Escape of the Glitter Princess

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Escape of the Glitter Princess Page 8

by Chad V. Holtkamp

  He moved into position behind the two fighters. A third came up at the rear to provide a royal escort. They were fast single occupant ships, but he couldn’t see anyone inside. “Maybe they’re drones,” he said.

  “Yes, Major, those are drone pilots and they appear to be taking you to that large city up ahead,” JAXX replied.


  JAXX adjusted the coordinates and followed the fighters into the lower atmosphere. There were two in front of the ship and one following from behind. Jock knew their missile locks were on and active. Not that he was going to try anything anyway; he knew better than to mess with the Aesneian fighters if he wanted to save the princess and his friends.

  As they flew forward, he thought back to his time with the princess. Years ago when he first met her, he wondered what it would be like to meet her dad. Amy always made him out to be this mean, nasty ogre, raising her alone with the trappings of royalty. She never knew her mother as she died in childbirth. Her father loved her, but she sensed that deep down buried far below the surface, her father resented her for the death of her mother. The princess looked exactly like her, so it was hard for the King to be near her. Looking at the princess was like looking at his lost beloved.

  Jock remembered Amy telling him that the kingdom was growing swiftly by the time they were together. The crown had been passed down through generations of her father's lineage for hundreds of years, probably thousands of years. Amy had told him that her father knew the family’s rule would end with him since he wasn’t able to have a male heir. But then the King discovered the secret of the Glitter, and it was suddenly possible for him to live and rule Aesneia forever. He didn’t need an heir with that in mind, so he never bothered to remarry.

  Once she reached adulthood, he allowed her a grand adventure to Earth. That was when she met Jock and spent all her time with him. Her protector then was respectful and allowed all of it to happen, until her father called her home and needed her back in the kingdom to help run things. She didn’t want to go back, but there was no way her father would ever accept a human as her husband. Now Jock was coming to ask for his help.


  USSS Constellation

  Commander Weisman couldn't wait to get the little prick Peitz out of his office and off his space station. He couldn’t stand the Adjuster and could barely contain his laughter and composure when the man sat down across from him, beet red from his “vacation” pursuing Dom to Turks and Caicos. It was funny to see someone normally stuck in an office far off in deep space to get a taste of the power of the Sun. It wasn’t a pretty look for him, especially since the blisters were oozing. “Man, he really fried himself,” Weisman thought. That was special justice all its own.

  But Weisman was worried, too. He knew Adjuster Peitz wasn’t messing around when he said he’d track Dom to the ends of the universe.

  “JACOB, are we able to transmit yet?” Commander Weisman asked.

  “Negative, sir. The solar storm is still frying our communications,” JACOB replied.

  “Keep trying until you can reach them. We need to warn them of the Adjuster,” he said and started pacing again.

  Because Agent Wagner was an especially annoying case, the Adjuster pulled rank and contacted the lead Alien reconnaissance vessel, the Degisen to find out exactly where he was. The Aliens got back within the hour and surprised Adjuster Peitz with Dom’s location.

  “Veibos!” Adjuster Peitz exclaimed. “What the hell is Agent Wagner doing in Veibos with the slave traders? Even more reason to lock him up if he doesn’t pay the $50 million fine. Fabulous!”

  He flew his ship out of the docking bay on the Constellation. A compact fuel-efficient hybrid PT-class cruiser, the ship would take a lot longer to get where Dom was compared to the Twin engine TX. It barely had enough power to get up and go across the interplanetary zone much less take off for deep space after the TX.

  Peitz knew the rest of the fleet laughed at the Adjusters’ puny ship. But what they didn’t know was that the Aliens upgraded the power packs on the ships, but kept the casings the same so as to not let out the secret. The secret speed gave them the element of surprise. Most enemies never suspected it, so they didn’t have time to run.

  His AI unit GORDON wasn’t as sophisticated as JAXX or JACOB but would have to suffice. JACOB had a hard time not feeling sorry for GORDON’S rudimentary intelligence, and laughed it up with his robot buddies as the ship shot into space and connected to the mainframe.

