DRAGON'S GAP: Set Includes Stories 1-3 Plus Love's Catalyst

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DRAGON'S GAP: Set Includes Stories 1-3 Plus Love's Catalyst Page 3

by L M Lacee

  It was such a little thing she had asked him to do. But repeatedly he had ignored her attempts to show him the damage that was going on around him. He now understood the shadow in her eyes. It was not tiredness or loneliness as Pearl had said, it had been despair. His mind raced with thoughts of what had been and what will be. The Goddess would take everything from them now, his mate and people did not understand that the life they knew was over. Turning towards her again he waited until she looked at him. Even though he wanted to shout and beat his fists against the ground, he held still and in a voice devoid of all emotion, he asked “What did you do Pearl?”

  She looked at him, then over all the wolves who had turned towards her when he had spoken and felt an icy finger of dread skim down her spine. Life had worked out well for Pearl who loved her abundant life style and what that garnered her, respect power and the ability to own everything she saw. She especially loved being the shifter nations female Alpha, who had ultimate control of her domain. Having the half-bloods at her beck and call, under the threat of banishment if they did not comply with her wishes, had been its own reward. So she did now what she always did when confronted by Robard after some misdeed he suspected she had done. Her face morphed into an expression of innocence and she modulated her voice to sound wounded as she asked. “Are you telling me you believe that… that... half-blood?”

  Ignoring her question Robard cocked his head to one side and infused a little of the power of his wolf into his voice. “What. Did. You. Do. Mate?”

  Yes. We would all very much like to know what it was you did, mate to the Alpha?

  Not one person or wolf moved as three robed figures appeared at the side of the house. Robard stood helpless while he watched the beings as they glided between his people and came to stand feet away from him and his betas. They stopped just short of the illumination of the garden lights. Keeping their faces in shadow or maybe they cast their own shadow from the hoods they wore. Robard did not know his eyesight, like all shifters was exceptional but he could not see the faces of the hooded ones... Elementals stood in his yard!

  He had heard the whispers that the Elementals once again walked the earth. But like most others he had not believed the great ones were here. Seeing the appearance of the beings on his property without his knowledge was daunting. Robard as Alpha knew when anyone crossed his border to not feel these great ones arrivals sent chills skating over his skin. Although as he saw and felt their power he realized nothing could have prepared him for the actual reality of the Elementals. He now understood the fear and awe that was generated when people spoke of them.

  One of the Elementals pointed to the ground before him and in the space of part of a second Pearl and her betas. Who had been huddled together on the deck were standing on the exact spot he had pointed too. Fear was a living breathing entity, and it lived in the hearts of the shifters as a whole.

  Robard stood helpless as his mate faced death, as they all faced death. One of the three spoke, it was as though his voice rang from around the world. We are here because you failed in your duty to your Goddess.

  John, Robard’s beta stepped forward and demanded. “How... how did we?”

  The Elementals ignored his question. Then as John made to move forward again the Elemental on the left, lifted a finger sending him flying across the yard and into the ground about a foot. No one moved. No one ran to his aid, it was not even a thought on their minds. Only silence met this attack. The Elemental in the center continued speaking.

  Your beloved Goddess gave you one simple responsibility, to keep safe all the offspring from the unions between a shifter and any other. Your pack was chosen from all other packs for this task.


  It was as if the very Earth itself held its breath. Not a sound was heard, even the air barely moved. Then the same being asked, in the same quiet voice that carried to the furthest corner of the world. Why is that Alpha? How is it that the greatest, the richest pack in the world failed?

  Robard realized as he looked at the Elemental he could now make out the features of the being. And by looking into those ethereal features he was un-surprised to see his fate and gave up any pretense of control. His voice came out of a throat gone dry. “I failed... We failed because we did not listen or value the gift we were given.”

  Three pairs of eyes swung towards Pearl and said in unison. We ask again? What. Did. You. Do?

