Bellatrix: Swords of Chaos, Book One

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Bellatrix: Swords of Chaos, Book One Page 33

by Alex Cannon


  Range had anticipated it would take him six days to get to Rommel and he was not wrong.On the morning he awoke from more nightmares of Zoë and Lucan, eight days had passed since leaving Spadix.That was six days traveling and two days recovering.Now he needed to get out of this castle, and on the road.

  His room was well endowed with all the finest amenities. Each wall was stone meticulously hewn into miniature and obscure shapes and designs. The ceiling of the room was a strange dome that held the heat in.Intricate patterns carved from each corner of the room, climaxed at the center of the dome in a design he could not quite fathom. A large lamp, which could be lowered, lit, and then raised again by a rope, also occupied the center of the dome.

  His bed was soft and the sheets were clean and crisp.His washbasin was of the finest pearl pounded and buffed to a shine. His mirror was polished so well his image in it was hardly distorted.He noticed the room had stayed quite warm, even though his own fire had gone out.The King informed him they had a vast heating and cooling system throughout the castle, built during his grandfather’s reign.

  Range understood, from their middle-of-the-night dinner talk, the cellars and basement of the great castle housed a dual-purpose device that both heated during the winter, and assisted with the cooling during the summer.There were cavities throughout the castle walls that led down to the cellars.During extremely cold spells, the men who worked the great machine burned an enormous load of wood.Once they got a great fire started, they then had two other men who were on a paddle wheel.The turning of the paddles caused the heated air to be drawn up into the building’s empty cavities and warmed the walls from the inside.During the hot summer months they simply ran the machine without the fire, and it circulated the cool cellar air throughout the castle’s walls.King Rexillion had told him the cooling effect worked quite well. He even had them cut a grate in the wall of his sleeping quarters, so the air could flow in more readily.

  Range got out of his bed very late and squished his toes into the luxurious carpet.He dropped to his knees and said his morning prayer to Ooln.He had gotten out of the habit of praying to his god on a daily basis.When he was done he stretched and moved toward the privy next to his room.He had never seen a place to relieve himself located in the same room as a bath, the two most opposite human functions in one place.The bath was very strange, having an odd nozzle out of the wall and a handle that could be turned so that water shot out into the tub. The tub sat on a device that could hold bundles of wood.There were four bundles of wood to the right of the tub. He marveled at the ingenuity and wondered how they got the water piped into the castle.He would have to ask the King how it was accomplished.

  He placed one of the bundles of wood under the tub but could not figure out how to light it.He was still in a quandary when a knock came at his door.

  “Sire, have you found everything to your liking?” the serving person asked. Her hands were placed in a pleading position.

  “It’s wonderful. I do have a question.”


  “How do I light the wood for the bath?”

  “Does your stick not work sir?” she asked.

  “What stick?”

  “The light stick next to your bath tub,” she said.

  “I had no idea it was there.”

  “There is a stick on the left side of the tub. Simply touch it to the wood.”

  “Just touch it to the wood?”

  “Yes sir, it is a magic stick made for lighting of wood.”

  “Okay. Thank you.”

  He had no other issues, she left and he returned to the bathroom.He found the stick and touched it to the bundle. Sure enough, they lit up like drenched in oil. He put the stick back in its place and waited for the water to get warm.

  He used the soap provided, its spicy scent getting him good and clean.He removed the bandage from his puckered wound, letting the water flow over the ugly purple and bruised skin. The water dripping into the tub was the only sound. He leaned back, putting his head on the back of the tub, and relaxed.

  Thoughts of his daughter continued to creep up on him.He continually wished he could go back and change what had happened.Impossibility gnawed at him like an unrelenting rat. He tried to shrug it off and almost succeeded. He said another prayer to Ooln.

  Range dried himself and dressed in his clean clothes, which had been washed by the staff. After they had eaten dinner lat night, he visited the King’s healers and they had done wonders for his wounds. He was to go see them again this morning after he bathed.

