Maybe We Will (Silver Harbor)

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Maybe We Will (Silver Harbor) Page 25

by Melissa Foster

  “Yeah, me too. I’ve got something for Abby. I’ll bring it by the table in a minute.”

  Abby was telling a story about her father when Aiden returned to the table. He sat beside her, not at all surprised that everyone was as captivated by her storytelling as Aiden was by everything about her. He put his hand on her leg, craving the connection. His appetite for her was insatiable, but his need to simply be with her was even greater. He loved her radiant personality, her sense of humor, and the fact that she wasn’t afraid to challenge him. He’d been staying with her every night, and yesterday she’d suggested he bring some clothes over, so he didn’t have to run back to the hotel each morning. Before Abby, he’d have run for the hills at that suggestion, but he’d jumped at the chance for more time with her. Although he was preparing himself, because tonight he knew he might have to say good night at the door to give her and Cait privacy.

  As if she sensed he was thinking about her, Abby glanced at him, smiling without missing a beat in her story. She placed her hand over his, squeezing his fingers around her thigh, as lustful and greedy as he was, which would make it even harder for him to sleep without her in his arms tonight. He thought about what Wells had said and what Wells would have no way of knowing. If Aiden were to break Abby’s heart, he’d also be breaking his own.

  Wells showed up at their table a few minutes later carrying a bottle of champagne and a bottle of tequila. He was his exuberant self, high-fiving the guys and flirting with the women. When he turned his flirtatious comments on Cait, she stared him down like he was public enemy number one. Aiden noticed Wells’s eyes darting to Leni with every remark, as if he were gauging her reaction.

  Brant lifted his chin in Wells’s direction and said, “Mind layin’ off Cait? She obviously isn’t into what you’re offering.”

  Cait’s arm snaked around her middle, as Aiden had noticed her doing when she was uncomfortable. Her eyes flicked to Brant for only a second before leveling Wells with another serious stare.

  “Why? To make room for you?” Wells scoffed.

  “Okay, enough,” Leni said. “Cait probably isn’t used to guys playing dick wars.”

  “Actually, I’m used to much worse.” Cait continued staring at Wells and said, “But I haven’t gotten a read on this one yet.”

  “Are you saying you want to get your ink on my pages?” Wells countered.

  “Ugh, dude.” Brant shook his head.

  “Your lines are getting worse by the day, bro,” Grant added.

  “Really?” Wells shrugged. “I thought that was pretty clever, but I’ll get out of your hair. I just stopped by to wish Abby luck in the competition.”

  “Thanks, Wells. Dinner was incredible, by the way.” A tease rose in Abby’s eyes, and she said, “A little heavy on the basil, but to each his own.”

  Wells laughed. “We’ll see what the judges have to say about that. I brought you something.” He set the bottles in front of her and said, “Tequila to drown your sorrows while I’m celebrating my victory and champagne in case you want to celebrate with me.”

  Aiden knew from the cheesy grin on Wells’s face that he was only joking, but Jules must not have picked up on it, because she said, “You have no shame, Wells Silver.”

  Wells winked at Jules. “I was kidding, darlin’. The champagne is in case you win, Abby. Good luck.”

  Abby got up and hugged him. “Thank you. Good luck to you, too.”

  Wells nodded to Aiden before walking away.

  “I know he’s all over the map,” Daphne said, “but I love him. I think he’s got a big heart beneath that flirtatious exterior.”

  “That’s not all that’s big,” Leni said.

  “Leni,” Jock chided her.

  “Damn, Len.” Brant chuckled.

  Leni sipped her drink and said, “Put your imaginations away. I was talking about his ego.”

  “What was that nod about?” Abby whispered to Aiden as the others talked.

  “We had a chat and cleared up a few things. I also thanked him for taking care of your mom.”

  Her eyes went hazy with that look women got when they saw puppies and babies. “You did that?”

  “Yeah, and, Abs, he wasn’t trying to buy the place to get a leg up. He was trying to help you out. I think he’s a good guy.”

  She leaned closer and whispered, “He’s a good guy, but not quite as good as my guy.”

