DRAGON'S GAP: Set Includes Stories 1-3 Plus Love's Catalyst

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DRAGON'S GAP: Set Includes Stories 1-3 Plus Love's Catalyst Page 12

by L M Lacee

  Sage grabbed her friend’s hand with worried look as she remembered her friend’s penchant for wolf craziness. “And you June, you make sure you are protected too. I know about some of the wild stuff you pull.”

  June grimaced at Sage’s warning and knew she would be hearing more about that later. Sage growled at her. “I will be most annoyed if you get hurt.”

  Reighn said as well. “As will I.”

  June sighed. “I swear, I will make sure I am okay as well. I will be watching and crossing my fingers all goes well. Good luck guys!”

  She left them and ran to the apartment and her charges. Sage hugged Reighn. “They will be okay, we can trust June and everyone else.” She murmured worriedly, hoping for his reassurance which she received.

  “They will be, relax my love they will be looked after. June is I think, quite resourceful and of course the Hunters and Shields are very deadly. Our little ones will remain safe.”

  Sage grinned. “Plus we are their parents, what fool would bring us down on their heads.”

  Reighn laughed. “That is so very true. Come my soul we must enter.”

  Sage squared her shoulders and stood as tall as her height allowed. She placed her hand on his arm as she had seen Verity do. While he led her from the small ante chamber towards the doors that were being guarded by castle guards.

  They as well were all dressed in their new uniforms which were very similar to the Hunters. The only addition was an embroidered vest which featured entwined dragons in red and gold depicting the Dragon Lord and the Dragon Lady they looked striking.

  Verity and her dressmakers had designed and along with every dragon with the gift for fabrication had produced all the uniforms for the Guards, Hunters and Shields. Within the last four days. It had been a marathon undertaking that would be spoken about for years to come. And had involved several teams of dragons, shifters and June who had been instrumental in coordinating between each team.

  Reighn already had his court uniform, so they just added a baldric of red and gold to complete the royal impression. Sage, on the other hand, definitely did not have anything to wear to such a prestigious event. So she designed her own gown with the help of a dressmaker called Elaine, a dragon that had been selected by Verity. When Sage explained her design to Elaine and then as she created the gown she knew they were creating a piece of art. The dress itself was a fitted bodice floor length gown with a Queen Anne neck line, all in a soft gold color.

  A depiction of a red fire dragon that was quite obviously Reighn wrapped her from shoulders to hem. His head snaked around from one shoulder to the other as his body wrapped around her torso in a spiral. Ending on the side with the tip of his tail pointing to the floor. It symbolized the fact she was Reighn’s shadow and he protected her as his own.

  Reighn had been overcome and humbled by the dress and the statement it would make to the nobility.

  “Did I tell you how absolutely stunning you look my shadow?” He asked as they entered the court, she whispered.

  “Maybe once or twice, along with that I look better without my dress on.”

  Reighn laughed out loud as he took her to where his parents stood. The people who were already in the room had risen as they had entered. The Hunters all snapped to attention and parted to allow the couple to walk between them. Reighn stood head and shoulders above his Hunters, Sage not so much. She kept the giggles inside as they made their way to the dais but it was hard when Verity with a wicked look in her eyes grinned at her.

  Reighn showed her to her seat which was beside his, while everyone else took theirs as he made to address the Hunters.

  He looked all his warriors over in their new uniforms and felt the pride he had for them rise along with his dragons.

  They were all dragons he knew and had fought beside. Most were friends from his and his brother’s youth all loyal to him and his family. Each Hunter was hand-picked for their dedication to the dragon nation and their wish to live in a better society. Not all were from noble families, but far too many were. Reighn knew that sadly the Hunters and Shields were being used as a symbol of status and that also would cease today.

  Reighn commanding voice boomed out in the quiet room. “Hunters at rest!”

  He watched as they all slipped into parade rest, then he laughed. Sobering a little he said. “I am sorry for my mirth. It is not at your expense but mine. I have spent the better part of the night writing and rehearsing the speech I was to deliver to you today. Now I find those words would be inadequate to describe what I am feeling right this minute.

  So instead let me first and foremost thank you all for your duty, your service to our nation. We, my family and I appreciate each and every one of you that have protected us. You who have made it so that my family as well as all dragons remain safe. And now we task you with doing the same for all our new residents who have come to live at Dragon's Gap. Today is the day we have worked towards. Today our nation will begin the change to a brighter future and you my Hunters will be a vital part of that change. I know some of you will go on to the Shields by the end of this year if not sooner. But for those that do not make the Shields yet. Make no mistake you are valued, and you will always have mine and my families respect!”

