The Renewal

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The Renewal Page 33

by Joseph Ferguson

  Chapter 32

  Area 51 sat on a large flat plain at the foot between two mountain ranges and normally off limits to the average citizen. Now it has become a gathering place for nations. There are no flags, no banners, no distinction of country, for these have gathered as Earth dwellers. The old is joined by the young both male and female to battle a foe much like themselves. A place once speculated to house aliens, but soon the truth be told, it was built by aliens and humans alike. The humans were seeking riches and power through new technologies, and the aliens because of the need to restart a sun. The humans now gather to stop what some others have started, but a little too late.

  Luke parked the car off the road at the bottom of the mountain still a good ways from the portal. Vehicles of all kinds and people clogged the road ahead. Coming down out of the mountains EnCharles estimated maybe a hundred thousand people and he said not nearly enough to win the battle that’s about to come. Suzy had been quiet for a while but in good spirits as she would still smile and laugh at Luke’s jokes.

  Once out of the car EnCharles said he had lots of work to do. He bent down and kissed Suzy saying he would see her soon knowing this would probably be the last. Standing close to Luke he quietly told him to watch over Suzy and keep her safe. He turned as he started to walk away saying if he is successful he would meet them back here, he wanted to learn more about Luke’s dads’ type of farming. He grabbed his pack, tapped the back of his gloved hand and disappeared.

  Suzy pointed up near a copse of trees where a group of about a hundred horsemen rode up. She smiled and said, “horthey.”

  Luke laughed, he watched as they continued to ride towards the portal seemingly led by a woman in a dark green cloak. Most were wearing swords and axes reminding him of a movie set, they seemed out of place with the guns and the couple tanks setting in the distance. Suzy slipped her backpack on and started to walk; Luke told her to hold on while he got the small tent and bag he had packed out of the trunk. They walked together to the copse of trees where others had already begun to set up camp. He watched three kids ran past headed in the same direction, a baby cried in the distance, hard to believe a war is about to take place here, he thought. It seemed more like people had gathered for an outside concert or maybe a fair. Maybe it was the huge swirling smoky portal stretching about a half a mile wide that was more of an attraction like Mount Rushmore, then something that might bring destruction. People were mingling about speculating as to what the aliens might look like that come through. Luke laughed when one man said they were eight legged blobs. Another said that they are giants and that’s why the portal is so big. He hated to tell them that they are human just like them, just more technologically advanced.

  Suzy helped him set up the tent and put the things from the car in there. Luke wanted to keep her a great distance (he estimated two miles) from the portal and hopefully from the battle. Once settled Suzy wanted to go to the lake, which was about a half a mile closer to the portal, Luke obliged even though it would take them closer than he wanted to get. As they walked there she was smiling and the closer they got to the water the more she seemed elated.

  “Why you so happy,” Luke asked?

  “In my dream I thaw the princeth near the water,” She answered slowly. “And I help her” she added. He had gotten used to her facial expressions caused by the downs syndrome, her slow speech and the comical way she sometimes signed. “How did you help her,” Luke asked smiling?

  “I don’t remember,” She said, but spoke on, “I am the giver that what the magic woman thaid.

  “A princess and a magic woman, this should make for an interesting battle,” saying as he grabbed her hand and walked to the lake.

  The ride to Nevada had been mostly quiet for Big John; Leon had stayed pretty much to himself. Except for a nod or two and a couple grunts he mainly stared off into space. Big John had thought about riding up front with the driver for more conversation, but a few minutes in the passenger seat and the smell, he decided he liked it better in the back. Some people must think baths are a thing of the past, he decided.

  Upon arriving to Area 51 the driver had maneuvered the truck around other vehicles bringing stares and shouts. It was when he went through a large group setting up tents that got him the most complaints. Once within the last quarter mile radius of the portal there was no obstacles it was supposedly off limits or at least nobody was to set up camp here. He parked on the right side of the portal, close about ten feet away.

  Big John and the driver helped unload Leon’s three crates; the driver seemed worried and was in a hurry to leave. Afterwards Leon immediately started to set up his tent keeping to himself. Big John decided to pitch his away from here the portal was making him nervous not sure what could come through at any time. He walked with his pack and bag back towards what was left of civilization. Sweat oozed from his pores brought on by the heat and cloudless sky, he estimated the temperature to be near one hundred. The closer he got to the lake the more tempting a quick swim became, but he needed to set up his tent and try to find some type of command here first.

  Alanasse was busy trying to help his people get camp set up. He had watched the Galdar sing her hut from the ground many times before, but Elisabeth had not. She watched with amazement as the tree roots came up out of the ground along with thick vines securing the building together. She was hoping to learn that song soon but the Galdar told her she didn’t until her second age. The Galdar’s voice heightened as the branches budded then leaves sprouted forming the roof causing Elisabeth to applaud. She thought if she can ever do that she would sing up apple tree roots and grape vines so fruit would hang inside her room. The thought made her laugh. A group of people had gathered watching as she sung the hut into existence. The Galdar soon became the talk of the camp as word got around that a woman possessing magic was among them.

