Vegas Secrets

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Vegas Secrets Page 3

by Jenna Kelly

  As the applause died down, Natalie extended her Slade, long arm and pulled the microphone down to her full lips. "Hi, my name's Natalie. I'm here to sing for you."

  Her husky voice brought another prolonged round of applause, and she glanced down at him in his position to the right of centre. He always stood there. The smile she flashed was reminiscent of those from their earlier days. It had become more rare in recent months.

  Within seconds, she had the crowd hypnotized with her voice and the way she clapped her hands and bounced her bare waist and hips to the beat of the music. Holding the mic in both hands, and then pulling it free, she danced across the stage as she built up the pace.

  Within a couple of songs, the waistcoat was unbuttoned, and then removed, revealing only a camisole top underneath. Swinging around, the camisole narrowed into the top of a thong that disappeared into the top of her low-rise jeans. God, she looked sexy.

  The oversized aviators—unashamedly stolen from the Lindsay Wellson persona—came off and on dependent on the song and her mood.

  The crowd swung, danced, whistled, cheered and swooned as the evening went on, the lit screen behind Natalie capturing every move. The stage-lights jumped in time with the beat, with the base guitarist and then keyboard player, both given reign to show their talents.

  Every time they went into a solo, she turned her back to the crowd, legs spread wide, arms stretched high above her head. Her hips ground sexily from side to side, every red-blooded male's eyes drawn to the top of the thong that disappeared into her jeans and imagining exactly what that pert bottom looked like. She was sex on legs.

  The high heels were an unusual accompaniment to her jeans, but Natalie felt they were her own trademark. As she began to sing again, she paced across the stage. Alternately, she held the mic out to allow the crowd could join in from time to time, or clapping her hands and swaying her hips with each heavy thump. She was really into it, so were the crowd.

  She had them in the palm of her hand.

  At moments like this, the same thought ran through David's mind. Why the hell hadn't she'd yet been discovered? Her voice was so good, so commercial, that all it needed was a single break. To find a way of reaching the right ears. Being seen by the right people.

  Maybe she should audition for the X-Factor? She'd always shuddered whenever David had made that suggestion. Country acid house and Simon Cowell just don't go together, she always complained.

  The owner led the applause after Natalie's encore, walking on stage and engulfing her in his usual bear hug. The hour and a half had passed quickly, and everyone appreciated the extra twenty minutes after her brief break. Stepping back, Robert pointed to Natalie and then led a fresh round of applause. With a bow and final wave, David's girlfriend gracefully made her way from the stage, throwing him a beaming smile as she did.

  He loved it when she felt that way after a performance. Their sex was always great when she felt this high. And after his earlier voyeuristic experience, his libido was demanding action.


  Where were people when you needed them? Marissa was as excited as she'd ever been in her life. She'd just received the fucking of her young life, and was guaranteed a trip to Vegas. Even if the audition didn't work out, it would be a wonderful experience. But she'd be doing everything in her power to take advantage of the opportunity.

  Yet—as she nervously paced the floor in her modest flat—her frustration was boiling over. Where were people when you needed them? She just had to share the news with someone close to her!

  Her boyfriend would have finished work by now. He'd promised to call her. It wasn't the first time he'd reneged—and she knew why. He'd be in a bar somewhere. She'd really had a gutful of Tommy. The next time she saw him, she'd get him to return the key to her apartment.

  Maybe then he'd pay more attention to her?

  Her thoughts returned to her sex with Nikolai. Maybe it had been better that Tommy was out of the way? She thought she'd feel more guilt. Instead, she was already wondering when she'd have another opportunity with the huge Greek. Sheeeesh!

  Nor could she share the news with her parents. Well, she could. They'd say the right things, of course. But they wouldn't understand.

  Who else? Her best girlfriends were all on holiday together, cruising in Europe. She'd be with them, too, had it not been for the timing of the last photo shoot.

  She swallowed the remains of the bottle of bubby she'd opened no more than half an hour ago. Celebrating by herself wasn't quite what she'd had in mind. But it was better than nothing.

  Natalie was performing at the club tonight. And David would be on his way there. Or maybe she'd finished her performance by now? God, the champagne had got to her brain. For a few seconds, she looked at the phone. Should she call him?

  No! The two of them might even be fucking each other's brains out at this very moment? Her thoughts went back to Nikolai again. Yes, definitely, she needed to experience the huge Greek's cock again.

  Damn! Where was that other bottle of champagne? The one Tommy was keeping for a special occasion. You didn't get any more special than this. It was in the cupboard in the corner of the kitchen. Yes, that's where he'd hidden it! With a delicious giggle following her along the hallway, her slightly intoxicated legs found the way.

  Popping the cork, the giggle turned into a heady laugh as the liquid spat out and onto the carpet. Who cared? Refilling her drink, she carried both bottle and glass to the bathroom. A bubble bath was just what she needed. She could relax and think of Nikolai. And Vegas—


  "You were wonderful tonight," David murmured, pausing at a red light and leaning across to Natalie.

