The Autumn Reunion

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by Terry Aspinall

The Autum Reunion

  Terry Aspinall

  © Copyright 2008 by Terry Aspinall

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means – electronic, mechanical, photographic (photocopying) recording, or otherwise – without prior permission in writing from the author.

  ISBN : 9781476395159

  Published by Terry Aspinall

  This eBook is available at most online retailers for more information please contact:

  A short story

  This book is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations and incidents are the product of the author's imagination, or have been used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, locals or events is entirely coincidental.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1. The Reunion

  Chapter 2. Adriana

  Chapter 3. Christine

  Chapter 4. James

  Other titles by this author

  Chapter 1

  The Reunion

  It was autumn and had been raining steadily for several hours, making the roads very slippery and treacherous to all who ventured out. The evening had turned out to be very cold, wet and uncomfortable, made worse by the fact that there was no moon to be seen peering through the mass of rain clouds that still covered the night sky. It was one of those nights that you would not have turned away your worst enemy, to face the elements

  James was one of those who had chose to travel that Friday evening, and found him sitting behind the wheel of his newly purchased Ford saloon car. He was driving from his home in London, and heading towards the small Suffolk country town of Stowmarket.

  About an hour into his trip the rain became even heavier, so heavy that the windscreen wipers were having a problem coping with the large volume of water. That was cutting down his visibility and making it harder for him to see the road ahead. While the steady back and forward motion of the wiper blades was having a hypnotic effect on him. Coursing him to feel drowsy and playing tricks on his eyes. At times he was almost unable to read the road conditions ahead correctly.

  Suddenly ahead he noticed a car parked on the left-hand side of the road, on the hard shoulder. It had no lights on and he thought he saw some sort of a message or writing in the rear window, but he wasn’t quite sure. Because of the weather conditions he had not been driving fast, so he was able to pull up along side of the parked vehicle, to see if he could assist the driver.

  At that very same moment the rain appeared to fall even harder, although he wanted to help he did not want to get wet if he could help it. So James leaned over his passenger seat and wound down the window only exposing a slight gap. He then shouted to the other car at the top of his voice, but there was no response. The person behind the wheel appeared just as an outline to James and completely out of focus. So it was hard for James to make out if they had responded to his call.

  His view through the other car window was also blocked out by the large amount of condensation that had gathered on the inside of the car. Whoever was inside of the vehicle was also having problems looking out through the condensation and large volume of water that was constantly running down the outside of the windows. These conditions were also making it hard for James to see into the car. Coupled to this, the noise of the rain beating down on both cars made it sounded just like a constant roll of thunder.

  James suddenly became worried about the situation he was about to become involved in. He was finding it strange that they did not respond to his calls. Maybe they did not want to be contacted he thought, or far worse maybe they were up to no good. The last thing he needed on a night like this was to get involved with some sort of crank, or even worse maybe they had just murdered somebody. His imagination was starting to run riot with him, even thinking that there might be a body in the boot.

  He tried shouting once again but still there was no response. James was sure that there was some sort of a problem and that whoever was in the car was even more scared of him. If he was going to help then somehow he had to gain their confidence and prove to them that he meant them no harm. He made up his mind that come what may he was going to try and help whoever it was.

  So he reversed his car back up the road a short distance and then positioned it directly behind the parked vehicle. He left his headlights on full beam showing up the vehicle in the night. It was then that he noticed the message in the car's rear window; it simply said, 'HELP'.

  The sign told him that he had made the right decision, whoever it was inside the vehicle needed his help, and if it meant getting wet, well that would be a small price to pay. He got out of his car and ran to the front of the other vehicle, and stood in front of the bonnet so the driver could see his face in the glare of his headlights. It was also a way of showing them that he did not have a problem with showing his face.

  He had only been there for a couple of seconds, but in that time he was completely drenched. The rain flattened his hair washing it down his forehead and into his eyes. He started to worry in case it made him look like a monster and that he might scare the driver even more. His clothes were completely saturated by now as he felt a cold shiver ran down his spine from the water running freely down the middle of his back. Still there was no sign of a reaction from the occupant inside the car, so he was going to have to come up with something else, in an effort to prove that he meant them no harm. Maybe if he were to prove to them who he was, then it would put their mind at rest. If he were to give them his name, surely then there was no way that he would attack them.

