Falling For Declan (Falling Book 8)

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Falling For Declan (Falling Book 8) Page 3

by Tracy Lorraine

  “Shit, sorry.” Panicking, I run over to my phone and immediately turn the volume down.

  “Don’t be stupid,” she says, placing each twin into a highchair. “I’ve missed hearing you sing.”

  My stomach twists at the memory of easier times. After I moved away, we would spend hours on video chats together. We’d leave each other on the line as we went about our daily life, pretending there weren’t so many miles between us. We did all our GCSE revision together. We’d test each other and push each other forward when we were having a bad time. I always used to sing a lot. I loved it from as early as I can remember, but Lilly was always commenting that my singing soothed her and she’d much prefer listening to me as she worked than putting the radio on.

  I always thought my future was music. I lived for it. I had no idea the path my life would take only a few short years later. I still sing, but only when I’m alone and locked away. I stopped performing the first day Mum was too ill to come, and I haven’t felt confident enough to do it without her. She was always my number one fan, my biggest supporter.

  I grab my glass off the counter and take a huge gulp, hoping it’ll give me a few seconds to compose myself and clear the tears threatening to fill my eyes.

  Thankfully, Lilly’s too busy sorting out dinner for Natalie and Nathan to notice my emotional state.

  “There are plenty of pubs around here. You should go out and see if any of them have open mic nights, especially with the summer season approaching.”

  “We’ll see,” I mutter, not wanting to get into my reasons for avoiding performing.

  I sit myself at their table and watch as Lilly feeds the twins some pureed concoction. I’ve no idea what it is but it doesn’t look appealing—not that it seems to be bothering the twins, or Bailey, who patiently sits between their chairs hoping for some windfalls.

  Once they’ve polished off a giant bowl of dinner and a yoghurt each, Lilly leaves them with some kind of wafer thing and turns her attention to me.

  “How was your first day? You look better than you did yesterday, so I’m guessing you had a good night’s sleep.”

  “I went for a long run on the beach this morning with Bailey,” I say, missing out anything that has to do with bumping into her brother. “Then I pretty much slept all afternoon. That bed is incredible.”

  “What are you thinking about doing for work? I was chatting to Lucas this—”

  I cut off her words before the inevitable falls from her lips. “No, Lilly. I don’t want an easy ride just because Lucas owns a hotel. I’m already staying here and getting in your way.”

  “You’re not getting in our way. You’re welcome to stay as long as you need. Lucas always needs staff, so it’s not like he’s doing anything special for you,” she says, trying to sway me, but I refuse once again. I need to do this alone.

  “I’m going to go and explore a bit tomorrow, see what I can find. Some bar work or something will be fine for now, until I get settled and decide what I really want to do.”

  “Okay, well the offer’s there if you need it.”

  “Thank you, I really do appreciate it.”

  Lilly and I have a quiet night chatting and catching up on each other’s lives once the twins go to bed. Lucas phoned not long after they’d eaten to say he was going to be late. I really like him, but I was grateful for a little time with my best friend. I was also grateful she kept our conversation mostly away from the months before I found myself here, focusing on the future. We talked about possible places for me to try for a job, as well as good and bad places for me to live—although when she got her laptop out and starting looking for rentals, I was horrified by the prices. I’d gotten a little used to how much cheaper everything was up north. I might need more than just a bar job if I’m going to afford somewhere half decent.

  * * *

  I wasn’t expecting to find anything, but as I drove along the coastal road the next morning, a ‘staff wanted’ sign caught my eye outside a guest house. Turning the car around, I parked up and made my way in.

  By the time I left almost an hour later, I was the newly appointed View Point Inn bar manager, thanks to my previous experience. I still can’t quite get my head around it happening so fast, but I’m too happy to question it. The guest house itself is a little dated and the cliental sat in the bar left something to be desired as they sat there nursing their breakfast pints, but a job’s a job at the end of the day.

