My Fireman's Secret Baby

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My Fireman's Secret Baby Page 2

by Jamie Knight

  “Would you like to tell me how all of this started?” I ask her.

  “First, I need to thank you for saving the animals,” she says, turning to look up at me.

  At that moment, I realize how attractive she is. This stranger has the biggest green eyes I have ever seen. Set in her small face with a pointed chin, they give the woman a look of innocence.

  “It's no trouble. Just doing my job,” I reply, smiling at her. It's touching how much she cares about the animals.

  We both look over at the smoldering remains of the building. The flames are out now. My colleagues are packing up the hoses and gear. The woman gazes at the wreckage and then down at the ground. There is a sadness about her right now. Her narrow shoulders shake. Finally, she looks at me like she is ready to talk. Tears line her eyes, making them sparkle.

  Just then, a loud scream from the truck gets our attention. We both turn and see one of the firemen backing away from the cab. He hurries to slam the door.

  “Dude! That is one huge snake!” he yells.

  The girl and I both look at each other and start laughing. The situation is kind of funny. The other firefighters crowd around. They are looking through the windows at the boa. The girl and I are both laughing loud and hard. After a few minutes, I stop laughing to catch my breath. She continues. I stare at her oddly. Something about her laughter seems off. After looking at her face, I realize she is actually sobbing. I stand upright and look at her in concern. My heart breaks for her at that moment, so I step forward and spread my arms out. She lays her head on my chest and sobs loudly. I wrap my arms around her.

  I’m not heartless. This has to be a very traumatic experience for her. I hold her while she cries. “It's going to be okay. You are safe, and the animals are safe,” I say, trying to comfort her.

  She continues to cry, loud sobs and deep, ragged gasps. I continue to hold her trying to not notice the warmth of her petite body or the firmness of her breasts pressing against my abs.

  You need to have a caring heart in this line of work.

  As I run a hand over her dark hair, the process of cleaning up goes on around us. I’m focused only on her right now. This part of the job is always sad: the victims dealing with the situation and expressing their emotions. It's unfortunate when it happens to a good-hearted person like this girl. You can tell she is a sweet and decent person because of the care and concern she showed for her animals.

  “Don’t worry. You’re safe here. Take your time,” I say in a soothing voice, petting the silky strands of her hair.

  Eventually, I can hear her stop crying. She sniffles a little, but we continue to hold onto each other. I don’t mind comforting her. She deserves it after the day she has had. I continue to speak comforting words to her after she has already stopped crying, and I watch as the animals are brought out and checked. Some things are carried out from the building as well. I don’t think the woman notices any of this. She continues to stand there in my arms, clinging to me. I’m glad I can be a source of comfort to her right now. I think that is what she needs.

  Chapter Four - Mylah

  I cry and cry. I can’t help it. I never would have imagined something like this happening just when everything was going so right. The sobs are loud even to my own ears, but I can’t stop.

  The big firefighter wraps his muscular, strong arms around me. I let him. I stand there crying into his chest, comforted by the warmth of his body. I can hear him murmuring to me, telling me things are going to be okay. He reminds me again that the animals and I are safe. I do feel safe and supported as I stand here listening to him.

  I slowly stop sobbing, giving a sniffle and a hiccup now and then. Gently, I put my head up and look around. We stand there in silence. Debris is dragged from the wreckage that was once my home. I can’t believe this has happened to me. Why me? And on my first day! I had such high hopes for everything, and now it’s gone. All my dreams and hard work, and savings, just burnt up in an instant. It’s so devastating to think about. I try not to cry again as my chest tightens. This is the worst thing I have ever been through. How am I going to recover from this?

  I hear barking. The firefighters bring out the box with the dog and puppies. They rinse them off gently, give them oxygen, then check each one to make sure they are okay. Afterward, they wrap them in a blanket and put them back into the box. They snuggle up to their mom for comfort, and I feel a sense of relief when I see that.

  Pulling myself away from the firefighter, I wipe my eyes.

