Tangled Threats on the Nomad Highway

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Tangled Threats on the Nomad Highway Page 23

by MariaLisa deMora

  “No.” The single syllable didn’t give him any indication of where she’d gone in her head, and he narrowed his eyes, surveying her body language instead. Shoulders back, chin up, she looked ready to take on the world. But he knew her well enough to pick out the tension in her neck, cords standing out as her jaw clenched. Fingers morphed into tight fists under his scrutiny, and her face angled away. “As you pointed out, I’ve got to get back to work.”

  “Baby.” Lines on her face deepened at the word. He heeled the kickstand back into place and dismounted the bike, standing in front of her. “Talk to me.” Cradling the hinges of her jaw in his hands, he lifted her face, so she stared up at him. Bending close, Einstein pressed his forehead to hers. “If it’s too much to ask, all you have to do is say so. I’ll get Gunny and Truck involved, Bane, too, and we’ll protect you. I promise I won’t let anything happen to you, Marian. Scar won’t get close to you or anyone you love. We’ll keep everyone safe. The guys already know most of this. They know the history, so we’re all on high alert as it is.” He decided then. “We’re not going to go through with it. It’s too much, and I should have known it. Shouldn’t have said anything. Dammit. I’m so sorry I hurt you.”

  Her palms landed on his wrists, fingers digging deep as she stared into his eyes. “It’s not too much. If it weren’t the best way of flushing him out, you wouldn’t have suggested it. I can do this, Jim.” The muscles of her throat moved under his palms. “I’m doing this—” She faltered, and he waited, giving her time to find her words. “I’m not worried about being safe. I told you. I trust you. Trust you with everything inside me. You and me, right? We’re a team?” She pressed against his hold and he relaxed slightly, surprised when she lifted to her toes and touched her lips to his. “You and me, Jim. We’re doing this…babe, so get used to it.”

  There’d been only the slightest hesitation before the word “babe,” but it was enough to tell him that regardless of her declarations, she wasn’t completely comfortable with the ruse. Then she rolled onto her toes again, mouth opened slightly as she kissed him again. He groaned at the feel of her heated breath against his lips and closed his eyes, wanting to etch the moment into his memory.

  Deepening the kiss, he stroked one hand over her shoulder and down her back, her arms threading around his neck as he pulled her closer. Less tentative than before, her tongue touched his as he stroked into her mouth, and he groaned again. Heads angling as their mouths worked together, the kiss went on and on, moments elongating as he tasted her deeper. She trembled in his arms, and he wrenched her tighter against his front, her breasts and belly a line of heat everywhere they touched. Fingers curled in his hair and tugged, the sting sweet and burning as her teeth nipped at his bottom lip. She broke away and buried her face against his heaving chest and he curled a hand around the back of her neck, cradling her to him.

  “Jesus, Marian. Gonna give an old man a heart attack, kissing me like that.” Dipping his head beside hers, he nibbled along the shell of her ear, eliciting a shiver from her he hoped had nothing to do with the wind. “I’m…you’re amazing, woman.”

  “I liked it too.” Her chin tipped down, hiding her expression from him. One of her tiny hands fisted his shirt inches away from her face, the other still tangled in his hair. “We’re a team, right?”

  Her words ripped the satisfaction from him. “Right.” This had been a second trial run to see if they could hide the lie when this close to the other. “I’d say we’re compatible enough to do this, if you’re still willing. I meant what I said before. I’ll always protect you, no matter what.”

  Snorting delicately, she scraped her cheek against his shirt. “We’re doing this.” Her shoulders lifted in a slow breath. She pushed back from him by a few inches, and her chin came up, face lifted to look at him. Einstein was bewildered as he took in her expression. Anger, arousal, and resignation. “You need to avenge the death of your wife and child.”

  He clenched his teeth. Stated so baldly, her words sank a knife of pain into his chest. With one sentence, Marian had effectively removed herself from consideration in this deception. “You matter too.” Confused, he shook his head. “It’s not just about them.”

  “You’re right. It’s not.” Gaze steady, she stared at him. “I’m doing this for you.” She stepped back, and Einstein found his arms reluctantly releasing her to stand on her own. “For me, this will all be for you.” Marian turned towards the bike. “I need to get back to the shop.”

