Whatever It Takes (Code Of Honor Book 5)

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Whatever It Takes (Code Of Honor Book 5) Page 17

by Reese Knightley

  Oliver looked at Ethan and at the same time, they both said, “Do you want to live, punk?”

  “That was a pretty good part,” Eagle agreed across from him where he was sprawled between Link and Spencer.

  Pia laughed from behind the wheel. HBlade sat next to her in the front, while the rest of them sat facing each other on bench seats in the back.

  “I didn’t say it like that!” he grumbled with a smile.

  “Yeah, man, you did,” Zane said and laughed. It was the first time he’d seen anything other than a frown on the guy’s face in a while.

  They thought it’d be tough getting to the guy in the casino, but it had been pure luck that the asshole kept an office in another location. Like he was some big business executive. It further confirmed his belief that if they took this to the cops, chances were the guy would walk.

  They found Henry Sheldon, loan shark extraordinaire, and made sure he never took another dime from anyone. Infinity warned the guy it was either that or never draw another breath.

  “Do you want to live, punk?” Dillon had growled.

  At first, the guy was all bravado, yelling at them.

  “Okay, okay! I shouldn’t have hired Ted, or had Eric bug Rhine’s phone,” the man blustered, thinking that admitting his wrong would get him out of trouble.

  “Ted’s dead because of you, plus two security men with families,” Dillon snarled, pressing the barrel of his gun harder against Sheldon’s head. “The general’s son is just a kid.”

  The loan shark paled.

  “We don’t have people arrested,” Dillon went on very quietly. “They just disappear.”

  He figured that was the moment the loan shark knew his life hung in the balance. The guy chose wisely. He wanted to live and he definitely didn’t want to be on some U.S. Army hit list.

  Sheldon had gladly written off Eric’s debt on a piece of paper and signed it. Dillon tucked it away in his vest pocket.

  “That’s probably the best decision you’ve made in your whole life. Don’t forget it,” Holden growled, coming to stand before the man.

  The huge soldier had his massive hands wrapped around a semi-automatic rifle. In full tactical gear with a black bandana covering his face, Holden’s dark eyes burned into Sheldon. They all wore similar attire with their faces covered, but Holden took it to a whole other level.

  Sheldon swallowed hard. “I’m so sorry.” When the smell of urine filled the small office, Dillon knew they’d made their point.

  “Don’t ever make us come back,” Dillon warned, and removed his gun from where it pressed against the man’s temple.

  “He caved quicker than his men,” Blade laughed loudly from the front seat.

  It was true, they’d gone in just after the office closed and found it to be more of a party house than a place of business. A few of Sheldon’s hired guns had started shooting. Scantily clad women had run screaming for cover. Cocaine lined on mirrors sprayed into the air. In a few short minutes, the unit had the men zip-tied and gagged and one guy had been shot dead in the return fire. They wouldn’t need to explain that because Dillon was sure Sheldon would make the body disappear.

  There was no surveillance of them because Blade had disabled the security system. She’d scoffed when Holden looked skeptical, but she’d made a believer out of him when she’d taken the whole office building offline.

  Eagle and Link started in about another mission that kept the unit entertained.

  Dillon let their voices fade as he studied his wrapped fingers. Thankfully, they hadn’t been broken, just a bad sprain.

  The mission had been a success. Now all Dillon wanted was to get back to Luke.

  He checked his phone, but it stayed stubbornly quiet. The silence from the man was killing him.

  Had Luke seen the flower? The rose dipped in gold? It had been one of the most romantic things Dillon had ever done.

  He had wanted to be there when Luke woke up, to see the man’s beautiful eyes and hand the rose to him in person, but the call had come in with the okay from Dave to take Sheldon out.

  “You heading to the hospital?” Oliver’s voice brought him back to the inside of the SUV. They’d be at the choppers soon. One would take him back to Phoenix while the other would take the unit back to the base in California.