  He checked himself in the mirror. He looked clean and haggard.His black hair was too long and his face was in need of a shave he could not bring himself to begin. He scratched his whiskers. Yes, they would do well as a reminder of his daughter and friend.They would be an excellent reminder. He would shave when vengeance had been served. He checked the hidden place where he had put the Sword of Saddig and it was safe.

  “It’ll be safe,” he said, and left the room.

  The hall his room opened to was long and wide. He thought it incomprehensible that he could not see either end.He estimated it would take at least half of an hour to walk from one end to the other. He turned left, appropriate torches paced his way. The hall was thick with quiet. Sometimes people talking, babies crying and children laughing, crept up like old memories. The air was fresh, but still.He felt as if he were still in a room and not a drafty, dank hall. The stairs he was to take appeared a few feet ahead. As he approached them, a door opened and a young man, shaped like a broom, entered the hall.Range caught a glimpse of a young woman in the room, half-dressed. He quickly diverted his eyes but not quickly enough for the young man.

  “Keep your eyes and you ears to yourself, peasant,” the young man said. This was probably the son King Rexillion had told him about. Range wondered where the boy had been when the attack occurred. No doubt in the arms of the young lady. The boy was not more than fifteen and chock full of pride in his red tunic. If he was sowing his royal oats it was none of Range’s business.

  Range said nothing but moved toward the stairs.

  “Did you hear me, peasant?”Uh oh.This was going to get ugly.He didn’t need any more problems.

  He stopped and turned toward the young man.”Aye, I heard you.”

  He turned to leave, but the young prince reached up and pulled his huge shoulder around. The pain caused him to wince.

  “Hold there!” the prince said in a commanding voice, completely wasted on Range.”I believe you forgot something.”He stood with his hands on his hips.Why this morning? All Range wanted to do was get out of this castle, not conflict with the crown prince of Rommel.

  Another door opened down the hall and Cortibis stepped out.Range watched him approach.

  “Good morning,” Cortibis said to boy and man.

  “Good morning,” Range said.

  The Prince stood there and stared as if one of them had slapped him in the face. Range almost did.

  “You two are a daring bunch!” the Prince said.

  Cortibis cocked a loose eye at Range,”And why might that be, lad?” he said with the hint of a smile creeping up his face.

  “On your knees, peasants!” The prince pointed to the floor.

  Range and Cortibis looked at each other. Cortibis smiled.Range shook his head slightly.

  “Who might you be?”Cortibis asked.

  “I am Prince Remillion, Son of King Rexillion, heir to the throne.So if you two do not wish to be thrown into the dungeon, then I suggest you get on your knees and bow to your Prince!”

  Range was not in the mood for this.

  “Why must we drop to our knees, if I may be so bold, young prince?” Cortibis asked.Why must the man add fuel to the fire?Why can’t he just leave it alone?Range wanted to slap him and the prince.

  “Blatant disregard for the throne! That could be construed as treason,” the prince said.

  About that time, two burly looking guards happened around th
e corner.Just in time to hear the Prince’s last statement.

  “Your highness is there a problem here?”The uglier one said.Range groaned.

  “Yes.”The prince stood taller. A gleam entered his eye and he frowned a grin.”These two peasants have decided to not follow a direct order given to them by the Prince. I want them on their knees, and I want it now!” His voice cracked on the now!

  The two guards, loyal to the throne, moved toward Cortibis and Range. Range and Cortibis took a few steps back.

  “We’re not wanting trouble here, friend,” Cortibis said, holding his hands out.

  Range stopped and readied himself for a fight.Damned if he was going to drop to a knee for a spoiled and immature prince desperately needing a switch to the behind.The two guards should not provide too much trouble.

  The first guard tried to get behind Cortibis who turned with him.As soon as the guard laid his hands on him, Cortibis did some exotic move and turned to the side, causing the guard to be tossed over his shoulder.The huge guard let out a whoop as he landed forcefully on the ground.

  “Listen, friend. I told you we don’t want any trouble,” Cortibis said.

  The ugly guard tried to hug Range like a bear, but Range ducked, kicked his foot, and punched him in the jaw, causing the enormous man to fall over. With both of the guards on the floor the prince was apoplectic.

