Falling For Declan (Falling Book 8)

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Falling For Declan (Falling Book 8) Page 27

by Tracy Lorraine

  My mind begins to wander to my first time here. The first time I met him.

  It was Nicole’s birthday, and we’d spent the day at a hotel being pampered before an evening that Declan had arranged as a surprise. Thoughts of the life I’d left behind were never far from my mind while I was here, but that day, I was able to be the young and carefree twenty-four year old that I should be. I felt light and free for the first time in a long time as I laughed and joked with Nicole and Lilly. I knew we were expecting company for our evening meal before heading out for the night—Lilly had filled me in on the secret plans earlier in the day—but I didn’t think much of it.

  That all changed when I walked into that dining room with Nic and Lilly either side of me. As they took the attention of their men who were waiting for us to appear, I discovered I was also being ogled. Not just by one set of eyes, but two.

  The first guy was massive. I allowed my eyes to run over his short hair, wide shoulders and thick arms as his own travelled over my body. I soon realised the tingles I felt weren’t because of his scrutiny. They were courtesy of the guy stood next to him. He looked small next to his friend, but that’s only because of the sheer size of the first guy. I took in his shaggy dark hair, his sharp cheekbones and defined jaw. They were phenomenal but paled in comparison to his rich chocolate eyes and the smile that erupted on his face when our eyes met. I felt a physical blow to my chest when his full pink lips curved up, making a dimple appear in his cheek.

  The beast of a guy was the first to move and introduced himself as BJ. The smirk as he said it suggested I should be impressed by the nickname, but honestly, I couldn’t care less. He wasn’t the one holding my attention.

  “This is Liam,” he said, nodding towards his friend, whose eyes were still burning into me. It was the weirdest feeling. I’d never met him before, that I was sure of, but I felt like I knew him. Tearing my eyes away, I managed to head farther into the room and towards where the others were chatting, but his attention stayed on me. I felt it.

  I could feel it all night, even though he pretty much stayed in the shadows. BJ was such a big character that Liam barely got a word in edgeways—not that he seemed overly bothered. I got the sense that he was quite content with being the quiet, brooding one of the three of them. I discreetly kept my eye on him, trying to figure him out, but it was hopeless. He gave nothing away. The only time I saw a part of him was when he caught me staring and our eyes would connect. In those few seconds, it was like I could see directly into his soul. It was weird. At no point did he make any real effort to talk to me, other than the usual group chatter, and I was beginning to think I’d imagined the connection between us. I did my best to ignore the fluttering within me and focused on enjoying myself. It had been a long time since I was able to let my hair down. After we graduated, all my friends left, either to go back home or to embark on their new careers. I was desperate to do the same, and I felt cheated when I agreed to stay in Cardiff with David. I longed to experience what the rest of the country had to offer, but when given the ultimatum, I chose him.

  By the time everyone started to leave, I’d had enough drinks to push him to the back of my mind—or so I thought.

  We were the last of our group to leave the table in the karaoke bar we’d spent the evening in, and I’d only taken a few steps when warm fingers wrapped around my wrist. I was tugged back until I was inches away from his body. His eyes bored into mine with an intensity that weakened my knees. No one had ever looked at me like that before. Like they wanted to devour me. Own me. It was an unnerving feeling, although not totally unwelcome as I felt myself becoming slick with arousal the longer he stared.

  The heat of his fingers continued to burn my wrist as his breath tickled gently over my face. His eyes eventually broke from mine in favour of my lips. I didn’t want to lead him on, but I couldn’t help but run my tongue over my bottom lip.

  When his eyes came back up, they were darker than before, if that was even possible.

  “Tell me I can see you again.” His deep, husky voice vibrated through me as my heart began to race.

  “I…uh…” I stuttered, the words I’ve got a boyfriend right on the tip of my tongue, but for some reason I couldn’t force them to be spoken aloud. “I’m only visiting.”

  His mouth opened to respond, but he was interrupted.

  “Liam,” BJ called, “put your dick away. We’re leaving.”

  “For fuck’s sake,” he muttered under his breath before releasing his hold on my wrist in favour of guiding me from the club with his hand burning into my lower back.

  * * *

  Shaking the memories from my head, I stand from the wall, right my clothing, hold my head high and walk towards the lights of the party in the distance.

  The excitement is palpable even as I walk up towards the decking, the joy and laughter flowing from the open doors.

  Taking a deep breath, I step inside and glance around, looking for Nicole. My original plan was to get here this afternoon, get ready with her and help with the final touches for tonight, but my douchebag boss soon put pay to that.

  A few pairs of eyes turn to me, but none that I recognise. It’s only a few seconds before I hear my name called, and when I look over my shoulder, Nicole is running towards me with a wide smile on her face. She doesn’t stop when she gets to me, instead colliding with my body as she wraps her arms around my shoulders.

  “I was beginning to think you were lying about coming.”

  “I wouldn’t do that,” I just about manage to get out of her death hug crushing my chest.

  “All right, put the poor girl down,” Dec says, walking up to us with an amused expression on his face. “Good to see you again, Liv.”

  “You, too.”

  It feels incredible that I only met Nicole at the beginning of the summer at my sister-in-law’s hen do. It feels like we’ve known each other forever. I don’t think she knows how much she rescued me when she allowed me to stay with her before the wedding, but I will be eternally grateful for the bit of respite from my life.

  “The traffic must have been awful,” she says.

  I recall my nightmare before explaining about getting dressed in the car. Taking pity on me, Nic grabs my hand and pulls me over towards the bar so she can get me a drink.