  The Adjuster set course for the Boru system and would make quick time with the special power pack upgrade. He made sure to not boost into it in sight of the Constellation. “No sense giving up out secrets just yet,” he thought.

  Back on Veibos, there was more waiting in the cages. “Is it dusk yet?” Dom thought. He felt sick to his stomach, more from fear of the situation than actual food poisoning, or Froree poisoning or anything like that. He worried that he wouldn’t be able to save Desire this time. The black fear of self-doubt crept into his head. It was an odd sensation being that he’d always been the best of the best without ever a doubt in his mind. This time was different. Not only did he have to take care of himself, but he also had Desire and a princess to worry about.

  Up until he he’d been alone on most missions, only concerned with his own safety. As long as he completed the mission, it didn’t matter what happened to him. His mission was the ultimate guide, and his personal safety didn’t matter, only mission parameters. He was hell-bent on bringing every mission to a successful conclusion.

  He never had anyone left behind to worry about. Sure, he had plenty of flings and one-night stands to keep him busy between missions. None of them came with any sort of emotional attachment or ties to bind him. He preferred it that way. Whatever happened, happened and he was better for it and could concentrate on his business.

  He wasn’t happy about how he was feeling and that Desire could sense his weakness. He always tried to mask what little insecurity he had deep down. No one ever knew how he really felt, until he met Desire, who could see deep into his soul. For the first time in his life, he felt vulnerable.

  Acutely aware that Desire was probably in his head he thought, “I have to make sure Desire and the princess come out alive, and their lives matter more than mine.”

  “Thanks, Dom. We really appreciate that,” Desire said right on cue. “Do you really think Jock is dead, or do you think the Captain was lying?”

  Dom considered that. “After all he’s been through with the GOONs, I find it hard to believe that these backwater freaks could have taken him down without a fight. Besides, wouldn’t he be more worth more alive than dead?”

  “I know he can’t be dead. I just know it!” the Princess chimed in. Desire appreciated the sentiment.

  “Jock’s in deep with this one,” Desire said. “His sense of duty to a long lost love alone would spur him to do whatever he could to save her.”

  “But the TX couldn’t fly, so where could he be?” Dom wondered.

  “SILENCE slaves,” Chief Rygel yelled as he entered the area. “Your time has come ha ha! You will be bathed and prepped for the auction. I can’t wait to see more of your beautiful bodies and the many pleasures you may offer my esteemed guests!”

  Desire concentrated and was able to look into his mind. She shuddered. Dom could hear the princess start crying again two cages away.


  Fedlin System, Aesneia

  Jock’s drone fighter escorts instructed him to land on the deck near a large shipping terminal. He set the TX down in a perfect slot between the other fighters.

  “Well, JAXXY, this is the moment of truth.” Jock said to the AI. “Lock down the ship. I doubt I’ll be able to get back here for a while. Oh, and keep the comm lines open and try to get a message to Commander Weisman to let him know what’s happening.”

  “Will do, Major, I’ve been trying to reach him, but with no success. The solar storm must still be affecting communications.”

; Jock wondered just how long this solar storm would last. He desperately needed backup if things didn’t go well with the king. He went to the salon to search for any evidence he could find of the princess. He spotted a small silk handkerchief next to the empty bottle of Cab. He grabbed it so the Glitter King would believe that his story was true and that Amy was in danger.

  He headed back to the cockpit and saw the escorts waiting for him outside the ship, laser pistols drawn and at the ready.

  “I guess that’s only fair,” he said, “being that that I’m the guy who tried to marry the Glitter King’s daughter so many years ago. Guess he doesn’t think I’d come for a social call after all this time.”

  “JAXXY, keep tabs on everything that’s going on around here. I’m going to try and get some information from these weird drones.”

  He stepped down the ramp into the bright twin suns of what he guessed late morning daylight. His eyes adjusted quickly to the brightness, but he still had to squint to see anything. He was immediately flanked by the weird drones with said laser pistols. They motioned for him to move forward.