  “Get up you dumb oafs!Get up and make them bow to me!Idiots! You’re both fired! Get out of the castle now! Go!” He kicked them both a few times and was down the stairs in a flurry of opulent robes.

  The guards got their feet, gave Range and Cortibis one quick glance and then were down the stairs themselves.The ugly one was muttering something about getting even with…while glaring daggers over his shoulder at the two men.Range ignored him.Just what he didn’t need: more enemies.

  “Well, what do you think about that?” Cortibis asked.

  “I think you need to watch what you say,” Range said.

  Cortibis frowned.”Sorry?”

  “We are running from a mage, carrying a special item, and trying to stay out of sight. And you go starting something with the prince.”

  “I didn’t mean to--.”

  “Just remember: always be amicable to everyone you meet. Not too much. Not enough where they’ll remember you. Just enough to not get them mad.”

  “Okay.” Cortibis nodded.

  “Two things people remember about you, whether you made them mad or happy. Make them neither and they will forget you moments later.”

  “I will do that from now on.”

  “Thank you.” Range didn’t like having to chastise the man, but what else was he to do?

  “That Prince is one arrogant little whip,” Cortibis said.

  “That he is. Let’s get going, I need to go see the healers again.”

  “How is it?”Cortibis asked.

  “Good, but I think that woman did just as well.”

  They walked down the stairs and curved around a few more turns and corners.Finally they came to the enormous healer’s quarters. Two huge doors were thrown open and a toasty yellow light spilled onto the dark hall floor.

  The room itself was a wonderful testament to the healing profession. Everywhere Range looked he could see potions and herbs, lining the walls and filling wooden crates.Two stone tables were overrun with clear beakers and glass tubes. Red and blue potions were bubbling over small candles. The air smelled sterile and tart. Two healers stood over Rolin, working on his arm.Rolin saw Range and nodded.He looked rejuvenated. His baldhead looked freshly shaven and his topknot re-braided.The night’s rest and healer’s herbs must have done their job.

  “You look hale,” Cortibis said patting Rolin on his good side.

  “Aye, these healers are adept at their trade,” he said in the flat, accent-laden tone.

  One of the healers, a small stick woman, motioned for Range to sit at a table.

  He sat and pulled his tunic away.The healer began to silently work on the wound. She used different potions and some powders.Finally she wrapped it up with some clean bandages and tied it off. The wound felt better and not as stiff.He thanked her and the three men left.

  Cortibis told Rolin about what had happened with the prince.

  “We should stay clear,” Rolin said.

  “Agreed,” Range said.

  They made their way to the ground floor and received directions to the King’s chambers. King Rexillion was about to address the court for the day and hear the pleas of the common man.

  “Lot of marble here,” Cortibis said, inspecting the pillars, walls and floor.

  The King was sitting on his throne and a small group of people surrounded him in an imbroglio.They were all talking at once, voices careened through the room and the King finally stood up and yelled,”Enough!”

  Silence hit the hall like a slap from a mean hand.

  The King spotted Range and his men.

  “You three, please come here.” He motioned for them to join the crowd around him.

  As they walked closer, Range could see the group consisted of the Prince, two other young men he presumed were squires, an elderly gentleman who looked to be an advisor and a few hardy looking soldiers. All of them eyed Range and his men with a look of distrust. Crantor stood next to the throne, oblivious.

  “Them!”Prince Remillion yelled, pointing.

  The King gave him a tired look.

  “I hope your rest was well. I apologize for the poor welcome you received this morning.Sometimes the over-zealousness of my son puts him in unique situations.” He shot the Prince a look of retribution.Range wondered why he put up with the rebellious prince.Then again, why did he care what the king did? This was none of his concern.

  Range and Cortibis bowed deeply.”The honor was ours, Your Majesty.The rooms were perfect,” Range said, staying bowed.

  “Rise my friends. You are the saviors of my family and for that I cannot repay you.But I shall try. My son was not aware of the duty you performed last night.He was otherwise engaged.”Another sour look. Prince Remillion ignored his father.

  They stood.