  He pulled his collar up and walked to the driver’s door and tapped on the window. The driver used their hand to rub a hole in the condensation on the window and looked up at him. James suddenly realised that it was a woman who was sitting behind the wheel. He could see that she was very scared and that somehow he was going to have to prove to her that he meant her no harm. Slowly he reached into his inside jacket pocket and took out his wallet. He then shouted to the driver to wind down her window just a couple of inches. Which she did, he then poked through the gap his driving licence along with one of his business cards. As the cards were taken James asked her to let him in to the vehicle so they could talk to her, as he was getting very wet and uncomfortable standing in the rain. It seemed like minutes but in actual fact it was only just a few seconds, when the lady inside the car told him that he could go around and get in the passenger seat.

  James opened the passenger side door and stuck his head inside, introducing himself in a jovial voice. It was his way of trying to reassure her that he was just a normal sort of guy and hoped that it would cheer her up, not wanting to scare her further. Then before the driver had given her name, James jumped into the seat and quickly closed the car door behind him.

  His first remarks were about the terrible night and the ferocity of the rain. The driver put on the interior light and for the first time James was able to see her face. She was a good-looking middle-aged well-dressed woman, but most of her makeup was all smudged. He guessed by the constant tears that had obviously been running down her face for some time. He also noticed that she was trembling, whether through fright or of cold he wasn’t sure. One thing he did know was that during the past few hours she had worked herself up into a bad state of mind, and she wasn’t going to let her guard down in a hurry.

  As she returned his licence and business card she introduced herself as Christine and went on to tell him that she had broken down almost five hours earlier. Nobody had bothered to stop and help her. When it had got dark she had become scared and worried in case somebody stopped and attacked her. She wasn’t even sure if she had done right by placing the sign in the window, although it had been done as a
last resort. She went on to tell him that at one time she had panicked so much that she had got herself all worked up. To her the dangerous situation she had found herself in had been so real and James could hear it in her voice. While at the same time she was still trying to hold back the tears. She also explained that she had scribbled out the help message with her lipstick. On an old piece of cardboard that she just happened to have in the car, in a vain attempt to attract some attention to her plight. She was not sure if she had done the right thing by placing the sign in the window, although it had been done mainly as a last resort.

  James asked her what had happened to the car and had she had another go at trying to restart the engine. Christine explained that the engine had just died on her and that she had managed to freewheel it onto the hard shoulder where he had found her. She had constantly tried to start the engine, so many times that the battery had been run flat. James told her that because of the large amount of water on the road, it was a good bet that some had splashed up on the engine, and more than likely gotten into the carburettor. In the heavy rain that was still falling there was no chance that he was going to be able to dry everything out for her. Even if he did he had no jumper leads to help re-start the engine.

  Christine asked James if he had a mobile phone as she had left hers behind that day. He told her that he had one back in his car but that sadly the battery was flat, having forgotten to re-charge it the night before. To his relief she told him that she was a member of the Automobile Association. James knew the road well and suggested that he take her to an all night roadside Café, which he knew was just a few miles further up the road where they could ring for help. He was caught off his guard and surprised that she agreed so quickly. It was as though she could not get out of the vehicle fast enough, having been trapped in for so long. She was worried about leaving the car on the side of the road in case it was stole. James reassured her that only ducks and fish would be out that night, and that she could take the couple of bags that she had lying on the back seat. For the first time he noticed the faint hint of a smile on her face and a pretty face at that. James told her to make a dash to his car and that he would lock her vehicle up and bring the bags with him.

  Arriving at the Café James asked Christine for her AA membership card. Then giving her the bags he pointed her towards the ladies room where she could clean herself up from the scars of her long ordeal. While he made his way towards a payphone to try and get some help for the car.

  By the time Christine emerged from the ladies room James had found a table by the window and had two cups of hot coffee for them. Wows you scrub up well were the first words that he greeted her with, as she blushed and thanked him for what he had done. Deep inside James had to admit that she was a very pretty woman and that he would have been proud to parade her off in front of his mates.