  "Thanks," her cheery voice said, as she slid her head towards him. "I blew a couple of notes, but I do appreciate the praise."

  She returned his kiss with a passion he wasn't expecting. Her cold hand slid around his neck, keeping him there until the sound of a car's horn behind him told him the lights had changed to green.

  His earlier melancholy thoughts disappeared and his cock lengthened in an anticipation of the night ahead. As he restarted into the heavy London traffic, he wondered how quickly he could get them home.

  Sitting back, she gave him a sexy smile before deliberately uncrossing and re-crossing her legs. Even in the dimmer light of the car, her actions drew his attention to the lacy tops of her nude coloured silk stockings.

  The size of his erection increased. Reaching out, he ran his hand along her toned leg, sliding it up along the silk and onto her flesh.

  "Shouldn't you be concentrating on the road?" she laughed. The question didn't prevent her opening her legs a little to accommodate his probing hand.

  "I'm a man," he grinned, digging his fingertips into the soft flesh. "I can just about do two things at once."

  Her growl was one of appreciation. Resting her head on his shoulder, she reached out to check his cloth covered erection. "Mmmm. That's a good boy," she growled. "You're going to need that later. Wasn't tonight great?

  "Fantastic. When you've produced your first album, you'll have to mention it in all your interviews," he joked.

  Natalie didn't answer. Her clouded eyes weren't just from her arousal. Her first album! Would she ever get to that stage? Was there even a small chance of those dreams becoming reality?

  A crack of thunder pulled her back from her thoughts. Peered out of the grimy window, she took in the threatening clouds that had been building throughout evening. Within minutes, the sky finally opened and frustratingly slowed their progress. By the time they reached the flat, the torrential rain was hurtling against the car.

  "Oh, by the way," she shouted as they parked outside the building, her voice almost drowned out by the driving rain thundering off the roof. "Robert's invited us to a party. Lindsay Wellson will be there. Fucking Lindsay Wellson—"

  David kissed her. "Tell me inside," he suggested, nodding at the heavy raindrops bouncing from the car. "We'd better make a dash for it." He
counted, "One, two, three," as a cue for their race to their door.

  The short distance didn't prevent their soaking, the water dripping from their clothes as they pushed through the floor to their flat.

  "It's a shower for me," Natalie rasped, holding her arms wide to show him how wet she was.

  She casually dropped her jacket to the floor and, smiling into his staring eyes, unbuttoning and dragging the waistcoat from her slender frame. His mouth dropped open slightly at the wet camisole. The teasing look as she shimmied out of her jeans sent a twitch to his cock.

  It grew to a throb as she twirled, allowing his eyes to feast on her semi naked body. The all in one piece of lingerie clung to her wet body.

  With an exaggerated swing of her hips, she swayed towards the bathroom. "Later, sexy," she grinned, glancing back over her shoulder.


  Kaitlyn Kristen answered the transatlantic call on the second ring. "Nikolai! How are you?"

  The huge Greek's belly laugh tumbled down the phone. "I'm exceptionally good, Kaitlyn. Thanks for asking. How's Vegas?"

  "Vegas is good, Nikolai. It could be excellent, depending on your news?"

  "Oh, yes, Kaitlyn," the big man smiled. "Vegas is excellent."

  "Mmmm. That's good, Nikolai. You know my standards are high. I loved the photographs—tell me about her."

  The huge Greek stared into his bedroom mirror. Wetting a finger with his lips, he smoothed first one eyebrow, then the other. "She knows her way around, this one. Flirted with me continually to get what she wanted. But has a sexy kind of innocence, too. And determined. Very determined. Knows her own mind. And she's obsessed with making it big."

  She growled. "Sounds almost perfect. But this determination—"

  "I know what you're gonna ask," he interrupted. "No, Kaitlyn. That won't present any problem. She knows her place—and besides, she'll do anything to advance her career."

  "Anything?" Kaitlyn Kristen's voice held a hint of amusement.

  The Greek caught the intonation and laughed. "Absolutely, Kaitlyn. That was the brief you gave me, wasn't it?"

  "Yes, Nikolai. It was. And you know how I like the brief followed to the letter, don't you?"

  The Greek paused. There was a hint of something… warning… in the voice. But then he already knew Kaitlyn Kristen wasn't to be fucked with.

  Well known as the owner of one of America's largest modelling Agencies, the sophisticated brunette also had a large stake in an Adult Film Company. That was less well known. While women were falling over themselves for the opportunity to create a career in the porn industry, getting someone with special qualities wasn't easy.

  Kaitlyn only wanted special people. That's how profits increased dramatically—and where her modelling agency came in. Contacts across the world were paid to do what Nikolai was doing. By attracting stunning, uninhibited women, she had realised the secret to success. It was well worth the fees she had to pay to people like the Greek.

  "Kaitlyn, have no worries," he assured her. "I've… checked her out personally."

  The woman's shrill laugh assaulted his ear. "Oh, Nikolai! You do take the job seriously. Or is that a little side benefit? She succumbed to your charms, did she?"