  With that each member of the royal family rose and bowed or curtsied to the dragons before them. Every Hunter stood transfixed at the honor they had just received. Reighn spoke again after his family had retaken their seats.

  “From today, Hunters will be selected from all of dragon society. Trials will once again be opened for any male with aptitude. Hunters will be based and reside at Dragon’s Gap where, if they are so blessed they will meet their shadow. We also acknowledge that in the past we have been remiss in not allowing Hunters to remain active when he finds his shadow. Now no longer must a Hunter retire just because he has bonded to his shadow. The choice to leave the Hunters will be yours and your shadows only. If you decide you wish to resign as a Hunter then I will be proud for you to either become trainers or join the castle guard. If you have dreams or plans for when you retire with or without a shadow, we will, of course, reward and finance your future endeavors.”

  Reighn grinned as the usually stoic Hunters broke down and cheered and mayhem ensured, their happiness was infectious. Rene` walked over and clapped his son on the back.

  “You are a good dragon and Lord son. I am proud of you.”

  Reighn hugged his father. “Thanks papa it was time.”

  “That it was, who will you get to command them here?”

  They both knew Rene` commanded from the field. His days of being tied to Dragon's Gap were long past.

  “I am going to ask you to take over the Shields. I am no longer able to command them, and then I am going to ask Storm to take over command of the Hunters.”

  Rene` pulled on his bottom lip. “Well, that will be amusing. I will of course, take the Shields, it is probably time I explored other options. I would hate to get stale.” He laughed at Reighn’s raised eyebrow and dry. “Yes of course.”

  Rene` asked. “So what do you think Storm will say? He likes his position.”

  Reighn knew something his father did not. Storm was on the edge of going rogue he needed to be home, he needed to be close to his family. “I am hoping he will like to stay around Dragon's Gap.” If he refused, the assignment Reighn was prepared to order him to command the Hunters but he hoped it would not come to that. Rene` grinned. “His Dam will like that.”

  Reighn grinned as well. “Brownie points for me.”

  Rene` hooted with laughter. “As though you need them. You gave her grandchildren. You are golden.”

  Lars and Stanvis joined them. Lars asked Reighn. “So you told them then?”


  “Good for you brother.”

  Sage touched his arm. “Reighn it is time.”

  Lars and Stanvis bowed, saying. “Lady Sage.”

  She grinned. “Gentlemen, later today there is a meal for family at our apartme
nt, you of course will be there. I need information and so far my shadow is not forth coming.”

  Reighn growled as his nest brothers wore grins like sharks. “Oh the things we can tell you.” Stanvis told her with wink.

  Sharm told her also. “If they cannot. I my dear Sage can. I am a library of information.”

  She grinned at him. “I was keeping you and your brothers for later.”

  He laughed then told Reighn. “I like her.”

  Sage laughing said. “Gentlemen we are doing lunch?”

  They all agreed. “Lunch!”

  Eventually like all good things the rejoicing had to come to an end as Reighn nodded for Lars to call the room to order.

  “Hunters take your positions please. Remember you are here to guard the royal family and keep the peace.”

  Reighn called out. “Hunters when our business here today is attended to. Afterwards, my seconds inform me that Dragon's Gap has an event planned for the remainder of the day. Which I encourage you to attend.” He smiled as he told them. “I order you to enjoy yourselves.”

  One more mighty cheer went up and then five hundred dragons took their places inside and out of the court room. They were to supplement the castle guards as well as patrolling the grounds and skies above.

  Lars and Stanvis with a squad of Hunters left the room only to return moments later leading the restrained councilors into the royal court. They were shown to seats on a raised platform at the side of the large hall. In the front row still cuffed and leg shackled sat Councilor Simin Tomas. His hatred of the royal family simmered even more so for Reighn and his seconds. They may be nest brothers to the Dragon Lord but to Simin Tomas they would always be second rate dragons. His rage at their disrespect at being incarcerated like a common criminal was incandescent. The fact Simin Tomas had been a counselor for the royal family for many years, and his shadow had been the former Dragon Lady’s favored friend, meant nothing.