  After a time he had to look away as he realised that he was starring at her, and was afraid that she might think he was some sort of pervert. There followed a few moments silence before he looked back and told her that he had fixed it up with the Automobile Association, and that they would be sending a guy to have a look at her car. He added that it might be a couple of hours before they arrive, as it was a busy night. He had chosen the table by the window so that they could watch out for him.

  Speaking shyly Christine told him that she would be all right on her own and that she did not want to put him to anymore trouble. She felt safe now that she was amongst other people, and at least it was warmer than in her car. James shook his head and insisted that he stay until the break down guy arrives, just to make sure that she did not have any more problems.

  However, at first he had something important to do, and that was to get out of his wet cloths before he caught a cold or chill. Thinking himself lucky that he was travelling with a suitcase, as he intended staying away from home for a couple of weeks. After asking if she would be all right for a few minutes, James made his way to his car where he retrieved some dry clothes to change into, and then headed for the men’s room. By the time he emerged after taking a few extra minutes to comb his hair, he was now looking quite smart and dapper. So much so even Christine remarked how nice he looked. James smiled knowing full well that he had gone to the trouble on purpose wanting to impress her. It was his believe that pretty woman like her were impressed by smartly dressed well-groomed guys.

  Christine did not say much she seemed a very quite sort of person, so in an effort that they did not just sit there staring at each other with neither saying a word. James under took most of the talking, telling her that he lived in London and that he was heading for a school reunion. She detected in his voice that he was very excited at the prospect of seeing his old friends and acquaintances once again. Many of which he had not seen since leaving school in the late sixties.

  He suddenly realised that he had given his age away and wondered how old Christine was. However, was scared of asking knowing full well that it was an unwritten rule that you did not ask a woman her age. Then realising that he was being silly in thinking that way, after all it was all irrelevant, because they had only just met and in about an hour’s time they were going to Part Company probably never to see each other again. So why was he thinking these sorts of thoughts, why not just say what you want. Enjoy the moment because once they parted it was going to be forever.

  Looking at Christine he once again asked if she was okay as he could see that she was still shaking a little. She just gave him a brief nod of the head and said yes. It must have been a bad ordeal in that car just thinking that nobody would stop and help you. If they had, then there was the added worry of what sort of person they might have been confronted with. It was hard for James to keep up a conversation while always trying to reassure her that her ordeal was over. That she should look on the positive side and to forget about what had just happened, and to just look to the future. Think on the bright side he told her after all it could have been worse, he stopped in mid sentence realising that he had blundered. He was just making it worse by going on about it, somehow he had to get off the subject.

  Christine had her elbows on the table with both of her hands leaning forward clutching a second cup of coffee in front of her. Looking like she was trying to heat her body up from the warmth of the cup. James reached forward and clasped his hands around hers, and for a moment there was a dead silence as they peered into each other’s eyes.

  Unfortunately the spell was broken by the voice of somebody calling out that he was looking for the occupants of a broken down car. Over here James called as he released his hands in order to wave to attract the guy's attention. He then looked back at Christine, but the spell had been broken that special magic moment had gone forever.

  Christine told James that she would be okay now and that he would be able to continue his journey. He wanted to return to the car with her, trying desperately to spend as much time as possible in her company. However, he could hear in the tone of her voice that she did not want him to go with her. The repair guy was informed of the problems with the car and where it was, agreeing to take Christine with him. If he could not repair the car then he would get it towed and the company would put Christine up in a hotel for the remainder of the night.

  The repair guy made his way out of the Café with Christine’s bags; she turned to James and once again thanked him for everything he had done. She then leaned forward and kissed him gently on the cheek and whispered in his ear another thank you. As she was about to turn away and leave, James moved forward and returned the kiss, this one was a little longer but it was still on the cheek. He wanted to kiss her on the lips but thought better of it not wanting to spoil the moment. Then he slipped in to her hand his business card and told her that if ever she was in need of help in the future. All she had to do was to ring his mobile phone, as it was usually switched on at all times. For the first time that evening Christine tried to laugh and told him that he had better make sure that he kept it charged up, and with that she turned an
d walked away. James stood in the doorway of the café and waved to her as they drove out of the car park. He then made his way to his car to continue his own journey.