  Aiden had been praised by many, but he’d never felt better about himself than he did at that moment.

  “I think we’d better settle the bill and get out of here before these two start tearing off each other’s clothes,” Leni said, and everyone reached for their wallets.

  “It’s all taken care of,” Aiden said.

  “How?” Leni asked.

  “Did you pay already?” Jock asked.

  “No way, man. We can help pay,” Grant said.

  “Don’t worry about it.” Aiden pushed to his feet and said, “You guys can get it the next time.”

  Everyone thanked Aiden as they headed out to the parking lot. The girls firmed up plans for tomorrow, and Aiden and Brant made arrangements to meet at the marina in the morning. After a round of goodbyes, Aiden, Abby, and Cait headed back to the house.

  When they arrived, Aiden grabbed the tequila and Abby grabbed the champagne. She held the bottle over her head and said, “It’s still early. Anyone want to get tipsy on the good stuff?”

  The last thing Aiden wanted to do was leave, but he said, “I thought I’d give you and Cait some privacy and stay at the resort tonight.”

  “Don’t leave on my behalf.” Cait yawned and said, “I’m really sorry, Abby, but I worked fourteen hours each of the last few days to catch up with clients so I could get this time off. I was hoping to head up to the apartment and crash.”

  “Of course. We’ll have plenty of time together. Get some rest.”

  “Okay.” Cait headed up the walkway and turned back to say, “See you two at breakfast?”

  Abby looked at Aiden, the invitation in her eyes clear and enticing. He reached for her hand and said, “Yes, Cait. See you in the morning.”

  As Cait disappeared through the door on the side of the garage that led to the apartment, Aiden drew Abby into his arms and said, “I don’t want to make either of you uncomfortable. Are you sure it’s okay that we’re together while she’s here?”

  “Aiden, we’re all adults, and it’s not like she can hear us from her apartment.”

  “Good, because the thought of sleeping without you sucked.”

  “Want to get tipsy with me?”

  “I’ve been thinking about stripping off your sexy dress all night. I’m already half-drunk on you.” He lowered his lips to hers, taking her in the kiss he’d been holding back all night long. They stumbled up to the porch, stopping every few steps to kiss and juggle the bottles of alcohol.

  She handed him the champagne, and as she unlocked the door, he kissed her neck, the desire that had been brewing all night burning hotter. When she ground her ass against his erection, he said, “Damn, baby. Keep doing that and I’ll drop these bottles and take you right here.”

  She pushed the door open, tossed the keys on the table, and turned, her eyes dark as night as she said, “You’ve done enough taking. Tonight it’s my turn to do as I please.” She grabbed him by the collar and yanked him inside.

  He nearly dropped the bottles as their mouths collided, but he managed to get them on the table. He toed off his shoes, their tongues battling for control as they stumbled through the living room. She fumbled with the buttons on his shirt, and he tugged off her sweaterdress and dropped it to the floor. Her bra came next, sailing through the air as they made their way upstairs. She whimpered in frustration, tugging at his buttons. Adrenaline and lust coursed through his veins. He grabbed his shirt with both hands and tore it open, sending the buttons flying down the steps. She gasped, eyes wide, and he growled, “Your panties are next.”

  She stripped them off bef
ore he could shred them, and he pushed off his jeans, kicking them down the stairs as they reached the landing. She bent to take off her boots, but he grabbed her wrists and backed her up against the wall, demanding, “Leave them on.”

  He crushed his mouth to hers, grinding against her, earning the sexy sounds that always made him lose his mind. He drew her wrists over her head without breaking their kiss and trapped them with one hand, holding them there as his other hand snaked down her body, groping her breasts, teasing her nipples to firm peaks. She writhed against him, gloriously naked, and he ached to be inside her. But he loved drawing out her pleasure, fondling her breasts, caressing the dip at her waist, and clutching the swell of her hips, reveling in her curves. He moved his hand between her legs, teasing over her slick heat, and she moaned into his mouth, bowing off the wall.

  “You feel so fucking good,” he said against her lips. “I can’t get enough of you.”