  “Name what I can do for you and it is yours.”The king spread his hands wide.The Prince looked enraged to the point of the apoplexy again. Range wondered if the young prince’s heart was in good condition.The boy was literally swallowing to keep his anger from bursting forth. He finally could hold it in no longer and huffed out of the chamber.

  “Your Majesty, if we could just have three horses to ride we would be most grateful,” Range said.He could hear Cortibis sigh slightly next to him.He really wished that man would control himself more.

  “Is that all my life is worth?A few horses?” the king asked.”You saved the king’s life.”

  “Your Majesty, I can think of nothing else without sounding like a contriving vagrant attempting to take advantage.”

  “Then you have proven yourself good to me,” the King said.He motioned to the advisor standing next to him.Rolin was inspecting the structure.

  “I have here a document which grants each of you a barony in my kingdom.I will have manors built for you or castles if you prefer.You will have a fiefdom and all your people will do your bidding.You can build up towns and do with them what you will.You will be part of my monarchy and will be required to pay taxes, supply a workable defense for your land as well as assist in times of war and other provincial duties.I will start you off with five thousand gold coins to purchase what you will need. I will assign an assistant to you for as long as you wish.Now tell me, is this a fair trade for my family’s life?”

  Range was dumfounded. Cortibis was as well.Rolin still inspected the buildings structure.

  “Your Majesty, your offer is awesome.I do not know how to say thank you,” Range said, dropping to one knee.Cortibis did as well.

  The King looked at Rolin.”Zmarly, do you not wish to accept this offer of thanks?”

  “Nay, King Rexillion. I would be a fool to do otherw
ise.I am not certain of how I would be able to accept your gift and your charge. The life of a noble is glorious, but it is also much work and takes quality time invested for not only yourself, but also the people who depend on you for their livelihoods.I am but a simple man with no desires to rule.” That was the most Range had ever heard Rolin say at once.Apparently in the ten moments since the offer, the Zmarly’d had time to consider and counter.

  The King nodded.”Well spoken. You would make an excellent noble, by that statement alone.”

  “I will accept your gift upon one condition,” Rolin said.

  “What might that be? Such a grand gift, and you wish to make it conditional!?Well, then so be it.”

  “That my rule would be close to my homeland.”

  The King laughed out loud.”That request I can easily accommodate.”

  And with that the three men suddenly found themselves fresh nobles.The king had them each sign their names to specific documents and scrolls.In return he gave them each a seal that granted them their land and the rights of nobility.He told them to keep this with them at all times, lest they be questioned about the authenticity of their claim.

  After the entire process was finished, the King leaned back. He had not officially called court yet. Crantor stood by his side, unmoving. Range wondered if the man ever moved from that spot during court.

  “I am weary after the late night action we endured, but I am glad to have this completed. Will you be continuing on your journey now?” the King asked.

  Range looked at Rolin, he was clearly still with him. But was Cortibis?

  He looked over to the man.

  Cortibis had just become filthy rich and a noble.How would the young man who had been slave labor now act? What kinds of things were going through his head?Range could only speculate, but he knew the man was about to make the biggest decision of his life.

  Cortibis looked at Range and then Rolin, uncertainty on his face like sunburn.He chewed the side of his mouth and looked down to the floor.

  Range wished the man would make up his mind. He still needed Cortibis’s sword, but could not blame him for ending his employment.What did Range have to offer him? Life on the road and maybe a few meals, potential danger and death, nothing but hardship.The king was not offering him danger, but security.Range knew Cortibis had very little experience with security.Cortibis could take the king’s offer and tell Range to make for the road without him.

  Cortibis looked up at Range.”Aye we will continue our journey.”The words fell from his mouth like stones.He had the look of a man who had just thrown away a fortune, and Range could not give him any hopes or promises that he had not.He felt sick in his stomach, guilt twisting into knots.

  The King smiled.”Very good then.You will return after your quest.”

  “Yes, Your Majesty.We should finish our journey in the next few weeks and then, hopefully, we can settle into our new roles you have bestowed upon us.” Range said.He felt like a worm.

  “Very good.”The king paused to scratch his chin for a moment as if digging up something he had buried.”Some advice.”

