Top Dog

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Top Dog Page 17

by Kerry Kaya

  Danny gave a shrug of his shoulders, before laughing. He should have known he wouldn’t be able to pull the wool over Moray’s eyes. “Well, yeah, I did actually, and yeah, I’ve probably got the dough to buy this place, but I wouldn’t have a clue how to run a club.”

  “It’s a good job that I do then. Come on, Danny, this could set us up for life.” He gave a little wink. “Plus, it has the added bonus of being legit.”

  Danny looked out of Moray’s office door toward the club itself. He had to admit, he was tempted.

  “Come on, you know you want to,” Moray grinned.

  Danny turned to look at Moray. He could see how much his best mate wanted this. “Okay, I’m in. But if this does go tits up, I’ll be holding you responsible.”

  “As if I’d ever let you down. Honestly, mate, you won’t regret it.”

  Danny smiled, before looking back across the empty dance floor. He could hardly believe it. He was about to become a club owner.

  * * *

  “Come on, Max, you’d love it, and anyway, when was the last time you had a night out?”

  Maxine was indecisive. “I can’t. What about little Danny? And what about …”

  Jacqueline held up her hand to cut Maxine off. “You know your mum would babysit, and as for him, Danny, what are you worrying about him for? You’re not even together anymore.”

  “It’s not as easy as that, though, is it? He works the doors, so he’s bound to find out, and the last thing I need, is him causing a scene, which you know full well he will.”

  Jacqueline grinned, and there was a twinkle in her blue eyes. “Ahh, but he doesn’t work in Romford, does he? And that is exactly where we will be going.”

  “I don’t know, Jac.” Maxine pushed a lock of dark hair behind her ear. She wasn’t so sure about this. As much as she would love to go out, she really didn’t want to bump into her husband.

  “Trust me, Max. He will never find out, not that it would even matter if he did. Let’s face it, you’re getting divorced, so who cares what he thinks?”

  Mentally, Maxine was sorting through her wardrobe. What would she even wear? It had been so long since she’d had a night out. As if she was reading her mind, Jacqueline spoke.

  “You’ve got that lovely black dress, the one you wore for Danny’s birthday. Put that on with a pair of nice heels, and you’ll look stunning.”

  Maxine was tempted. She could do with a night out, and to be able to dance off the stress the last few months had caused her, sounded like heaven. “Go on then, you’ve twisted my arm,” she grinned. “But only if we definitely stay in Romford. I mean it, Jac,” she warned.

  “I promise you, we will stay in Romford,” Jacqueline grinned. “Let me quickly run home and grab my clothes and a bottle of wine, while you sort out little Danny, and then we can blast out some music while we get ready, just like we used to do years ago.”

  Maxine smiled, as she recalled the laughs they used to have when they were getting ready to go out clubbing together. She missed those days. “Go on then, you go and get your stuff, while I sort out this little boy,” she said, kissing the top of her son’s head.

  * * *

  Danny walked around the club. It was nearing nine p.m., and the first few customers would soon start streaming in. The early birds, what they called the first arrivals, were the punters who liked to take advantage of the club’s happy hour of half price beers and spirits. It was a well-known rouse to tempt customers inside, and was also effective. Those customers were usually the first to end up getting pissed. So long as they were behaving themselves, and handing over their hard earned cash, they were more than welcome to stay. If not, his and Moray’s men would quickly and efficiently escort them out of the venue.

  Once he was satisfied that the men were all ready for the night’s work ahead of them, he wandered back to Moray’s office. He’d promised his friend not only would he stay at the club, but he would also stay out of trouble. Moray was like an over-protective parent, and he couldn’t help but smile, as he recalled the look on his face as he’d made him promise to stay in the office with his feet up. They both knew that was never going to happen.

  Danny checked that the CCTV cameras were working, before taking a seat behind the desk. Once they had bought the club, he would need his own office, he decided. He still couldn’t believe he was actually going to own this place.

