Falling For Declan (Falling Book 8)

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Falling For Declan (Falling Book 8) Page 6

by Tracy Lorraine

  Pulling open the first box I see a pile of flyers staring back at me, announcing our opening weekend with a couple of offers to bring people in.

  “As in, shove ‘em through people’s doors?”

  “Do whatever the fuck you want with them, just ensure people turn up.”

  I’ve actually quite enjoyed my day with him; he’s been the kind of person I always knew he could be. But something seems to have sent him back to being the usual arrogant arsehole he is with me. I guess that was him being civil during work hours.

  “Okie dokie. Are we done for the day?”

  “Yes. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Grabbing Bailey, who thankfully didn’t destroy anything, I get the hell out of there and away from his suddenly sour mood.

  * * *

  I spend the evening searching for a place to live, hoping a miracle might have happened and my perfect place might have been uploaded today.

  “Found anything?”

  “There are loads of gorgeous places, but nowhere I can afford,” I sulk. “Look at this one. It would be perfect.” When I saw the first photo of the cute little cottage, I thought it could be the one because it was so dated inside. I’m not shy of doing a little work to make my perfect home. I stupidly got excited and looked through all the images before glancing at the price. My heart dropped when I saw that I couldn’t afford that one, either. I really was going to end up living in a tent.

  “Oh my god, that is so cute, Nic. It would be perfect,” she agrees. “Have you spoken to the agent to see if there’s any movement on the price? It’s well dated; maybe if you promise to do it up or something they might knock a little off.”

  “I need more than a little off.” I let out a huff and fall back on to the sofa in frustration.

  Chapter Five


  Working with Declan is…interesting. I was worried about him continuing to be an arsehole to me at work, but he hasn’t been all that bad. The biggest problem is that he blows hot and cold like the fucking weather. One minute he’s fine and I start to believe we could actually turn our relationship around, and then it’s like I blink and he’s pissed off and starts throwing his weight around like he owns the place, which I guess he does…but still. It’s irritating as fuck. I never know what mood he might be in.

  I’d presumed his temperamental moods were because he was stressed about the shack opening, but when I arrive at work to do the final preparations before his VIP guests arrive for the test drive opening night, he’s coiled tighter than a bloody spring and it’s nothing like I’ve experienced the past few days.

  “I’m heading home to get showered and ready. I suggest you do the same,” I say, poking my head into the office. The look on his face when he turns to me says he thinks I’m crazy for leaving. “Everything’s ready to go, Dec. And everyone coming tonight is your friend. They won’t mind if we have a small hiccup. That’s what tonight is about; a test run for tomorrow.”

  “I guess.”

  “Come on.” I walk over and grab his arm to physically drag him out if I have to. The second we connect, tingles rush up my arm. My immediate reaction is to pull away but when his eyes meet mine, I’m powerless.

  Standing to full height in front of me, he holds our connection. His scent engulfs me, and my mouth waters as my chest starts to move at a more rapid pace.

  Neither of us does anything for the longest time. It could be mere seconds or long minutes; I’ve no idea.

  Our connection is broken when Dec suddenly barges past me, telling me to get a move on. If it wasn’t for the tingles I can still feel up my arm I would have thought I’d imagined that moment between us.

  Pushing the feelings he ignited within me aside, I grab my bag from the chair and follow him out.

  “Don’t be too long,” he orders before locking the door and marching off towards the car park.

  I’m left feeling utterly confused. I know he’s worrying about tonight, so I guess I just put the whole thing down to his apprehension. I’m not stupid enough to think I could have something to do with his mood swings. There’s no way he keeps having these little moments where all he can see is me, like I do him. I keep putting it down to the fact that aside from Lilly, he’s the only one to show me some kindness and help me out, even if his sister forces it. I’m allowing my appreciation for this job to take over my imagination. There is nothing between us, and there never will be. It’s best I remember that a little more often.