  I’ve managed to push my concerns aside and I’m smiling as I let myself into Lilly’s house later that afternoon. Something’s going my way for once. Lilly’s stood in the hallway with two glasses of wine in her hands, a smile almost splitting her face in half when I walk in. She’s got a wicked glint in her eye. My stomach clenches but I’m not sure if it’s with excitement or nerves.

  “We’re going out tonight,” she announces, thrusting a glass at me. “Lucas’ parents are babysitting and I’m free,” she squeals spinning around and sloshing wine everywhere. How much has she already had?

  As I laugh at her I realise that stomach clench was definitely excitement. Lilly’s got the night off, and for once I’ve got good news. “Perfect, because I’ve got something to celebrate.”


  “Yep, I’ve landed myself a job.”

  “That was quick!”

  “It was.” I can’t help the smile creeping on my lips.

  “Where?” she asks, looking a little more sober.

  “Point View. They needed a bar manager, and when I said about working in The Olive Tree for a few years, they snapped my hand off. What?” I ask when I see the look on Lilly’s face.

  “That place doesn’t have a very good reputation.” That slightly sick feeling I had while I was inside the guest house reappears. “I’m sure it’ll be fine. Go get ready.” Her voice is suddenly much lighter, but it doesn’t do much to settle my nerves about my new job.

  “So where are we going?” I watch Lilly’s smile falter and it only adds to the ball of dread in my stomach.

  “Dec’s having a barbeque. Lucas was meant to come with me but he’s got to work again. Don’t tell him but I’d much rather go and get drunk with you, anyway.” I’m not sure who this is in front of me, but it’s definitely not my quiet best friend. I guess a night of freedom from twins can do that to you.

  “Isn’t there a club or something we can go to instead?” I groan as she ushers me towards the stairs.

  “Nope. Plus, he knows we’re coming.”

  “I was invited?”

  “Well, no. He still thinks I’m bringing Lucas.”

  “Lilly, he won’t want me there. Maybe you should just go alone.”

  “No chance. There’ll be loads of people there so he probably won’t even notice.”

  There isn’t a part of me that believes her, and by the slight narrowing of her eyes as she says it, I’m not sure she believes it either.

  “You’ve got a bikini, right?” she asks, pulling one of the drawers open and rummaging through it.

  “Uh…no. What sort of barbeque is this?”

  “He’s got a hot tub.”

  “Of course he has,” I mutter to myself.

  “You can borrow one of mine.”

  “Lilly, no I can’t—” My protests are pointless; by the time I turn around, she’s already gone.

  When she reappears, it’s with a simple black string bikini swinging from her finger. I run my eyes the length of her body before turning them to my reflection in the mirror next to me. She has to be joking. Even post twin pregnancy, Lilly has a supermodel figure. I’m nowhere near short and dumpy but that’s how I feel when I’m stood next to her, even with my leaner body after the stress of the past few months.

  “You can’t be serious?” I ask as she pokes it at me.

  “Deadly. You’ll look gorgeous. Hopefully it’ll attract you some attention,” she adds with a wink. “Some of Dec’s friends are fine. Don’t tell Lucas I said that though.”

Your secret’s safe.” I walk off into the en suite to attempt to squeeze myself into the scraps of fabric in my hand. “I’ve no intention of pulling any of Dec’s friends. Anyway, he’s probably already warned them all off me.”

  “I doubt that.” She’s probably right; he doesn’t care enough to even mention me, let alone actively talk about me.

  “See,” she says when I emerge. “I told you it would be perfect.”

  I narrow my eyes at her as I stand in front of the mirror. She has a point. The fabric is much more forgiving than I was expecting, and my boobs and arse fit in almost respectfully.

  “You look hot. Now, throw something over the top, and let’s go. He’s got a houseful of booze and food waiting for us.” As if on cue, my stomach rumbles, reminding me that I really should eat something before having any more alcohol.

