Bellatrix: Swords of Chaos, Book One

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Bellatrix: Swords of Chaos, Book One Page 27

by Alex Cannon


  Range and Rolin watched a group of men cordoned off and given instructions as the rest of the group began southward again.

  “They are sending out a search party,” Rolin said.

  “This is bad,” Range said.

  “They will be coming presently.”

  “I cannot believe this!” Who was that mage?

  “Well believe it now,” Rolin said, beginning to crawl from their bush.”We must get back to Cortibis and Sterlin.” Luckily they were protected from notice.

  “Aye, let us go.”They rolled quietly out and crept toward the grotto.

  They informed Cortibis and Sterlin of the impending search.

  “Can we not just outrun them?”Sterlin asked.

  “Nay, if we began to run now, they would surely see us in this thinned wood,” Rolin said.

  “One of us needs to stay with the horses and the rest need to take up strategic positions,” Range said.

  “Agreed,” Nicodemus said.”Sterlin you stay with the horses and we will deal with these men.”

  Sterlin puffed himself up.”Am I a woman?”

  Range stepped toward him.”Do not play this game with me now. You know who is paid and who is not. If you are so bloodthirsty, then come!Swing your sword true and shoot your bow straight!”

  Sterlin said,”Someone has to watch the animal, and I am clearly the least skilled swordsman here. Go.Make me proud. I will be the stalwart protector of our magnificent steed. Bring home the victory!” he said, lifting his chin.Range seriously wondered about the man.

  They turned to begin their positioning. Cortibis put his hand on Rolin’s shoulder, causing them to stop.”There are fifteen, maybe twenty? We are three.Are we courageous, or simply too thick to know when we are outmatched?”

  “Cortibis, are you unmanned?” Rolin asked.

  “Nay, merely thinking clearly. From what you have said, they are well-trained and well-heeled.”

  “There lies strength in the surprise attack,” Rolin said.”Kill your first opponent quietly, and the rest will still be ignorant of your presence. We talk too much and fight too little. If we are to die, let’s not be standing here gabbing like a bunch of hens.” He made off to find himself an ambush spot.

  “I am not unmanned,” Cortibis said after him.He followed almost sulking, his pale skin flushed.

  Range found himself a large bush offering enough cover.He loosed his sword and stood ready for action. His heart whacked heavily in his chest and his legs were loose. He had often fought opponents, but that was always spontaneous. Never had he lain in wait.He wasn’t even certain who these men were and why they were hunting through this forest for them. But deep down he knew they were.These people wanted the Sword.Damn them.

  He noticed only half the men came toward him. The other half moved into the thin trees on the far side of the road. The bulk of the original group had left at full gallop to the south with the mage in the lead.

  Range kept his eyes toward the road and saw the horseback riders making their way slowly through the forest.They moved methodically through the thin wood. These men were well trained.A thought occurred to Range: If they could get a few more horses, their journey would happen much quicker. Suddenly Range had a goal: not merely surviving this little battle, but actually coming out ahead.He would do it for Zoë. He would do it for Lucan.

  Range could feel dread creeping up his spine. He counted eight of them. Zoë would have her revenge.

  The group of men continued walking toward where Range was hidden. They stopped routinely checking bushes. Range’s throat constricted.”Vengeance is mine,” claimed Ooln.How could Range cry vengeance upon these men in the name of his daughter when his god clearly forbade revenge?Regardless of whether or not he was crying vengeance on his daughter’s and friend’s life, he must still escape.

  One of the horsemen was next to his hiding place. He was uncertain of when to attack.Should he attack now?

  A thought grabbed him and he stepped out from his bush. He did not startle the man in front of him, nor the man’s steed. That was disconcerting.

  “Oy! Why are you following me?!” Range yelled in a perturbed voice.He held his sword pointing at the ground.

  The rider closest to him leaned over his horse. He was noticeably ugly and dangerous looking.”We are not used to being questioned by prisoners.”

  “Then I shall question you all day,” Range said, as the entire group of men made toward him. They continued their watch of the surrounding area.