  As he drove through the night he could not help thinking of Christine and of what might have been. He had taken an instant liking to her and would have liked to meet her again some time. Then it dawned on him that he had not even got her phone number, kicking himself constantly for that mistake. Now he knew that he would never see her again and that thought hurt him, what a fool he’d been. It was too late for him to think about driving back to where her car had broken down, by now it would have been fixed and she’d be on her way to where ever she was heading.

  In an effort to try and get his mind off Christine, he started thinking of what had brought him to this point in time, and to what lay ahead.

  James had been surfing the web one evening and came across a site that listed all of the schools in England. Out of curiosity he logged on to the Stowmarket Secondary Modern School site, the school where he had completed most of his growing up. To his amazement the school had announced that they were having a reunion for some of its old classroom mates. Instead of the usual reunion that was usually made up of a particular class, this reunion was for an age group of four years. Anybody who had attended the school during those years was welcome to attend for a dinner and dance. This slotted nicely into the middle of his stint of education at the school.

  Also on the notice board he found a list of ex-pupils all looking for long lost friends. It was Adriana who caught his eye; she had been one of his old flames. He was curious as to what she had been up to over the past few years. So he had sent her a message via the School site notice board. Adriana had been his steady girl friend for three years, which included the last two of the four years that he attended the school. If his memory served him correctly she had even lived within seeing distance of the school playground.

  They had then flirted with each other via E-mails messages for a couple of months, with neither one of them letting on as to whether they were married or had partners at the moment. They spent a long time chatting about what they had got up to and what might have been if they had stayed together. James had to remind her that it was her Adriana who had coursed their split, when she had accused him of seeing somebody else, instead of being on a date with her. When in actual fact he had only been late in turning up to meet her because of a printing error in a bus timetable. James was once again trying to make her understand that it had all been a big mix up, and that if she had believed him, they might just have still been together right now.

  They also talked about some of the other kids who had been in their classes. Adriana had filled him in on a lot of the local gossip and rumours that went with each pupil’s names that came up, having a few laughs at their expense. Upon Adriana’s insistence James had finally given in and promised her that he would somehow try and get to the reunion, if he could talk his grandmother in to letting him stay with her for a couple of days. He also made Adriana promise that she would escort him to the function, so that he did not look out of place. She would have to give each person who approached him a name.

  Because of his meeting with Christine he knew he would not make his destination at a sociable hour that night. So he spent some time at another all night Café just outside of Ipswich where he also grabbed an hour’s sleep in his car. Arriving at Recreation Road in Stowmarket just as his Grandmother was getting up on the Saturday morning. She had not slept much that night worrying why he had not arrived the night before. James explained everything to her over the breakfast table, as she in turn brought him up to date with some of her local gossip. Although he had moved away from Stowmarket within a couple of years of his leaving school, he had always tried to keep in touch with what was going on. Whenever the town's name appeared in the newspapers or was on the television news he would always take an interest.

  The house that he was staying at over looked the recreation grounds and also the Secondary Modern School where the reunion was to be held that night. So once he had taken a shower and cleaned himself up, he rang Adriana just to let her know that he was in town safely. He also wanted to make arrangements for the evening because he felt like an outsider, and wanted her to come and pick him up and to take him to the ball.

  Adriana was thrilled by the phone call and wanted to come over that very moment to see him. So this informed James that she still had nice feelings towards him, making him feel good. James decided that they should not meet until the evening so that they would both be bubbling with excitement at their first meeting for several years.

  His grandmother almost put a spoke in his wheel as they say, by asking if he had seen her since he left the town. James replied no, but that they had swapped photos on line. Then suddenly he realised that she might have sent him an old one or even one of somebody else. Maybe after all those years she was not going to look as good as he had remembered her. His grandmother laughed and told him that life is always full of surprises, and what you make of it.