  Luke was at the hospital in Phoenix. He wasn’t worried about Luke being alone, because the colonel was there watching over the man until they’d taken care of Sheldon. And, if he knew Liam, heads would roll if Luke didn’t get the best hospital care possible.

  His palms grew sweaty thinking of how Luke’s pressure had dropped on the table and the doctor had postponed the operation.

  He’d never been so scared and he’d prayed for the first time in his life.

  His Higher Power must have been listening, because Luke had pulled through and the surgery was a success.

  Glancing down when his phone pinged, he frowned at the message.

  Liam: Head straight to the base, there’s another mission.

  Other cell phones started buzzing and Dillon knew it contained the same message.

  Across from him, Oliver wrinkled his nose in sympathy.

  Yeah, it was a bummer, but Dillon was a soldier and when duty called?

  He always showed up.


  He ran a hand down his dress shirt. He was fucking nervous and wasn’t sure why. It was Dillon, for god’s sake. But he knew it wasn’t just that it was Dillon, this man was the love of his life and he wanted the night to go perfectly.

  He’d exchanged text messages for the past two weeks and even nightly Skype calls, but it hadn’t been enough. He wanted to hold Dillon in his arms and feel his beating heart.

  Stepping out into the hallway, he was met by all four dogs and crouched to give each of them a scratch.

  “What are you four doing in here?”

  “It’s feeding time,” Marge called out. “Come on, troops.”

  The dogs forgot all about him as they raced to the kitchen at the sound of Marge’s voice.

  “I put your food in the den. It’s all covered to keep it hot,” she yelled to him as she disappeared into the kitchen.

  He made his way into the den and his stomach growled at the smell of food. When the front door opened a few moments later, he cocked his head to listen.

  When the footsteps headed up the stairs instead of into the den, he smiled. He’d left a note for Dillon on the side table where the man always took off his boots. The note said to shower, change, and then meet him in the den.

  They were having a movie night.

  It was the longest twenty minutes of his life, and he almost regretted not joining Dillon in the shower even though he wasn’t supposed to get his bandages wet.

  Dillon stepped into the den and scared the crap out of him. He jerked so hard that a pain pierced his wound.

  “Shit!” he hissed.

  “Luke!” Dillon was there at his side in a cloud of sexy aftershave and soap with muscles cording beneath a tight t-shirt and perfectly fitted jeans.

  “Sorry,” he said, taking shallow breaths as Dillon guided him to the couch where he gratefully sank down on the cushion.

  “Don’t apologize.” Dillon dropped to one knee near his legs and gazed into his eyes. “Should they have released you so soon?”

  “I was in there for two weeks.” And remarkably, none of his organs had been hit. In fact, the doctors had been amazed.

  “Yeah, but…” Dillon broke off, noticing the food or maybe the smell of the meatloaf, because he stopped speaking and gazed at the low table piled high with a meal Marge assured him Dillon loved.

  The widescreen TV had the selection of online movies up to choose from.

  Dillon’s large fingers touched one of the gold covered petals of the rose.

  “I love it,” Luke breathed, and ran his hand over the side of Dillon’s cheek before he curled it around the man’s neck.

  “I’m glad.” Dillon turned back
to him.

  The man lifted something that Luke hadn’t seen clutched in his hand. It was wrapped in crinkled tissue paper. Dillon thrust out the package, his eyes glittering in the light.

  Luke could tell it was a picture frame before he ripped off the paper and his breath rushed out when he caught sight of the framed drawing. It was the one he’d done with Dillon holding Cricket. The pup’s tongue was out, licking at the man’s cheek.

  “I thought I’d lost it.”

  “No, I found it at Beckett’s.”

  He smiled and ran a finger along the line where he’d left off at the jawline on Dillon’s face.

  “It’s not finished.”

  “Will you finish it and sign it for me?”

  His heart wanted to burst and a burn started at the corners of his eyes. He blinked and nodded.

  Dillon leaned forward and instantly, awareness crackled. Luke leaned in and met the man halfway and their lips met in a slow, hot, and aching kiss.

