The Renewal

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The Renewal Page 27

by Joseph Ferguson

  Chapter 27

  “What’s in that structure,” EnCharles asked while pointing to a white small building sitting by itself?”

  “That’s my dad’s private workshop where he keeps his pride and joy,” Luke said with a serious look.

  “Pride and joy…, I don’t understand,” EnCharles said.

  “I know I shouldn’t, but come on I will show you, but you can’t touch it. Dad would be mad, I was only allowed in there a few times.” Luke led him to the building and with a hushed “sorry dad” he unlatched the door and opened it.

  EnCharles was surprised by the brightness of the light when Luke flipped the switch, but it was the bright red automobile in the middle of the room that intrigued him. The metallic paint seemed to glisten as he rubbed his hands lightly across the hood. “It’s an Earth automobile probably with an ancient combustible engine, how can this be a pride and joy,” he remarked, “If I had the time and with my skill I could build an automobile that would make this look like a pile of junk.”

  Luke’s boyish face looked to be hurt by EnCharles’ statement, but he came to his dad’s defense anyway, “that’s a 65 Mustang and my dad wouldn’t take the time to rebuild something from the ground up if he considered it inferior. He was very smart and everything he did was with skill.”

  “I see your dad was very skillful, but like most Earth dwellers it is usually one dimensional. He seemed to be a skilled planter, I give him that.”

  “My dad was very smart. Here let me show you,” Luke said determined as he walked over to the car. Another whispered “sorry dad” as he opened the door. The interior lights came on instantly revealing black leather bucket seats and a matching polished dash. A look of pride came across Luke’s face as pulled a set of keys from his pocket and shoved one in the ignition. He looked at EnCharles and smiled as he turned the key. The engine jumped to life and after a few seconds purred without a miss.

  “Wow, can I use this,” EnCharles asked thinking of his ride to Nevada?

  “Are you crazy my dad would have my hide,” Luke replied quickly turning off the ignition. EnCharles just stared at him. After about a few seconds of being stared at Luke spoke, “I know he’s gone, but..., he was my dad and I have to still respect his stuff.”

  “Your dad was a smart man, maybe he did all this for you, so you could survive,” EnCharles said with a smile and a pat on Luke’s shoulder.

  A tear trickled down Luke’s cheek when he thought of his parents, “maybe you’re right, but I’m coming with you and I’m driving.”

  “Agreed, but understand it could be dangerous. There are forces that will be trying to stop me,” EnCharles said with a serious tone.

  “I can handle myself,” Luke said with a half-smile as he turned to head back out of the garage, “I will go pack my things.”

  “We should get going as soon as possible and pack some more of those fresh vegetables,” EnCharles said rubbing his belly.

  He could hear Luke’s laughter as he walked out of the garage. He turned to look over this Earth machine that would take him towards the portal. He figured it too would probably quit running part way there, as all Earth technology is susceptible to the high content of salt in the air. He had figured it out from looking at the automobiles along the way with their batteries and connections easily corroding. It took him a moment but he figured how to open the hood to look at the engine and was surprised when he did. There was a coating of some kind on the batteries connections preventing corrosion as well as other electrical connections near the engine. Luke’s dad was a skilled man, he thought. It was hard for him to believe that about someone on this planet, he would have liked to have met him.

  A smile came across his face as Luke came back in carrying a duffle bag and watched as he opened the trunk, stuffing it in. EnCharles was already carrying his possessions on his back which he removed and tossed into the back seat. Luke reached down grasping the handle and rolled opened the garage door that moved easily on its track.

  “You ready,” Luke asked as he got into the driver’s seat and started the car?

  With a nod of his head EnCharles got into the passenger side and closed the door. Luke spun the tires as he pulled out of the garage, “oops sorry dad,” came from his lips. He drove up to the house and jumped out of the car grabbing the cooler off the porch stuffing it too into the back seat. “Couldn’t forget the fresh vegetables” he said with a smile. “I also packed a few of dads beers, might get a little thirsty out on the road.”

  “Beers,” EnCharles questioned?

  “You know alcohol,” Luke said rolling his eyes while tipping his pinky and thumb like he is drinking from a mug.

  “A drink that alters your mind, interesting, we outlawed the stuff where I’m from years ago and only the unskilled drink the stuff. Most spend their time in search of greater knowledge in hopes of creating some new technology.”

  “What do you do for fun then,” Luke said with narrowed eyes as he pulled onto the highway.

  “Fun.., comes when you have learned some new skill and are enlightened by new knowledge,” EnCharles said, the corners of his lips turned up with pride.

  Luke shrugged his shoulders, “don’t sound like fun to me, just sounds like a lot of schoolen.”

  They drove in silence for a while both lost in their own thoughts. EnCharles’s thoughts went to destroying portal. He hoped he had brought enough reversers to shut it down; it had worked when tested back on his planet, but there was no way of knowing for sure. It was new technology so ZonTaylor would have no idea how to counteract it.