  The entire ride back to Baker was a blur, Einstein’s mind more focused on the two kisses he’d shared with Marian than the road. They made it without incident, mostly because he could nearly ride in his sleep, having put so many miles in over the past few years. He pulled to a stop in front of the flower shop, but before he could angle the bike backwards into a parking space, Marian had released her grip on his waist and hopped off. She didn’t look up at him as she packed her helmet away in the sidebag where it waited for her in between rides on the bike. The rumble of the bike kept them from any meaningful conversation, but the peck on his cheek and shouted, “See you later,” wasn’t enough for him.

  He reached out and snagged her wrist with one hand, pulling her back towards where he sat on the bike. “Wanna go out for dinner?”

  Marian shook her head. “I’m taking Luke to the movies after work.”

  “See you later, then?” That earned him a nod, quick and brusque, her eyes focusing anywhere except his face. “Marian.”

  She glanced across him as she lifted one eyebrow.


  Lips thinning as she paused and looked at him, she angled her head in a clear question.

  “I wanna see you. Sure, we’ve still got things to talk about, but you need to remember you’re the reason I come back to Baker so much. I want to see you.”

  The corners of her lips curled sweetly, and she leaned closer, brushing her lips across his cheek in a slower caress than before. “I’ll see you later.”

  She turned, and he watched as she walked through the door, not looking back. No final wave. No last glance or smile.

  He’d kissed her, finally. Kissed her and made them both weak in the knees, holding her close. He should have been on top of the world that she hadn’t turned away, hadn’t hesitated in giving him her trust. She’d agreed to help him find and stop Scar.

  He should have been ecstatic at the afternoon’s outcome.

  “Why do I feel like shit, then?”

  Chapter Fourteen


  “Things are heating up.” Retro’s snort was clear through the call, and Einstein grinned. “Yeah, I know I’ve said that before, but this is backed up by Pooka.”

  “Popova called you?” No emphasis on anything in that three-word sentence, but the surprise shone through. “Direct-like?”

  “Yeap. This is the first time since I left Birmingham that he’s initiated contact. I figure it’s worth a look-see to ensure we don’t get blindsided by anything. I saved the file, so it’s available to be analyzed, pick apart his speech patterns.” Einstein looked around the room Bane set aside for him when he was in town, one of the guest rooms up by the nursery. He supposed it was the room Marian had used when she first moved in, but any semblance of personalization had been stripped away long ago. Frowning, he thought about the room she’d picked for herself, downstairs and far away from everyone else in the family. He’d been inside that room recently, during the debacle of walking in on her changing clothes, and didn’t remember it having a personality either. Wonder if that’s just how she likes things, more minimalist? He shook off the mental interruption, focusing back on business. “You’re here tomorrow, right? I’ve got quite a bit to share and might be better in person than on the phone.”

  “Would this have anything to do with you kissing sweet Marian in the street earlier today?”

  Einstein forgot to breathe, every muscle in his body going rigid.

  Retro laughed softly. “You were occup
ied, so didn’t see a pair of bikes pass you, but they saw the BBMC patch and radioed home about one of our members being down that way. It came back to me directly, and it didn’t take much figuring to sort out who it had to be.”

  Tell him the truth, or not? Retro deserved his loyalty, and with that came honesty. Right? But his feelings for Marian were tied up in the subterfuge, and the thought galled, setting something inside his chest ablaze to deny the truth of what might be. I need to remember Lauren. The reminder didn’t hold the same unbearable weight it might have a year ago. Wouldn’t have had to remind myself not long ago. When had things changed?

  “Your silence tells it all, brother.” Retro broke into his thoughts. “I’d say have a care, but you being who you are, I know you will. My advice, not that you’ve asked for it—” Retro chuckled, sounding tolerant on top of being pleased. “—get in front of the news now if you haven’t already. Bane’s sister-in-law holds a piece of Gunny’s heart, and that means something, man. You say something to them yet?”

  “No. It’s new.” With those words, he’d sealed the deal. Choosing the path forward of withholding from Retro something he might need to know, would prefer to know for sure. Hopefully it doesn’t come back to burn my ass. “I don’t want to talk to anyone about it. The conversation she and I had today, I told her about Scar and what happened with my girls. That’s enough for one day, brother.” Nothing in that was a lie, especially the desire to keep the pseudo-relationship under wraps. “Talked a little about some of the things I need to go over with you, because it has the potential to impact her.”

