His Kinky Kitten: The Halloween Honeys

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His Kinky Kitten: The Halloween Honeys Page 1

by Olivia Hawthorne

  His Kinky Kitten

  The Halloween Honeys

  Olivia Hawthorne














  The Halloween Honeys

  Book Hangover Lounge

  Olivia Hawthorne

  Also by Olivia Hawthorne

  Copyright © 2018 Mr. His Kinky Kitten

  The Halloween Honeys

  by Olivia Hawthorne

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof

  may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever

  without the express written permission of the publisher

  except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

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  Katie Ireland: I only joined Mi Alpha Alpha because it was my mother’s old sorority. And I only volunteered in our haunted Halloween mansion because my friend Veronica said I needed to loosen up.

  And let’s face it, I probably did need to loosen up a little.

  What I didn’t need was to fall in lust, hard and fast with the tall, dark and mysterious stranger who took me home from the pub one night.

  I didn’t really expect to find him coming to my haunted house, especially after I brushed him off even though our night had been incredible.

  But what happens when lust becomes love and I want to see him again?

  Jacob Gordon: I never planned on falling for her, I never planned on falling for anyone at all.

  I couldn’t help it though, I took her home from the pub and spent one wicked night with her, and that was supposed to be it.

  But we got to know each other, and I wanted more.

  She didn’t want me though, she didn’t want more.

  But what if one night wasn’t enough?

  How could I claim my kinky kitten if she didn’t want to be found?


  “Oh mah gawd, look at zees. I think I gained, like, ten pounds last night,” Sylvie, the French exchange student grumbled at herself in the mirror of the shared sorority bathroom.

  She sounded so cute when she swore, with that sweet accent. I envied her for it, I was so boring compared to her.

  Hum drum Katie Ireland.

  “I think I gain about ten pounds a week from eating so much crap,” I said, staring in the mirror and blowing a strand of hair off my forehead.

  “You look gawjus though,” she said, reaching over to pinch my butt. “Eets in all the right places, dahling.”

  “Thanks,” I replied and looked her up and down again, noting her svelte figure and perfectly manicured nails, perfect eyebrows and smooth, sleek hair.

  And felt basically like a country mouse wearing a potato sack next to her. I was a tom boy with an athletic figure, but since I hadn’t had as much time for track and field, I’d put on a little weight.

  Sylvie was being kind, it wasn’t in the right places, and I really did feel a little dumpy these days which didn’t add to my overall confidence levels.

  Being shy and feeling awkward wasn’t the road to feeling sexy, and I wondered if I’d ever have even half the confidence of my sorority sisters.

  It was tough, I joined the Mi Alpha Alpha sorority to continue the family tradition, as if two generations of us Irelands equaled tradition, but it made my mom happy.

  And it wasn’t all bad, I’d made some amazing friends in the year or so since I’d joined, and life in the sorority house wasn’t exactly horrible.

  It sure beat the co-ed dorms I’d lived in my first year at Oak Ridge University.

  I supposed I could handle sharing a bathroom and morning make up routine with gorgeous girls like Sylvie over finding wads of hair in the drains and pee on the toilets like I had in the co-ed bathrooms back at the dorms.

  “Are you excited about the haunted house?” Stacy Barren asked, nudging in beside me to apply a line of make up to her gorgeous eye.

  Speak of the devil, they say, and wasn’t I just thinking about all the beautiful women I shared the bathroom with?

  Stacy was the queen bee, the president of the sorority and utterly stunning.

  I envied her, her easy confidence and outgoing manner.

  I definitely felt like a country mouse around her sophisticated ways.

  “I cannot wait for eet,” Sophie replied, smacking her lips and swiping at the edge of them to brush off the smallest smudge of bright red lipstick.

  “How about you?” Stacy asked, her eyes meeting mine in the mirror.

  “I’m totally excited, it’s going to be so much fun and for such a great cause.”

  I lied a little bit, my friend Veronica had really been the main reason I’d signed up for the Mi Alpha Alpha sorority’s annual Halloween fundraiser, but Stacy had sealed the deal with her promise of extra credit.

  Otherwise I’d be hiding in my room studying for some Anthropology midterm on Halloween.

  “It really is, my father is on the board at the Oak Ridge Children’s Hospital and they are so thrilled that we chose them as our charity for this event,” another girl, Sabrina, said in an excited tone. “And those kids, oh my god, to help them is so amazing.”

  “It is,” I replied, applying some moisturizer and looking at myself again in the mirror. I sighed heavily and gave up, who was I fooling?

  I was a tom boy through and through, make up and fashion was completely out of my realm of interest and experience.

  I didn’t need to paint myself up, I was a serious student and here for one reason.

  To get my degree and move on in my career, that was it.