  * * *

  Lilly had told me all about Dec’s house over the phone, but I wasn’t expecting something quite so impressive as the taxi pulls up out the front. It’s a three-story home with huge windows and a balcony to make the most of the stunning view of the sea beyond. According to Lilly, it wasn’t much more than a pile of bricks before Dec and his mates got their hands on it. I can’t help but agree that they’ve done an amazing job. It once again reminds me what the people I grew up with are now doing with their lives, while I feel like mine’s barely started. Lilly’s a mother and wife with a blossoming interior design career, while Dec runs a successful business and lives in this incredible house that he renovated with his own hands. I don’t think I could feel any more useless if I tried. I had amazing plans for my future; I was going to perform and write songs, but now? Now, that’s all just a distant memory. I’m not sure if I’ll ever be brave enough to get back up on stage again or be struck by inspiration to write a few lyrics, let alone a whole song.

  I expect Lilly to stop and knock, allowing me a few more minutes to compose myself before walking into the lion’s den, but unfortunately she just lowers the handle and enters.

  I swallow down my nerves and will my hands to stop shaking as I step over the threshold. I shouldn’t be this apprehensive about being in his house. Like Lilly said, he probably won’t even pay any attention to the fact I’m here. It wouldn’t be so bad if I wasn’t still reeling from our unexpected meeting yesterday. I almost didn’t go for a run this morning for fear of repeating the experience. He was out there again, but I’d learnt my lesson so I didn’t stick around and watch the sun rise.

  I take no more than three steps and I feel his eyes on me. Glancing around the room I see a few people but no one’s paying me any attention. Taking in the open plan living and kitchen area, my eyes land on the huge folding doors leading to the garden and the majority of the guests. It’s then I find him. He’s stood in the centre of all the people with a blonde pressed against his side, but he’s ignoring everything around him as his eyes bore into mine. Even from where I’m standing, I see them darken in anger. Our gaze holds for long seconds; for some reason I’m unable to tear my eyes away. Eventually, he breaks our stare as his eyes drop and slowly take me in. My body burns as his heated gaze travels over the skin my shorts and vest expose. Anger boils within me that I’m once again having this reaction to him.

  When his eyes return to mine, they’re darker still. My stomach drops as he goes to move. I expect him to march over and kick me out of his house, but instead he turns to the blonde attached to him and runs his hand from her arse up to her neck. Just before he lowers his lips to her, I see his eyes flick my way. Embarrassment floods my cheeks that I’ve been caught watching them, but it’s not enough for me to drag my eyes away as he shoves his tongue down her throat. Like a creeper, I stand and watch. They look like the perfect couple, both bronzed and toned; it makes me feel a little sick.

  “I think I should go,” I mutter when I feel Lilly step back up to me.

  “Don’t be stupid. Here.” I somehow manage to drag my eyes away from the perfect surfer couple in front of me to take the drink being offered.

  Lilly takes one look at my face before glancing over my shoulder. “Are you okay?”

  Downing the drink she’s just given me so fast I don’t even acknowledge what it is, I nod, trying to convince myself that it’s true.

  Chapter Three


  I had a house full of people, but for some reason I knew the exact moment she walked through the door. It pissed me off. I was already irritated enough with Georgia telling me about something one of her friends said. I’m not interested in bitchy feuds. I don’t know how many times I need to tell her I’m not in this for anything more than a roll in the sheets; it doesn’t seem to stop her pretending she’s my girlfriend. If she wasn’t so flexible and easy, I’d have binned her off by now.

  Having said that, I was glad she was pressing her surgically enhanced tits against my chest, as it served as a perfect distraction from the redhead holding my stare.

  “Whoa, who’s that with your sister, dude?” BJ asks once I’ve released Georgia’s lips. I was hoping kissing her would banish Nicole from my head, but she’s right there, driving me insane, just like she has been since seeing her on the beach yesterday.

  “Oh, that’s her old friend, Nicole,” I say as flippantly as possible, but the raised eyebrow I get from BJ says I may have missed the mark.

  “She’s hot as.”

  “She’s a twat.”

  “Oh…I get it, bro.”

  “Get what?” I snap, stepping away from Georgia.

  “She turned you down.” His patronising smile makes me want to punch him.

  “Fuck off. Like I’d ever want to go there.”

  “You saying she’s fair play?”