  “I need to touch you,” she pleaded breathlessly.

  “You will, baby.” He dragged his tongue along her lower lip as he dipped his fingers inside her.

  “More,” she pleaded.

  He crushed his mouth to hers, devouring her as he stroked over the spot that sent her up on her toes. Her legs flexed, her breathing hitched, and she tore her mouth away.

  “Oh, yesss,” she cried out. “Don’t stop.”

  He lowered his mouth to her breast, sucking and grazing his teeth over her sensitive skin, until his name flew from her lips. Her body pulsed around his fingers, and he captured her pleas, kissing her roughly as she rode the waves of her pleasure. He stayed with her, loving her mouth like he wanted to make love to her body as she came down from the peak. Her body melted against his. He released her wrists, and the feel of her hands on his shoulders and arms stoked the inferno burning him from the inside out.

  “Christ, baby. I need to be inside you.”

  She tipped her face up, her eyes glowing with desire. She grabbed him by the arms as she stepped away from the wall and pushed his back against it. “You will be. When I’m good and ready.” She grabbed his boxer briefs and stripped them down.

  Holy hell, this woman . . .

  She ran her hands up his legs, kissing his thighs. Her breath whispered over his eager erection, but she passed it by, rising to her feet, exploring his chest with her hands and mouth. He stifled a groan. Every slick of her tongue made his body throb, his cock weep. When she sealed her mouth over his nipple, using her tongue and teeth, he grabbed her head, fisting his fingers in her hair, hanging on to his sanity by a fast-fraying thread. She was so fucking sexy in those high-heeled boots as she sucked, kissed, and bit. Sweet Jesus, he’d never been so turned on. She was relentless, teasing him as she moved down his body and sank to her knees. By the time she wrapped her fingers around his thick length, stroking tight and perfect, his every muscle was corded. She dragged her tongue around the head of his cock and over the slit at the tip so exquisitely a curse fell from his lips. His body trembled with restraint as she teased and taunted. She grazed her teeth over his sensitive flesh, obliterating his ability to think of anything other than the need searing through his veins. He fought the urge to take control and drive into her mouth, but it was like holding back a freight train. Greedy desire stacked up inside him, pounding and aching until his skin felt too tight.

  “Abs, I can’t take it.”

  When she finally took him in her mouth, the pleasure was so intense, it spiked up his core, spreading through his chest like wildfire. His head lolled back and “Holy fuck” fell from his lips like a prayer. He clung to her hair as she worked him, sucking and licking and taking him right up to the edge of madness.

  “Abby,” he warned.

  Her eyes flicked up to his as she swirled her tongue over the sensitive glans, wickedness staring back at him, challenging him. She lowered her mouth over his shaft, her eyes remaining trained on his as she worked him into a thrusting frenzy of need. He gripped the base of his cock with one hand, tugging her hair with the other, so she released his shaft.

  “You need to stop or I’m going to lose it.”

  She licked her lips, lust swimming in her eyes, and said, “I want you to lose it.”

  He couldn’t think, couldn’t speak as she reclaimed his cock with a vengeance, working him faster, rougher, until his skin was on fire. She cupped his balls and tugged, catapulting him into ecstasy. Lights exploded behind his closed lids as his climax ravaged him. She stayed with him, taking everything he had to give, until he collapsed against the wall, panting, and lifted her to her feet. He held her against him, their hearts pounding erratically.

  “Baby, baby, baby.” He cradled her face in his hands and said, “Where did that come from?”

  Her shoulders rose in the sweetest shrug he’d ever seen. “I wanted to make you feel as good as you make me feel.”

  “If I make you feel that good, then I deserve an award, because, baby, I’ve never . . .” It was too crude to say he’d never come so hard, but that wasn’t all he’d stopped himself from saying. Abby had cracked open his heart and crawled inside before she’d ever put her mouth on him, and the urge to tell her was as strong as his desire to help her dreams come true. But while he was thirty-eight and ready for more, Abby was just getting started. It might be too soon for her, too fast, and their lives too far apart to put that kind of pressure on her.