  “It’s been forever,” he breathed, feeling the sting grow in his eyes.

  “Never again,” Dillon promised against his mouth.

  “Never again what?” he asked, coming up for air.

  “Shall I go this long without kissing you.”


  Drawing back, he smoothed his hands over Dillon’s shoulders. He wouldn’t remind the soldier that some missions could take him away for months, because he wanted nothing to take away from this night.

  “We need to talk.”


  “Eric and what you did for him.” He’d deliberately waited to see Dillon in person before bringing up the subject.

  Dillon shrugged, obviously embarrassed.

  “Thank you,” Luke whispered.

  “I saw myself in him and that was the moment I realized just how much I had changed from the hot-headed boy I used to be,” Dillon admitted, turning to him and taking his hands. “You helped me realize that.”

  “Me?” He searched Dillon’s face in surprise.

  “Yeah. You saw a goodness in me that I didn’t see.”

  “You are a good man.”

  “And that right there means everything to me, how you believed in me unconditionally.”

  “Dillon,” he began. “That’s because I can see how noble you are.”

  “I never imagined anyone using noble and my name together in the same sentence.”

  “You have a strong sense of justice that shines from you. I saw it the first time I met you.”

  “I love you,” Dillon said fiercely.

  Before he could respond, little toenails came clattering on the hallway floor and Cricket came racing into the room. The shaggy pup was all wiggles and kisses for Dillon.

  Marge, standing at the doorway, gave him a soft smile and closed the door.

  Luke couldn’t speak through the lump in his throat as he watched the pair reunite. His fingers itched for paper and pencil. He’d never get tired of sketching this man.

  Dillon put Cricket on the floor and Luke seized the opportunity to tug his love forward with a fist in the man’s shirt.

  “I love you too,” he said, and kissed Dillon on the lips.

  In that kiss, he put every single ounce of his promise to love Dillon forever.

  Two months later.


  Racing into the house via the back entrance, he reached their room and yanked off his fatigues before jumping into the shower.

  He’d just come back from a three-week mission and even though he had talked to Luke on Skype nightly, he was anxious to hold him.

  Thankfully, they’d taken to staying at the estate. It served its purpose. Being so close to the base, he could stay there when he wasn’t on a mission. He and Oliver had given up their shabby apartment and Oliver now occupied one of the rooms upstairs when he wasn’t on a mission.

  Staying there was a temporary solution for him, though, and it was only until he finished out the remainder of his tour. Then he was giving up the Army to live with Luke at the ranch. A real honest to god home.

  He checked his phone. His and Luke’s engagement party had just begun when he stepped into the room and his gaze locked on his fiancé.

  Luke was talking to his stepson. Eric had been in rehab the past few months and was now out. Luke had offered him a room at the estate, and Eric had taken it, but only with the promise that his stepdad let him pay rent. The pride on Luke’s face said it all. Dillon had to admit that he felt some pride as well with how the boy was trying to turn his life around.


  The only person who could take his attention from Luke called his name. His brother wearing a smart, coal black suit drew more than one pair of eyes as he moved through the crowd toward him.

  “Isaac!” His arms crushed his little brother when he got close.

  “It’s about time you showed up. I’ve been worried about you,” he whispered against Isaac’s ear. Other than a few phone calls over the past few months, Isaac had been elusive as hell.

  His brother hugged him tight and then pulled back. “I’m coming back.”

  “That’s great news.”

  “Yeah. Things just got complicated for a while, but it’s all good now.”

  “The colonel’s here. Does he know?”

  “Not yet. I’ll tell him as soon as I find him.”

  “I’m calling it quits after this tour,” he told Isaac.

  “I would hope so.”

  He shared a smile with his brother and then gently asked, “Did you call mom?”

  “I can’t do that…” Isaac sighed. “Yet.”

  The “yet” was progress, so Dillon let it go and said, “I’ll do it until you’re able.”