  His laugh mingled with hers. "Yes, my dear. But not without giving it some thought. This one knows what she wants."

  "She's unattached?"

  "A boyfriend—they live together. From what I can tell, the relationship's on its last legs."

  "Even better, Nikolai. Make the arrangements. The normal terms. Nothing if we reject her. The usual fee if we take her on. And a large bonus if we successfully help her career change."

  The large bonus registered in front of the Greek's twinkling eyes. "Kaitlyn, she'll be worth her weight in gold. Believe me."

  Checking his appearance in the mirror one final time, he bid her goodnight and ended the call. He'd make the arrangements, as asked. And he'd sample the goods again before they were finalised.

  Just to make sure, of course.


  The soft kiss on his lips brought David out of his light sleep. He opened his eyes to the sight of his wet clothes on the floor beside the small couch. Only his Calvin Klein black boxers protected his modesty.

  Raising his gaze, he saw Natalie smiling down at him. Only the white fluffy towel covered her nakedness, if only just.

  "Sleepy?" she asked, unwrapping the towel and allowing it to drop to the floor. His eyes widened at the sight of her hard nipples. The look on his face didn't escape her attention. "The shower is all yours if you want," her gravely voice told him. "Or did you have something else in mind?"

  A tiny drop of water released itself from her left ear, landing silently on her rounded, right breast and tantalisingly making its way down to her erect, dark, nipple.

  David's body instantly reacted. His voice was thick with arousal. "Why Miss Natalie," he growled in his best Rhett Butler accent. "I do believe you're trying to seduce me?"

  Natalie played the game, switching her accent to a deep Southern drawl. "Why, Mr. David. I do believe I am. I hope that doesn't upset you?" Her hands rose to cup her breasts. An eyebrow arched.

  He leapt from the couch, his eager hand grabbing hers. Half stumbling, he dragged her behind him to the bedroom. A caveman claiming his mate. The bed springs rocked as they fell on the mattress.

  "I do believe Mr David has something for me?" her mock Southern accent teased.

  But David had finished playing. His lips found hers, their kiss urgent. When his hand ran along her inner thigh, Natalie opened her legs to allow him more freedom. He willingly took it. Her gasp turned into a moan as he found her slippery clit. She detonated when the two fingers jammed inside her.

  David's teeth found her lower lip, tugging it down. Her hands dug into his crinkly hair as he finger fucked her through her climax. When he flicked her g-spot, she began to spiral upwards, flooding his hand with her honeyed juices as she came a second time.

  It took a short time for her to recover. When she did, she'd swung around and dragged his boxers off. When her mouth engulfed his rockhard cock, he flopped back on the bed and allowed her to take control.

  She moved quickly, never keeping still, a snake devouring its prey. The hand pushing down on his chest kept him in position as her tongue began flicked along his hardness. He'd given—it was his turn to receive.

  She took him as far inside as she could, the head of his cock touching the entrance to her throat. Her spare hand caressed his balls. His body jumped but the hand pushing down on his chest kept her in control.

  David's feet dug into the mattress, allowing him to thrust up. Natalie choked for a second, but quickly adjusted to take his cock into the back of her throat. With a growl, she began to suck with a purpose and a passion, as much for her satisfaction as his. It took no time.

  "I'm close," he gasped.

  Natalie hesitated, torn between the need to taste his cum and her desire to be fucked.

  "Natalie… I'm gonna cum—"his strained and urgent voice warned.

  With a reluctant snarl, she pulled away, dragging her mouth up to his. Their tongues fucked. Her fingers gripped his ruffled black hair, pulling it down to her swells, dragging him from one to the other. He sucked each dark, hard nipple in turn, responding to her rough, guiding hands.

  Natalie gripped tighter, her fingertips digging into his scalp. David's mouth sucked harder, his tongue swirling and nipping around each erect bud. Her movements were violent now, allowing him only a couple of seconds before yanking him to the other saliva covered breast.

  "Now, David," she eventually gasped. "Fuck me now."

  With a silent glance, his hands hooked under her knees and dragged her legs up and over his shoulders. When he aligned his hardness with her glistening opening, Natalie wrapped her small feet behind his ears. A sign she was relinquishing control.

  He easily slid in, grunting as he did.

  Natalie's calf muscles tightened against his broad shoulde
rs as she bit down on her lower lip. Her bottom bounced on the firm bed as he began to fuck her. Her voice was a hiss. "Yessss!"

  David pinned her willing body to the white sheets. The pace of his rhythmic thrusting increased. Natalie wanted more.

  "C'mon, baby. Fuck me—"

  Her hands reached for his hair, dragging his head upwards while she adjusted position. With a grunt, her long legs slid from behind his head. With more freedom, she spread herself, opening herself to better accept his raw thrusting. This was better—

  David accommodated her new position without breaking the urgent pumping of his hips. His lips and tongue slid down her bouncing breasts, running over the velvety smooth skin. Her ass lifted from the bed as his hands cupped her buttocks. Resting on his knees, he went into overdrive.


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