The Daddy and the Dom

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The Daddy and the Dom Page 10

by Julia Sykes

  I decided I didn’t care what the source of her interest was. If she was excited for me to buy her new things, I was happy to give her anything she wanted.

  She pointed at the foot of the bed. “You can leave them there,” she said in an imperious tone I didn’t care for. “I’m going to take a shower.”

  I didn’t move to comply. Her suddenly haughty attitude didn’t suit her softer nature. And it certainly didn’t suit me. I’d give her anything she asked for, but if she thought I’d obey her commands, she was sorely mistaken. I might worship her, but that didn’t mean I was her slave.

  “What?” she asked when I didn’t do as she demanded. She was getting annoyed. “Do I need Marco’s permission to take a shower or something?”

  Something dark stirred in my chest. Because I knew exactly how Marco would feel about her waiting for his permission to do anything. Hell, he’d probably deny her the shower and insist on bathing her himself. I had my kinks, but Marco possessed his own perversions.

  But Ashlyn didn’t belong to him. She was mine, and as much as I’d like to join her in the shower, I was very aware of her anger toward me. She wasn’t going to forgive me for my complicity in her capture. I wouldn’t impose myself on her when she wasn’t willing. No matter how badly I might want to.

  “You don’t need Marco’s permission,” I informed her coolly. “But that attitude won’t get you anywhere with me, either.”

  Her jaw dropped, but no words came out. I supposed I’d subtly dominated her in the past, but I’d never been overt about it. I could reel myself back now, but I didn’t want to. The dark part of me accepted that she was my captive, and I could treat her how I wanted. It was liberating. Something was shifting between us, even if she didn’t recognize it yet.

  She’d railed at me for hiding my true self from her during our time together in Cambridge.

  Well, if she wanted the real me, that’s what she’d get. I might not be willing to fully corrupt her with all my perverted desires, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t going to take her in hand when she was acting this way. Because Marco was right; she was being a brat. Acting out because she was in a fit of anger.

  She could pout all she wanted, but that wouldn’t sway my decision to keep her. She was in danger, and I didn’t have a choice. I didn’t want the choice. Marco had done me a favor when he brought her to me. I could finally show Ashlyn who I really was, even the ugly parts of myself I wasn’t proud of.

  I set the shopping bags down and rifled through them, quickly finding what I wanted.

  “You can take a shower,” I told her. “Here. This is what you’re wearing to bed.” I held out the short, silky black nightgown I’d bought for her.

  Her eyes widened, and her lips parted on an incredulous gasp. I almost groaned at the sight of her shocked, innocent expression. Her open mouth practically begged to take my cock. I’d never felt her lips around me before. I’d always fucked her tight pussy. But there were so many other ways I wanted to take her.

  “You’ve worn far less around me,” I pointed out when she simply continued to stare at the scrap of black material.

  “I didn’t… I didn’t know you then.” She tried to defy me, but her eyes were still fixed on the nightgown.

  “You want to know me? This is me. And you’ll do as I say.”

  Her mouth finally closed, her lips pressing to a thin line. “No. You might be keeping me here against my will, but I don’t have to do what you say. You can’t boss me around like this.”

  “Can’t I?” I took a step toward her.

  She didn’t shrink away. She froze where she sat on the bed, her breath catching in her throat.

  I’d known she reacted to a little light sexual domination, but I’d never turned this side of myself on her before. Not really.

  I finished closing the distance between us, moving slowly to gauge her reaction. She swallowed, but she didn’t move away.

  I reached out and rubbed the silky nightgown against her face, trailing the soft material over her cheek. She drew in a shuddering breath, and her eyes darkened. She didn’t flinch from my touch.

  “Are you scared, angel? Do I frighten you?”

  “No,” she breathed, without hesitation. “But I’m mad at you,” she added softly. “I don’t trust you.”

  I dropped the nightgown onto the mattress and sat down beside her. She didn’t cringe away, so I took her hand in mine.

  “I know you don’t. But I’ll earn your trust back. I promise. I’d never do anything to hurt you. All I want to do is keep you safe.”