  I dismiss him and walk towards the kitchen to grab myself another beer, although I fear it isn’t even going to take the edge off. The thought of BJ hitting on Nicole makes me want to break his jaw. But why do I care? I don’t even like her…No, I can’t stand the sight of her.

  What was meant to be a celebration of the start of the surfing season is turning into anything but a party…well, for me, anyway. Everyone else around me seems to be enjoying themselves. The mostly burnt food seems to be going down well, and the booze is definitely flowing. The only thing I can focus on is the fucking redhead in the cut off denim shorts that show off just the right amount of arse. Fuck me, this is ridiculous.

  They’ve been here almost two hours, and I’m yet to acknowledge either my sister or Nicole, let alone speak to them. I want to say I’m playing it cool, focusing on my other guests, but that’s a giant fucking lie—and if the little glances I’ve seen Lilly giving me are anything to go by, I’m sure she knows exactly what I’m playing at. The fucking freaky twin thing is a real pain in the arse sometimes.

  Georgia’s stuck to me like fucking glue. I can’t help thinking she’s trying to stake her claim. It’s hardly necessary, seeing as my house is mostly full of friends. Yeah, there are a few hot women, mostly ones BJ’s invited, but even still, it’s a bit much.

  I stand out in the garden, one eye on what everyone’s doing out here and trying to look like I’m engaged with whatever conversation is going on around me, but in reality, my entire focus is on what’s happening inside the house. Nicole has kept her back to me since she saw me out here earlier, and while I should be happy about that, the small part of me that wanted to go to her has only been getting bigger and more persistent. I try telling myself it’s my desire to torment her, but I know it’s more. A wave of anger washes through me that she has me second guessing myself like this. I continue watching as Lilly tries to convince her to do something, but Nicole’s standing her ground as she remains where she is with her hands on her hips and shakes her head.

  That all changes when BJ walks over to them.

  Lilly smiles politely like she always does, even though I know she isn’t his biggest fan. It’s Nicole’s reaction I’m more interested in. I clench my fists as she looks him up and down and smiles, but it doesn’t meet her ey
es like it would if she were interested. I feel a small smile twitch my lip.

  “Let’s get in the hot tub,” Georgia purrs in my ear.

  It’s relatively empty. She grabs my hand and tries tugging me over as I glance back into the house, trying to decide what to do.

  “What is wrong with you tonight? You’re so distracted.” She looks up at me through her lashes and her voice drops before she continues. “I know what’ll get your attention.” She winks before grasping the bottom of her skin-tight dress and peeling it up her body, revealing a tiny, nude bikini. It causes every man in the garden—and a few inside—to stop their conversations and turn to stare. It’s blatantly obvious to me that Georgia is nothing more than a bit of fun, because in that moment I don’t care that every man here is currently imagining what it would feel like to be balls deep inside her. She eats up the attention and smiles at a few of her admirers before throwing one leg over the tub and sliding in slowly. Once her body has disappeared, all previous conversations restart.

  I feel her eyes on me before I see them, but when I look up, Nicole is staring daggers at me. What the fuck did I do? It amuses me greatly that I can get her riled up when I’m not even in the room.

  It’s not long before I spot Lilly dragging a pissed off Nicole out to the garden. My sister flashes a bright smile at me and it reminds me how happy I am that she moved here. I hate to admit that I missed her when I came down here for uni, but I did, especially when her life started going to shit up there. It’s so good to see her back to her usual bubbly self. I may have been hesitant about her relationship with Lucas in the beginning, but I can see how good he is for her and the twins. Lilly is the most incredible mother; I can only guess she learnt it from our own.

  I don’t pay any attention as Lilly pulls her dress up over her head and climbs in; my mind is still amused by Nicole’s muttered comment as she was begrudgingly dragged out here. “Who does he think he is? Hugh fucking Hefner?” I can’t help but smile as I look around at the scantily clad women walking around, and half agree with her. I’m just not seeing it as a bad thing like she seems to. I get to spend my days doing what I love, and I get to spend my nights partying with my mates and an array of women. I don’t think there are many men in their twenties who wouldn’t enjoy it.


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