  “So, is there anything I should know about the Glitter King before I meet him?” Jock asked trying gauge whether these weird drones could speak. “I’m only here to ask for help. The princess is in grave danger.” That got the drones attention.

  “Major Jock Saunders. Welcome to Aesneia. The Glitter King is aware that you have come with no ill intentions. He is known to be a fair man, but that’s only when his daughter is at his side. Our latest briefings reveal that he’s incredibly angry, however, that she left Aesneia in secret after her betrothal. And he has already put a bounty on Royal Fleet Captain Andana’s head for his part in her disappearance.”

  That made Jock smile.


  Captain Andana couldn’t wait for nightfall and for the Veibons to activate the Alien technology and turn the compound into the glorious palace once again. Even if Chief Rygel was an old friend, there’s only so much dirt and moon grime that a man could take, especially after living the royal life on Aesneia.

  He summoned Chief Rygel to his modest quarters.

  “Chief, can you activate the Alien technology early so I can get cleaned up?” Captain Andana asked. “I’m getting a little rank here without my thrice daily showers.”

  “Ha ha! Welcome to desert life,” the chief said. “We’re lucky to bathe once a week when we don’t have special visitors. Perhaps with the extra bounty from the sale tonight, we can afford to run the Alien technology more often. It’s quite a drain on our resources.”

  “You’ve come quite a ways from when we first met when I was in the guard, Rygel. I’m impressed by the rapid expansion of your intergalactic slave ring. I’m so pleased the princess wanted to escape and we could finally work together.”

  “It is a grand partnership, Captain,” Chief Rygel said. “Ha ha! My ring shall be bigger than Glitter after tonight. When my guests see it is Princess Amaratis that I’m selling, my reputation will be even more formidable.”

  “Careful, Chief,” the Captain warned. “You don’t want to attract too much attention. The Federated Union has gotten more involved with galactic affairs. You don’t want your trade routes to dry up. Plus, the one that got away could cause serious trouble for you. He and the princess had a love affair years ago. No telling what a desperate man will do for love.”

  “You should have told me!” Chief Rygel said. “I could have sold them as a couple instead of offering the Human my servant girl. My customers are kinky like that!”

  “I would triple the guard on the compound tonight Chief Rygel,” the Captain said. “And I will need a ship to leave the moon directly after the auction.”

  “It shall be done, old friend,” Chief Rygel said getting excited. “Now, it is time to make this place a palace again and prepare our slaves for the show. Ha ha!”

  Five minutes later, the Captain stood under a rain shower in an elegantly appointed marble bathroom, the dirt and moon grime quickly washing down the gilded drain.

  Even he was amazed at the illusions the Alien technology could create.


  Dedoystrea System, En route to Veibos

  Adjuster Peitz was pleased. Even with being cooped up in such a small ship, the flight had been smooth sailing. With the extra money his superiors had put into the power pack he was also making good time. The small craft made for more nimble maneuvering, easily jetting from one warp jump to another. His AI unit, GORDON, was enough to keep him company, and the thoughts of the logistics ahead were enough to keep him alert.

  He gleefully made plans to make his interrogation of Agent Wagner incredibly unpleasant, to toy with him before extracting the fine for the damaged Receiver. As an Adjuster, he had a reputation to uphold.

  “GORDON, pull up everything you can on Agent Dom Wagner and his interrogation training.”

  “Sir, Agent Dom Wagner is a lethally trained SPOOK, programmed to handle the interrogation of any enemy, foreign, domestic or intergalactic. Waterboarding is not a problem for him. Agent Wagner holds the universe record for the number of gallons he drank at one time in training. He’s walked a mile across hot coals barefoot. It shows he underwent a Tony Robbins hypnosis session from the Awaken the Giant Within audiobook — while still a teenager. He is even an expert at sleep deprivation. He simply seduced the female agent giving the session and they both fell asleep in a moment of post-coital bliss. It’s been said the toughest types of torture known to man are nothing compared to the iron will of Agent Dom Wagner.”

  Adjuster Peitz shriveled a little. “Is it cold in here, GORDON?”

