The Renewal

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The Renewal Page 25

by Joseph Ferguson

  Chapter 25

  The platform descended deep into the ground and even though Ye Min used the reflector to light up the rock walls Treyson still had an eerie feeling. He was glad when it came to a stop as Cid hurried them off the platform allowing it to return to the surface.

  Esther shivered.

  The enormity of the underground tunnel was overwhelming. Ye Min’s light mostly cast shadows in the dark huge passageway. It was the echoes that gave evidence to the vastness of the place.

  Cid led them towards a red light that blinked silently in the distance. They followed gazing, dazed by the fact they weren’t on Earth anymore.

  “The tunnel was not natural, but constructed,” Cid began to explain while Treyson thought to himself that the blackened rock walls reminded him of coal, yet there was a distinct cinnamon smell. His mind caught back up with Cid who continued to explain, “Before the technology to artificially heat the planet and clean the air came about, this was the housing for the population. Though now mostly abandoned it is extensive.”

  “How long did they live down here,” Ye Min interrupted shyly?

  “Less than a decade,” he added. “That was before the technology to refine the planet’s atmosphere was invented, it’s what necessity dictated. Most of the inventions to take care of the people came when it was needed not before, though they knew it was coming for a few millennia.”

  “The person who invented that must have been paid handsomely,” Treyson said with a big smile.

  “Every election since has given the leadership of this planet to his family and it’s been in the Zon family ever since.

  “That doesn’t sound like a good thing,” Treyson said straight-faced.

  “It was until now,” Cid answered.

  “At least it smells good down here,” Esther chuckled saying, “It reminds me of Christmas.”

  “That’s the aviance,” Cid said. “I can’t believe that it’s still working.”

  “Aviance,” Treyson asked?

  “An audio signal embedded in the walls that triggers the memory part of the brain associated with favorite things, targeting smell,” Cid said smiling, “I used to think it smelled like fried achtan.”

  “It smells like spring cherry blossoms to me,” Ye Min spoke with a hint of laughter. “Now that’s cool technology!”

  “Wait,” Treyson said thinking, “Cid you said you thought it smelled like fried achtan. I thought you were a hologram. How can you smell?”

  Cid laughed, “I’m as real as you except I am caught in this de-molecular state and of course now my sense of smell is gone as well as my touch.”

  “That’s amazing,” Ye Min said, “How?

  “I was part of a government sponsored transport experiment. NeeCalla, the lead skill, had determined the calculations as I sat in the transfer booth. When the ok was given she engaged the mozzy strap and I felt my body heat up and just when I thought my body was going to explode I fell asleep. I woke up about five days later lying on the booths floor. The equipment except for the booth was gone,” Cid said as his head hang down.

  “Wow Cid you were lucky to survive,” Esther spoke wide eyed.

  “That’s not the worst of it,” he said looking up at Esther. “After I woke up I looked for NeeCalla only to find out that they put her to death as well as destroying the equipment and all knowledge pertaining to experiment hoping to dissuade others from trying it again.”

  “Why,” Treyson asked?

  “They thought that it had taken my life, and that was the law.”

  “Is it really that bad, I mean your situation,” Ye Min asked?

  “I’m not sure, see I am never hungry, but I miss taste and smelling. I never have to sleep, but I miss dreaming. I also miss holding my wife, well she left me anyway for a more solid guy,” he said with a short laugh.

  No one else laughed.

  “There has to be something good from it,” Ye Min spoke.

  “Data,” Cid answered, “my head is full of data, mostly past knowledge, yet some is added daily. I also have access to lots of the data I got when I was on your planet.”

  “Cid, how much do you know about the Earth and its renewals,” Treyson asked?

  “According to the archives, data has been kept on the last twenty renewals experienced by your planet. Each time one portal from here has been opened on Earth to secure a foothold trying to put technology as the dominant science.”

  “Of the twenty recorded times, how many times did technology win,” Treyson asked?

  “Fifteen,” Cid answered?

  “Wow that’s surprising. You would think that your planet would have a greater foothold than they do,” Esther spoke up.

  “Those of magic can always keep a small amount of their people on the planet no matter who wins, caretakers is what they call them. Plus when magic wins they reset the planet back to its original state making it difficult for technology, always having to start over,” Cid answered with a sigh.

  “I say that magic is at a disadvantage in that it has to accomplish a task in order to win and technology does nothing,” Treyson said shrugging his shoulders.

  “Is there no magic on this planet,” Esther asked changing the subject slightly?

  “No it is not allowed,” Cid said sternly.

  “Not allowed,” Esther questioned eyebrows raised.

  “All objects of magic have been destroyed and if any are ever uncovered they too are destroyed. Magicians, illusionist and such have been outlawed; practicing these will cost you your life.”

  “So magic once existed here,” Treyson asked?