  “Aye sir, advice is food for the soul,” Range said.

  “Good advice is food for the soul.Bad advice is a yoke about the neck,” the king replied.”My advice is many faceted.

  “First, you are heading north.You will pass into the monarchy of Kitarssis.Beware. The King is reported dead, my sources tell me he was murdered by a mage.Only the Queen still lives.She is strong, but King Andard of Zamek is chewing at the bit and may see this as a time to attack.He has been itching to start war with someone for the last ten years.The hunt for the Swords of Saddig is begun again.Many people of evil will see this as an opportunity. I also hear the mage Lazerek is looking for them and believe he is the one who killed the king of Kitarssis.That is a travesty. Lazerek is a corrupt mage who abuses his power.Beware of him if you cross his path. He is powerful and wicked, not a good mix.My advisors think he is the reason for our attack of the demons last night. My priests have come together and created a new vat of the oil that will eradicate the beasts.I have had every sword and arrow covered in it.

  “Lastly, stay away from Zamek proper, if you can.King Andard is doing strange things lately.He is clamoring for more and more perversions. Stay as far from the palace as possible and watch out for any of his patrols. View them as an enemy.Do not let them take you captive.If you do, then I fear any quest you are on will come to an abrupt end.

  “This is the advice I give you. He who has ears let him listen,” the King said, yawning.

  “Thank you, Your Majesty.”The three men bowed.

  “I also had the priests fill three vials with the Ooln’s oil for you.” He reached next to his hip and pulled out three silver flasks of the oil.

  “Thank you again, Your Majesty,” Range said. He took his when the servant handed it to him.

  “Your horses will be ready within the hour. I will be engaged here for the remainder of the day so this will be farewell, unless you desire to stay another night.”

  “Your hospitality overwhelms us, Your Majesty.We give thanks for what we have received and go about our way.It has been an honor to meet you,” Range said.

  “Yes sir, Your Majesty. It has been excellent speaking with you,” Cortibis said.

  Rolin merely bowed deeply to the king.

  “I have prepared funds for you, a portion of your total.I will hold the rest here for you, and will await your return.”

  “If we do not return within a month, then our plans have gone awry and evil will have befallen us,” Range said. He looked over to Cortibis.

  “I will hold it for a year.Good luck, and thank you again for saving my family.”

  They bowed again and exited the throne room.

  Once outside the chamber, Range turned to Cortibis.”Why did you agree to accompany us?”

  Cortibis nodded, looking at the floor. He looked up at Range,”If it weren’t for you I would not have received the gift of the king.”

  Rolin nodded,”Never have truer words been spoken.”

  “I am eager to be on the road.” Range said,”Let’s get our stuff.”

  As Range approached his room, the door was open. His heart leaped into his throat.He rushed to the door. If it was the Osaban priest again, he was dead.

  Range rounded the doorway and was met with a fist.He was so excited he ducked just in time and delivered a crushing blow to the sternum of his assailant.The man fell backward. As he landed, Range heard the crack of his skull. The man was wearing a guard’s uniform. Range’s belongings were strewn about as if someone had been tossing them, attempting to make the biggest mess possible.Someone was either looking for something, or creating mayhem. But why was the guard in here? He saw a lump in the heavy curtains.

  The lump stood still and a red tunic poked out unknowingly.Range jerked the curtain back.

  The prince had the gray bundle of the Sword of Saddig and was just peeling off the end looking at the handle. The prince’s eyes widened like saucers when he revealed it. His awe was broken by Range jerking the Sword out of his hand.

  Range was accosted by fears, embedded since the day he had received the Sword. The fears begin to well up and threaten the life of the prince.Range had kept this Sword hidden for almost his entire life.Now all that was over. The crown prince of Rommel knew he had the Sword.His secret was up. The king would demand the Sword, would expect Range to give it him. No baron should have a Sword of Saddig. No baron would know what to do with such a powerful talisman. A king could not have a minion wielding one of the most powerful artifacts in the land. What would keep that baron from removing the king from his throne?Range would be forced to turn it over and the king would use the Sword to conquer.Other kingdoms would begin scurrying to locate the other Swords and chaos would ensue. Then Saddig would show up.