  “We already know Scar’s on the move.” Silence pulsed down the line, and he imagined Retro angling his chin up, staring at the ceiling as he mulled over the pieces of information he had in his possession. “You think he’s gonna target her. Man, that is one dumb son of a bitch. He’s gonna go after Marian.” Retro’s intellect never failed to impress.

  “Yeah, I do. Today was me asking her to stick with me, while telling her all the stories that should make her wave off.” He cleared his throat. “She didn’t wave off.” Still not lying to Retro. “I promised her we’d keep her safe, keep the ones she loves safe. She understands the danger and trusts me.” No lies. “Scar doesn’t realize what he’s risking by threatening to come here. I’m going to unload a lifetime’s worth of hurt on his ass, brother. He won’t lay a hand on her.”

  “Every brother is at your back, Einstein.” Retro blew out a stream of air. “You get any intel that says he’s making an approach in the next twenty-four hours?”

  “No. Last time a body had eyes on him was near Kansas City, yesterday. He’s been pacing himself, stopping everywhere he might have allies. Any breaking news about the shakeup in the Machos?”

  “Nope. Since Smoke picked up the phone and wanted to gather any info on what Zipline might have been planning, we’ve kicked off that inquiry, but it has yet to bring home the gold. Are we certain about connecting Scar with Zippy? I’m just not sure those two make fuckin’ sense, brother.”

  Einstein scoffed, the noise hard and echoing in his ears. “Oh yeah, I expect Zipline to be riding with Scar when he shows his face. Scar doesn’t have many followers left. He’s fucked over everyone he comes into contact with, and, for those he hasn’t yet done the honors to, I’ve reached out and proactively made friendly overtures. I don’t think they’d latch on to him without at least a courtesy call.”

  “Think he’s continuing that angled drop this way?” He might sound distracted, but Einstein knew Retro was fully engaged in the conversation. “Or maybe drop due south?”

  “Tulsa or OKC? Dallas? Unlikely. Between the RWMC and Blackie’s boys, Scar’d be an idiot to try and scoop up any support in those locations.” Closing his eyes, he ran through what he knew. “But, there’s the fact Smoke’s VP bailed. Maybe he’s looking to scout help from farther west, all the way out to El Paso? Zipline would have a ton of connections, and we know for a fact he’s being friendly with Scar. I dunno. Is that what you’re thinking?”

  “I wasn’t. Not until you put words to it. Now I am.” Retro chuckled. “I miss doin’ this with you, asshole. If you’re looking to lock down that pretty Marian, does that mean you’re going to give back the rocker soon?”

  Air turned solid in his lungs, his blood seeming to congeal where it flowed through his veins. Give up being nomad? “No.” His head was already shaking back and forth before he could grit out his response. “No. No, not yet.”

  “All right, all right. I’m gettin’ ahead of myself. But, just sayin’, bein’ a nomad don’t work that well if you’re lookin’ to put down roots. There in Baker, or here in Birmingham, we could talk.” Noise in the background resolved to a bright woman’s voice, words not quite intelligible. “Oh yeah, baby. You know I’ll be up in a minute. Go ahead and get all warmed up for me. Give me a little show when I get to the bedroom.”

  “I’ll let you go.” He sat upright, looking around. “What time is it?” Darkness hovered behind the gap in the blinds.

  “Ten or so. Not too late for fun times, if that’s what you’re trying to say.” Retro’s laugh was low and knowing. “But you’re right, I need to follow my Trina up those stairs right quick. Talk soon. See you tomorrow.”

  The line went dead in his ear, and Einstein shoved it in his pocket as he stood. There’d been noise from downstairs a little bit ago, and a wave of anxiety drove him to the kitchen, where he found Bane standing and rocking his little girl, who was sleeping on his shoulder while Myrtle bustled around the countertops near the microwave.

  “Brother.” He kept his voice low but couldn’t hide the grin at seeing this doting-father side of the big man. “Would you and Gunny have a minute to chat tonight?” He might not want to discuss Marian as he’d been forced to do with Retro, but they deserved to know everything he’d gotten so far about Scar and Zipline, and what he thought the men were aiming for. He grimaced. “Maybe more than a minute?”

