Bellatrix: Swords of Chaos, Book One

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Bellatrix: Swords of Chaos, Book One Page 44

by Alex Cannon


  “Come in! Come in!”Garon beckoned them.

  Garon was a short man with hair so thinned he had only a rim of white around his age-spotted scalp. Tied around the top of his head was a golden piece of cloth, thin as a finger.Garon could be considered jolly. When he smiled his face seemed to undergo a transformation.His bark-like skin wrinkled merrily at the sides of his eyes, his lips disappeared, and his razor sharp nose dipped down comically. He walked with a grace belying his girth, and a demeanor exuding calmness and warmth.

  As Range entered he was amazed at the trinkets and baubles filling every cranny.Strange looking things constructed of rope, wood, stone, or other ingredients lined every shelf.The ceiling of the room was high and cross-timbered, accommodating a multifarious dangling menagerie of strange gadgets and colored stones. The cottage was well lit and spacious with a fireplace positioned in the junction of the kitchen area and the grand room.A doorway at the back led to the bedrooms.In the kitchen was a sturdy, knotted-wood table that had been polished to a high shine. In the grand room was a large sofa accompanied by two stuffed chairs with hickory footstools.The odd shaped windows were just as odd on the inside, as if Garon had placed rocks haphazardly when building the house without concerning himself with the aesthetic value.Range realized that he had never been to Garon’s home. Garon had always come to him.

  Redolent pipe tobacco spun through the air like a friendly breeze on a sunny day.A black pot sat on a fat fire in the hearth. Potatoes and meat floated in a thick gravy stew inside the pot.Range felt his stomach flip.

  “I was expecting you, Range. Welcome,” Garon said through a thick accent.

  “How did you know I was coming?”Range asked. He set his baggage down, making sure of the Sword’s position.

  Garon stirred the stew, giving it special attention.”When I hear news circling about the Swords of Saddig or some such. Then I know that you are coming.It is simple.”He sipped the stew from a wooden spoon.

  Range dropped to the couch, letting out a great sigh.Rolin and the Remmy stood by the door.Nicodemus settled into one of the comfortable chairs, kicking his feet on to the footstool.He leaned his head back and relaxed.Garon looked momentarily at Taelon as if he recognized him, and then he noticed Rolin and the prince.

  “Please sit!My home is your home!I have food almost ready!” he indicated the chairs.

  The prince looked around and said,”If this is your home, you can keep it.”

  Garon eyed him for a moment and then set about some elusive task.

  Rolin took Remmy and sat him in the other chair.As he did, Garon noticed the rope binding the prince’s hands.”Ach! What is this?You bring prisoners to my home, Range?”

  Range rubbed his eyes with his large fists.”It is a long story, and difficult in the telling.”

  “Am I going somewhere? Are you? I think it best you begin at the beginning.You have seeked me out for questionings.I have heard a great many rumors in the village. They are not all kind, but I will listen to your story before I believe some other story.Begin and I will listen.”He pulled a pipe from nowhere and lit it with a twig from the fire.

  “Can we eat first?” Remmy asked.

  Garon shook his head.”It is not ready yet, boy.”

  Range began telling his story, from the time he left Spadix until the time he arrived at Garon’s door.As he told the story, Cortibis and Sterlin came in and seated themselves.Garon stopped Range routinely and checked on his stew.The smell was filling the house and making everyone ravenous.Garon filled up tankards for all with spiced wine and settled back in for the rest of Range’s story sometimes stopping him to get more information, sometimes nodding and sometimes shaking his head in disbelief.

  “Range, what would your father think about this?” He sat and thought for a moment and then,”Let us eat and rejoice in your safety.Let us also give honor to the memory of your beautiful daughter, Zoë.”

  He pulled out large, sturdy bowls and placed them on the table. He then took each one to the large pot and filled it with the thick, chunky stew.When he was done, they sat around eating and thinking. Not much was said.Remmy finished first and went back to his chair.He was asleep in a matter of minutes, ropes or not.

  “What will you do with him?”Garon asked Range.

  Range wiped his mouth on his sleeve,”Depends on what I do with the Sword. That is why I am here.”

  “You are expecting me to give you answers?”Garon asked.

  Range stopped the spoon halfway to this mouth,”I expect direction from you and nothing more.”

  Garon nodded to himself.He pushed himself up and took his bowl to a makeshift sink.

  Sterlin, Nicodemus, Rolin and Cortibis finished and pulled out durries.The room soon filled with smoke.

  “Now that we are here, what is next?” Cortibis asked.

  “You are free to go. I will pay you in full for getting me to Romus as promised. Job well done,” Range replied.

  Cortibis sat, quietly musing. Range could tell he was thinking about his barony. Taelon sat on the floor in a corner and cuddled himself up to sleep.

  “Tonight we will rest. Tomorrow we shall go into the town and see if we can sell some of the things we acquired at the buried home. But tonight we rest,” Range said.

  “I will be glad to get to my new land,” Cortibis said.

  “Is the job done here?” Sterlin asked.

  No one said anything. Although they all hoped it was done, none felt like it was.

  “What’s going on in town?” Nicky asked Garon.

  “The annual race,” Garon said.

  “Race for what?” Nicky asked.

  “Gold. Every year the locals get together and have footraces. The person who beats everyone else gets five gold coins.”

  “Ooln’s beard, that’s a tidy sum for simply running a race,” Nicky said.”I remember when we used to race for pride.”

  Range nodded.”Aye, that was fun.”Now that he had arrived at Garon’s house, his journey was almost done and he could look forward to getting back to his family.He was awash in relief and had to swallow a few times to get control of himself.

  Nicky turned to Cortibis.”I remember when Range and I were boys, Range was in love with this girl named Alinda.Well Range and I were to run in the race. So Range sent a note to the beautiful Alinda to show up and cheer him to victory.So Alinda shows up all right and as Range and I run past her, Range decides to show his affection for her by blowing her a kiss.” He stopped and suppressed a laugh.”When he did, he lost his footing and tumbled heels over head, almost breaking an arm.”

  “So what happened to the girl?” Sterlin asked.

  “Oh, I won the race and then stopped by to talk to her afterwards. We saw each other frequently after that. Apparently she liked the winners. I always wonder what became of Alinda.”Nicky touched his chin and looked at the ceiling.

  “She married Laxem, the shepherd,” Range said.

  “That’s right!” Nicky said, snapping his finger.”I’d forgotten about that.”

  ”Let’s all get some rest and be fresh tomorrow,” Range said.

  All nodded or grunted acquiescence. They were ready for rest.Each had his decision to make on the future. Who would leave, and who would stay.Range felt like he was in a room of strangers, not the group he’d been traveling with the past few days.

  Garon showed them to the guest room, which held to single beds. Sterlin and the prince took them. Taelon continued to sleep in the corner. Cortibis and Nicodemus took the chairs, leaving the couch to either Range or Rolin.

  “I will stand watch for the first shift,” Rolin said.

  “Not necessary,” Garon stated.

  Rolin turned.”Our hunters still hunt.”

  “Aye, but you are safe while in my house. None may enter or get near without my knowledge. If they dare, they will get nasty surprises. Fun ay?” Garon moved into his own room.

  Rolin looked at Range.

  Range shrugged.”Rest
friend Rolin. We have had a long journey.”

  Rolin gave the sofa to Range and rolled out bedding to sleep.

  Range never thought a couch would feel so heavenly. For the first time in almost a month he slept well.



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