  * * *

  He’s already there when I get back just over an hour later. I’m wearing my first Dec’s Surf and Shack t-shirt with a pair of skinny jeans, feeling ready to get this show on the road.

  “Hey,” I say, dropping my bag and jacket in his office.

  He looks up at me, his face hard. His eyes run over me briefly, and I notice they pause on the logo that’s covering my left breast. “What are you waiting for?” he snaps. “Get out there and make sure we’re ready.”

  “It’s going to be fine, Dec. Stop stressing.”

  “This is my life, Nicole. I’ve put everything I have into this place. Do not tell me not to stress.”

  Putting my hands up in defeat and deciding not to reply in case I say the wrong thing again, I back away and head out to the bar.

  The whole place looks incredible. The solar lights on the decking outside bathe the whole area with a soft inviting glow. The stage in here is all set up and waiting for the first of it’s performers to take to it and the colourful array of bottles behind me look enticing enough to try some of the elaborate cocktails on the blackboard next to them. Lilly’s done an incredible job with the decoration and I have no doubt this place will be a huge success with the younger population of this town. From what I’ve seen in my short amount of time here, there aren’t many places for them to hang out.

  It’s not long before the rest of the staff arrives. Along with two chefs, Mick and Shawna, we have five bar staff/waiters. Will, Ethan and Jess are students and Emily and Freya are both working part time around their kids. I may have only met them all once, but I think we’ve got a good team. They all seem enthusiastic and hard working. What more could you want?

  As soon as I let them all in, they get straight to it. By the time the guests start arriving, we have trays of complimentary cocktails and nibbles to greet them with.

  Dec seems to have sorted his face out because he smiles brightly as he thanks everyone for coming and graciously accepts their praise for the place. It takes a few strange looks and cheeky winks in my direction for me to remember that I’ve probably seen most of these people before—or should I say, they’ve seen me. They’re mostly Declan’s friends so they will have been at his house the night I was prancing around drunk on his table. My face flames red as I’m reminded more than once that everyone around me seems to have a better recollection of that night than I do. More than one guest offers to buy me a sex on the beach, to which I politely decline. I’m sticking teetotal after that performance.

  The night is a huge success. The alcohol flows and the food is polished off with moans of approval. By the time people start heading home, I’m pleased to see a genuine smile starting to twitch at the corners of Dec’s mouth. Maybe he’s starting to believe how amazing this place is going to be.

  Once everyone’s left, Dec takes a seat along with BJ and Liam while we continue to clean up around them.

  “Dude, this place is awesome,” BJ exclaims.

  “If it stays like this, it should be okay.”

  “Don’t be so negative,” Liam chips in.

  “I’m not. I’m being realistic.”

  “We need to celebrate. Nicole, get us a bottle of tequila will you?” BJ shouts over at a totally unnecessary volume, seeing as I’m only a few feet away.


  “Get one for yourself while you’re there. I think it’s time fun Nicole made an appearance. Dec’s had you working too hard.”

  “She’s working,” Dec snaps harshly.
br />   “Aw man, you know you want to see her drunk again. You might even get her back to your bedroom this time without her passing out,” I just about hear BJ say from the bar.

  I can’t make out Dec’s response because he drops his voice, but he doesn’t sound amused.

  “Here you go,” I say in my sweetest voice. “One bottle and three glasses.”

  “You sure you won’t join us? You’ve worked so hard.”

  “She’s. Working. Dickhead,” Declan spits, and I use the opportunity to slip away. I have no intention of getting between Dec and his friends.

  Once everyone else has left, I take tonight’s takings out to the office to get them counted and locked away. I’m almost finished when laughter from out in the bar distracts me. It’s a harsh reminder of all the things I’ve been without over the past few years, and hanging out having a laugh with friends is one of them. It’s amazing being back with Lilly, but it makes me think I should make more of an effort to widen my circle a little.

  Vowing to ask Emily or Freya to coffee one day, I grab my stuff and head back to the bar.

