The Renewal

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The Renewal Page 5

by Joseph Ferguson

  Chapter 5

  The Walkers had just celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary last week and were on a trip provided by their children. They had come to the Dead Sea for its health benefits, how ironic. They had been told that relaxing in the salty water provided relief for many ailments, especially arthritis. The beach was deserted, most turned away by the thick foam floating on the water, but being a retired science teacher Mr. Walker knew that it was a normal occurrence. By the time they had laid there blanket down they had already breathed a hundred times the lethal dose and by the time Mr. Walker's feet touched the water he could feel its effects. Sweat tinted pink began to profusely pour from his body. His bowels ejected what water that was in them as well as his stomach, making him heave. Before he could turn around his body became stiff and he fell on his face. In about a month the virus would cause his body to shrivel up to the point of turning to dust. Mrs. Walker sat with her head between her legs; her body had also become stiff as all water had been expelled. She too would shrivel, but more quickly with the salty beach amplifying the suns heat. Cities within a few miles of the Sea were now facing the wrath of the halophile plague, with a kill rate of almost one hundred percent.

  Treyson yelled for Big John as he held the sword up through the hole. Big John took the sword laying it on the ground, then reached down and pulled Treyson up from the cave. They both sat on the ground beside the sword staring at it in disbelief. The scabbard was dirty so Big John took his rag out of his pocket and wipe as much as he could off, then laid it back down. It looked to be made of bronze in good condition with a small nick near the top. It was etched with pictures of creatures some he had never seen before. On one side there was a scene of a battle with a sword and an ornate staff crossed in the middle. Big John once thought Treyson’s grandfather made up the story, but Treyson believed his grandfather yet thought the sword would be long gone by now. After a few moments of silence Big John spoke, "I don't know a lot about swords but I think it's a broadsword."

  "What do you make of the engravings on the sheath? That looks like a dragon," Treyson said pointing to a flying creature.

  "I'm not sure; maybe we can take it and get it studied. How about pulling the blade out and let's give it a look?" Big John said.

  They both stood up as Treyson picked up the sword by the pommel instantly hearing a voice whisper to him, "I am now yours, bond with me".

  “Did you hear that,” Treyson asked Big John?

  “Hear what,” he answered?

  “I think the sword spoke to me, telling me to bond with it,” Treyson said with shaky voice.

  Big John gave a little laugh, “yeah right. It’s only a sword.”

  Treyson shrugged his shoulders then tried to pull out the sword but it seemed stuck. Big John reached over and flipped a small metal clasp holding the sword in. It slipped quietly from its sheath revealing an engraved shining broadsword. Down the middle of the blade the name MacAlistair was etched each letter giving off a blue hue.

  "It's a beautiful sword, but I don't know how you’re going to get it through customs,” Big John said.

  "I don't know either. Hey, it's close to my last name maybe I could tell them it's a family heirloom, “Treyson said with a laugh. The voice again spoke to him, "you are the rightful heir, bond with me," a little louder this time.

  "We could go fishing now that you found it, and then study it later at the inn,' Big John said with a hopeful expression.

  Treyson sheathed the sword then put it through his belt quieting the voice. He unloosed the rope pulling it over the grate and put it back in the bag. He told Big John about the flashlight shattering on the cave floor making him smile as he closed the grate. He slid the pin back into its slot tapping it back in with a rock. Treyson asked looking up at Big John, "Do you know how to get down from here since you've been around here your whole life?"

  Big John smiled, "follow me." He got on his hands and knees and crawled backwards down the steep hill leading to the path. He took his time sliding a little a couple of times but made it safely down. Big John watched as Treyson moved slowly having to readjust his sword a few times, but he too made it down without incident.

  While they walked back to the car Big John excitingly talked about the fish they were about to catch while Treyson’s mind was on the sword as he ran his hand over the pommel. "Wait!" Treyson said. He stopped and leaned the sword against a tree and took a picture with his cell phone sending it to his wife after adding the text "I found it". He glanced at Big John saying, "Sorry I promised her I would send her a picture the moment I found it. I really don't think she believed the story either." She text him back saying she was glad for him and that she would clear a spot on the wall for it. He stuck it back in his belt keeping it by his side.

  "Are you going to wear that while you fish," Big John asked?

  "Are you kidding I worked hard for this, it's staying by my side," Treyson replied as his fingertips touched the images on the the scabbard.

  Big John got behind the wheel and drove while Treyson slipped into the passenger side admiring the sword lying across his lap. Treyson decided to call Sara anxious to talk to her about the sword, but he had forgotten to charge the phone and it was dead. He would have to remember to put it on the charger when he got back to the room. Noticing that Treyson put his phone away Big John filled him in on the rules of legal fish size and the types of bait that can be used. Treyson was barely paying attention as he was trying to think of a way to get the sword home and avoid customs. He thought about mailing it home but it would probably be x-rayed and he would get caught. He thought about finding a cargo ship headed for America then picking it up once it arrives there, but that would cost him a lot of money and he could still get caught. It might end up in a Scottish museum hanging in an exhibit, the thought made him sad. No, somehow he was going to get it home even if it meant lying, cheating or bribery, he mumbled to himself.

