stay.”

  “Run? I’m still in your clothes, aren’t I?”

  I see a hint of hope in his gorgeous caramel eyes, but he juts his chin and responds, “Yes. And you haven’t answered my question. Why are you?”

  “Because I’m not ready to leave you.”

  “As in you need a couple of hours?”

  “No. I want to see where this goes. I don’t have anything to my name until I get in touch with my bank and straighten things out, but that money will run out sometime. I might have to find a job here, or go home and look for another.”

  “Enough.” He pulls me in and crushes his lips to mine. “You’re mine. You don’t have to work outside the home if you don’t want to. I want you in my life for the rest of my days. There’s nothing that you need to do, except be the woman you are.”

  He pins me between him and the desk, my ass hitting the top. “I’m going to fuck you like you deserve. Hard and rough. I want everyone to know I’m drilling your brains out because you decided to come here in my fucking clothes to tease me.”

  “Tease you,” I pout, thinking I looked kind of bummy.

  “Yes. You look so damn sexy in my things. Your big tits pressed tightly in the tee so that your hard nipples jut against the material. Your pussy scent all over my boxers drives me wild. T
urn around,” he orders. “Letting that fuck Charles know that you spent the night with me, my marks all over you. Bad girl. Did you enjoy that?”

  “A little.”

  “Did you like making me jealous with your hard nipples on display?”

  He doesn’t wait for me to respond; instead, he spins me with his hands on my hips. God, I’m going to enjoy this a little too much. He drops to his knees, hooking his fingers into my bottoms, and pulls them down. I barely step out of the material when he has his face between my cheeks, licking my pussy from behind. I let out a gasp and grip the edge of this desk. He growls and stands.

  “This is for making me think you were leaving me.” The words have just left Jamison’s mouth when I feel the first sting on my ass, causing a gasping moan to leave my throat. “This is for coming out of the house without a bra, showing your tits to everyone around.” He spanks me again, and suddenly I feel like a really bad girl.

  “Aren’t you going to punish me for sneaking onto your property?”

  Jamison rubs my ass and leans down, his lips against my ear, hand around my throat with just the slightest pressure. “Yes.” His hand comes down on my other cheek. I can’t keep the pleasure from escaping my lips. “You like your punishment a little too much. I bet your pussy is fucking soaked for me.” He pumps two fingers inside. “Fuck, sweetheart, you’re drenched.” He tightens his grip around my throat. “Are you going to keep being a bad girl?”

  “For you, always.”

  “Good answer,” he growls, releasing his hand around my throat and sending a feeling of loss through me, but then he’s lifting my shirt off to play with my hard nipples. With a whisper, he utters, “Stay with me.” I feel the tip rock between my folds, teasing me until he lines up his cock with my heat, slamming into me in one long motion.

  It doesn’t take more than three thrusts before I’m coming on his shaft, screaming loudly in his office. “Fuck, oh, oh my goodness. I’m coming, Jamison,” I shout.

  He wraps his fist around my hair. “Fuck, I’m coming, Cassandra.” The desperation in his voice enhances my orgasm, and he follows me over, filling my womb again. We’re playing a dangerous game of pregnancy roulette, and strangely, I’m not afraid of having his baby like I should be.


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