  She followed the Galdar inside once she was done singing only to find it was not like the hut before. Now two large tables grown from thick branches sat in the middle of the room. Also, there were no windows the Galdar told her to try and sing for light to hang on the ceiling. It’s an easy enough song she told her. The Galdar told her to think of darkness and bring in the light the song should be there. She closed her eyes trying to picture darkness, but couldn’t see it, too much running through her mind. Then she thought of death, her dad, her mom and others she had sung for and the darkness that it brings. There she found it surprising herself, then began to sing softly, almost inaudible. This song was different it had flow. She understood it. She lifted her voice. She could feel the light and it made her happy. The song ended bringing a little sadness then she opened her eyes. She saw the ceiling filled with glowing bulbs and stares from the Galdar. The room was filled with soft brightness nothing to hurt the eyes, wonderful, she thought.

  Alanasse walked in noticing the brightness of the room, “you over did yourself Galdar. The sun is up but it’s brighter in here.”

  “Where’s Morwin,” she asked ignoring him.

  “He should be here any minute now,” he said just as Morwin walked in.

  “Morwin we need to organize some type of defense strategy, they could start coming through at any time and we need to be ready. Gather some men to help in the process and start setting up a perimeter,” the Galdar commanded as she turned to Elisabeth. “You need to organize some people to help with the wounded there will be lots. Have a couple tents set up a good distance from the portal and look for people who have healing experience.”

  “Yes Galdar,” she said as she walked hurriedly towards the door following Morwin.

  “Oh and if you see that imp friend of yours send him to me,” the Galdar said to Elisabeth as she walked out.

  “Yes ma’am,” she responded closing the door behind her.

  Elisabeth headed for the dining tent that’s where Shaun had been hanging out of late since befriending the cook. He says it’s because they talk about recipes, but she knew it
was more than likely the free ale that was available there. Sure enough he was there with tent already up and the smell of food in the air, sitting outside with mug in hand. He smiled when she approached, “ye been missin me have ye lassie.” Pulling out the leprechaun voice, she knew he has had way too much ale.

  “The Galdar wants to see you,” she said stopping in front of him.

  “That witch.., wants to see me? Shaun stood with a slight stagger, “alrighty then.” He sat back down. “You might have to help me,” he said.

  “Shaun it is way too early in the day for you to be like this,” she said as she put her arm under his helping him back up.

  “I guess.., could be our last days, need to stay cheerful,” he said reaching for his mug. Elisabeth moved it out of his reach. “Let’s go,” she said.

  She was struggling to get him back towards the Galdar’s tent when she was joined by Alanasse who grabbed Shaun’s other side making him easier to move. They deposited him on the floor in the Galdar’s tent then they both walked out leaving him to her care. The Galdar laughed then started singing softly, her words barely audible, but Shaun felt himself start to sweat. Something was going on as his mind cleared slightly and a bout of nausea swept through him. Jumping up he ran for the door barely making it through before relieving his stomach of its contents. The ale high was gone replaced by a slight headache and the need for a bath.

  The Galdar smiled when he came back in, “feeling better charmer?”

  “Slightly what did you do to me witch?”

  “I need you sober when the men start to arrive. We need to set up a defense against the enemy that will surely come through that portal soon. We need calmness in the meeting. The less arguing the faster we can put together a strategy.”

  Shaun laughed, “why do you need me sing to them.”

  She gave him an intense stare, “you have the ability to set the mood of the meeting; the less hostile the better. Matter of fact you can make them do what you want all you have to do is touch them. Understand?”

  “So you want me to make them agree with everything you say,” he said shaking his head.

  “No, I need their thoughts and their ideas, I don’t have all the answers,” she spoke then added. “Just make the meeting calm. That’s all I ask from you, Shaun.”

  She said his name which was odd for her. Maybe he has read her all wrong. Maybe she doesn’t want control, but just to protect the Earth. “I will help you Galdar,” he said with a smile.

  “Thanks. Make sure no one gets in without you shaking hands with them,” she said just as two men walked through the door.

  Shaun stepped up and greeted them with outreached hand, “Hello my name is Shaun.”

  The first man was stocky built with long hair pulled back into a pony tail with a shotgun slung over his shoulder, “my names John Westerman, but you can just call me Big John if you like.”

  Shaun smiled he knew this man met him before, pub owner like himself, “from Scotland huh, can tell by your accent. Have a nice meeting,” he spoke as he gave his hand to the other man. “Hello, my names Shaun,” he said.

  “They call me Captain. You can to I guess,” he said with not much of a smile as he followed Big John.

  “Have a nice meeting,” Shaun spoke as he watched him walked away.

  He stood and shook hands with all those entering doing the bidding of the Galdar, removing anger and anxiety from them, allowing them to stay calm. Alanasse came in with Morwin at the last saying this was it. The room was full; Shaun had counted twelve men and eight women, one in which carried an ak47 which for some reason made him nervous.

  The Galdar introduced herself and Alanasse who then led the meeting thereafter. He spoke of an enemy that was capable of creating the portal to be one of great power. He told them that our position will to be one of defense not aggression, most agreed. A tall man dressed in camouflage said two men who came with them from California walked through the portal two days ago and have never returned. Alanasse asked Morwin to set up guards to make sure no one else goes through the portal. They appointed three of the men and three of the woman to set up the defense. The others he would use to get a count of what weapons and ammunition they would have at their disposal and try to arm everyone capable. He also asked if there was an actual count of the people that have gathered. Shaun estimated about eighty thousand, but said he would try to get a more accurate number. Alanasse was getting ready to dismiss the meeting when seemingly from nowhere EnCharles appeared standing beside him.


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