  He only wished he could tell Maxine about it. He knew she would have been proud of him. Not only was he about to become a businessman, but everything was legit—no more skulking around from the old bill, or having the threat of prison looming over him. He would finally become what she’d always wanted, only it was too late. She wasn’t here anymore for him to be able to share his news.

  He had to stop thinking about her, he decided, only it wasn’t as easy as that. She was the only woman he’d ever loved. How was he supposed to just forget about everything? He couldn’t just erase all of the years they’d spent together. The bottom line was, he couldn’t switch his feelings off as easily as she obviously could.

  He would need to speak to her at some point, though. He was still little Danny’s dad, and he wanted his boy in his life. He wasn’t about to become one of those dead-beat fathers, who only remembered or saw their kids at Christmas or on birthdays. Whether Maxine liked it or not, he was here to stay.

  * * *

  Maxine was sipping on a glass of white wine. It felt good to actually be out for the night. She was pleased that Jacqueline had talked her into coming out. They were in The Bull Public House, in Romford, and despite the hour, it was already heaving with customers. They were sharing a bottle of wine, their second in the past hour, and Maxine was beginning to feel a little tipsy.

  “Don’t look now, but that fella over there hasn’t stopped staring at you.”

  Maxine blushed. “Stop it, Jac. You know I’m not interested in anyone. It’s too soon after Danny.”

  “Well, it isn’t my fault, is it? I can’t help it if someone is giving you the eye. Go on, take a sneaky peek at him.”

  Maxine casually looked over her shoulder, before turning back toward her friend. She wrinkled up her nose and giggled.

  “I don’t know, he isn’t that bad. I would.” Jacqueline pouted her lips and gave the man in question a seductive wink.

  “Jac,” Maxine cried. She could hardly believe her friend’s brazenness. “Stop, don’t encourage him,” she pleaded, as Jacqueline went on to wave at him.

  “Too late, he’s already coming over. Remember to smile.”

  Maxine groaned. She could feel her face begin to blush once again. “I can’t believe you just did that.”

  “Hi,” Jacqueline said to the approaching man. “I’m Jac, and this is my friend, Maxine. And before you even ask, she’s newly single.”

  Maxine shot a look toward Jacqueline, her eyebrows arched. She really didn’t feel comfortable with this.

  “Is that right?” he answered, looking toward Maxine and giving her a wink. “I’m Steve. Can I get you ladies a drink?”

  Jacqueline raised her glass toward him. “White wine for us both, please.”

  “See, I told you he’s a bit of all right,” Jacqueline whispered into Maxine’s ear, as Steve went to the bar to get the drinks.

  “I don’t want to be stuck with him all night though, Jac.”

  Jacqueline sighed with irritation. Her friend was easily the most stunning woman in the pub, and she had a body to die for. In fact, she was surprised there wasn’t a queue of blokes waiting to chat her up. “Don’t be such a bore, Max. You’re young, beautiful and single. Enjoy yourself.”

  Looking toward the bar, Maxine sighed. Maybe Jac was right. She should learn to enjoy herself more. She wasn’t used to getting attention from men, and she couldn’t help but feel a little bit self-conscious. That was half of the problem.

  “So, where are you ladies off to next?” Steve asked, as he handed over their glasses of wine.

  Maxine took a sip
, before answering. “We were thinking of staying here. How about you?”

  Steve looked to Maxine as he answered. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her. She was just his type. “I’m just waiting for my mates to arrive, then we’re heading off to Ritzy’s Nightclub. Why don’t you join us?”

  The two women glanced toward each other. “We’d love to,” Jacqueline quickly answered. She wasn’t about to give her friend the chance of declining the offer.

  “Good. I’m looking forward to getting to know you a lot better,” Steve grinned.

  Maxine could feel Jacqueline give her a nudge and she gave a small smile. She may have felt out of her comfort zone, but she was determined to enjoy her night out, and if that meant spending the evening with Steve and his mates, then so be it.

  * * *

  Danny sat forward in his seat. He was watching the long line of customers on the CCTV monitors, as they stood queueing up outside the club, waiting patiently to be admitted inside. Tonight was going to be a busy night, if the queue outside was anything to go by.

