The Renewal

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The Renewal Page 18

by Joseph Ferguson

  Chapter 18

  The New York Arts Museum, before the plague it was an architecture beauty housing some of the world’s finest art collections and after the plague it still retains that same beauty. Due to the coming plague it was closed that day with only a few security guards manning the hallways. The doors were secured probably impenetrable except for the mostly dissolved guard lying outside with keys attached to his belt. Shaun tried plucking just them from the guard’s belt, but pulled up belt and all making him laugh. Elisabeth said he was a sick man as Shaun turned the key in the lock and opened the door. Elisabeth wanted to view the Israeli paintings exhibit, but Treyson said that they should find the ancient Chinese weaponry display.

  “Gallery 405, ancient Asian weaponry,” Shaun said while shining his flashlight on the large Museum map that sat on an easel in the entry.

  “That’s got to be it,” Treyson added.

  “Look, gallery 301, Middle Eastern modern art. It is on our way,” Elisabeth begged.

  “This feels weird, like were thieves or something,” Ye Min spoke shyly.

  “It’s the darkness, but don’t worry most of the art collections here will eventually disappear, only to be discovered, maybe in fragments, by a future generation wondering what it is,” Shaun spoke with a slight chuckle.

  “Maybe we should look for and take a few valuable paintings, like a Picasso or a Rembrandt,” Esther said.

  “The value of a painting is determined by the buyer and there aren’t many of them left,” Shaun stated.

  “What about for posterity, we could try to preserve a few,” Elisabeth joined in.

  “Let’s not just stand around talking, how about we look for the scepter. That is why we’re here,” Treyson exclaimed while starting to walk across the courtyard passing by a large sculpture of steel and wood. He looked at it as he walked passed, but didn’t understand it. The others were still discussing the paintings but he didn’t care as long as they followed him. Matter of fact he didn’t care if they took stuff that was their business as long as they didn’t try to cram the van full of junk. He didn’t have time for paintings or worrying about future generations, Sara was on his mind, he had to save her even if he had to go alone. Just as the thought came to his mind Ye Min walked up and put her hand in his and said, “Thanks for saving me and I want you to know you’re not alone, we will be by your side till she is returned.”

  “You are very perceptive for one so young,” Treyson said. He dropped her hand and put his arm around her and gave her a hug saying, “We will do what we can to keep you safe.” Though it was uncomfortable for Treyson because of her height and the fact she was a young girl they continued to walk for a while with his arm on her shoulder.

  Gallery 405 was a large room with a locked door with a sign posted in the colorful glass window “Ancient Asian Weaponry”. Shaun took the keys he had taken from the guard trying each one yet not finding one that worked. “Sorry Treyson we have to find another way in. Keys don’t fit.”

  Watching Shaun fumbling through the keys Treyson had already espied a large vase with a fake plant that looked to be sculpted from steel. Attempting to pick it up he realized it was of one piece and heavy, but Esther noticing, grabbed a side and helped him. Tossing the vase, they watched as it bounced off the glass, cracking the window and falling to the floor. “One more time,” Treyson announced as he reached down to pick it up again with Esther grabbing her side. This time the vase punched a hole through the window, then vase, window and all went through and crashed onto the inside floor. Shaun reached in through the now glassless door and opened it pushing vase and glass with it, revealing a large medieval decorated room.

  Weapons and armor from ancient to present adorned the walls and the many tables scattered around the room. There were signs depicting the different Asian cultures and their armories, but it was the Chinese display that caught Treysons attention as a scepter was its center attraction, though it seemed out of place, like it didn’t belong here. A long, highly polished, slender golden pole with creatures etched down its sides and the word GAO encircling the middle. A large translucent crystal head encrusted with blue gems sat at the top of the scepter; it also bore a slit the size of the swords blade in its side. Something felt odd about the scepter being displayed here, but Treyson couldn’t put his finger on it until Ye Min spoke up, “why is Gao spelled in English and not Chinese, especially since it supposed to be ancient?”

  “I don’t know, but this is it,” exclaimed Treyson as he continued to examine the scepter. Laying both the scepter and his sword beside each other on the table he could tell they were of the same make as the markings and etchings matched.

  Shaun moved up beside him and spoke, “no way, that was too easy. I figured we would have to go to Chicago for sure.”

  “We still need to find its heir if we are going to get Sara back,” Treyson said.

  “You’re not really going to hand them over are you,” Esther asked?

  “I’m not sure, I don’t think we could fight a techno army,” Treyson answered. “And there is one poised to come through the portal at area 51,” he added.

  “Maybe we need to form our own army as we make our way to Nevada,” Elisabeth interjected.

  “We need to find the one who can truly wield the scepter. Any ideas,” Treyson asked ignoring Elisabeth?

  “Maybe he is looking for it,” Ye Min spoke up.