  “My name is Kyst,” he says, introducing himself.

  I look up at him, and he gives me a smile that is both friendly and encouraging. I blink a few times, so I’m not dazzled by it. He does have big strong arms and shoulders—gorgeous black hair. Plus, he's super tall. I have to look up at him.

  As I stand there, I realize that I feel safe looking at this man’s handsome face. I am safe thanks to him, so I tell him everything. His blue eyes fill me with a momentary sense of calm.

  “My name is Mylah. This was my home. I’m not sure what started the fire. It was just a normal day, taking care of the animals. I just opened my vet business,” I explain. Kyst listens calmly but with a grave expression as I continue talking. “Obviously, this is a disaster, especially since today was my first day of business. I spent all my money opening this place, and I haven’t had a customer yet. Well, now I guess I never will.” I gesture towards the wreckage. It breaks my heart again, and I have to look away quickly. I’m going to experience a lot of crying and emotions today. I already know it.

  Kyst gently puts a large hand on my shoulder in a gesture of consolation. I appreciate that, nodding my head. “I guess I should look on the bright side. I mean, none of the animals are hurt, and neither am I. I guess this means I should start over again in the future, but I need to focus on now. I don’t have any place to stay.” I drift into momentary silence. “I guess I could camp out here until I figure things out,” I say, looking at the burned building.

  Kyst removes his hand from my shoulder. This causes me to look at him. “That’s not safe. In fact, it’s quite dangerous, and I strongly urge you not to,” he says in an authoritative tone.

  I frown a little. “What else am I going to do?” I question softly. My voice wavers and tears threaten to spill again. I didn’t plan for this. I didn’t think I would ever need to. You never think about situations like this because what are the odds of them actually happening? Well, after today, I would have to say that the odds are pretty good. I need to stay positive right now, but I don’t know how. There is no recovery from something like this.

  I hope my thoughts aren’t showing on my face.

  “You can stay with me. I have an empty guest room you can use,” Kyst says.

  What? My eyes are wide with surprise as I look at him, and butterflies fill my belly. “Oh no! I couldn’t do that. Besides, I don’t want to be a burden. I have my animals, and this is my problem, not yours,” I stammer, trying to hide my embarrassment.

  It was lovely of him to offer that. It is a tempting situation because of all the stress I’m under right now. But, no, he is a complete and total stranger. It’s usually not a good idea when someone makes an offer like that. Then again, I felt so safe and comforted in his arms earlier. I really do need a place to stay. I have to think and figure everything out. Ugh, this is such a nightmare.

  Kyst interrupts my internal drama by waving his hand. “Please, I insist. You can bring the animals too. It’s not right for all of you to be out here suffering,” he says gently.

  I look at him and try not to cry. I’m so overwhelmed with emotions right now. That is the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. “Okay. Thank you. I’ll figure out a way to pay you back for this.”

  His head tilts slightly to the side as he smiles. “It's my pleasure to help you and your animals,” Kyst says.

  My belly fills with butterflies again, and I watch as he walks away to talk to the other fir
efighters. Standing near the truck, I try to take a relaxing breath. I can hear the dogs inside. I’m so glad that they are okay. All I can do now is wait for Kyst to tell me what to do next. My cheeks heat up when I think of his kind offer. You don’t expect that from a stranger. He must be a genuinely nice person to have suggested it.

  Chapter Five - Kyst

  As we all get into the firetruck, we make room for Mylah and her animals. It was my suggestion. I felt like it was the least I could do given her current situation.

  The ride back to the fire station is quiet. The puppies sleep comfortably in their box the whole time. Mylah is silent, just looking out the window. To be honest, I’m concerned about her well-being right now, both mentally and emotionally. She went through such a traumatic experience that destroyed her means of living. When we were standing outside the vet clinic, she looked too emotional to drive herself. That’s why I suggested I give her a lift back with us. Even now, as I drive, I glance at her reflection in the mirror. She is trying so hard to stay positive, but I can see her holding back her tears.