  “Thanks, bro.”

  “I love you, goofball.”

  “I love you too, dorkwad.”

  They grinned at each other before Dillon noticed an attractive man standing a bit behind Isaac.

  “Oh!” Isaac turned and motioned to the guy. “This is Royce, my date.”

  “Oh, I’m more than that,” Royce said with a fond look at Isaac and slipped his arm around his brother’s shoulders.

  “Wow. We need to communicate more.” He frowned at his brother.

  “So says the guy who gets engaged in the span of a few months.”

  He shrugged and grinned. He couldn’t argue, it was true. It hadn’t taken Luke long to pop the question and he’d jumped at saying yes.

  “Seriously, though, I’m happy for you, bro.” Isaac gave him another hug.

  He drew back and noticed Zane stalking toward them.

  “Incoming at your six,” he whispered.

  “Isaac,” Zane’s low voice rumbled.

  Before Dillon could witness the pair’s exchange, Luke’s hand slipped into his and his attention was well and firmly taken.

  Thank fuck. He whirled and pulled Luke into his arms. Luke laughed and grabbed onto his shoulders when he dipped the man into a backbend and planted a heated kiss on his lips. Only when the people closest started clapping did he relent.

  “I missed you,” his fiancé whispered.

  “Me too,” he whispered back.

  “Come save me from being bored out of my mind.” Luke very slightly jerked his head.

  With a steady arm around Luke’s waist, he very briefly took his eyes from Luke’s face and glanced across the room to where some of Luke’s stodgy friends stood.

  “Okay,” he chuckled.

  “My hero.” Luke’s smile grew.

  Luke was the only one besides Isaac who’d ever thought of him as a hero. His chest tightened and he drew Luke’s fingers to his mouth.

  “We’ll leave the party early,” Luke whispered.

  Dillon loved the heat burning in those amazing green eyes. Fuck, he’d missed this man. Thankfully, Liam had given him and the team time off to celebrate his engagement.

  “Who are you?” Zane growled menacingly, bringing Dillon’s attention back to Isaac and his brot
her’s date.

  “I’m the boyfriend, and you must be the straight coworker,” Royce sniped back.

  Dillon tossed a quick glance over his shoulder as he let Luke pull him away.

  Zane looked like he’d just swallowed a thundercloud.

  Dillon chuckled and shook his head when Luke gave him a curious look.

  “Hey, you two.” Spencer’s voice drew him around.

  The attractive man was coming toward him with the colonel.

  “Hey.” Dillon shook Spencer’s hand. “I’m glad you could make it.” They were never sure when a mission would take Fury out of the area.

  “I wouldn’t miss it,” Spencer said with a smile and then dropped his voice low. “I got your message about not needing the loan.”

  Dillon returned Liam’s grin over Spencer’s shoulder. “Yeah. I have a beautiful ranch.”

  “Damn right he does,” Luke grumbled, sliding closer.

  Spencer laughed, linking his hands with Liam’s. “I’m happy for you both.”

  “Thank you for the time off, Colonel.”

  Liam smirked and tightened his hand in Spencer’s. “You’re welcome.”

  After a few more minutes of conversation, the pair wandered away.

  “Having fun?” He slid his arm around Luke’s waist.

  “More than I can ever remember having,” Luke said with a slow burning look. “Have I recently told you how hot you look?”

  “About a million times over the past few months,” he agreed, but would never get tired of hearing it. Nobody had ever called him hot except for Luke.

  Normally, he felt uncomfortable in a suit, but Luke had this one tailor made. He’d groused about the expense, but Luke had looked so disappointed, he’d caved, and not only about the suit.

  He figured he’d be caving a lot during the years they’d be together, because keeping Luke smiling was on his number one list of lifetime goals.


  With his hand tightly in Dillon’s, he was guided onto the small dance floor.

  Dillon pulled him close and they swayed to the music.

  Laughter broke out across the room and the sound had his smile growing.


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