The Renewal

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The Renewal Page 36

by Joseph Ferguson

  Chapter 35

  Treyson stepped towards the portal awaiting the command to enter. He had watched the last of four large men step through just seconds ago, yet they had not appeared on the other side. He would have figured it to be instantaneous. It was remarkable the clarity with which he could see beyond, the rows of cars just a few hundred feet in front and those beyond just milling about unbothered that real soon the enemy was coming through. He had given thought to running once he got to the other side, but the chain that hung around his neck carried a blue crystal that emitted the continuous images of Ye Min being tortured. He hated it and even thought about ripping it off, but he had to make sure she was ok. ZonTaylor had promised if he fought and even if he died she would be set her free. He had to protect her. He had promised her.

  He glanced back at the floating dais of ZonTaylor, but just for a second in hopes of catching a glimpse of Sara. It was hovering about fifteen feet off the ground, high enough he couldn’t see her, but he hoped anyway. ZonTaylor stood with hands behind his back smiling and looking down at him. He would recognize him, but those on Earth would not, they used technology to change his appearance. They would take him as an armed soldier like the thirty that surrounded him waiting to go through. If he was going to die he was glad it would be back on Earth, he longed for home. He was sad as he looked at the people of Earth through the large portal as if he was standing before a drive-in movie screen. The final days of life were upon them, defeating ZonTaylor’s army was an impossible task. He felt sad for magic and for the quest. He had failed, he had made the wrong choice, and he should have stayed and helped find the heir to the scepter.

  He watched as the first tank appeared on the other side, that’s what ZonTaylor calls them. The nearly eight feet tall man was dressed completely in blue armor with what looked like blue orbs floating above him. At first they didn’t notice him until he sent one of the orbs into the row of cars in front of the portal. The explosion blew the car apart sending burning metal into the crowds of people and although there was no sound here he knew it must have been deafening as well as a lot of screaming. He heard ZonTaylor boisterous laugh as a missile of some kind sent from somewhere in the back landing unexploded just a few feet from the tank. Two more of the orbs were sent shredding the cars they hit causing more shrapnel to fly into the people though most had taken cover. The tank looked to be laughing as he sent the rest of the orbs blowing a wide hole through their wall of cars, though the metal seemed to hit an invisible barrier and falling harmlessly out of the way. The tank stepped to the side drawing a large sword as tank number two appeared.

  This tank was dressed in green armor, he too was tall with a wide body and on his arms were mounted weapons of some sort. Treyson closed his eyes dreading the death this man was about to deliver. ZonTaylor’s said amongst his laughter, “watch this tank he’s my favorite, I just wish we had audio already so we could hear the screams.” The tank lifted both arms up eye level then shot a blue flame from the ground up higher than his head and out as far as Treyson could see. The cars were ablaze and melting from the scorching heat, he could imagine what was happening to the people beyond the barrier. Once the tank expended the fuel for the flames he dropped the flame throwers and drew a sword also while stepping aside. Through the smoke Treyson saw a group of men charging up the middle past the now charred and melted remains of the automobiles. His heart was gladdened when he saw that the group of men were led by Morwin with axe in hand. Ducking the sword swung by the green tank Morwin moved inside bringing his axe across the thigh severing the bone through the armor like it wasn’t even there. He smiled when he saw one of Morwin’s men run the tank through with his spear. Treyson knew ZonTaylor was getting angry about now. The blue tank brought his sword around decapitating the one with the spear and nearly cutting off the arm of Morwin. Treyson grimaced at the sight.

  The white tank stepped through the portal sending lightning along the ground frying the remaining of Morwin and his men leaving behind smoking remains. Treyson closed his eyes; he didn’t want to watch anymore, but when he closed them the images of a tortured Ye Min were too strong. Lightning came from the white tank’s hand; it cracked the air as he randomly executed people standing in the camp. He didn’t seem to care whether it be man, woman or child. Somehow the sounds of the battle came through making ZonTaylor shout “about time.” The Captain’s team charged the tanks with swords and clubs drawn, but before they could reach them the white tank released tiny electrically charged baubles. Leaving all but Big John and another man incapacitated. Big John was on him quickly bringing up his machete into the groin of the tank cutting into the armor, but he felt the voltage just as it knocked him backwards dazing him. Picking up the machete he noticed the blades edge had been melted and realized if not for the rubber handle he too would have be electrocuted. Another group came into the melee bearing hand weapons of all sorts some even had what looked like to Treyson to be handmade. The blue tank fought them killing a few of them before being overwhelmed. Treyson gave an audible yes when the tank was brought down causing a stare from ZonTaylor.

  The final, but largest of the tanks came through the portal, its color was red and its power was terrible. It made a horrible noise as its large hands it the sandy dirt causing the earth to shake. He watched as it bored itself into the ground then disappearing. He couldn’t tell what was happening but he could hear the heart wrenching screams. Treyson looked back at ZonTaylor who was standing with the sword of MacAlistair raised into the air shouting, “swallow them up, earth tank”. Treyson hated him mostly for his arrogance and he wished for his demise, yet he always seemed to be on step ahead of his enemies.

  He turned back towards the portal to await their turn to enter when he heard singing. The voice was familiar, it sounded like Elisabeth. His eyes searched for her until he found her standing by herself. A bolt of lightning released from the white tank had no effect as a glowing aura seemed to protect her. The tone of her voice changed slightly deeper and the white tank looked to be frozen. Coming up from behind the charred remains of a truck Big John picked up a spear and stuck it through the eye of the white tank. In the distance he heard the clang of swords as surely the other tank met his death while Elisabeth sang. Somehow her magic had grown, became powerful, Esther would be proud; he wished he could bring her with him.

  The call to attack came from ZonTaylor’s now shaken voice. Treyson didn’t hesitate, he missed home, with laser club in hand he ran into the portal followed by those that had gathered behind him. Not sure how long the delay was, but Elisabeth no longer singing when his feet touched Earth. The images of Ye Min being tortured was still in his mind, but also images of an infant lying beside her with red dots on his small arms and legs. Treyson knew it was his son, he figured ZonTaylor must have thought he would need extra incentive to go through with it.

  The people of Earth had repositioned themselves near the lake using it as their left flank for protection. Big John was standing over the white tank when they came through taking the brunt of the force and dying almost instantly. He didn’t run at first soaking in the feeling of home made him hesitate. Those that came through after him were already on a dead run to the battle as those of Earth advanced to meet them. He lifted his sword into the air and gave a battle cry hoping death would come quick then maybe Ye Min would live a long life. He hoped his son would get to enjoy life and though his wife didn’t love him anymore that she too would be happy. He would run to the battle, he wouldn’t kill but he would give ZonTaylor a show.

  EnCharles sat staring at the reverser device that was supposed to drain the portal of power and shut it down. It wasn’t working somehow the codes had been changed and the chances of figuring it out was astronomical. They must have gotten to Cid or maybe their calculations were just wrong. He saw that ZonTaylor’s main fighting force was getting ready to come through and he couldn’t do anything about it. He saw that the death scouts were gathered in the back; they were his cleanup crew
. He must be so sure of himself to bring them out so soon and just watching him stand arrogantly upon his floating dais made EnCharles angry. He noticed that for some reason ZonTaylor had lower his Dais to about ten feet from the normal thirty, he’s getting careless, EnCharles thought. If I can’t shut down the portal maybe I can change the game another way. He tapped the back of his glove turning invisible, came out of his hiding place by an untouched jeep and slipped through the portal.



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