  Instead, he lifted her into his arms and carried her into the bedroom, determined to show her exactly how incredible and special she was.


  “HEADS UP, GORGEOUS,” Aiden said as they made the bed Saturday morning.

  He tossed her a pillow, and as she placed it by the headboard, he walked around the bed and took her in his arms, gazing at her with the smile she knew by heart. He thought she wore her heart on her sleeve, but little did he know that he was just as transparent. She liked cataloging his expressions, like the certain look in his eyes when he needed to kiss her versus when he simply wanted to and another that showed a hint of worry when he had something heavy to talk about. Then there was the dreamy expression she didn’t really know how to pinpoint except that when that look came over him, he was utterly relaxed and happy and kisses were not far behind. She’d seen that look a lot more often lately.

  “I have to ask you an important question and I want you to think carefully before you answer.”

  His expression was so serious, it made her nerves prickle. “Okay.”

  “You and I are getting pretty close, wouldn’t you agree?”


  “And we’re fairly compatible.”

  “I’d say very, but okay.”

  “I didn’t want to seem too presumptuous, since you don’t love having expectations.”

  “I’m finding them much less scary lately.”

  “Good to know,” he said, deadly serious. “So, we agree, we’re very compatible.”

  “Ask the question already. You’re making me nervous.”

  “It’s a tough one. Do you like your pancakes with chocolate chips or blueberries? Or do you prefer them plain?”

  She swatted his chest. “You’re a brat! What does that have to do with how close we’re getting and how compatible we are?”

  “Nothing. I wanted to see where you stood now that I’ve met your friends.”

  “Seriously? I guess getting down on my knees in the hallway wasn’t a clear enough indicator of how I feel about you.”

  His eyes darkened. “Baby, the minute we kissed, all thoughts went out the window.” He pressed his lips to hers, taking her in a slow, sweet, excruciatingly delicious kiss. “See? Just like that. Brain-dead.” He hooked an arm around her shoulder, heading out of the bedroom, and said, “So, am I too old to be called your boyfriend? Because I like that a lot better than handyman.”

  “I like it better, too. I didn’t want to be too presumptuous when I introduced you.”

  “Be presumptuous. I told you I’m a possessive guy with you, and I
meant it. So, pancakes?”

  Overflowing with happiness, she said, “Are you really making breakfast, or was that all a ploy to see where I stood?”

  “I’m really making breakfast.” He stopped in the hallway and gazed deeply into her eyes, as if he were seeing her for the first time. He touched her face, shook his head, and said, “You are truly beautiful, Abs. Inside and out. Pretty soon you’re going to be spending a lot of time cooking for other people. I want to do this for you.”

  The things he said, and the way he was looking at her, were everything. “Thank you.”

  They picked up the clothes they’d left strewn on the stairs on their way down, and a thrill darted through her with the memories of their lovemaking and how bold she’d been.

  “You know, you could have just asked me where I stood.”

  “What fun would that have been?” He dangled her panties from his fingers and said, “Good thing Cait didn’t see these.”

  Cait! How had she forgotten that Cait was joining them for breakfast? They’d taken their sweet time getting out of bed and then fooled around in the shower, taking even longer. She’d been beyond excited last night when they’d decided to surprise Cait with their skating adventure after meeting with the girls at the Bistro this morning. It felt very sisterly, and she was glad Aiden was going to be a part of it. But then he’d kissed her, which had led to all sorts of sensually scrumptious things, and she’d completely forgotten about seeing Cait this morning.

  She finally understood why people said they were screwed senseless.

  The smell of coffee hit her nose as she picked up her bra from the bottom step. She peeked into the kitchen, finding Cait sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee in front of her and a cheesy grin on her face.

  Cait waved. “Looks like someone had fun last night.”

  Aiden chuckled and plucked Abby’s bra from her hands, bundling it with the rest of their clothes as Abby buried her face in his chest and groaned.

  “Based on the clothing trail you left, I’d think you would be celebrating, not groaning,” Cait said.

  Aiden kissed the top of Abby’s head and said, “I take full responsibility.”


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