  He gripped the Sword in his hands and quickly covered it back up. He slowly backed away from the Prince.Ah, Zoë! Was your life for nothing!?The
prince stood there with an awestruck look on his face, full of guilt. Rolin and Cortibis entered the room from behind Range.Range unwittingly backed into them.The Sword was his to protect. Damn this prince! What was he doing?

  “What is happening?” Rolin asked, pulling the door closed.

  The Prince pointed at Range.”He has a Sword of Saddig!He has it! In the gray cloth!”His skinny finger stayed in the air.

  Cortibis looked at Range who had taken a vacation from outward expression.Range stood there like a blind man who had just had his first site of the world.And what he saw was bad.

  “Range?”Cortibis asked, shaking Range.

  The shaking brought Range back to reality. He turned to Rolin and Cortibis with a look of grief stricken fear etched by a rough trowel.

  What was going to happen now?”We are lost,” he said.”The prince knows of the Sword, and he will blab our secret over the entire land.We are lost.”

  Rolin and Cortibis had not lived with the Sword since they were young.They were not used to the constant hiding and concealing, the lies that had to be told to keep it a secret.Range understood their unknowing.

  The Prince huffed,”You forget yourself, baron! You are harboring a weapon of awesome power and keeping it from the king.Are you preparing to overthrow his kingdom? This is treason.I will call every guard in this castle to put you down!We will throw you in our dungeon and never let you see the light of the day again.I will—”

  “—ENOUGH!” Range screamed.”I will hear no more from your mouth you spoiled arrogant boy!Be quiet now before I forget who I am.”He forced the prince to silence. The boy stood there like a child chastised. And that’s exactly what he was.

  “What are we going to do about this?” Range said to no one.

  “What can be done?” Cortibis asked.

  “Something must be. The Swords are hidden for a reason.”

  “Why no let the king have it and decide what to do with it?”Cortibis asked.

  “He is a good king. If he were to obtain the sword and decide to announce it, Saddig would find out. Other kingdoms would look for the other Swords and war may begin. And let us not forget our friend Lazerek the sorcerer.He wants the Sword as well. I don’t think the king, even with the Sword could withstand the might of the mage.”

  “So let’s keep the sword a secret!” Cortibis said.

  “That is why I am going to see Garon Pourghadiri in Romus.Only he has the wisdom to determine what should be done with this damnable thing.”

  “Why?What makes him a better judge than us?”Cortibis asked.

  “He is my designated wise man. He helped my father.”

  Cortibis shook his head.”Why do you insist upon being the goat for this Sword?You could easily give it up and never see it again. You could take your family and go away.You’ve already lost your daughter because of it, but yet you still cling to this thing.”

  Range looked into the questions with a stern eye.There was no reason why he should hang onto it and carry it.The only answer was,”My family.”


  “It is a long story concerning my family and how we got the Sword in the first place. We have had it for many generations, passing it from father to son.”

  “I have a question,” Cortibis said.


  “How, after so many years of the Sword being a secret, has someone learned you have it?”

  “He just opened the wrapping on the Sword, that is how.”

  “No, not the prince.This mage. How did he find out about the Sword?”

  Range shook his head.”I don’t know.”

  “I think that’s a good question, one you should pursue the answer to.”

  “Later. What are we to do now?”

  Cortibis and Rolin stood, deep in thought.“Do we kill the prince?” Rolin asked quietly.

  Range looked about in tossed anger. He had no idea, not one. He was tapped. Running for his life, being chased by a mage, hiding the Sword.He had no answer. He had nothing.

  The prince stood against the wall, suddenly fearful for his life. Range saw the fear and decided to put that to an end.

  “I am not going to kill you, Your Highness.”

  The Prince calmed.”Well, then I will be on my way,” he said, with a mouthful of apprehension.

  Range had a retort coiled in his mouth, but he let it unthread,”Sit tight for now.”

  The Prince froze, mid-step.Range was the one in control, if only for a little while, and he was going to have it his way.

