His Kinky Kitten: The Halloween Honeys

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His Kinky Kitten: The Halloween Honeys Page 4

by Olivia Hawthorne

  And right now, I was blaming Axel.

  If he hadn’t gotten Veronica drunk, she wouldn’t have needed Katie to drive her back to the sorority house.

  She’d promised she’d message me, but she hadn’t.

  God dammit, I needed to find her without looking super creepy.

  I needed her to catch up to this relationship that I already had going on in my mind.

  I had to remind her that she was mine.


  “I can’t believe we’re getting a paper right before midterms,” my classmate Sarah griped to me under her breath first thing Monday morning.

  “Tell me about it, I don’t have time for this. We’re setting up our charity haunted house this week and I met somebody on the weekend,” I whispered back.

  “You met somebody? Oh my god, tell me about him.”

  “He’s hot. And seems smart. And hot, oh my god, did I tell you how hot he is?” I laughed.

  And he was hot, my god was he ever.

  He had texted me too, Sunday afternoon.

  I wanted to respond, but Veronica had grabbed my phone and refused to give it back.

  Something about a two day rule or something, she said I couldn’t come off as desperate.

  Sarah laughed. “Okay, we’ve established his hotness, tell me more.”

  “His name is Jacob, he’s super tall, really muscled, with dark hair and these piercing green eyes. Oh my god.”

  Sarah frowned and shot me a suspicious look. “Does he have a friend named Axel?”

  “Yeah, he does. Do you know him?”

  “I know of him. He’s dating my biology TA, Debbie though. I’m sorry,” she replied.

  “No, he’s single. I’m sure of it.”

  “Did he say that?”

  “Well, no. We didn’t talk about it.”

  “Did you hook up with him?”

  “I went back to his place but we didn’t do the deed. No.”

  “Did he live alone in a nice apartment?”

  “Yeah,” I said reluctantly.

  “Then yup, I’m sorry. Same guy. Debbie talked about him all the time last semester.”

  “So they might not be together now?”

  “I guess…but I’m pretty sure they are.”

  “Well that sucks,” I said.

  The TA for our class glared up at us so we fell silent and listened to the lecture.

  I wasn’t entirely convinced that Jacob was seeing Debbie, but how could I really know any different?

  It left an unsettled feeling in my stomach and I wondered if I was being played.

  He had seemed really sincere the night we were together, but how could I honestly get a good reading from a college guy I only knew for a few hours?

  And how much of that incredible connection had been read, as opposed to me being excited about Halloween and the Pumpkin Spice cocktails we’d been drinking?

  Besides, I had committed to being alone, not dating until after my studies were wrapped up.

  I wasn’t my mother, and I didn’t come here to meet somebody. I wasn’t looking to date, I’d only wanted a night of fun.

  So when Jacob texted me a second time, I glanced at the notification and left it unread.

  I wasn’t going to pursue it any longer, not with my own rules being broken by my lust for him.

  And especially not if he was dating some biology TA named Debbie.

  “Veronica, you are the absolute worst,” I pouted and hit send on the text.

  It was Wednesday night and she was supposed to be helping me set up my room in the haunted house, but I couldn’t find her anywhere.

  “She must be with Axel,” Sylvie said, noticing my frown.

  “Ugh, seriously? What does she see in him?”

  “He has a big dick.”

  I snapped my head up and looked at Sylvie, searching her face for any sign of a joke.

  She wasn’t laughing.

  “Oh my god, you guys did do a threesome with him!” I exclaimed.

  She gave me a wicked grin and shrugged her shoulders.

  “I’m French, c’est normal,” she replied nonchalantly.

  I shook my head, laughed and got back to work painting one of the black backdrop walls.

  The room was shaping up nicely, there was a figure in a rocking chair that was motion activated, so just as people walked in and thought lame, it would start cackling and leap up out of the chair.

  After that, there was a shrieking sound of cats and one of the girl’s fathers had brought in a bunch of animatronic cats and rats that darted across and through their feet.

  And of course this was all done in near dark, with the narrow hallway they had to navigate getting narrower and narrower, with fog and scary sounds coming from all around.

  I was excited, my job was to help guide people through and make sure nothing broke down.

  It sounded easy enough, and dressed as a sexy cat lady doing it sounded even better.

  Our test run was Thursday night, so this had to be finished and it had to look perfect.

  Friday would be our official first opening night and Sylvie, Veronica and I were taking turns helping out in this room.

  The excitement of the house project had caught me unaware, and now I was drawn in and committed to making this the best Halloween ever.

  I could hear the laughter and chatter of my sorority sisters from other rooms, and I felt really connected to everyone at long last.

  I wasn’t the boring, shy girl who lacked even an ounce of sex appeal any longer. I was going to be a seductive cat girl and involved in something amazing.

  And yet there was a small twitch of longing deep inside of me.

  I wondered what Jacob was doing this weekend, and if he and Debbie were actually together. Had Sarah filled my head with old news?

  He hadn’t bothered texting me again, so I guess I was worth two texts.

  And I was okay with that.

  Except that I wasn’t.

  I wanted to know him more, know everything about him.