  Robard went to speak, to protect his mate even after all she had done and found he could not. The Elemental on the left smiled, and it chilled him to the bones. It is not for you to answer. Your mate made a decision. She must now take ownership of it!

  Pearl felt fear eat at her chest. She knew she was not going to be able to pass this off as an accident or place the blame on her betas. Either option would have worked if she had needed to use them, if as unlikely as it was Robard had found out what had happened earlier that day.

  Pearl’s wolf sneered as her fear grew, her wolf’s outrage at the three males made itself known as she demanded. How dare these people. These males, who hide behind hoods come here and try to scare my pack and us. We are wolf, the chosen one.

  Pearl answered her wolf. You are right. Once again, Robard the great Alpha will not act, he stands there trembling with fear. I will have to take control as I always do! She sniffed with disdain as she decided, she was not going to be bullied by these flunkies of the Goddess’s. I am the daughter of two strong Alphas and mated to the Alpha of the world. She looked at the three males and threw her shoulders back and her head up as she voiced the scorn she felt. “How dare you come here and question me? I am the daughter of two strong Alphas. I am the mate of the world’s Alpha. We are the Alphas of the Western Mountain Pack. We were appointed by the Goddess herself. You have no right to demand that I, Alpha Pearl Harris should answer to you!”

  She looked around at the cowered wolves in and out of the yard, then turned her hateful gaze onto the three Elementals. She sneered her venom as her face transformed from lovely to hateful, while the ugliness of what she said spilled out.

  “You stand there and think you have the right to judge me or my mate and our pack.” Pearl shrugged and spread her hands wide as she appealed to her pack. “I did nothing wrong the girl wished to shift. My betas and I tried to help her that is all. It did not work. Apparently she was weak, and it was a mercy to put her down. So she died in a half shifted state, it happens. The half-bloods are not worthy enough to shift, we have all said as much. They have shown us time and again that they are not gifted by the Goddess as we are. Look at tonight they walked away, after all, we have given them. All we have done for them, we opened our territory to them. Allowed them to build homes and allowed them to work, and breed. We gave them a place to be safe.

  Ungrateful half-bloods. I did nothing wrong. Nothing to be punished for. If you need to punish someone find that whore Sage and make an example of her. She was the one to turn our people from us.”

  She smirked at the three hooded males when she heard the pack start to murmur in agreement. With a healthy slice of contempt, she demanded of the three. “Leave this place, there is nothing that we are guilty of here. This is pack business, not yours!”

  Robard watched in defeat as his mate sealed their fate with her words. When she turned to him with a triumphant smile on her face, he could see nothing of the female he had grown to love. Looking into her eyes, he saw what she was, a foolish female that had just killed them all.

  I think you have misunderstood. The three Elementals said as one. We are not here to judge you!

  Pearl spun around as they finished speaking and demanded. “Then why are you here?”

  The Elemental in the center stared at Robard and said. You have already been judged and found guilty!

  Robard felt a shaft of fear stab his heart and heard his wolf howl as his betas cried out in anger. Pearl’s eyes widened and he heard her whisper. “Robard.”

  Her betas hung their heads, and he saw tears dri
p from their eyes as the Elementals spoke again.

  Years ago your Goddess entered into a bargain with the Western Mountain Pack. Every member of your pack from your Alpha and his mate and their betas to the omegas, agreed that you would accept the responsibility of caring for her chosen. As you had been chosen. All of the full-blood shifter nation came under the control of your Alphas. For one purpose and one purpose only. To protect the chosen. You have failed in your duty.


  You Alpha Robard Harris allowed an innocent to die.


  You Alpha Pearl Harris caused an innocent to die.


  Voices rang out echoing the judgment around the world. Then the Elemental turned to the pack and announced.

  Every one of you failed to protect the chosen of your Goddess.


  The word echoed once again. The Elemental then turned to Pearl and her betas, Tina and Mandy.