  We arrive at the fire station. The other guys and I jump out. I reach up and help Mylan down. “Thank you,” she says softly. She gives me a small smile, but it doesn’t light up her big green eyes. Once again, I see her emotions.

  One of the firefighters reaches into the truck and grabs the box of puppies. Mylah turns to him. “Can I help you? I want to make sure they are okay,” she asks.

  “Sure. We’re going to give them a real good bath and just check them again to make sure there is no damage to them from the smoke,” he explains.

  As Mylah walks away, I find myself staring. Once again, I am stunned by the care that she is showing for these animals. Since she is busy with the puppies, I remove my gear and change it into my regular clothes. My shift is over for the day. Once I’m changed, I walk back over to the firetruck.

  I almost forgot about the boa constrictor. How could I forget about something like that? I walk back to the truck and open the door. He is curled up under the seat. We both eye each other for a few minutes. I must look pretty ridiculous having a stare down with a snake. Carefully I reach in and lift him out.

  Quickly as possible, I shuffle to my car. He is starting to unwind himself. I hurry and put the snake in the car on the floor of the back seat for now. I shut the door. I’ll figure out how to deal with him later.

  Finally, I look around for Mylah. They have just finished cleaning off the puppies. I watch as she places them back in the box with their mommy, making them more comfortable.

  “Ready to go?” I ask as Mylah walks over to me with the box of puppies. She nods her head. I take the box from her and settle it nicely on the backseat. “Um, I hope it’s okay that the snake is right there?” I ask, pointing at the floor of the back seat.

  “Yeah. Huggie shouldn’t bother us,” she answers.


  She smiles and nods. It’s the first genuine smile I’ve seen, and it makes her whole face light up.

  Now that the animals are safely inside, Mylah sits in the passenger seat. I gently close her door. I get into the car, and we drive away from the fire station. It’s already evening out, and the sun is slowly setting.

  I look over at Mylah when I have a moment. She is quietly staring out the window as the open space of Montana whips past us. The dogs are quiet, probably asleep. I don’t even see the snake. I want to say something to her, but I don’t know what. She doesn’t seem to be in a talking mood, which is understandable, so I focus on the road again. We are driving into the forest now. My land is a good hour from town. I like my privacy and space.

  The sky is growing darker. When I look over at Mylah again, I see that she is asleep. She has her head leaning against the window. I can’t help but smile a little. She looks so beautiful and sweet like that—like an angel. I look back at the road again.

  Mylah definitely reminds me of an angel and not just because of her looks. It’s her kind and caring heart. The way she was so concerned and attentive to those animals. She’s a beautiful person inside and out. I’m glad that I’m able to help her. In fact, I am pleased about it.

  It's nighttime when we arrive at my cabin. Mylah is still asleep. I get out of the car, careful not to wake her. I unlock the cabin door and get everything set up.

  When I walk back outside, I notice how pretty the moon and stars seem tonight. It’s quiet and almost magical. I open the door carefully. Thank goodness she has moved her head to the other side. She remains asleep. Poor girl is so tired from everything that has happened today.

  I grab the box of puppies from the back seat and carry them inside first. I set the box in the corner of the living room. Next, I go back out and grab the snake. I hurry and put him in the living room too.

  Lastly, I go back for Mylah. She remains asleep as I pick her up in my arms. Her head flops against my shoulder. I kick the car door closed. She seems so light as I carry her inside the house. As I lay her on the couch, she turns on her side and rests comfortably there. I’m not just going to leave her. She’s my guest, and I want her to be comfortable, but I need to fix things up first. I wasn’t expecting to have a guest tonight.

  Rushing to the guest bedroom, I hurry to pick up whatever trash is lying around. The sheets are still clean, and I fold them back for her. Once the room is spotless, I carry Mylah in from the living room with ease. She is so dead tired. I set her in the bed and cover her up. She doesn’t move or make a sound. I turn off the light and close the door behind me as I walk out of the room.