  And not just sexually, although ohmygod I wanted to know him that way too.

  I couldn’t help but think about how it would feel to have his huge, powerful body slamming into me with that nice, thick cock.

  I could have started rubbing myself right there if I hadn’t been surrounded by people coming and going.

  “Hey bitches,” Veronica said as she flounced in an hour late.

  “Eets about time,” Sylvie said, standing up with her hands on her hips. “You’re reediculous, chasing after a boy when we needed your help in here.”

  Veronica managed to look just slightly ashamed, but it didn’t last that long. She looked at me as if to question where I stood on the matter.

  “Yes, ridiculous. You missed out on painting while you were chasing the D.”

  “It’s a nice D,” she whined and then broke into a broad grin. “Besides, I have gossip for you.”

  “Oh really?” I asked, bending down to swat half-heartedly at an imaginary unpainted spot on the wooden wall. I was doing my best to act like I didn’t care, but yeah, I cared.

  Because I knew who it would be about. She had just banged Jacob’s best friend, after all.

  “Jacob is totally free and clear,” she said triumphantly. “I told you! He broke it off with Debbie weeks ago. They don’t even see each other anymore, she’s in the Master’s program and he’s a PhD candidate.”

  “That’s cool,” I said, raising my eyebrows in slight interest, but inside I was doing a fist pump and yelling, yes! Yes!

  “That’s cool? That’s your response? Oh my gawd, Katie, are you fucking kidding me? Jacob is hot, he has his own place, and he’ll be a doctor within a year.”

  “Not a real doctor or anything,” I shot back, but of course inner Katie agreed with everything she said.

  I didn’t know why I was being so grumpy about it.

  “No, but he’s in kinesiology so he is going into sports medicine eventually. So ye
s, a real doctor one of these days.”

  Damn, I loved smart men. Hot and smart, and that big, hard dick. He was basically perfect.

  “Sounds interesting,” I replied.

  “She’s impossible, maybe when she gets her horny cat costume on eet will kick in,” Sylvie said, rolling her eyes at me.

  “I’m going to sexy you up for sure,” Veronica told me. “Axel and Jacob know all about our haunted house, and they will be coming through on Friday night.”

  My throat almost slammed shut and I gulped, having trouble swallowing.

  “Ha, that got her worked up, look how red she ees,” Sylvie snickered and I glared at the two of them, but my face felt red hot.

  Not as hot as my pussy though, the mere thought of Jacob had my nether regions throbbing like liquid fire.

  I wanted him so bad, inner Katie wanted to fuck him hard.

  But I had to remain logical, I didn’t want a relationship.

  Or did I?

  Inner Katie sure did.

  Thursday went on with a couple hitches, but we worked them out.

  First, the animatronics didn’t follow the floor plan, but we were able to get one of the girl’s boyfriends to program them properly.

  And secondly, my cat costume was way too small.

  Not small as in size, but small as in holy crap, my butt cheeks hung out and my breasts practically burst over the top every time I had to bend over.

  Veronica wasn’t going to let me go as anything else on Friday night though, she insisted on helping me get ready.

  “You know who might show up at any time, why don’t you take a chance and look your sexiest?” she said while I was attempting to do my own makeup in the house bathroom.

  “Please, you won’t regret zees if you do,” Sylvie said, somehow her adorable French accent sounding much more convincing than Veronica.

  I looked at myself in the mirror, at my untamable mane of brown curls, my boring brown eyes and my boring body and understood that I needed help.

  “Fine, do your damage,” I replied reluctantly.

  But inner Katie was practically dancing with anticipation, wondering when she would see Jacob again.

  I had to hand it to Veronica, she managed to make me pretty.

  Beautiful, even.

  My hair was piled on top of my head in intricate braids that held the cat ears in place, and my make-up was subtle, but made me actually look cat-like.

  And my eyes, they were stunning. She had somehow gotten the eyeliner perfectly balanced and made me look like and Egyptian princess.

  Even through the mask, you could see how gorgeous the makeup was.

  “Perfect,” Sylvie smiled and pulled on her costume while Veronica did her own makeup.

  I stared at myself a little longer before wiggling into the velvet cat dress. I made sure my tail was fixed on the back, and my knee high black leather boots were zipped up, and we were ready to go.

  I felt like when I was a kid and I was going to a birthday party. The air was crisp and cool, the leaves were brilliant and falling everywhere around us, and my stomach was fluttering in excitement and anticipation.

  I made it through the first couple hours just fine, my breasts stayed put and my ass didn’t hang out too bad.

  The worst part of it all was scanning every group of Halloween revelers for a certain tall, muscled man with the nicest dick I’d ever seen.

  And at long last, the motion tripped at the entrance to my room, the crazy lady jumped out of her rocker and Jacob’s gorgeous form filled my vision.

  I stepped out from behind the black wall and said, “Boo.”

  He stopped, looked me up and down and said, “Why hello there, my kinky kitten.”

  I practically purred, and I was his.


  “And you’re sure she’s going to be there?” I asked Axel on Friday night.

  “That’s what Veronica says,” Axel replied. “She wants us to come over. It’s ten bucks to get in, all the money goes to charity, and it’s supposed to be a real hoot.”