  You three females held an innocents life in your hands and you committed the worse crime of all. You knew she was one of the chosen. A bright and shining light yet you still took her life by intent or not. It makes no difference. Your actions caused her death.


  The word sounded over and over until each and every person or wolf lay on the ground. Leaving only the three Elementals standing as the last of the echoes died away. The world went dark, all shifters throughout the planet heard the golden tones of their Goddess as she spoke her last decree.

  Pearl Harris. Mate to Alpha Harris of the Western Mountain Pack. Female Alpha for the shifter Nation. Betrayer of your Mate and Pack.

  Beta’s Amanda and Katina Gill of the Western Mountain Pack. Betrayers of your Alpha and Pack.

  You have all been found guilty this day of the stated crimes and for the betrayal of your Goddess and the Nation of Shifters.

  Stunned the betas stood eyes wide with disbelief. Pearl had tears streaming down her face as she shook her head from side to side. Denying the charges.

  Through your actions Alpha Pearl Harris, you have made our contract null and void. So as agreed you forfeit the right for you and your mate Robard Harris to rule. The shifter nation will be penalized in accordance with the final clause!

  The voice of the Goddess held the weight of her sorrow as she said. I am truly sorry that you could not rise above your baser natures. I had hoped that you would realize the truly wonderful gift I had given you. I will forever grieve that you did not. Goodbye my Guardians.

  The darkness eased, starlight pierced the skies once more as Pearl stood shakily to her feet. She hurried to her mate and screamed as she grabbed his shirt in both hands demanding. “What does that mean? What did the contract say?”

  Even now, after all she had done, he and his wolf could not deny her. He took her hands in his and pulled her under his arm turning her towards the three Elementals who still remained. His voice was harsh with tears held in check as he told her. “You killed us my mate. You killed us all, every shifter in the world!”

  “Bullshit!” She yelled at him and the three motionless beings. John rose from the ground and stood with the other betas who had ranged themselves around the Alpha pair. Robard held Pearl firmly against him as she struggled and screamed again. “What did that mean, what happened?”

  The Elemental who had not spoken until now stepped forward and removed the hood from his head. Allowing all to see that his eyes held the stars of the universe in them.

  Pearl instantly became quiet, finally she understood these males were no ordinary shifters as she had first thought.

  The Elementals voice when he spoke, echoed with millions upon millions of other voices.

  The Western Mountain Pack made an agreement with your Goddess. That agreement has been broken. Now as per the final clause, shifters have forfeited the right to conceive. There will be no more full-blood shifters birthed. Your numbers will decrease faster than they already have. Within the next decade of your years, shifters as you now know them will no longer exist. You will cease to be! Eventually, you will become a memory for your Goddess.

  He stopped and cocked his head to one side, much like a wolf did as the world shuddered at his words.

  Unless she relents!

  He then looked not at Robard but to Pearl, Mandy and Tina. His eyes swirled with galaxies. Everyone heard him say in a voice that was frightening in its softness.

  Normally mercy is shown in the form of a quick death to those that break the rules of their Goddess. If at any time tonight you Pearl Harris and the sisters Gill, had shown remorse for what you had done. This too would have been so for you! Fortunately your stubborn belief, that you are not responsible for the death of the chosen one, known as Flora allows us to let you live. Now you will remain to witness all of your species as they leave this mortal world. Knowing that you took their lives as easily as you took the life from the bright star known as Flora. Only after the last full-blood shifter has breathed their last… Only then will you be removed from this world. Remember this as the months and years go by. Because of you the time of all full-blood shifters has ended!

  Then between one blink and the next they were gone and the world moved again. Robard could no longer hold her up, and Pearl fell to her knees. The weight of what she had done finally crashing down on her. Her mate stood looking at nothing as a tide of fear and sadness swamped his senses. Every shifter throughout the world had heard the Goddess and the Elementals words. There was not a shifter anywhere who had not received his and her death sentence. His shoulders slumped as he heard the bewildered words of his beta saying. “But she was just a half-blood?”