  Make up would imply that I was looking for a man, and in spite of the fact that my parents had met in university and fallen in love, gotten married and lived happily ever after, that wasn’t the path for me.

  I had plans, dreams of travel and working overseas, studying different cultures and seeing as much of the world as I could.

  And as much as I loved what my mom had done for the family, I didn’t want her life.

  I was taking Anthropology courses and had recently decided to major in Physical Anthropology and Archeology.

  This meant travel, living out of a suitcase, seeing exotic locales, and not spending my days doing laundry and making school lunches for my future kids.

  It wasn’t that I never wanted to have children, I wanted that life eventually, but first I had so much to do with my life.

  And children meant falling in love, and falling in love meant dating, and if there was one thing I was the absolute worst at…it was dating.

  It was as if all my quirky character traits, awkwardness and strange thoughts all came through in one horrible moment whenever I dated.

  I was surprised I wasn’t a virgin, but I was close.

  Just a couple fumbling, misadventures with my high school boyfriend to call notches on my belt, and since then I’d been focused solely on my academics and was uninterested in letting a guy ruin it for me.

  Besides, I hadn’t met a single classmate since being here that even slightly interested me.

  They were all either jocks or not physically my type.

  So I was content to finish up in front of the mirror, pull on a pair of Uggs over my sweatpants and cozy into a thick sweatshirt.

  Not exactly mating material, but as you know, I wasn’t interested in that.

br />   “You know the minute you think you’re not into dating is the minute you meet somebody,” my buddy Axel told me with authority in the lab the morning I told him I was off dating.

  We were working on cataloguing some of Professor Harmon’s skeletal remains collection and I was hunched over the table, painting small black catalogue numbers on a white tag.

  “I told you, I’m over it. Debs was the last, I’m done,” I said again, squeezing my eyes to get a better look at the last letter I was painting.

  “She wasn’t that bad,” Axel said, sitting up straight and stretching his arms before bending back over the femur he was labeling. “She was a little obsessive, but that’s not the worst thing you could deal with in a girlfriend.”

  “She showed up with luggage after the second date, dude,” I laughed. “She wasn’t even my girlfriend and was already planning on moving in.”

  “You’ve got a pretty sweet apartment,” Axel said with a grin. “I’ve thought about moving in there myself.”

  He was right, I was pretty lucky to have found such a nice place near the university.

  It was a two bedroom penthouse that was paid out through my trust fund every month so I didn’t have to worry about the small details while I finished my PhD.

  The only trouble I had at university was Professor Harmon’s relentless use of his grad students, he treated us more like personal assistants than academic equals.

  And dating.

  I couldn’t seem to make my way through the dating scene on campus, women were extremely clingy and I didn’t have time for that.

  I had my mind on my dissertation, my defense, and eventually my career.

  I had hoped to find something casual with a fellow grad student, somebody I could see one or twice a week for dinner and sex, and that was it.

  No moving in together, no talk of the future, and no obsessive stalking.

  And no undergrads.

  Being a Teaching Assistant for Professor Harmon meant I could have my pick of any number of hot, young first and second years, but they were off limits in my mind.

  Not to mention it was probably against several rules in the university.

  And I was at the end of my several years in school, they were at the beginning, we were in two different worlds.

  “I know it’s nice, but I like being there on my own,” I said, finishing up labelling the humerus bone in front of me.

  I sat up and stretched, mimicking Axel’s movements, and added the specimen to the box we were working out of.

  I picked up the next bone, a patella, and hunched over again, starting the process all over.

  “You’re too prickly,” Axel said. “If I didn’t already have five guys living in my place, I’d move a woman in so fast. She could cook and clean and warm my bed.”

  “That’s very nineteen fifties of you,” I laughed. “No wonder you’re painfully single.”

  “Painful, yes, that’s a good way to put it,” Axel laughed back. “I do need some action sometime before I go fucking insane.”

  “Good luck living with five other dudes,” I said.

  “And that brings us right back to where we started,” he said, putting the femur in the box with the other labeled skeletal remains. “I should move in with you. Think of all the pussy I’d be getting!”

  “And think of all the sleep I wouldn’t be getting,” I chuckled. “But seriously, you know I need to focus. I’m in the last few months of my research and then I have to write this dissertation, defend it, wow the committee and get my doctorate.”

  “That’s it? You make it sound so easy,” Axel said, rolling his eyes sarcastically. “Well, I have to do all that and do it with no pussy and five roommates…so I think I win in the poor me pity game.”

  “Yes, yes, you win,” I replied waving my hand at him. “If that’s what you mean by winning.”

  Axel sighed and went back to his work. “Yeah, somehow winning this game really fucking sucks,” he said. “So what do you want to do for Halloween?”

  “Halloween? What are you, twelve? We’ll do what we did last year. Go to the pub, drink, and go home early.”