  All I want to do is keep you. I’d made sure to add the safe part. She’d said she wasn’t scared of me, and I didn’t want that to change.

  She nodded. It might not be a verbal admission that she believed me, but it was a start. I owed her a full explanation for what I was doing to her. I’d wanted so badly to hide my life from her while we’d been together in Cambridge, but that had to change.

  “Go take a shower.” I softened the command as much as I could manage. “I’ll be waiting here, and we’ll talk when you come out.”

  She plucked at the nightgown. “Do I have to wear this?”

  I caught her chin between my thumb and forefinger, capturing her in my gaze.

  “Does it make you uncomfortable? Do I make you uncomfortable?”

  She shifted on the mattress, but I didn’t release her.

  “A little bit,” she admitted.

  I raised my free hand to her throat, stroking the column of her neck with my fingertips. She shivered and remained locked in place.

  I leaned in to whisper in her ear, and I heard her breathing hitch as I neared.

  “Do you want to know a secret, angel? I like making you a little uncomfortable. I like watching you shiver and squirm.” I nipped at her earlobe. “Are you scared now?”

  “I… no.” She tilted her head to the side slightly, giving me better access.

  I kissed the little hollow beneath her ear, traced the line of her neck with my tongue. She let out a soft moan. My cock throbbed, but I held myself back. I couldn’t fuck her. Not yet. I still owed her the truth, and then she could decide if she really wanted me.

  “Wear the nightgown for me.” I didn’t bother to conceal the ring of command this time.

  “Okay,” she agreed on a sigh.

  I would have preferred a Yes, Sir, but she was nowhere near ready for that. She might never be ready for that. I craved it, but I could do without, if she would be mine.

  I pressed a kiss against her collarbone. “Good girl.”

  I withdrew from her slowly, and she swayed toward me. Our connection was as powerful as ever. She just needed some time and some truth to make her come around and accept it again.

  “Go on,” I prompted when she didn’t move.

  She scooted off the bed, grabbing up the scrap of black silk before darting to the opulent bathroom. She shut the door behind her, as though that could put a barrier between us.

  It would take a hell of a lot more to truly keep me from her, but for now, I’d give her some breathing room. No matter how badly I wanted to join her in the shower.

  My cock got rock hard as soon as she stepped out of the bathroom. The skimpy nightgown was so short, it barely covered her pussy. If she turned around, I’d see her luscious ass peeking out beneath the hem.

  She stopped in the threshold to the bedroom, freezing in place as I examined her. I allowed myself a full minute to admire her body, drinking in her perfect curves and smooth, alabaster skin. Her nipples pebbled in response to my rapt attention, and the thin silk did little to hide the peaked buds.

  I wanted to close the distance between us and rip the flimsy material from her body, revealing the dusky pink tips of her nipples and exposing her fully. It had been so long since I’d seen her naked, and I ached to learn her perfection all over again.

  Her white teeth sank into her pouty lower lip, and her hands twisted together in front of her. I recognized her nervous tic
s. She was feeling shy, vulnerable.

  Now wasn’t the time for me to strip her, pin her against the wall, and fuck her hard. She needed me to handle her carefully; she needed tenderness, not aggression. I found her innocence enticing, but I didn’t want her to be anxious around me.

  I stood and approached her slowly, allowing her time to move away if she wanted to.

  She remained fixed in place. Her eyes roved over my body as I moved, flicking down from my steady stare to focus on the ridge of my cock where it strained against my jeans. She licked her lips, and I bit back a lustful growl.

  When I reached her, I took a deep breath and held out my hand, giving her the option to take it.

  She immediately initiated contact, clasping my hand with her much smaller one. I closed my fingers around hers and led her back to the bed, guiding her to sit beside me on the edge of the mattress.

  I brushed a stray lock of hair back from her face, and she closed her eyes at the electric contact. I didn’t want to stop touching her, so I indulged myself. I stroked her hair, letting the damp, silky strands fall through my fingers. When I reached her shoulder, I traced the line of her collarbone before running my palm down her arm. Her skin pebbled beneath my touch, her body lighting up with the same awareness that gripped me.