  The three guys have an empty bottle in the middle of them, and they’ve started on another.

  “I’m not footing the bill for this,” Dec slurs as he knocks another shot back.

  “Get your phones out then, lads.”

  “First search word is…TITS!” BJ shouts.

  I watch as all three of them type it into their phones. Liam holds his out for the others to see, then takes a shot before Dec announces something that ends in, “with my tits.” His slurring’s so bad I hardly make that out.

  I’ve no clue what the fuck they’re doing, and after hearing similar conversations involving the words pussy and up the arse, I decide it’s time for me to leave them to it.

  “I’m off,” I say as I walk past them.

  BJ and Liam are too engrossed in their phones to acknowledge me, but Dec’s eyes slowly make their way over. His gaze starts at my ankles and I feel it burn as he makes his way up my body. When his eyes meet mine, they’re dark and hungry. Seeing as I’ve yet to figure out his moods, I’ve no idea what could come out of his mouth next.

  “You missed one.” He nods over towards the stage and I spot a glass tucked around the corner. “I hired you because you were meant to know what you’re doing.”

  I narrow my eyes at him, trying to contain a response that could well get me sacked on our opening night. After a couple of seconds, I spin on my heels and go to collect it.

  “Is that better for you, boss?” I seethe when I walk back over.

  “It’ll do. I trust you’ll be here first thing in the morning.”

  “Yes. Although I doubt you will.” I glance at the now almost empty second bottle of tequila, and march out of the shack and away from whatever his comeback may have been.

  Lilly’s curled up on the sofa under a blanket when I get back. She came down to the shack earlier, but the twins are teething so she had to get back to help Lucas out.

  “How’d it go?”

  “Amazing. I don’t know what Dec was worried about. The place was packed all night and everyone loved it.”

  “I’ve been telling him that for months. I knew he’d pull it off.”

  “He might not remember it in the morning, mind you.” I go on to explain the state I left him in, and Lilly just rolls her eyes at her brother’s antics.

  “Guess what.” The cheeky smile that spreads across Lilly’s face makes me wonder if I want to know.


  “I’ve got you a date.”

  “You’ve got me a what?”

  “A date. A blind date to be exact.”

  “Weird, I don’t remember mentioning I wanted one of those.”

  The thought of going out with a man is enough to freak me out. I can’t remember the last time I was touched by a man. That’s not a good thought for a twenty-four-year-old to have. I should be out enjoying myself, sowing my wild oats, as they say, but I’ve spent the best part of my adult life caring for my mum. I wouldn’t change it for the world, but it’s only now I’m really realising what I sacrificed.

  When my second thought about me having a date is what Declan will think, I know I need to agree to it. This weird obsession I seem to be developing needs to end. He seems to be filling a hole in my life I didn’t realise was there. I shouldn’t be getting used to it, because it’ll only end in disaster.

  “Maybe not, but he’s perfect for you.”

  “Who is he?”

  “His name’s Chris. He’s one of Lucas’ managers. He’s a surfer, and he’s hot. You’re going out Tuesday night.”


  I watched her arse sway as she walked away. My words pissed her off, just like I’d intended, but just like every other time I’ve snapped at her this week, I feel like a twat. The more time I spend with her, the more I come to realise that whatever it was that made me dislike her for all these years was in my head. I’m becoming achingly aware that I don’t hate her at all. I actually kind of like her. A lot.

  I don’t like girls. I find them attractive, I fuck them, and I move on. But suddenly, Nicole is making me think about things I never thought I would, like spending time getting to know her—not just between the sheets, but watching films together, and finding out her favourites. Talking to her about what she’s been through with her mum and what her plans are for the future. I’d be kidding myself if I thought for one second her future was working for me in the shack. She deserves so much more.

  “You need to get over yourself and stop giving her a hard time,” BJ says, breaking through my disturbing thoughts. “She did an amazing job tonight. Would it be too much effort to tell her so?”