  Treyson looked up as they turned onto a narrow drive; he was awed by the beauty of the large lake looming in front of them just a few yards ahead. In the background of the lake a large mountain stood majestically as if on guard. The road split and curved following the contour of the lake in both directions. A sail boat floated lazily in the middle of the lake as well as a small fishing boat nearing the shore surely carrying a catch of fish. They took the road to the left for about a mile before it seemed to pull away as a dilapidated castle appeared on the right situated on a spit of land extending into the lake. A copse of tall black spruce grew up nearby giving the scene a sense of eeriness. After parking and walking nearby Treyson saw that all that was left of the castle was a wall, a broken down gate, one tower and piles of rubble. A partially erected fence surrounded the castle with a warning sign that read "Danger! Do Not Enter".

  Big John carried the fishing poles and tackle box, his voice urging Treyson to follow him as he walked towards a pile of rocks that had dribbled into the lake. Treyson stared up at the tall tower wondering what it might have looked like in its heyday. He imagined the knights in their armor and on horseback defending the walls. Pulling his newly found sword from its scabbard in his belt he held it high and his left arm up as if he was carrying a shield. He let out a scream (his interpretation of a war cry) as he brought the sword down in arcing motions like he was fighting the enemy. Big John startled by the yell turned and watched as Treyson beat the sword against the air.

  "What are you doing, have you gone mad," Big John asked?

  Treyson stopped swinging and smiled as he looked at Big John, "no, just letting my imagination get the best of me,” he answered.

  "Well quit it you’re going to scare away all the fish," Big John said with a chuckle.

  Treyson sheathed the sword and took one of the fishing poles from Big John. He walked to where the piles of rocks ended and cast in his line then sat down on the ground holding his reel. Big John looked at him in disbelief as he walked further down towards the tip of the bay and cast his line in an
d started reeling it back in. Treyson watched him cast a few times and decided he was not fishing right so he stood up and reeled his line in. He stood looking at the lure at the end of the line wonder what kind it was when out of the corner of his eye he saw a thin woman emerge from the water.

  She had flowing black hair that seemed to be blowing in a wind that was not there. She didn't have a drop of wet on her blue lacy dress though she just walked out of the lake. He dropped his pole and pulled his sword in some kind of innate reaction from somewhere deep in his soul.

  She stepped towards him without fear, and then looked at him with a smile while speaking, her soft voice drawing him in, "finally a MacAlistair holding the sword created for him. I've been waiting for you, knowing the time is at hand. The Earth is within days of its renewal and you will be called upon to find the Scepter of Gao and its bearer. The Sword of MacAlistair and the Scepter of Gao must be united in order to restore magic to the land so the healers may return. In the last two renewals the reuniting has failed and technology has propagated the known science throughout the world and has depleted most of the natural resources." She hesitated briefly as she looked towards Big John, who was watching with a confused posture, and then she continued, "Time will be one of your enemies as you will have but three months to accomplish your task."

  Treyson spoke unsurely, "first of all my name isn't MacAlistair its McAlister and second I am no hero and thirdly, who are you."

  "Treyson you are from the clan MacAlistair and of the rightful bearers of the sword. It is also true you are not a hero, but heroes are made not born. The sword can help you but you must bond with it first, it must taste your blood. As soon as the renewal begins technology and magic will be at odds against each other and some technology will not work as before. Because the renewal will weaken technologies hold, magic in small amounts will appear throughout the world and it may aid you on your quest." She stopped talking then looked away as if listening then turned back and spoke, "To answer your last question, I am Elaina, forever bound by the depths in payment for my father's crimes.

  “Why magic, I had always been taught that it of itself is evil,” he asked?

  “Magic, Treyson, isn’t evil, it’s that sometimes evil men wield it. It is no different than technology which isn’t evil, but evil men can control it, bringing chaos to the land” she replied.

  "Ok, suppose your right, how will I know the Earth is being renewed. I mean will there be a sort of sign," he asked?

  "You will know Treyson. Remember to bond with the sword it will greatly increase your odds of success." She turned and walked back into the water and before she was gone he heard her say, "beware there are those who would prevent magic from returning, be careful who you befriend." She disappeared from sight with not so much as a ripple in the water.

  Treyson left off staring at the water when she was gone and looked at Big John who had a look of bewilderment on his face. He came near to Treyson with fishing pole in hand yet dragging his line in the water. "Who were you talking to," Big John asked?

  "You couldn't see her, I mean the woman with long black hair that walked out of the water," Treyson asked back?

  "All I saw was your lips moving with your eyes fixed and you waving that sword about. I saw no woman, though."

  Treyson put the sword back in its scabbard then started walking to the car saying, "I'm getting tired. I think I will sit in the car awhile to let my head clear. I must have been hallucinating."

  He walked back to the car picking up his fishing pole on the way. He removed the sword from his belt and laid it in the backseat with the pole then sat in the passenger’s seat reclining it. He didn't know what to think. He wished he could call Sara and talk with her. After a few minutes Big John put his pole and tackle box in the trunk then sat in the front seat. "It's no fun fishing by myself. I guess we will head back to the hotel and drink a few ales. How's that sound to you?"

  "Fine," Treyson answered but not really paying attention, he was still thinking about the black haired woman when he dosed off.


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