  My fingers closed around her hand again, my thumb brushing across the inside of her wrist. Her eyes closed, and she swayed toward me. Her head tipped back, waiting for my lips to capture hers.

  I brought my free hand up and allowed it to sink into her hair, fisting it at her nape. She sucked in a small gasp when I tugged her back, and her eyes flew wide.

  I thought I’d see the sting of rejection in her eyes, and an apology teased at the tip of my tongue. But it wasn’t necessary. She stared up at me with raw lust. She liked my hand in her hair, the little bite of pain as I wrapped it around my fist and took control.

  With great effort, I eased my hold and resumed stroking my fingers through her hair, lightly massaging her scalp.

  She let out a blissful sigh and leaned toward me again. She wasn’t seeking a kiss this time. She rested her head against my shoulder, relaxing into me.

  I shifted my touch just long enough to grip her waist and position her body so she was curled up in my lap. Then, I resumed petting her. She snuggled closer with a happy humming sound.

  “I missed you, angel,” I said, my voice a pleased rumble.

  “I missed you, too,” she admitted. She lifted her head, her beautiful blue eyes catching mine. “You said we could talk. I’m still not happy with you, but I want to hear what you have to say.”

  I lightly rubbed a pressure point behind her ear, and her lashes fluttered as she practically purred.

  I chuckled. “Are you sure you’re not happy, angel?”

  “Stop distracting me and talk,” she grumbled, but there was no real bite in the order.

  I took a deep, sobering breath. It was time to discuss the reality of her situation, and that knowledge cooled most of my lust. Once I was finished, she might turn from me in disgust.

  But I’d never earn her trust again if I wasn’t honest with her. I needed her trust; I craved it. The feel of her softening beneath me as she gave me everything was too addictive. I’d risk anything to have that back.

  “I’m not a good man,” I murmured. “I’m not, but I wanted to be.”

  I still wanted it, but now that I’d been dragged back to my violent life, I knew that was just a childish dream.

  “That’s why I ran away to Cambridge,” I continued. “I wanted to start over, to have a simpler life. I thought I could have that with you, but instead, I pulled you into my world. And I’m sorry for that.”

  She stared up at me, hopeful. “So, you are sorry for kidnapping me?”

  “I’m sorry I put you in danger. But no, I’m not sorry Marco took you and brought you to me.” Raw honesty was the only way forward here. “I want you, Ashlyn. I need you with me. I was a fucking mess without you.”

  “I wasn’t doing great without you, either,” she admitted. “I want to be with you, but not like this. Can’t we just go back to Cambridge? I’m scared, Joseph. Marco said you’re part of the mafia, and he said your enemies… He said they’d hurt me.” A small tremor ran through her body.

  Damn Marco for scaring her. He’d been trying to talk some sense into her, but he’d been too blunt. I never would have told her the fucked-up things our enemies might do to her if they caught her. I wanted to shield her from that fear.

  “We can’t go back,” I told her, the words acid on my tongue. I wished we could, but I wouldn’t be able to protect her there. Not by myself. The dream of sharing a normal life with her was shattered beyond repair, and all I could do was let it go. Marco was right; this was our reality. Ashlyn and I both had to face it.

  “I am sorry for that, but I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you safe. Even if that means you hate me for keeping you here, I’ll do it.”

  “I… I don’t hate you. I don’t think I’m capable of it.”

  Relief surged through me.

  She doesn’t hate me. It wasn’t the same as trusting me, but it was a start. I’d earn her trust back. It would just take time. She’d adjust and accept her place here with me. It might never be possible for her to return to her old life. Even if we dealt with my father’s enemies and the immediate danger passed, she was in my world now.

  I might not like the world I lived in, but it would be bearable with Ashlyn in my arms.

  “I’m everything Marco said I am,” I told her. “I’m all that and worse. Like I said, I’m not a good man. But I’ll be good to you. I’ll take care of you, just like I did in Cambridge. I might have hidden my past from you, but that part of me was never a lie. All I want is to take care of you. I know you don’t want to be here, but I’m still going to try to make you happy. Will you give me a chance to do that?”