  Adriana arrived at the house bang on 4 pm just as they had agreed, and both received a shock as they greeted each other after an absence of several. The picture James’s had stored in his head was of a slim very good-looking young girl. He knew that he would have to allow a little in his imagination, as even he had put on a small amount of weight over that time. However, what he was confronted with was more than he could ever have imagined. Far better than the E-mail photo she had sent him. Adriana was still as slim as ever, and she still had the good looks to go with it. Yes the years had been very kind to her, and he wondered why she had chosen him to go to the ball with, and not the hundreds of local guys that must have been queuing up to escort her.

  You scrub up well were the first words that she greeted him with, putting a smile on his face, and thinking that he had heard that saying before. He returned the compliment adding that she looked stunning, and with that they went into a long kissing session, that was soon broken up by his grandmother tapping him on the back with her walking stick wanting to be introduced.

  The school was only across the recreation ground so it was just a short distance to walk. On the way Adriana hung onto James arm pointing out the house where she used to live in Walnut Tree Walk, and telling him that she now lived just around the corner in Violet Hill Road. James added that at least if she got drunk tonight she would not have far to stagger home. She butted in adding that she hoped if she was in that sort of condition then he would do the right thing and escort her home safely. By the way do you drink he asked, now and again on special occasions she told him, adding that today was one of those days, being the most special day she had encountered for several years.

  Arriving at the school they were directed to the main assembly hall where they suddenly found themselves amongst a couple of hundred fellow ex-pupils. James could hardly believe his eyes; the hall was just as he remembered it all those years earlier. There had been a few changes but basically it was all original. The fellow pupils were another kettle of fish, after a brief look around he did not seem to recognise many of the faces. So it was Adriana’s job to take him around and introduce him, while indulging in the odd free glass of wine that was being offered regularly.

  James seemed to be more interested in the females who seemed to be crowding around him at almost every opportunity. Because of this Adriana held on to his arm extra tight in an effort not to let him go. She was proud to be his escort and was not letting him go at any cost; to her she was showing him off like a prize bull. From the general conversation that was doing the assemble room that evening; he had turned out to be the catch of the night. Adriana explained to him that he was one of only a hand full of pupils who had travelled a fair distance to the event, the main bulk of those gathered lived within just a few miles of the town.

  All the ex-pupils were taken into the school canteen where a large meal had been prepared for them, where they were to discover a nice twist to the evening. Some of the yo
ung people who were now attending the school were acting as waiters for the evening. It did not seem to matter where the guests sat, because they were all old friends in one way or another. While the meal was being eaten a large amount of drink was also being served, and Adriana and James drank freely.

  Adriana had tried to sit James in a position that was next to her and one of the other guys, but she had not been successful and to his right sat Judith Royberts. Wow Judith! Now he needed no prompting to remember her. Her big chest soon jogged his memory; after all she was the girl that every boy had wanted to fondle. James had to admit that he was one of those boys, and that he was also one of the few boys who had been successful. He had never really gone out with her but he had at least spent a few nights in her company. Her chest had definitely been the big attraction, but other than that she had not really been his type of girl. Besides every time he had been out with her, he’d been fighting off all of the other boys who wanted to get their hands on her. Adriana was on a losing battle, as Judith became the centre of attraction by undertaking most of the talking.

  After a time James leaned over to Adriana and whispered in her ear that he was not interested in her and that she, Adriana had nothing to fear for the evening. Adriana whispered back at him, Yeah until the beer kicks in, James just laughed. He returned her remark by saying if and when it kicks in; it will help to mask some of the ugly ones that are here tonight. Time has not been to kind to some of them, they had not weathered the storm as they say.

  Sitting opposite them was Maureen Crow and her husband Phillip Patterson they had been schoolyard sweet hearts. James was surprised to see that their marriage had lasted, especially with all of the stresses of modern day living. While next to them was Ben Morley and Anne Taylor, both had been married twice, and in Anne’s case her second husband had only just left her. However, on this particular evening marriage problems had been put aside, and everybody was getting on well with each other.

  After the meal they all made their way back into the main assembly hall where a dance was being held in their honour. Now it was time for James to circulate once again amongst the ex-students, and to try and chat with the ones he had missed or had turned up late. He had made a big effort to get to this reunion, so now he was here he was going to have a good time and talk to them all.