  He turned and finally unable to hold them back, tears ran down his face as he looked at these males and females he had called family and friends. “Even now! You still cannot see? We killed every shifter in this country and possibly the planet because we deceived ourselves into thinking we were the Goddess’s chosen ones. We were not! We were also blinded by our lust of power, our greed. That we lost sight of what and who we were!”

  Dick asked, his voice husky. “Who were we then?”

  “The guardians of the chosen and we did the one thing… the only thing guardians are not meant to do for those in their care. We considered ourselves better than them. We allowed them to be subjugated, abused, oppressed and finally killed. They were only half-bloods, isn’t that what we think. What we believed, that they are less than us, only worthy of our contempt. I hope what has happened here tonight changes your thinking. I know it has mine.” He laughed bitterly as he told them. “Now of course it is too late… far too late.” He stared off into the night sky for a minute then his voice softly rumbled. “If it has not changed your thinking, then I hope those thoughts of half-bloods you believe in. Keep you warm for the remainder of your life. I know they will haunt me.”

  His voice took on strength as he said. “Realize this my people our Goddess is cleaning house. She has no desire to give us a reprieve. We betrayed her trust. We were the instruments of our own demise. He looked at his men. “As much as you despised the half-bloods, it did not stop you from creating them and then...’ He pointed to his mate as he finally roared out his anger, pain and betrayal. “You Pearl! You killed a child. An innocent, you took her life and now you have taken the lives of us all.”

  Pearl lay slumped in the dirt as she cringed under his condemnation a small sob escaped as he stared at her with a heart gone cold what love he had for her dried up and left only disgust in its wake. Pearl knew in that look that there was nothing that could or would save her from his wrath or the hatred of the shifters.

  Robard turned to the sisters. “Leave my sight. I cannot kill you, but that does not mean I have to look at you. Do not darken my door again.”

  They sobbed loudly and fell to the ground as they begged. “Alpha please no, do not banish us… please!”

  He looked from the pathetic females to his own betas and said. “You still think, as you received your
death sentence, that you did nothing wrong? I hope you realize and understand what the Goddess and Elementals were saying before you die. Because the way you think and feel are the reasons we will all cease to exist.”

  With that last statement Robard walked unhurriedly towards his house. As finally he allowed the tears to fall knowing they would not be the last he wept, before he left this mortal world. His heart breaking from the sound of his wolf howling in pain along with the pain and fear from every shifter in the world. He wished he had words of comfort for them, but what could he say. They were all dead whether he spoke or not and all he wanted to do was get really drunk and stay that way for as long as he could. For the remainder of his life if possible as short as it would be.

  Opening his back door, he had one hope. Looking up towards the star filled sky he prayed. Maybe if the Goddess was willing, she would relent enough to spare the young and innocent, to do what he and his people had not. He stepped through the massive back doors to where he and his mate and friends had left from only a short time ago. Annoyed and outraged that their night had been disturbed. He stopped and looked around at the beautifully appointed kitchen the one Pearl had demanded, not for her to use, no… for her to show off to those she considered worthy.

  He saw now his home was never to remain his haven or indeed his sanctuary but in actuality it would become his prison. A lovely well-built one but nevertheless, a prison from where he would ultimately die. Robard prayed it would be soon. He was not sure he could bear feeling the lives of his shifters being snuffed out like a flame on a candle. The cruelty of that thought staggered him and he dropped to his knees sobbing as anger and hopelessness swamped him.

  When some minutes later rational returned, he wiped his face and struggled to his feet knowing he had his answer for the decline in pure-bloods births. Bitterly he realized while they had been succeeding in amassing riches on the backs of the half-bloods. The Goddess had been preparing for another species to evolve. It was all clear to him now as he gathered the bottles of whiskey and walked through to his study. Aware and unconcerned that his mate and his pack stayed in his yard. The once upstanding, strong Alpha Robard Harris, was a shattered wolf on the edge of going rogue.


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