  Her eyes were tight with longing. She wanted everything I promised. She wanted to be sheltered and adored.

  She just didn’t want to be my captive.

  “I want to go back to school,” she begged. “Please, take me back. And stay there with me.”

  Maybe Marco had been right to be so blunt with her. She still wasn’t fully grasping the danger she faced.

  “I wish I could give you what you want, but I can’t. I can’t make any promises about taking you back. I can’t let you go. I won’t.”

  Ashlyn was mine, and it was time she acknowledged it. She already belonged to me. I could feel it in the way she leaned into me for comfort even as she begged me to release her. This might not be the way she wanted to be with me, but at least we were together. My life had been hell without her, and I wasn’t sorry for keeping her.

  I’d just have to remind her how good it could be between us.

  I shifted my hand in her hair so I grasped her nape, and I pulled her toward me so I could finally capture her lips.

  Fuck, I’d forgotten how good she tasted—pure sin from the mouth of an angel.

  I’d licked at the salt of her tears this morning, but those were apologetic kisses, meant to soothe.

  I didn’t want to soothe her now. I wanted to consume her.

  As soon as her lips parted for me, my tongue surged into her mouth on a hungry growl. My other hand eased up her thigh, the reverent touch contrasting with the almost brutal way I claimed her lips. I nipped at them, kissing her hard enough to make them swollen.

  Good. I wanted her to bear marks of my possession. I might not be able to mark her skin like I truly wanted, but I could allow myself this one dark pleasure. I knew my sweet, pure angel was far too innocent for all the kinky things I wanted to do to her, so I’d hold back.


  My fingers dipped beneath the hem of the silk nightgown, and I found her lower lips were swollen, too. She was slick and ready for me. I brushed my thumb over her clit. It was hard, needy. She mewled into my mouth, and I devoured the sound.

  I withdrew from her puss
y and palmed her breasts, re-learning their weight and shape; memorizing the perfection of her peaked nipples.

  It still wasn’t enough. I could feel her through the silk, but I needed to see her.

  I tore my mouth from hers, and she made a little sound of protest. Her hands curled into my shoulders, and she tried to pull me closer.

  She’d never been a match for my strength. I loved how delicate and fragile she felt in my hands. I might kiss her roughly, but I handled her with aching care.

  I guided her down onto her back, stretching her out on the bed beneath me. I placed her arms above her head, squeezing her wrists gently to reinforce my control.

  “Don’t move,” I ordered. I was already riding the intoxicating high I got off even this light domination. She was so fucking beautiful in her willing submission to me. She stared up at me with her big blue eyes, her breathing coming fast and shallow. I released her wrists, and her arms remained above her head.


  I fisted the silky nightgown in both hands. With one jerk of my arms, the thin material ripped down the middle. The savage tearing sound mingled with my primal growl. I was getting lost in her, drunk on my power over her.

  Her wide eyes told me she was shocked by my aggressive actions, but her body reacted beautifully. She gasped and arched her back, thrusting her exposed breasts up to silently beg for my touch.

  I settled my weight over her hips, ensuring she was pinned beneath me. She moaned and arched again, struggling to get her nipples closer to my mouth.

  I gave her what she wanted, licking the tight buds before gently sucking them. Her head thrashed against the pillow, but she didn’t move her hands in an effort to hold me against her.

  I wedged my thigh between her legs, and she rotated her hips, grinding against me. Her wetness marked my jeans. She was eager, desperate.

  And so was I.

  I couldn’t take the time to get undressed, so I pushed aside the urge to feel her skin sliding against mine. I could indulge that desire that later. Right now, I needed to get inside her more than I needed my next breath.

  I reached into Marco’s nightstand drawer and grabbed a condom. Ashlyn watched me, her eyes wild and needy. I bit back a curse and freed my cock from my jeans and boxers, sheathing myself before lining up with her slick opening.


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