  Moving closer to the monitor, he stared intently at the screen. “What the fuck?” he muttered under his breath. That was his Maxine, queueing up outside the club. What was she doing here, and who the hell was looking after his son? He could see her mate, Jacqueline, stood beside her. He’d never liked the woman, and knew without a doubt, the feeling was mutual. He still had a feeling she’d been the one putting ideas into Maxine’s head about him having an affair.

  He stood up from his seat. He could feel his heart begin to pound inside his chest, and he balled his fists at his sides. Who were the men with them? They were a little too close for comfort, for his liking. A wave of jealousy began to sweep through him, as he stood watching the monitor screen. When he saw one of the men snake his arm across Maxine’s shoulder, he’d seen just about enough, and tore out of the office. He would fucking kill the wanker stone dead. Who the fuck did he think he was, touching his wife?

  Chapter 12

  Weaving through the club, Danny felt as though he was about to explode. Where the fuck was she? He pushed his way outside the club doors, and stood out on the pavement, before walking up and down the long line of punters, waiting to be admitted inside. In the time it had taken him to race down the stairs from the office, she’d obviously snuck inside.

  “Everything okay, boss?” Callum asked.

  Danny looked around him, before answering. “Where did she go? The woman with long dark hair. She was with a blonde tart.”

  Callum nodded toward the doors. “They just went inside. You must have passed them.”

  Danny didn’t wait around to hear Callum’s answer. He raced back inside the club.

  “What’s going on, boss?” Callum called out to Danny’s retreating back. Shrugging his shoulders, he turned his attention back to the waiting line of customers. It couldn’t be that important, he thought to himself.

  Danny was oblivious to everything else around him, as he searched frantically for his wife. He would fucking kill her for this. Who the fuck did she think she was? They’d barely been separated a week, and already, she was allowing another man to drape himself all over her.

  He pushed through the crowd of customers, and made his way toward the bar area. It was the most obvious place they would have headed to. His fists were clenched into tight balls. This was not the time for pleasantries. As soon as he found her, he was going to go absolutely fucking apeshit.

  * * *

  Maxine was swaying in time to the music. She loved all of the old skool classics from the nineties, and couldn’t wait to get on the dance floor. She leaned in closer to Steve, as he tried to make himself understood above the heavy beat.

  “I can’t hear you,” she smiled, pointing to her ear.

  Steve pulled her closer. “I said, I think that you’re beautiful.”

  Maxine’s cheeks blushed pink. “Thank you,” she mouthed back. She glanced across to Jacqueline, and took a sip of her wine. Despite her earlier reservations, she was beginning to enjoy herself. Turning back toward Steve, she felt an ice cold chill run through her body, and the smile froze across her face. Striding toward her was Danny. What was he doing here? Before she even had the chance to open her mouth to speak, he was upon them.

  “What the fuck are you doing here? And where the fuck is my son?”

  Maxine’s eyes were as wide as saucers. “Please, don’t start, Danny,” she begged, pushing him away from her.

  Watching the interaction, Steve moved closer. “Is this bloke bothering you?” he shouted above the music. He placed his arm protectively around her shoulders. “She’s with me, mate, so go and bother someone else. Go on, fuck off, jog on.”

  Danny stared hard at the man, before taking a step forward. He could feel his temper rising. His firm body was taut, a vein pulsated at the side of his neck and his fists remained firmly clenched at his sides. Jog on? Was this prick taking the piss? He battled not to lose his rag in front of Maxine. He didn’t want her to see him for the animal he really was. “She’s with you? Are you for fucking real? I’m her husband, you no good fucking cunt, so get your hands off of my wife, now, before I end up doing you some serious damage.”

  Immediately, Steve dropped his arm. The man in front of him looked insane. It was just his luck to pull a bird with a crazy ex. He took a step to the side, creating a respectable distance between them. “Come on, mate, there’s no need for that.”