  Paul Hibbert, he recognised him right away, Paul had been a very close friend although they had been in different classes. Paul was the brainy one and had been in the 'A' classes, while James had been a little further back in the queue when the brains had been issued out. He had gone through school in the 'B' classes along with Adriana. James and Paul had been close, even spending the night times together on the recreation ground. While they waited for the girls to come out of night school so they could take at least one of them home for a cuddle on the doorstep before kissing them good night. In those days the boys were not worried about further education at nights; it was bad enough being at school during the day, so who wanted to return for another dose at night.

  Paul’s other attraction had been money, for some unexplained reason Paul always had money, and he spent regularly at the school tuck shop buying sweets. It was these sweets that he gave away freely, that made him a very popular boy. Not many boys at that time carried pocket money to school, so it did not take much to work out that Paul had a steady following of friends. Most of the boys wondered where the regular money came from but nobody was game to ask him. With James it had been different while he freely accepted the sweets when they were offered; he was still a good friend even on the days when the sweets were not being dished out.

  Chris Peddleton had gone right through school with James in the 'B' classes and was very musical. At one of the school Christmas parties he and James had formed a Skiffle group and called it 'Tee Chest Rock' on account of the fact that for a Bass Guitar they had made one up from an old Tee Chest and a broom handle. The show had been an utter disaster from start to finish as nobody could play any of the instruments and they had ended up miming three songs in front of the whole school. After leaving school Chris had gone on and made himself a career in music, forming a successful group which James later saw at a gig in London.

  The event was suddenly brought to a stand still as one of the teachers climbed onto the stage, and began asking for quiet while waving his arms. After a few more attempts and hoping that he would be heard above the noise, he announced to the gathering that a surprise guest was about to entertain them for the rest of the evening. Then as the stage curtains were slowly drawn back it exposed a five-piece band all set up and ready to blow them away. James noticed that the singer guitarist was facing towards the left of the stage. While a female who was holding a tambourine was stood back to back with him, and facing the other side of the stage. Behind the band hung a large banner, proclaiming that they were about to be entertained by 'Back 2 Back'. James tugged at Adriana’s arm telling her that he thought he knew the guitarist. Yes she yelled at him trying to make herself heard above the cheering crowd. Then just as the band broke into their first number she shouted back at him that it was Tubby, you know Brian Seacomb. James was dumb founded, and found he staring at her in bewilderment. The last he had heard of Tubby, was that he had moved away from the area while playing with an out of town band. Brian had been a year older than James, but they had befriended each other during their constant meetings in the playground. Specially while playing football over the three years that they were together.

  The music was great, being well received by the crowd on the dance floor. The constant pumping beat also did its job, by dragged everybody from their chairs and onto the dance floor. In doing so it ensured that all of the chairs that lined the assembly hall walls were always empty. After a couple of numbers the band took a breath while Tubby announced that someone had asked for a slower number so that they could have a smooch with their partner. He then introduced Angela explaining that they would be singing 'Something Stupid'. Then after a four count the band once again struck up and they both swung straight into the duo song, made famous by Frank Sinatra and his daughter Nancy.

  James once again tugged at Adriana’s arm shouting at her, Angela who? She looks familiar. She should be, replied Adriana she was only one year younger than you, used to come to school on the Mendlesham bus. James just looked back at her and smiled suddenly realising who she was. Wow he thought who ever would have believed that she would have ended up being a singer.

  As Adriana and James danced in a close embrace to the slow harmony sounds of Tubby and Angela, he was still thinking about them, still not believing that they had ended up together. Then leaning over he whispered in her ear that he could not believe what a small world they all lived in.

  Then there was Olwin Johnson she had also been a stunner James soon picked her out in the crowd. He’d courted her for a couple of months but it had not come to much as she was also very good looking and at times he was fighting off the other boys who were trying to get her favour. Upon hindsight he was beginning to think that if he had courted an ugly one then at least he would have been able to hang on to her, there would not have been so much competition.