  “We cannot kill him, and if we tied him up, someone would find him with an hour and we would have the entire kingdom chasing after us,” Cortibis said.

  “Ooln’s beard! What to do,” Range said, looking at the ceiling as if expecting it to speak.

  “We need to do something quickly, that guard will not stay out for long,” Rolin said. Range looked down at the man. He’d forgotten there was a guard on the floor.

  “What do we do with the guard?” Cortibis said.

  “He knew nothing.I knocked him out before the Prince stumbled onto the Sword.”

  “He’ll still spill a tale when he comes to.He is an accomplice,” Rolin said.

  A thought smacked Range.”We must take the Prince with us, at least until we get to Garon’s home.There we can release him.From that point I do not care what he knows.”

  Cortibis shook his head.”I hired on to protect you, not to steal the crown prince of Rommel. That’s a penalty of death.”

  “You have been hired to protect me and part of that is keeping this Sword safe until we get to my friend. I am not asking you to kidnap the prince and hold him for ransom. All I’m asking is to keep him for a while, or our travels from here will be short. As soon as Rexillion learns of the Sword he will send his men after me. Either way, the king will have his men after us.”

  Cortibis chewed on that for a minute.

  “We must hurry,” Rolin said.”Make up your mind, Cortibis. Come or not.”

  “If I were to go to the king right now and tell him you have the Sword, then none of us has to keep on this journey, we can let the prince go and we can all go home to our baronies,” Cortibis said.

  “I cannot allow the king to have this Sword, or maybe I can. The truth is, I don’t know at this point. I have been hiding it for a long time, just like my father and his father, but now…now things seem different. Something is changing and I will not see this land come to ruin over this Sword. I have already seen my daughter and friend die because of it. I won’t let anymore die because of it while it’s in my possession. If the king has it, Lazerek will be here tomorrow to take it from him. Do you want that mage to have the Sword?”

  Cortibis dug into his bag and fetched out a piece of rope and started for the prince.

  “What are you doing?” Range asked.

  “Getting the prince ready to travel,” Cortibis said.

  At this the Prince piped up like a cat with its tail stepped on.”No! I am not going with anyone!Forget it!”

  They ignored him.

  “If the prince knows the dwelling place of Garon then would he not simply tell the king?That would leave your wise man in dire straits,” Rolin said.

  “We can blindfold the boy and then let him out as we leave. He will never be the wiser,” Cortibis said.

  “Some thanks this gives the king.We return his gift by abducting his son,” Rolin said.

  “If you have a better plan, put words to it,” Range said.

  “I do not,” Rolin said.

  Range didn’t much care for what the Zmarly thought at that moment.

  “Tie him up,” Range said.

  Rolin frowned.”How do you propose to get the Prince out of the palace?He will not be willing and will shout out at the most inopportune time.We cannot gag him.”

  Range stood about for a moment, uncertainty etching his brow.How would he get the prince out of the palace?He couldn’t just tie him up and throw him over his shoulder. This was the
potential killing flaw in his plan. He continued to pace the floor. Rolin and the prince sat down.After a while, the prince stretched out on the bed.

  “What was that?” Cortibis yelled.

  “What?” Rolin stood up.

  “I just saw a face outside the window!”The drapes were still pulled back from when Range had revealed the prince. There was nothing in the window now but the oncoming darkness.

  “I see nothing,” Range said.

  “Or I,” Rolin agreed.

  “I saw a face outside that window!” Cortibis said.

  “We are four stories up,” Range said. He didn’t have time for this right now. He began pacing again.He must get the prince out of the castle, and fast.

  “I saw something,” Cortibis said, sitting down where Rolin just had.

  “Let’s get rid of this guard,” Range said.The guard was giving him a time limit he couldn’t deal with right now. He needed more time to think. Removing the guard would help.

  “Is he still alive?” Cortibis asked.

  “Looks that way,” Range said.

  “Let’s drag him to another room and put a note on him from the prince,” Cortibis offered.

  “What if he can’t read?” Range asked.

  “Then we are hopeless,” Cortibis said, throwing up his hands.