  “You call me mate once more, and I’m gonna bounce you across this fucking club. Now, fuck off away from me and my wife.”

  “Yeah that’s about right, resort to violence. That’s your answer to everything, isn’t it? Go on, piss off, Danny. No one want’s you here, especially Maxine.”

  Turning to face Jacqueline, Danny sneered. He couldn’t stand the stuck up bitch. She’d always had a bit too much to say for herself. “Keep your nose out of my business,” he shouted, stabbing his finger toward her face.

  “Danny, please, just leave us alone. Don’t spoil our night, and don’t talk to Jac like that.”

  Grabbing hold of his wife’s wrist, Danny began pulling her away. His grip was tight and she tried desperately to claw his hand away. “I don’t want to go with you. Stop it, you’re hurting me.”

  “Leave her alone, she said. She doesn’t want to go with you,” Jacqueline screamed, pulling at the back of his shirt. She turned to Steve. “Stop him, will you?” she pleaded. “Do something.”

  Danny shrugged Jacqueline away from him. “I told you to fuck off. This is between me and my wife.”

  As much as he hadn’t wanted to intervene, Steve yanked hard on Danny’s arm, trying to release the grip he had on Maxine. “Get your hands off her. I’m warning you,” he yelled. He’d played rugby for years, and knew he could take the man down if he needed to. He was physically strong, and if it came to it, he would simply rugby tackle him to the floor. He would have no other choice.

  In a white hot temper, Danny pulled back his fist, knocking Steve to the ground. It happened so fast, Steve didn’t stand a chance. As he lay on the floor, with blood streaming from his nose, he was too dazed to even speak. He was seeing stars.

  “I told you to fuck off.” Danny looked up at Steve’s friends. “Which one of you pricks want it next?”

  The revellers around them screamed, as they ran for cover. Glasses smashed to the floor, in their panic to get away from the fight. Within seconds, the door men were on the scene. They were stunned to see it was Danny who’d caused the commotion.

  “I want this bastard thrown out,” Danny demanded, his breath coming fast.

  Maxine crouched down beside Steve, tears welled up in her eyes. “You animal,” she cried. “Why do you always have to do this?”

  “Max, get up and get away from him. He’s fuck all to do with you.”

  “No,” she sobbed, as she cradled Steve’s head on her lap. “Stay away from me, and from now on, I want you to stay away from my son. He doesn’t need someone like you
in his life.” She was hysterical.

  Danny swallowed deeply. She didn’t mean that. No way would she stop him from seeing their son, would she? He wiped his hand across his face and looked around him. He could see contempt for himself in the faces staring back at him. Fuck them all. The only one who meant anything to him was his wife, and despite everything, she was still his wife.

  “Max, come away from him,” he beckoned. “Come on, come to the office. We can talk in private there. We can sort this out. Things just got a little bit out of hand here, that’s all.”

  “You’re unbelievable, do you know that? She isn’t going anywhere near you,” Jacqueline spat, looking down her nose at him. “Haven’t you done enough damage? Look at her. Look at what you’ve caused, with your big ‘I am’ attitude. The worse thing she ever did, was to get involved with you.”

  Ignoring Jacqueline, Danny looked to his wife. “Please, Max,” he implored. He took a step toward her, and watched, as Maxine cowered from him. In that instant, his heart sank. He would never actually hurt her, despite how angry she made him feel at times.

  “Just go, Danny. I never want to see you again.”

  Callum held out his arms. He was more than hesitant. After all, this was Danny McKay he was dealing with. “Boss, I think it’d be a good idea if you went back to the office. Let us deal with this, okay?”

  Danny stared hard at Callum, before looking back to Maxine. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing and hearing. Why the fuck was she so bothered about some random bloke? He held up his hands, as Callum tried to usher him away from the scene. “All right,” he spat. “I’m going, and you’d better get this wanker out of here, before I end up going to town on him. Do you hear me?”

  “We’re on to it now.” Callum had absolutely no idea of what had just gone down. He was as baffled as the rest of the men on Danny’s payroll.


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