  Cid looked at Treyson saying, “yes, many millennia ago, we too were much like your planet. Then those of that time decided that magic was holding back technological advances so they destroyed everything magic, even the great staff which supposedly possessed great power.”

  “What about creatures like dragons, were they once here too,” Ye Min asked?

  “Only myth tells of such a thing, but they never existed,” Cid said while looking back towards the platform. His voice trailed off as he looked up, listening to the hum of the platform descending again. “You’ve got to go,” he shouted, “head for the red light then take the passageway to the right! I will meet you there.”

  They stood there alone as Cid disappeared.

  “Let’s go,” Treyson said while motioning for the others to follow. They ran for the blinking light which loomed far into the distance. The clatter of their footsteps echoed off the walls as it mixed with the hum of the elevator. They were nearing their destination when two booms resounded above them as the gigantic hallway lit up exposing the four leathered armored men standing by the blinking red light holding what looked glowing clubs. Pulling the sword from its sheath on the run Treyson screamed, “Friend or foe?”

  “Foe,” cried one of the men, as he stepped forward. With weapon in hand he ran towards Treyson bringing the club up in an arc. Both weapons clanged with sparks as Treyson parried just in time, hesitating for a brief second when he realized there was no voice.

  “Where you at,” Treyson spoke to the sword barely audible. There was no answer as he danced sideways to avoid the club aimed for his head. Maybe it’s asleep he thought as he brought the sword around in front of him twisting his hand and cutting through the man’s armor like butter and drawing blood.

  “At least you’re still sharp,” Treyson spoke out loud as he watched the man step back and examine the wound to his chest, then fall over.

  Another of the men came forward bringing his glowing club around which met Treyson’s sword with a clank, both weapons held together by will and muscle. Ye Min stepped around Treyson touching his combatant on the leg with the reflector sending a strong shock through his body and causing him to drop instantly to the ground. Esther quickly tried to pick up his glowing club, but found it was attached to the glove the man wore. She removed the glove and the club disappeared. Slipping the big glove onto her hand, she felt it
conform, almost as if it wasn’t even there.

  Treyson now fought both of the others, trying to keep them at bay, parrying their attacks and side stepping their advances. Esther was trying to figure how to make the glove work when she heard Ye Min yell, “Tap the back of the glove.”

  After listening to her, Esther felt her hand warm up as the club reappeared, though it didn’t seem to have any weight. Moving up beside Treyson one of the attackers turned towards her bringing his club and grin her way. Bumping his club and stepping into his attack she brought a surprised look to his face as she placed her elbow hard into his unarmored neck. Esther spun around him and brought the club to the back of his neck causing it to snap. The now lone attacker stepped back with hands in the air, “I’m sorry,” he spoke with a worried look on his face. Turning to run, Esther started to give chase, but Treyson grabbed her by the back of her shirt telling her to forget it causing her to stop. They watched as the man ran back towards the platform. Ye Min took one of the gloves from one of the attackers stuffing it in her back pocket, saying it was for a souvenir.

  “That was rather easy,” Esther said with a confused look on her face.

  “I think they were sent to delay us, not defeat us,” Treyson said looking towards the divided passageway then walking in that direction. The other two followed. “We better hurry they will be on us soon,” Treyson said as they started to walk faster.

  The huge passageway came to an end and divided into two hallways. The one to the right which had Cid told them to take was narrow, cooler and was on a slight upward slant. A couple huddled beneath a blanket along the wall watched as they passed by. Another leaned against the wall head down between their legs. The further they walked more and more people appeared mostly just staring as the passed by. An opening materialized up the path in front of them in which Treyson could see the distant sun in their sky. Just as he began to wonder where Cid was he stood before them with a worried look. “They are closing in on you. Somehow they are tracking you. You need to rid yourselves of everything you picked up since you got here,” Cid whispered urgently. Esther pulled off the glove and tossed it as did Ye Min though with a grunt of disagreement. She watched as a dirty faced boy picked up both of the discarded gloves stuffing them into his jacket.

  They walked out of the tunnels opening and into the streets of a great city. No cars were on the streets, just a few trolleys that seemed to hover just above the ground. Looking up Treyson noticed that cars were parked on ledges about two stories high. Cid explained that about two hundred years ago the combustion engine gave way to the dark energy fuel cell engine. Only trolleys are allowed on this level and a magnetic force keeps all others at the higher levels depending on the driver’s skill level. A trolley stopped near them and Cid told them to board and don’t get off till he meets them near its final stop at the recharge station.

  Good Treyson thought as he climbed aboard at least we can get some rest. Esther got on right behind him saying, “I hope this is a dining car, I’m starved.”

  “Me too, Ye Min added as she followed.

  The trolley was empty with no riders or food. There wasn’t even a conductor onboard just a computer screen showing its itinerary. Ye Min saw that it would at least be an hour before they would arrive at the recharge station so Treyson said they might as well get some sleep. Closing his eyes his mind went to the day he found his sword.


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