  After a couple hours Luke felt his eyes close so he opened up the window allowing the cool December air in, hoping to wake up. EnCharles, dozing felt the breeze and noticed Luke’s droopy eyes he said, “If you’re tired let me drive.”

  Luke once droopy eyes sprang open, “this is my dad’s pride and joy, and he would be upset if something would happen to it. Besides have you ever driven car before?”

  “I’ve driven before though not an Earth car, but I think I can handle it. Your dad won’t care, If I take it easy,” EnCharles said after thinking your dad is dead.

  “Maybe for an hour or two so I catch a few zs’s, but be careful, ok,” Luke said as he pulled over to the edge of the road. EnCharles smiled when he got behind the steering wheel causing Luke to find it difficult to lay back and sleep. They had driven for a few minutes before coming up over a hill and seeing a petite, presumably a girl walks up the road. Her long black hair draped over the overstuffed backpack that hung loosely from her shoulders. Her brown boots which were obviously too big as the sides came right at her knees though compensating for her pink snowsuit that was a couple sizes too small.

  Luke told EnCharles to pull up beside her.

  The sound of the car made her hesitate as if she was hearing things. She turned and looked at them when they stopped beside her. Black bangs sat atop her red framed, thick lensed glasses that seemed to magnify her slightly slanted eyes. Her round face with a barely visible chin was dirty with streaks of old and fresh made tears. A frown that seemed frozen in place was eclipsed by a beaming smile when Luke opened the car door.

  “Are you ok little girl,” he asked still sitting in the car, but with feet on the ground and bent over to look at her? She clasps her arms around his neck pulling her tight against him just as he got the last words out of his mouth. Surprising him he stood up out of the car pulling her up at the same time, “brutter,” she seemed to say amongst her sobs and now new tears. He tried speaking softly to her reassuring her, but she held on tight. She wept for a minute or so then muttered, “I mithed you.” Her words came slowly separated by sniffs.

  “My name is Luke, can you tell me yours,” he said softly to her while still holding her tight?

  She pulled back quickly looking at his face for a moment, then said amongst new sobs, “I thought, (sob) you (sniff) wath my brutter (sniff) Donny.” She continued to look into his face for a moment longer, “he i
th in (she draws in a deep breath) the Army.” She put her head on Luke’s shoulder, “I mith him” she said softly.

  “Do you want to come with us,” Luke asked while getting a protest stare from EnCharles?

  “Can I,” her eyes brightened as she spoke?

  “Yes, but you have to tell us your name so I know what to call you,” he said.

  She looked at him and smiled, “my name ith thuzy.”

  “Suzy, what a pretty name for such a pretty girl,” he said understanding she has a hard time saying the letter s. As he stood her back on the ground, “how about that pack, I will put it in the back for you.”

  “That ok I can do it” she said as she took it off, tossing it in the back, and climbing in afterwards.

  “Where were you walking to,” EnCharles asked her, hoping to let her out in the nearest town. Having a kid with them meant more responsibility and he already had lots on his mind.

  “Evada,” She said with a big smile. She continued without letting them speak. “I dream of a princeth in a blue dreth who told me to go there. Thee thaid I am the giver.”

  “Do you mean Nevada,” Luke asked?

  “Yeth, (her smile grew to where her teeth were showing) that what thee thaid.”

  “That’s where we are going too. Would you like to ride with us all the way,” Luke said again getting a protest stare by EnCharles.

  “Yeth, I would” she said clapping her hands together. “Did you dream of the princeth too?”

  “No little one, I’m just helping EnCharles get there,” he said pointing at EnCharles.

  “Oh, (yawning) I am theepy,” she said laying her head on her backpack.

  She was asleep within minutes as gaps of snoring came from her. EnCharles looked at Luke, “what’s wrong with her,” he asked?

  “Downs Syndrome, my cousin was born that way too,” Luke answered.

  “Birth defect, huh, why did the doctors let her live,” he asked?

  “Didn’t you see how special she is? Why would anyone want to eradicate innocence from their land? I feel sorry for your people,” Luke spoke angrily.

  “What kind of skills could she possibly learn? How can she contribute,” he shot back with a stare?

  “Don’t you see love as a skill? I bet she has that one mastered.”

  EnCharles laughed, “How is it possible for a child that young to have mastered love, with that defect she probably mastered hate though. I would if I had to grow up that way.”

  Luke quit talking and stared out the window, now to irate to sleep. He wanted to argue more, but remembered what his dad had said to him as he grew up, that some people are just to thickheaded to understand truth. He used to think his dad was talking about him, making him laugh. Now he understands. He laid the seat back and closed his eyes, faking sleep so he wouldn’t have to talk anymore.


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