  “What’s your poison?”

  “Uh…” I pause, looking at all the colourful bottles lining the bar. I feel like I should ask for something exotic, but my mind goes blank. “White wine?”

  “You got it.”

  “Whoa, slow down,” I laugh as she pours way past the measure line on the glass.

  “What? Dec’s paying. Fill your boots!”

  “I’ve got to drive back tomorrow; I don’t need to be hanging.”

  “Tomorrow?” she complains. “I was hoping to spend some more time together.”

  “I know, me too. I’ve got work. I need the mo—”

  “It’s fine, Liv. You don’t need to explain yourself to me. We’ll just have to make the most of tonight,” she announces as she slides my glass over. It’s so full, the wine sloshes over the side.

  I pick it up and raise it in the air. “To you, Mrs. soon to be Morrison.”

  The smile she graces me with almost splits her face in two. My stomach twists as pain radiates throughout my body at her happiness. That was me, once. I had that blissful smile on my face every time I thought about David. Now…now, I can’t remember the last time he made me smile.

  I don’t get to dwell on thoughts of my reality because the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. Looking up at Nicole, who’s perched herself on the stool next to me with her own glass of wine, I see her focus is over my shoulder. I know exactly who she’s looking at, and although I knew it was inevitable, all I want to do is run.

  My heart pounds and my temperature soars the closer he gets. I know he’s right behind me, and I’m just about to turn, when someone calls out, “Liam, dude, get over here.”


  Nicole told me she was coming but, the longer I wait, staring at the door, the more I don’t think she’s going to turn up. Why would she avoid me, though? Nothing happened between us, not really. Just because I haven’t been able to get her blue eyes, or incredibly long legs out of my mind for even a second, it doesn’t mean she’s even had a fleeting thought about me. She went back to her boyfriend. I should have forgotten about her and tried to move on, like she did. But I can’t. I’ve never experienced this type of connection with anyone else, and I’m pretty sure I won’t again. She’s the one I’ve been looking for, I’m convinced of it. If only she were on the same page.

  It fucking killed me when I found out she left to go back to him. I was desperate for more time with her, to find out if the thing that was between us was what I thought it was. Her upping and leaving without saying a word obviously points towards it not being as I hoped.

  My thoughts cause a small fluttering of nerves to run through me. She didn’t want me then, so why am I sat here thinking she’s not turned up because of me? I meant nothing to her.

  Turning to BJ, I try to focus on whatever the fuck it is he’s talking about. His mouth might be moving, but no words hit my ears. My mind is too full of memories.

  My skin tingles with awareness, and without turning around, I know why. I’ve experienced it before.

  She’s here.

  Lowering my drink, I look over Dec’s shoulder. My breath catches as my eyes land on her. I might only be seeing the back of her, but that affects me no less than if I were looking at her face. I make my way down her long, tousled hair, over her slim waist to the leather skirt tightly wrapped around her hips.


  My hands clench at my sides and I take a deep breath as I drop down to her legs. They go on forever, but I’m soon distracted from her milky skin when I find straps wrapped around her ankles. My cock twitches at the sight as images of her bound in a very different way filter into my mind.

  “Liam…Liam…dickhead.” A sharp pain pierces through my head. Turning to look at BJ, I find his irritating smug face looking back at me. Rubbing at the spot he just hit, I ask, “What was that for?”

  “I was asking you a question.”

  I rack my brain for whatever he could have been talking about, but I come up short. The only things I can see are those legs wrapped around my waist with the heels of her shoes digging into my arse. Fucking hell.

  “For fuck’s sake, Liam. Did Rita just walk in or something?” Rolling my eyes at his unhealthy obsession with the singer, I try to focus on him.

  “No, it’s—” I don’t mean to, but my eyes flick over to where she’s now sat at the bar with Nicole.

  “Ooooooh.” I watch as he gives her the once over and my temperature spikes. He has no right to look at her like that. The smile that creeps onto his face makes my hands twitch with the need to punch it off. BJ was obviously interested in Liv when we first met her. I mean, why wouldn’t he be? She’s gorgeous. Not that BJ is all that selective with who he spends time with. I never warned him off her; I didn’t have the right to, even if I was desperate to do so. She wasn’t mine. I’d like to think he sensed what was between us, but the way he’s looking at her right now makes me question his morals.

  “BJ,” I growl.

  “What? She’s smoking. I’m going to welcome her to town.” He goes to step away but I stop him with my hand landing on his forearm. Looking back at me, amusement dances in his eyes. “What’s wrong, Liam? Scared she’s going to want me over you?”

  He’s baiting me. He wants me to stake my claim. I know him and Dec think I’m weird. They’ve never understood that I don’t get pleasure bringing random girls back to the house for the night. They’ve questioned me about it more times than I can count, but like fuck am I explaining what it is I want to them.

  “Fuck you,” I spit. “Be my guest.”

  “Nah, I think I’ll bide my time. Make her really want me, you know? How about you go and warm her up for me?” If he wasn’t my best friend, or a fucking tank, I’d take him out, but I’m not stupid; he’d overpower me any day.

  Narrowing my eyes at him, he nods towards Liv and encourages me to go over.

  I suck in a deep breath before forcing my feet to move. I’m just about to speak when someone calls my name.

  “Liam, dude, get over here.” I turn back to see the guys stood over by the karaoke machine with a bottle of tequila.

  “Fuck it,” I mutter before turning on my heel. A couple of shots in my belly won’t be a bad thing before I get the chance to look into her eyes.




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