  Bane’s gaze was flat, emotionless as he studied Einstein’s face. Slowly his expression softened, and Bane nodded. “Yeah. Maye’s down for the count. I’ll take her and Myrt upstairs in a few. Go ahead and call Gunny, give him a heads-up. Let’s do a firepit convo. Tell him to bring the beer.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” He indicated the side door with his chin. “I’ll be out there.”

  “Catch up with you soon, man.” Myrtle sidled close to Bane, and Einstein watched her fingers curl around Bane’s belt, remembering the feeling of Marian’s similar grip today. Bane dipped sideways and kissed her temple. “Let’s go up, Momma.”

  “Night, Einstein.” Myrtle’s sweet face wreathed in a smile. “Sleep well.”

  “You too, Myrt.”

  Outside, the darkness had deepened to cover everything. Fortunately, Einstein had been here often enough he could easily follow the pathway in the limited light. He angled the screen of his phone away when he unlocked it, using it to illuminate the grass and packed dirt in front of him. At the clearing, he found a stack of wood off to the side, propped a boot on the splintered edges of the wooden wedges, and dialed Gunny.

  “What?” One ring was all it took to have Gunny growling in his ear. “My demon spawn are sleeping, which means I have about half a buzz on already. You need me to go somewhere, it’ll take me most of a pot of coffee to feel comfortable ridin’, brother.”

  “Firepit closest to Bane’s place. You steady enough to climb the stile over the fence, or need me to come give you a hand?”

  “Halfway to the door already, man.” From across the clearing that stood on this side of the fence and past the field standing on the other, he saw a bright rectangle appear against the darkness. A form filled the opening, and then the rectangle disappeared. “Whadya need, man?”

  “Bane said you should bring the beer.” He suppressed laughter at Gunny’s groaning sigh. “Hey, he’s your president, not mine.”

  “Damn good thing I got a beer fridge near the jackass shed.” There was a force
ful exhale; then Gunny grunted, “Shit fire. Fuckin’ dogs.”

  “See you in a few. I’ll get the fire started.”

  “Yeah. I gotta beat me some kids. They’re not pickin’ up after the beasts.”

  “Not tonight though, right?” He lifted a partial log, tossing it towards where he knew the fire ring was. “And you can say it all you want, but not a bit of me believes you lift a hand to your so-called demon spawn.”

  “And you’d be right. Not sayin’ I don’t want to some days, though.” Bottles clinked. “Two sixes enough, you think?”

  “Should be more than plenty. I’m hanging up now, Gunny.”

  “About fuckin’ time. I don’t know how the hell you expect me to carry the beer and climb the stile if you’re insistent on sticking me on this damn phone.”

  Einstein laughed aloud as he disconnected the call. It took a minute for his eyes to readjust to the darkness, but he set to work and quickly transferred a medium-sized pile of wood and a handful of kindling to the metal ring. One knee to the ground, he stacked the first few sticks over the top of the arranged kindling, then cursed quietly under his breath.

  “Forgot a lighter?” Bane’s voice came from the darkness, tone light and teasing. “Happens to me all the time. Not sayin’ I want more brothers smokin’ death sticks, but I’ve sure found it handy when one of ’em is around.”

  There was a click, and Einstein watched as the kindling caught fire, tiny licks of flame dancing along the bottom edges of the pitchy wood.

  “Gunny should be here soon.” He averted his gaze, trying to regain the night vision that had fled at the bright blaze.

  “Wanna give me a preview of the topic? Is this a club business talk or one about the spectacle put on in front of a local diner today?”

  “What?” His head snapped around, and he stared at Bane across the tiny fire.

  “You really think you could lip-lock Marian like that and not have it get back to me?” What he could see of Bane’s expression was amused, not angry as he’d expected. “Want my personal opinion? I’m glad y’all finally pulled y’all’s heads out of y’all’s asses and stopped dancing around each other. Glad you let loose of the idea you weren’t allowed to be happy again, after what happened with your wife and kid. I know bringing them up is probably not what you want or even expect, but they were part of you, man. They should never be a forbidden subject. I can’t imagine Marian makin’ you feel that way either.” Bane crouched, poking at the growing fire with a stick as Einstein stared at him, dumbfounded. “She’s a good woman who had a shit start, and she deserves someone who’ll go to the mat for her. From what I know about you, it seems to me like she found one.”


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