  “Negative sir, the environment is a stable 22 degrees Celsius,” GORDON responded.

  “Enough, GORDON what is our ETA?”

  “Sir, we will arrive on Veibos in three Earth hours,” GORDON replied.

  Adjuster Peitz shifted in his seat and brainstormed novel new ways to torture Agent Wagner.

  Alien Reconnaissance Vessel Wayte, near the Boru System

  The Alien zoomed in closer as it tracked Adjuster Peitz on his flight to Veibos. It hated these kinds of reconnaissance missions, but the lead Alien was very clear about his love loss for the Inspection Bureau as of late. Adjuster Peitz was only being tolerated for his special ruthless dedication to following up on his subjects.

  The lead Alien had communicated telepathically to keep tabs on Agent Dom Wagner as well, since he scratched one of the last known Receivers. It wasn’t like they could make new ones after all. They’d depleted the raw materials millions of years ago and had constantly refurbished them ever since.

  As it followed Adjuster Peitz’s puny ship, the Alien was anxious to see what would happen when the notorious Agent Dom Wagner, the disgusting Veibon Chief Rygel and the annoying Adjuster Peitz collided. They were all behaving like incorrigible children. The Alien communicated an invitation to some of his buddies to come watch it unfold.

  Jock tapped the comm link on his wrist to set it to listen mode so JAXX could keep tabs on his meeting with the Glitter King. Not that there would be anything he could do while Jock was meeting and greeting the king, but in the event that JAXX could reach Commander Weisman, he wanted to ensure that the AI could report the situation accurately.

  The drone fighters led him to a glass transport. The Glitter King’s palace was way up in the mountains, far away and secluded, and he guess probably heavily armed and protected as well. He peered out the sides of the transport as they ascended rapidly and Jock wasn’t able to see the bottom of the valley below. He stared straight ahead from there on out so he wouldn’t get nauseous.

  He was escorted out of the transport and led into a grand plaza inside an enormous palace built into the side of a mountain. The soaring heights made Jock a bit dizzy.

  “Hmmm... must be something to do with the planetary equilibrium,” he thought. He regained his balance as they made their way to the far end of the plaza. An older man was angrily tending to a thicket of rose bu
shes, hastily pruning a few off here and there and tossing them in bunches to the ground. To Jock, he looked like a pissed off peasant gardener. He stood as they approached and said, “These were my wife’s and daughters. They are all I have left of them now.”

  When the fighters stiffened to attention and lowered their heads in deference, Jock realized he was Amy’s father.

  Jock wasn’t accustomed to meeting royalty. He thought quickly for a second and wasn’t sure if he should extend his hand or simply bow. He went for the bow and made a low sweeping gesture.

  “You must be Jock Saunders, the one my daughter wanted to marry so long ago,” he said. “Finally we meet after all these years. I am Iearus, King of Aesneia and ruler of the Fedlin System.”

  It wasn’t quite the greeting Jock expected. The princess always made it seem like her father was a terrible ogre. This man was nothing of the sort. Jock towered above him, which surprised him since the princess was so tall. She must have gotten her height from her mother.

  The Glitter King got straight to the point. “What news do you have of my daughter?” he asked.

  Jock couldn’t sugarcoat it. “She’s being held captive on Veibos in the Boru system. They also have two of my companions.”

  “Veibos!” the king exclaimed. “The moon of the slave traders? It cannot be so. My daughter would never associate with such foul beings.”

  Then the king grew suspicious. “How is it, Jock Saunders, that you came to know this information? Was she escaping to find you?” he asked.

  “Of course not, Sir. I haven’t spoken to her since you took her away from me 15 years ago,” Jock said, trying to defuse his growing hostility. “My crew and I were out on a cargo run and came upon a royal transport being attacked by pirates. We blew up the attacker’s ship, but the royal transport was damaged beyond repair. We teleported the survivors aboard the TX to provide assistance. It was only when they arrived aboard our ship that we learned it was your daughter, Princess Amaratis, her servant Watu and her escort, Captain Andana.”


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