  “Or she,” Esther laughed.

  “Elaina did say that whoever the heir is they would be searching for it,” Treyson said.

  “So we should be on the lookout for an Asian character,” Elisabeth said with a grin.

  “Not necessarily,” Shaun said, but added, “their bloodline could be diluted, and you might not be able to tell they are of Asian descent.”

  “I think we should unite them, one of us could be the heir,” Esther said as she touched the beautiful scepter for the first time.

  “I don’t know about that. I could lose Sara forever if we do that,” Treyson said sadly.

  “There has to be a way to tell if it belongs to one of us without uniting them, it was easy for you Treyson because your name is on the sword,” Shaun stated.

  “Maybe if each of you takes a turn at holding the scepter, it would speak to you as the sword did to me when I first held it,” Treyson said hopefully.

  “The sword speaks to you,” Esther questioned?

  “Yes, and still does occasionally, but emphatically I think,” Treyson answered.

  Esther took the decorated golden scepter from Treyson and held it for a few minutes, then spoke with a sad look, “no, not me, I guess.” She then handed it to Ye Min as she spoke to Elisabeth, “sis can’t be you either, we’re twins and you are younger than me.”

  Elisabeth shrugged her shoulders and watched as Ye Min grimaced while she lifted the scepter high into the air and declared, “I have the power,” making everyone laugh. She handed it to Shaun, “nope not me either,” she said with a smile.

  Shaun held it with both hands wanting it so bad but he heard nothing. He thought about lying, but decided against it not knowing if there would be a consequence to that action. Handing the scepter back to Treyson he declared, “me either.”

  Treyson took the scepter from Shaun then he had a change of heart and handed it back saying, “I need someone else to carry and protect it till we find the rightful heir. I will help you make a sling to make it easier, ok?”

  Shaun had a surprised look as he took it back, “thanks, I promise to take care of it, but you don’t have to make a sling, there’s one here that someone has already made.” Shaun picked up the leather holster and slid the scepter in then snapping the cap over top; it reminded him of a cue stick carrier. He stood proud with a big grin after slinging it over his shoulder.

  “If we get separated watch out for the tech warriors they might think you are the heir of Gao,” Treyson laughed.

  Walking out of the museum into the bright sunshine, Treyson inf
ormed them that they have one more stop to make before heading to Nevada, his office. He wanted to retrieve the favorite picture of his wife that sat on his desk. It was across town which meant either taking the tunnel or drive around the bay which would be time consuming so he decided on the tunnel. As did Treyson, Shaun slid his new found weapon off his shoulder and onto the backrest of the passenger seat still elated that he had been entrusted with it. He glanced back at the others as they got in the van looking for their reaction, but no one seemed to pay any mind, yet he sat a little straighter in his seat as he looked forward.

  Going through the tunnel proved to be challenging as vehicles had randomly stopped along the way as Treyson had to twice push cars that had the road blocked. Upon exiting the long tunnel Treyson noticed that they were down to a half a tank, “does anyone know how to siphon gas,” he asked eyeing the other through the rearview mirror. Nobody spoke up except for Ye Min who raised her hand. “Ye Min you know how, really,” Treyson asked?

  “Well I never have, but I watched Jim a few times and I think there’s an easier way,” She said shyly.

  All eyes turned to her as Treyson said, “I’m all ears Ye Min the last thing I want to do is take a chance of getting gas in my mouth.”

  “Well” she said, “my dad was a mechanical design engineer with a big company that was designing a portable fuel cell for residential use. He showed me once when the city had a blackout how to hook up one to power the whole house. That’s what I did before Jim and his bunch found me. They took over my house because it had power, but they had no clue how or why even though Jim thought he knew. “

  “So what you are saying is we could use a fuel cell to power up a gas station and pump our own gas,” Shaun asked?

  “Yes, but more so, I think we should carry one in the back so we can use it whenever we need it.”

  “And you would know where we could get one of these fuel cells,” Treyson asked?

  “We could either go back to my place or to the company where my dad worked,” she answered.

  “Not your place Ye Min, I would be tempted to kill them all,” Esther protested.

  What’s the name of the company where your dad worked Ye Min,” Treyson asked?

  “American Fuels Technologies have you heard of it,” She replied?

  “I think so,” he answered, “but it was heavily guarded. I guess that won’t be a problem now.” He laughed then continued, “It’s only a couple miles from my office we will stop there afterwards.”

  The office building where Treyson had worked loomed before him, missed somewhat as he wished for the day when his life was normal. He would be happy to work here again with its long hours and low pay just to have his wife back, he would even be happy with Ms. Thompson. He chuckled under his breath at the thought as he walked through the large, mostly glass, double door entrance adjusting his sword; he wouldn’t be foolish enough to leave that behind anymore.


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