  “Nothing is for certain. Let’s get him moved and I will write the note,” Range said. He hoped the guard could read, if he couldn’t they would be doomed.Regardless, the guard had to be removed. Somewhere, in the recesses of his mind, a complete and utter indifference about this entire situation was growing.He ignored it, but could not dismiss it.The idea of despair and surrender were battling hope and endurance.At this point he was apathetic toward either set of ideas.

  Range tore a piece of the expensive sheet and walked toward the prince.

  “You’re not putting that thing on me!” the prince said.

  “Are you going to make any noise when I open the door?” Range asked.


  “You are lying,” he said, and wrapped the sheet around the prince’s head and tied it tight. He then made the prince sit on the floor.

  “There,” he said.The prince’s eyes were smoldering, hate-filled coals.

  Rolin and Cortibis grabbed the guard under his arms and dragged him to the door. Range put his hand on the handle.He paused, looking at his two men, and then pulled the door open.

  The hall was long and highly trafficked. If by chance someone happened along, they would want to know what three men were doing with an unconscious guard.Rolin and Cortibis half-carried, half-dragged the man across the hall.Range quickly crossed and opened the door to the other room, watching the prince across the hall.The prince sat on the floor, where he was told.As Rolin and Cortibis had the first half of the cumbersome guard into the room, someone entered at the far end.Range quickly walked into the hall and prepared himself to confront the person. The figure stopped and turned into another room without so much as a glance toward where the men were going about their scandalous deed.Range breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

  Range scribbled out a quick note to the guard, chastising him and berating him for his lack of manliness.Asking him how he could have possibly been accepted as a soldier in the King’s Army and a guard of the castle if he could be so easily dispatched. He was ordered to present himself to the captain of the guard for reprimand.

  He quickly took the note across the hall, and laid it on the guard’s chest. As he was stepping out of the room, the guard began to wake. He moaned and looked about groggily.His glance landed on Range.

  Range’s first response was to just slam the door quickly. If the guard saw him, then he would know something was going on. They would be caught and the king would know.As he was about to, he mumbled,”Sorry, wrong room,” and quickly closed the door.

  He scurried across the hall and shut the door. His heart was slamming in his ears.

  “What?” Cortibis asked.

  “The guard awoke,” he said.

  “Did he see you?”Cortibis asked.

  “Yes.But I think he was too groggy to notice. I left the room.”

  “Wait here,” Rolin said

  He stepped outside. Rolin secretly slid back into the room a few moments later.

  “The guard went about his business,” Rolin said.

  Range let out a huge sigh.

  Cortibis dropped to the bed.The prince mumbled something and sat next to him.”Now we figure out how to get the prince out—” he was interrupted by a loud knock on the door.

  The men were in action. The prince shuffled to get to his feet.

  Rolin immediately placed himself behind the door.Cortibis pushed the prince off the bed, onto the floor, and settled his knee on the Prince’s chest.He looked down at the Prince.”Make a noise, and I will crush you.”

  Range slowly went to the door. He felt as if he were watching himself from the corner.He could not feel his legs, and his bowels were churning.Would they have to fight? Could they? What if it was the king? Should he just give the Sword up? Too many questions and no answers.

  His throat constricted as he calmed his voice.”Who is there?”

  “Sir,” the rheumy voice said.”Do you need your room cleaned?”

  Relief surged through him.

  “N-No thank you, please come back tomorrow,” he said, regaining his manliness.

  Rolin released his hand from his staff.

  Cortibis got up from the Prince.

  “Let me in, you fools! Hurry before somebody sees me!” came the voice, now manly, but whispering.

  “Who is there?” Range asked, his heart once again hammering.

  “Sterlin!” insisted the voice.

  Range looked at Rolin.”Sterlin is dead.” Rolin shrugged. Thanks for the help.

  “You’re dead,” Range said.

  “If I was dead, I could float through the door,” the voice said again.”What kind of mixed up mess are you mingled in now?” he said.

  “That’s him,” Rolin said.

  “No one talks like that,” Cortibis agreed.

  True enough. No one did. Range pulled the door open and there stood Sterlin Similow.



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