  Janice Wright was another girl that he remembered well but for a different reason, she had been the girl who had always been around James. She had always wanted to court with him but James had never been too keen. Whenever a group of them were together, Janice was always there. She introduced herself to James knowing that Adriana would not, and tried her hardest to muscle in and take James arm. But Adriana was having none of that doing her best to wrestle him away from her clutches. Telling James to watch his step, she’s a husband killer; we call her the black widow you know. She’s had three husbands so far and all of them have died hence the widow in black, and more bad news she’s my neighbour and hangs around like a bad smell.

  With all of the mingling amongst old friends, along with the glasses of free drink that was being handed around. Both Adriana and James were both feeling the worse for wear,
and at times were staggering and bumping into people. So by the time that the event had come to a close it was a big effort to try and walk home. James decided that she was so drunk that he should escort her home, just in case somebody took advantage of her state. While Adriana was delighted because it was just as she had planned it. Her aim was to get James to her house and under the sheets with her. She had not even had to invent a scheme, it had just being laid out on a plate for her, and she wasn’t about to complain.

  Somehow they staggered home laughing and giggling and just talking about the night and how good it had been. James had enjoyed everything and thanked Adriana for talking him into coming. When they reached her front door it took Adriana quite some time to find her key as they were both giggling and laughing. Once the door was open they both fell in onto the hallway floor.

  Adriana was out cold and did not look like she was going to come round. So he struggled to his feet trying to pick her up, but only managing to drag her to the settee in the middle of the lounge room. After going through every cupboard he could find in the kitchen, he then made them a cup of coffee. However, it was all a waste of time, by the time he had made it she was sound asleep, and he could see that he was never going to wake her. He took a look around the house trying to work out which was her bedroom and dragged her up the stairs and somehow got her on to the bed. He was not game to undress her just in case he might have been accused of something later. So he just left her fully dressed and pulled a couple of blankets over her. He then headed back down stairs to drink his cup of by now stone cold coffee. After stripping to his jocks he fell asleep on the settee covered by a blanket he had found in a cupboard.

  As the first rays of the morning sun came through the windows James was awakened by somebody who was shaking him from his sleep, what’s going on he asked in a drunken sort of slur. Then when his eyes had focussed correctly he found himself starring up into the eyes of Janice. What's going on and where am I he asked. He had not got a clue where he was, what day it was or what time of day it was. Suddenly and to his horror he wondered if he’d spent the night with her, and was it her house that he was in.

  His brain was really racing ahead, had he slept with her and if so who else knew about it. Gee he thought there’s going to be a few husbands in Stowmarket who had wished that he had never returned home. If it got around that he was sleeping with anything that wore a skirt. How the hell was he going to talk himself out of this mess he thought?

  As he sat up Janice went in to the kitchen talking over her shoulder and asking if he wanted black or white coffee, and how many sugars. Upon her return she handed James a cup of coffee and sat down beside him snuggling up as close as she could. James was still half-asleep and bewildered by the situation that he now found himself in. Janice was not forthcoming with information that might have shed a little light on the events of the previous evening.

  Mean time up stairs Adriana was awoken by the sounds of people talking down stairs. She too was unable to work out the situation she had just opened her eyes to. She found herself fully clothed with a couple of blankets thrown over her. Her main concern was where James was, she had thought that they were going to sleep with each other, but there was no sign of him or his clothes. Somehow she managed to get out of bed as her head was throbbing badly with one hell of a hangover. Quietly she made her way down stairs to be confronted by her neighbour and her intended sleeping partner sitting very close together on the settee talking and sipping coffee.

  She crept up behind them and made them jump by asking what’s been going on here then. Both Janice and James jumped turning round looking quite startled and guilty. Upon seeing Adriana his heart sank, the last thing he wanted at this very moment in time was to see two women at each other’s throats arguing over him. Specially while he had one enormous hangover and had no idea which one he had slept with. That was another thing he could not even remember if he’d enjoyed who ever he’d romped with.

  Adriana wanted to know how Janice had got into her house, and what had been going on between them. Janice just explained that she had found the door open and walked in, just in case there was a problem. Realising that neither of them knew what had happen over the last few hours. She also decided to keep the truth from them; by not letting on that she had only just arrived about fifteen minutes earlier. She then jumped up and left saying that she would see them later. This left James and Adriana looking at each other and wondering who had got up to what and with whom between the sheets.


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