  In the living room, I shut the front door and plop on the couch. The puppies sleep in the corner. What a day this has been. I yawn a little. My eyes start to droop. I need to get to bed. I get up and decide to leave the living room light on for Mylah if she gets up in the middle of the night. I walk to my bedroom, not bothering to turn on the light. I strip down to my boxers, throwing my clothes in a pile on the floor, then crawl into bed and pull the covers over me.

  I figured I’d be out as soon as my head hits the pillow. I’m so wrong. It’s like my brain is wide awake all of a sudden. All I can think about is the woman in the next room, asleep in my guest bed.

  I try a different position, hoping to relax. I flip onto my back and stare at the ceiling. It’s no use.

  Mylah is so sweet and innocent. The way she let me hold her and comfort her today. The cute way she worries about her animals. She even looks adorable when she sleeps. I can’t stop thinking about her.

  I’d love to have her in my arms again. Her body is so petite. It felt good, sexy, pressed up against mine. When I was holding her, her breasts pushed into my abs, so warm and soft. The woman is super curvy for a small thing. She has wide hips and an ass that I kept checking out when we were in the fire department.

  I can’t stop myself. I slide my hand into my boxers and grasp my hardening cock. I start stroking my erection. I want so bad to run into the room and stare at Mylah, to move the blankets aside and hold her in my arms again. She felt so small and fragile. I’d love to feel her next to me. Even better, to have her hands touching me instead of my own. I imagine that: us in bed together. She would be all nervous and shy.

  I would have to guide her hands to me, maybe even teach her what to do. My cock hardens more at that thought. I try not to moan. I hope she would give me an embarrassed look or a shy smile as she took hold of my cock with her tiny hand.

  I imagine Mylah rubbing me, gliding her hand up and down my long, thick cock. She would look at me with those wide green eyes, full of nerves but also turned on.

  “Go ahead,” I would say. “Give it a taste.”

  “Oh, I couldn’t possibly,” she would stutter, but then she would do it, drop those lips down, then touch my cock head with her tongue. She would start out licking it like an ice cream cone until I explain to her how to suck me off.

  “Open your mouth wider, baby,” I’d coo. “Let me just slip inside. It’s not too big, ju
st relax your jaw and do what comes naturally.”

  Her tight, little mouth would wrap around me as I slipped my entire length into her, hitting her throat just gently. Her eyes would widen, and I’d pull back, sure not to choke her.

  “What me to guide you?” I’d ask, pulling that long dark hair into a ponytail and wrapping it around my hand. Mylah would nod, her mouth still full of my dick. “Good. Relax, I’m going to move your head with this grip.”

  Carefully at first, I’d pull her head back and forth by her hair, enjoying the way her tongue and soft, wet cheeks moved against my shaft.

  “You feel good, Mylah.” Her eyes would glow with pleasure, and I’d continue on trying to show her how much I’m enjoying taking her mouth, “Suck a little harder now. Good girl. Remember to breathe. Can you feel how hard you make me?”

  She’d nod slightly.

  “Do you like that?” I’d ask coyly. “Do you like how hard you make me? That I find you sexy?” Blushing, she’d nod again, perhaps sucking a bit harder.

  Pulling her shirt up, I’d play with her breasts as she works my cock, feeling more confident. As she pulls back and licks me from top to bottom, I’d pinch her nipples and rub them till she moans. My dick starts to pulse in her mouth, tightening, then sending me over the edge.

  I only need to stroke a few seconds longer, then I cum all over my hand. I get out of bed to clean myself up. After I return from the bathroom, I feel much more comfortable and relaxed. I yawn.

  I’m about to close my eyes when I remember something: the snake. Huggie! I left him out in the living room. How could I have forgotten about that? I lay there wondering what to do.

  Well, it’s late. I’m tired. He can wait until morning. Besides, it’s not like he can leave the house. I roll onto my side and fall asleep.


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