The Renewal

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The Renewal Page 12

by Joseph Ferguson

  Chapter 12

  Treyson woke to the voice of a female calling, "is anyone in there"; he thought he was dreaming until he heard it again, “is any one in there?” He shook Shaun awake telling him that someone is out there. He sat up when he heard the female voice shout again, "Hello is anyone in there." Treyson quickly unzipped the canopy door revealing a blue cloudless sky, the rain must have quit sometime in the night, he thought. A large sailboat sat just about twenty feet in front with a woman standing on the bow looking down on them. She was wearing jeans with a sleeveless blue flannel shirt and a pink do-rag in her long curly blonde hair. She smiled, "about time, wasn't really sure anyone was alive in there, but we had to make sure since your beacon was still going off."

  "Yeah, our boat got into trouble a couple days ago and sank, been cramped in here ever since while at the mercy of the sea," Treyson spoke as Shaun popped his head out.

  "My names Shaun, this is my friend Treyson," he said interrupting.

  "Anyone else in there," she asked smiling.

  "No, just the two of us," he answered adding, "how about giving us a ride."

  She laughed, "Father always told us not to pick up hitchhikers, it could be dangerous, but seeing as there isn't any more rescue ships out here, I guess we could..., just this once." She let out a burst of laughter as she picked up a tow rope and tossed the end landing right in front of them. Shaun quickly grabbed it and held on as she pulled them close, she pushed a rope ladder with her foot that hung within their reach. Shaun climbed up first carrying his bag over his shoulder, Treyson followed with only his sword and strapping it on when he reached the deck. She had a look of surprise as she watched him then introduced herself as "Elisabeth" and said that he wouldn't need a sword aboard their ship. Shaun joked saying that Treyson had found it in Scotland and that it was like a new toy, its effects would wear off soon enough. Treyson glared at him as Elisabeth shrugged her shoulders and motioned for them to follow. They walked past the helm where another girl was at the wheel. "This is my sister Esther," she said while continuing down into the berths. Shaun stopped and stared at Esther, her long straight red hair catching his eye, Treyson grabbed his shirt sleeve and pulled him along saying, "quit gawking".

  "She looks just like Elisabeth but with red hair," he said as Treyson dragged him along.

  "Really I didn’t notice, but you don't have to stare. You are going to get us kicked off the boat and no telling when the next one will come along," he said with a serious tone.

  Elisabeth was waiting for them in the boats main salon, when they stepped through the glass doors. "You two are twins, aren't you," Shaun blurted out?

  She smiled and her eyes brightened, "I'm glad you noticed. Esther tries very hard not to be a twin."

  "It was my business to be good with faces, guessing their ages and remembering them," Shaun said proudly.

  "Were you a police officer or detective," she asked?

  "No, (laughing) I owned a pub," he answered.

  "Oh," she said stepping behind a cabinet; I guess I better lock up Dad's liquor." They all laughed. She asked them to sit, pointing to a sofa as she sat in a padded chair. "Where were you heading before your ship sank," she asked? Just as she finished speaking her sister stepped in and sat in the other chair.

  Shaun looked at Treyson then answered, "We were headed to America."

  Elisabeth looked at Esther and smiled, "what's in America," she asked?

  Treyson spoke explaining his trip to Scotland and how his wife Sara had planned it, but couldn't go because of her pregnancy. He told how he met Shaun, his visit to his Grandfather’s village and Big John. He purposely omitted the part about finding the sword, but said he wasn't sure the fate of his wife since the plague and that's why they were headed to America.

  "She's probably dead, I'm sorry to say," Esther said sadly.

  "I know," Treyson said as tears welled up in his eyes. "But I need to know for sure."

  "We will take you," Elisabeth proclaimed with tears forming in her eyes too.

  "Sis", Esther interjected staring at her.

  Ignoring her, she continued, "And I will sing for her when we get there."

  "Cool, then Treyson can get on with his quest," Shaun said, then put his hand over his mouth. Treyson glared shaking his head.

  "Quest..., what quest," Esther questioned?

  "Don't get overly excited sis, let him tells us the quest. (She turned towards Treyson) Ignore her Treyson tell us your quest, please."

  "Well it's not much of a quest. I was told that there is a scepter that’s called after the name of Gao, and that it’s a matching set to this sword, so I want to look for it" he said deceivingly yet still staring at Shaun.

  "The Scepter of Gao, huh, I will search Dad's database maybe he has heard of it," Elisabeth said while standing up.

  "Sis, you know Dad didn't like people knowing his profession," Esther stated.

  "I know, but he always liked helping people, so that's what I am doing." She walked out of the room and returned with a laptop computer.

  Treyson and Shaun looked at each other than Shaun asked Esther, "What was your Dads profession?"

  "He was an archeologist, well, I mean a biblical archeologist," she whispered, barely audible, then added a little louder, "His research took him all over the world, that’s why he bought this boat."

  Shaun spoke looking at Treyson, "wow! What’s the chance we would get picked up by daughters of an archeologist?"

  Treyson shrugged his shoulders.

  "There's got to be more to this story, like who gave you the quest. You will have to tell us everything if you want our help," Esther said sternly.

  "Esther, do not be so rude,” Elisabeth said, coldly looking up at her.

  "Don't worry I will tell you, since you are willing to help, though some of it may be unbelievable." Treyson began at the beginning telling of the planned trip, his grandfather’s sword and how he found it. Elisabeth was all smiles when he told of Elaina, how she walked out of the lake and the quest to restore magic to the land. He had both of their attention when he told of the dragon and how she destroyed the ship with her breath and magic, eating the man who Treyson fought. He unsheathed the sword and laid it on the table before them. Elisabeth said she could sense its power; Esther rolled her eyes and said she was crazy. He warned them that it could be dangerous that somehow technology was trying to stop him, but that magic was there to help him. They both laughed when he told them to stay back from any combat and that he would do his best to defend them. Esther stood saying that that was the typical male ego and that she didn't need a man always protecting her. Elisabeth tried to hush her, but she was still fuming as she left the room. Elisabeth told them she found reference to two unnamed Asian scepters, one being exhibited in New York, and one in Chicago. She said she would continue to search the database for the Scepter of Gao.

  Treyson allowed them to give him some sailing lessons, teaching him how to judge the weather and how to trim the sails. He found it to be hard work and the fact that the two girls made it look easy bothered him even making him a little jealous. After sailing for four days he was still struggling with the constant adjusting of the sails that he had to do and almost capsized them once when left alone, while Esther took a nap.

  They all were on the bow when they arrived in New York harbor, awed by the smoke billowing from random spots within the city. The shore was littered with partially dissolved sea animal carcasses and boats of all sizes washed up on the beach. It had only been a few days since the worldwide plague and New York seems to have suffered greatly. Treyson was anxious to get to his home, but worried of all the destruction they must face. They decided to anchor near the inlet and raft to shore avoiding all the debris that filled the waterways. On the way into shore Treyson stared at the group worried, but Elisabeth spoke up as she grabbed Shaun and Esther’s hands saying they would help him find out what happen to his wife and son, and help him fulfill his destiny.


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