Arcana: A recollection

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Arcana: A recollection Page 2

by Liberty of the Aether Project

  Chapter 2 – Moving forward

  JACQUES RETURNS TO A MERRY CAMP, and Brahm immediately pounces on him, keen for details about how their meeting went.

  ‘How did it go? Did anyone follow you? Is he a half-decent scholar?’ Jacques raises a single hand up, bidding Brahm to halt for a moment.

  ‘The session went fine, and we weren’t followed by anybody. I was impressed with how quick and accurate his work with a quill was. He recorded every detail I mentioned with exceptional speed. He’s got a talent for scholarship.’ Pleased with the results, Brahm lets out hearty laughter.

  ‘Maybe we should stay a bit longer, or bring him with us. It would be a shame to only have him record a partial tome of your recollection!’ Quietly spending a moment to ponder on the possibilities, Jacques’ mind wanders, remembering that Isaac’s father may interfere.

  ‘I am thinking that we should bring him with us. His father may disrupt our new arrangement. You remember how Isaac was working the bar alone on that night?’ Brahm immediately nods.

  ‘It turns out that his father was the one responsible for that. I would say we employ him as a scholar in order to get him away from this stifling environment. What innkeeper will argue with the authority of a Councilman, after all?’ With a great nod, Brahm gives his full approval of the plan.

  ‘This idea should work out nicely. Will you be returning there tomorrow? If so, I would like you to inform him that he’s just been employed as part of Councilman Brahm’s office. Effective immediately, his first task is to record the full life story of Jacques the Arcanian!’ With that, Brahm dashes to his tent, taking his fine quill to a sheet of fresh paper, he creates an official binding document. He even goes as far to place the royal seal on it. Placing it in Jacques’ hands, he gives a few more instructions.

  ‘In addition to delivering this document, I would like you to take one of my guards with you. Do you understand, Jacques?’ Expecting Jacques’ usual surliness and general lack of cooperation, Brham is surpised when Jacques takes the document and slips it into his new robe.

  ‘It shall be done. You have my word.’

  At sunrise, Jacques returns to Isaac’s cottage, one of Brahm’s guards with him. Sleepily shambling out of his home, Isaac comes to greet them. He notices a scroll held in Jacques’ left hand. Unsure of its purpose, he decides that Jacques will bring it up sooner or later. ‘Greetings, Arcanian. I see you have also brought someone else.’ Giving another one of his casual shrugs, Jacques doesn’t even look at the guard. ‘It’s for my protection, apparently. I hope that this isn’t an issue for you, Isaac?’ Isaac makes no fuss at all.

  ‘I think it’s a good idea. Having another listener for your tale can’t be a bad thing either, right?’ Rubbing his partly shaven face, the guard chimes in.

  ‘I do like a good story, and Jacques here hasn’t told us much about himself.’ Jacques seems to be daydreaming at the moment. His eyes have a glazed blank look, gazing up at the cloudy sky. Several minutes pass, with both the guard and Isaac waiting for something to happen. Jacques suddenly snaps out of his dazed state.

  ‘I have also got an important document for you to read, Isaac.’ His hand outstretched, Jacques waits for Isaac to take the scroll. Curious as to what the scroll may contain, Isaac gently plucks it from Jacques’ grasp.

  ‘We will worry about this scroll later, Jacques. For now, we must continue our work as we don’t have much time.’

  ‘Well then, shall we continue this adventure through my memories?’ With that, the three men proceed inside.


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