  “What are you talking about? You had Debs last year, and I hooked up with that sweet little cheerleader from that sorority. Damn, what was her name?”

  “You mean Maria?”

  “Yeah, Maria, that’s what it was. From Mi Alpha Alpha. She was pretty hot. I wonder what she’s doing this year.”

  “Whatever it is, leave me out. This year I’ll be trapped in the lab here labelling the skeletal remains collection for Professor Harmon’s kinesiology unit next semester.”

  “You’re the TA for it?”

  “I am. It will be the first one I take the lead on too, so these have to be ready to go. I can’t have the students realizing how disorganized I really am,” I said.

  “Oh please, you’re Harmon’s golden boy, his perfect GPA shining star. Like you could ever do wrong.”

  “I’ll tell you what, if you help me get these bones labelled and catalogued before the weekend, I will go to whatever stupid Halloween party you decide. And I’ll even be your wing man.”

  Axel’s face lit up and he said, “It’s a deal, bro.”

  He hunched over another specimen and kept hard at work, keeping pace at me at last as he managed to keep his mouth shut.

  I didn’t think we’d ever meet the deadline, but with Axel suddenly serious about his job, we just might.

  I wasn’t sure how I felt about that, I had so much work to do but there was a part of me that thought I should have a little bit of fun.

  Well, it was all up to Axel and how committed he was to getting me out to party, so I would leave it up to fate.

  Besides, it’s not like one lame little party was going to change the course of my life or anything, it was just one night.


  “Why do you think they gave me the Crazy Cat Lady themed haunted room?” I asked my friend Veronica as we set up the props for my scary part of the charity haunted house.

  It was being held off campus, away from our sorority house, in a mansion owned by one of the girl’s parents.

  It was spooky enough on its own, but with the lights and decorations already set up, it was turning out to be really freaky and really professional looking.

  I was proud of what we were doing from a creative point of view, and even more proud that the money raised was going to help sick kids.

  “Uh, because you’re the one who’s most likely to end up with a hundred cats,” she said with a grin.

  I kicked her under the table, we were in an anthropology class and I was trying to concentrate on what the TA was saying, but my mind kept going back to that one question.

  Why had they chosen that room for me? Was it some kind of way for my sorority sisters to make fun of me, or was it simply a coincidence?

  “You know the only way you’ll shed that image, right?” Veronica whispered as we began to do some reading.

  “How?” I asked.

  “You have to get the sexiest costume we can think of. We have to blow them out of the water,” she said.

  “What do you suggest?” I asked.

  “I don’t know, let’s go to the costume shop after class and see what they’ve got.”

  “Will you help me with my hair and makeup?” I asked.

  “Of course, we’ll sex you up like nothing else,” she grinned.

  I went back to my work, content with the idea that I would get the help I so desperately needed to make myself look like something other than a crazy cat lady.

  “Sexy pizza slice?” I asked, pulling out a costume and laughing hysterically with Veronica and Sylvie.

  We were in the costume warehouse store downtown and it was filled with row upon row of everything from slutty nurse to slutty pirate to sexy pizza apparently.

  It was packed too, way busier than I would have expected for a Saturday evening.

  “Oh wow, that’s not exactly the first thing I t
hink of when I think sexy,” Veronica giggled. “Please put it back.”

  “It’s going back,” I said and hooked it on the clothing rack.

  “Oh mah god,” Sylvie exclaimed. “Zees ees perfect!”

  She pulled a simple black velvet dress off the rack, unhooking the hanger and holding it out in front of her.

  I saw then that it wasn’t just a dress, it was a complete costume.

  A cat woman costume, coming with a stunningly sexy set of glittery ears, a matching mask and a cute velvet tail, and it was something I thought I could pull off.

  It would make me gorgeous, confident, and way more beautiful than I thought I was.

  “Ohhhhhh, yes!” Veronica said, grabbing the hanger and holding the dress in front of me. “Then you can be a sexy cat woman, not a crazy cat woman.”

  “I think it’s perfect,” I replied. “Now who wants to go as the sexy pizza slice?”

  We laughed again and carefully picked our way through the rows looking for costumes that would suit Veronica and Sylvie.

  After a lot of hunting high and low, Sylvie found a slutty princess costume and Veronica decided on a seductive Viking.

  It was funny to me how all the women’s costumes were so sexy, there weren’t many options other than one like the pizza slice or a ketchup bottle, but I supposed nobody wanted to be boring on Halloween.

  Besides, the entire point of the haunted house was to bring in loads and loads of visitors, and I doubted we would be able to do it if we weren’t dressed as sexy as possible.

  And it would push me out of my comfort zone, that was what university life was all about after all.

  We paid for our costumes and loaded into Veronica’s Jeep. I called shotgun and Sylvie climbed into the back, grumbling in French under her breath.


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