  “You shall stop now, prisoner.”

  “Who is this prisoner?” Range asked.

  “Come along now before I lose what little patience I have left.” Range noticed out of the corner of his eye, one of the men in the back of the group disappeared silently from his horse.

  “You have only eight men, how do you think you are stalwart enough to take me?” Range said putting his hands on his hips, giving his most haughty look.

  The leader looked more humored than angry.”What a brazen one we have here. You do look hardy and full of pluck, but I’ll still be taking you with me.” And with that he fetched a small silvery whistle out of his shirt and blew on it three times. The sound was slim and piercing. Range’s heart thunked in his chest fiercely now. Any chance they had of surprise was ruined.He was ready to fight.

  “Be patient,” the ugly man said.

  Range raised his sword.”Who sends you forth? I would know the master’s name of the dog I am about to slay.”

  With that said, the leader was off his horse, sword in hand, coming toward Range in a solid walk.

  “Your mouth will be the first thing I cut out,” he said.

  Range was happy to see Rolin and Cortibis had dispatched three of the men.The ugly man looked over his shoulder, spied Rolin and Cortibis and alerted his men.They were instantly in action.The leader put his fingers to his mouth and whistled. The horses scattered.

  Range met the man’s first blow, clanging harshly on his wrists.His opponent was stronger than he and probably more skilled. Range was tired from his journey, but he would have his vengeance.His adversary’s blade was a blur, as it swept about him in a methodical and almost rhythmic manner.The man was straight-faced and no emotion dared interrupt his work.And that’s when realization slapped Range like a rough hand. This man was at work!

  The man swung his sword around, but stopped halfway through and did a stabbing motion. Range ducked to the right, but the sword still caught him in the left shoulder.Range felt the cold steel pierce his flesh, digging deeply into his meat. Stumbling back, he attempted to bring his sword to block the next blow, which would certainly be the death stroke.He heard a twang and watched as an arrow embedded itself into the man’s right eye with a sick, sloppy thunk!


  Praise be to Ooln. Range turned just in time to see the seven men from the other side of the road pull up their horses and dismount, swords in hands and malice in their hearts. It was on now.

  Rolin had dispatched two of his opponents with his staff and was working on the other. Cortibis was fending off his two opponents fairly well.Range was surprised Cortibis was that good.He was certain the presence of Rolin was lifting the skill of Cortibis considerably.

  Range was fighting hard to stay conscious.The stab was becoming more agonizing and he could see the blood beginning to seep. He was cold, and sweating.

  The seven men were splitting, half toward Range half toward the other two men. Range watched in horror as three men walked purposefully toward him.He was having a hard time standing, and it showed. His three adversaries had that arrogant look on their face that said, oh, this will be easy.Range felt the hot coals of his anger stir again.For Zoë!

  “Hey! Look at this!” came Rolin’s voice from the other side of the battle.

  All eyes turned toward the Zmarly.The three men walking toward Range stopped and looked as well.

  Rolin stood there, staff in hands, breathing vigorously –his eyes were black coal
s of ice.His hood had fallen and his slick bald scalp was glistening with sweat.His topknot swung dangerously behind him.The one man he was fighting stepped back.Range had a feeling Rolin was about to do something awesome. He wasn’t wrong.

  “Come. Try your hand at me,” Rolin said.Cortibis’s two opponents stopped and looked at Rolin as if he were mad.Range shivered. Once.Everything stopped for a second and silence filled the area, as if the entire world had stopped to watch.

  Their ten opponents looked at each other for a moment, but only for a moment.

  Suddenly an arrow buzzed out of the trees behind and to the right of Range.It struck one of the men in the back of the throat, piercing it and showering his companions with blood.

  Before the men could launch into action, another arrow zipped by catching another one, but only in the shoulder, incapacitating him.One of the men saw where the last arrow had come and began making his way.

  Range felt his sword slip from his hand and he lost his balance, falling forward into dark bliss. These men are Sicari! Zoë! Ooln! Revenge my daughter!


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