  “A haunted house? I don’t know, it sounds kind of lame.”

  And I had papers to grade and my own research to conduct. I felt like I was getting behind, and Katie girl hadn’t even read the second message I sent her, she didn’t reply so the thought of pursuing her tonight wasn’t at the top of my list.

  “Remember how hot she was? Think about that. And she sucked your dick, think about that,” Axel said.

  And he did have a point.

  On the hotness and the dick sucking.

  It was pretty fucking awesome to have her suck me off like that.

  My cock twitched at the thought of it, her on the end of my cock, slurping up every drop of my cum.

  Fuck, Axel knew exactly what I needed to hear.

  “Fine. I’ll go,” I said. “But we’re not hanging around. I want to catch a live show at that club downtown. The Pixels are in town and I like their music.”

  “I knew that would get your attention,” Axel chuckled and made a blowjob motion.

  I guess as my friend he knew what I liked.

  But what guy wouldn’t like a BJ like she’d given?

  We climbed into my car, Axel drove a little piece of shit so I wasn’t too keen on taking it most places, and we parked in front of a run-down mansion on the edge of town.

  The place was hopping, a huge sign out front proclaimed it the Mi Alpha Alpha charity haunted mansion, and crowds of people walked in off the street.

  I was impressed, and proud of my Katie girl for being involved in this. The Children’s hospital was a pretty good cause.

  We found Sylvie downstairs taking ticket money, and she leaned close to talk over the music.

  “She’s upstairs,” she said to me, then she turned to Axel with a sly smile. “Veronica is also upstairs, and I’ll be there soon. We could…show you something thrilling.”

  “Sounds good,” Axel said, and I could tell he’d be busy for the night with both girls. “I’ll stay here with you, my little French baguette.”

  I took the hint and left, winding through the halls and past displays and rooms of people screaming, smoke machines, and freaky soundtracks.

  I headed upstairs and made my way from room to room, hoping to find my Katie girl in one of them.

  On the fourth room, a cat themed place, I was alone when I went in and was startled by some rocking chair crazy lady.

  I was about to walk out when I saw her.

  Katie stepped out and I was blown away by how fucking good she looked.

  My sexy Katie, my kinky kitten.

  She had on the tightest little black dress, knee high ‘fuck me’ boots, adorable ears and a sexy mask that gave her an air of mystery that made my blood race.

  “How do you like the mansion?” she asked me, standing a couple feet away and looking so hot I could have banged her right there on that damned rocking chair.

  “It’s really great, I’m glad I came,” I said.

  She looked relieved and was about to say something when a loud burst of laughter exploded in the hallway. A group of people walked through the door behind me and I looked back.

  “Listen, let’s cut to the chase. I only came here to see you, Katie girl. How long are you working in here tonight? Can I take you out afterwards?”

  She looked around me when the crazy rocking chair lady leapt forward and the sounds of female shrieks pierced the air.

  “Come back here,” she said, motioning for me to follow her. She disappeared behind the black wooden prop wall of the haunted hallway.

  I followed her and found myself in a large, dark space behind the wall. Flickering lights from the main attraction illuminated the darkness here and there, but it was mostly a light glow and that was it.

  She looked incredible, the lights reflected off the glitter on her body, her chest and her shoulders and around her eyes through the mask.

  “You are my sexy little kitten, Katie girl,” I whispered and pulled he
r against me. “I’ve been thinking about you constantly since you sucked my cock, I’m addicted to you.”

  “I wanted to reply to your texts, but I got busy and then I heard about Debbie…” Her voice trailed off and she looked down.

  Her hands still rested on my chest and I felt the heat of them through my shirt. I should have dressed up, but I was in a white tee shirt and jeans, my standard clothes, easy to tear off if she wanted to do anything…

  But wait, had she said Debbie?

  “Debs? What about her? What did you hear?”

  “You’re seeing her. She’s your girlfriend.”

  “She was my girlfriend, if you can even call it that. We were more friends with benefits, and that’s about it.”

  “Who ended it?”

  “I did.”

  “And it’s completely over?”

  “Yes, Katie, it has been for weeks.”

  She visibly relaxed and looked up with a smile. “Okay, good.”

  “Feel free to ask me anything else, I’m an open book with you, my kitten.”

  “Will you kiss me?”

  “Fuck, yes,” I breathed out with more of a growl than words.

  I dipped my face down and my mouth met hers. Our lips crashed together and we were back where we needed to be.

  With each other, together.

  Her hands were as urgent as mine, she pulled at my shirt and worked my belt open with the same desperation that I was feeling.

  She pulled it slowly out of the loops and I grabbed it, wrapping it around her hands.

  She didn’t stop kissing me, but she moaned and struggled a little against my bond.

  She didn’t struggle for long though.

  I’d never done this with another woman, never had the urge to capture them and hang onto them like I did with Katie, but she brought that caveman need out inside of me.

  I wanted her to know she was mine, that she belonged to me now.

  Her hands were clasped together in front of her, her wrists bound, and I lifted them gently and broke away to look at her.

  She was fucking stunning.


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