  I shrug my shoulders at him and knock back another shot as a distraction. Tonight was incredible. It was more than I could have imagined for this place when I dreamt up the idea over a year ago. It was filled with my friends, though, so of course it was going to be packed. Tomorrow, when we open to the public, it could be a very different story.

  “What exactly is your issue with her? She seems lovely. The way you’ve always talked about her I thought we were about to experience the Wicked Witch of the West when she arrived,” Liam asks, chipping in for the first time. It’s unlike him to give me a hard time, even though I know he doesn’t approve of my lifestyle. He’s the nice one out of the three of us. The one who tries to keep us all in check and doesn’t fuck around. While BJ and I want to have as much fun as possible while we’re young, Liam makes no secret of the fact he’d rather be settled down with a woman.

  “Oh shit, dude!” Both Liam and I turn to BJ, who seems to have had an epiphany. “You fucking like her, don’t you? All this time you thought you hated her, but you actually want her. You want her ginger little pu—”

  “Enough,” I snap, his words hitting too close to the truth. My face is burning red as my fists clench at my sides. I know I’m doing a really shit job of hiding my true feelings. “No, BJ. I fucking hate her.”

  “No, Dec, you just hate that you’re not fucking her,” he corrects me patronisingly.

  * * *

  I have no recollection of getting home or how I managed to successfully get to my own bed, but when I wake up the next morning, that’s exactly where I am. My head pounds as I desperately try to remember the end of our evening but come up blank. A thought suddenly slams into me and I crack one eye open and wince as I look to the other side of the bed. It wouldn’t be unusual to find Georgia next to me after I bootie called her in my drunken state. A huge sigh of relief passes my dry lips when I see the empty space beside me.

  The sun’s pouring in through the curtains I obviously wasn’t conscious enough to shut last night, and the brightness reminds me that I need to be up. Something huge is happening today. It’s opening day for the shack, and I need to pull myself together.

  My stomach complains the second I sit up, reminding me of the many shots of tequila I consumed last night.

ucking hell,” I mutter, rubbing my hands across my face in the hope it’ll magically improve my situation.

  I feel like a zombie as I shower and dress in a pair of shorts and one of my Dec’s Surf and Shack t-shirts. I run some wax through my messy blonde hair but forgo shaving in fear of slitting my own throat with the amount of alcohol still flowing through my veins.

  The house is silent as I make my way down to the kitchen. BJ and Liam are doing exactly what I should be: sleeping off last night. Instead, I stood there bleary-eyed as I wait for the coffee machine to make me the strongest mug of caffeine possible. Once it’s done, I put the lid on the travel mug and head out into the early morning sun.

  The short walk to the beach helps to clear my head somewhat. The coffee hits the spot, too. By the time I push the key into the lock at the shack, I feel almost like my usual self. That doesn’t mean the blur of fur that bounds towards me the second I enter doesn’t almost knock me off my feet as his giant paws land on my thighs.

  Encouraging him back onto all fours, I drop to my haunches to say hello in the hope it’ll calm him down a little. “What are you doing here so early?” I ask, now sober enough to not expect an answer. “Where’s your owner, hey? Is she causing trouble?”

  Music blares out as I follow behind him as he heads towards the office like he understood exactly what I just said. He disappears off into the room and I come to a stop in the doorway. The sight in front of me has me doing a double take. Not only is the place spotless, and the second desk that was covered in stock and crap is now clear and useable, but Nicole is on her hands and knees under the damn thing wearing a short denim skirt. Well, I think that’s what she’s wearing, because my focus is solely on the tiny bit of black lace that’s doing a very good job of covering the bare minimum. Fuck me, this morning’s starting to look up.

  I’ve no idea what she’s doing down there as she sings along to Rihanna’s Hate That I Love You. I don’t think she could have chosen a more appropriate song to sing in that moment. Eventually, realising I’ve been standing here way too long staring at her arse and barely there underwear, I clear my throat to announce my presence.


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