  His shadow’s friendship never brought him the hoped for glory or positon that it should have. After all these years he was still only a councilor. This slight to his royal lineage, irritated and fed his hatred and anger for the family that he considered beneath him. Well that, he thought now was all about to change. Rene` Kingsley thought his sons were the mightiest of all dragon kind. When all knew his sons who were bred and trained to be first class warriors were far superior to any of Rene`s brood. From the time they were old enough to hold a sword. Even before they could shift to dragon. His four sons had been educated, drilled and trained in all aspects of warfare. They were programmed to rise up in the ranks of the Shields to become what they were now. Shield Elites, only a very few dragons ever made it that far and it was all thanks to him, their Sire.

  Soon he would call them to him, and they would over throw this impostor of a Lord. And then he, Simin Tomas would take his rightful place as the new Dragon Lord. And rule this Empire, his first order of business would be to make sure all these disgusting animals they were driven from Dragon’s Gap. This world would be ruled like it should be, by dragons for dragons. The honored race blessed by the Gods and Goddesses. The ruler needed to be someone who knew that dragon kind were the superior race. Someone who would make the hard decisions, such as humans and shifters were not now or in the future wanted or needed to bolster dragon society. He could see it all now, years of planning coming to fruition. Dreams for the time when dragons ruled the world as they once had, under his strong leadership of course. As he looked over at Rene` his top lip naturally rose in a sneer. The male was a fool and he had managed to infect his eldest son with the same failings. Just like his sire Reighn ruled with a soft hand and see where that had got him, a rebellion brewing on his doorstep. Nobles vehemently opposed to the shifters arriving daily. Simin knew he almost had all the council on his side, and the time was very near to taking the Empire from this so called Lord.

  This display of power he was showing today was a weak move by a weak Lord. Everyone knew nobility was never punished other than a mere slap on the wrist. Which usually entailed being confined to ones estates for a period of time. Or most often a monetary compensation was demanded. He completely forgot Reighn’s recent ruling of Ismathe Norman’s family.


  R eighn made a signal and Lars opened up the same doors the Hunters had come through. Stanvis with Crewe and Hoyte, plus ten Hunters escorted the remaining members of the rebellion in.

  Five male dragons and three females shuffled in. Reighn was not surprised to see the Norman family as well as three of their male relations who had been complicit in Molly’s kidnapping and the drugging of Grace and Sage being led in like sheep to the slaughter.

  All of the prisoners were shackled with cuffs that prevented them from shifting to their dragon. Ismathe hung her head as she moved along behind her father and mother, she looked less the noble and more a sulky spoiled female. She and her family tried to walk in unobserved which was impossible. They were escorted to the empty seats behind the councilors. When they reached their seats the Norman family glared hate filled looks at the brothers Crewe and Hoyte who ignored them.

  “Is this all of them?” Reighn asked as he watched them all shuffle and take their seats.

  “Yes my lord.” Captain Johner Kingsley answered who entered behind the prisoners. Following him was the largest gathering of the nobility to attend court for many years.

  Over three thousand dragons, male and female filled the room. It was obviously not every dragon or even every noble dragon but enough of them to ensure that the new era of dragon kind would be witnessed. Reighn stood on the edge of the dais and waved his hand. Rows of seats appeared at the end and to each side of the room enough for all the dragons to be seated. Johner announced. “Ladies and Gentlemen please find a seat, we are about to begin.” He was aware as were his family and guards of the whispers and dark looks sent his way. Reighn could feel the anger of the nobles and the boiling resentment directed at him for having to be escorted to court by Johner, who many considered nothing more than a common guard or Reighn’s puppet. Even after hundreds of years, these dragons still thought of him as the poor adopted relation of his mother’s.

  Reighn almost snorted aloud as he saw Johner’s quick grin. As far as he was concerned it just showed how foolish the nobles could be, for still having those thoughts. Johner was one of the most well connected, powerful dragons at the castle. After all he had the ear of every member the royal family. He knew June and Sage had worked that out within minutes of meeting him. If these so called intelligent dragons had stopped to think rather than scorn Johner, they could have had a way to the royal family few ever had. But blinded by their own prejudices and attitudes they only saw what they needed to. Not what was really around them?

  Reighn turned to Sage and winked, she smiled slightly as he turned back and called out to Johner, who stood waiting. “Captain Kingsley please release councilors Harmon, Soames and Fulton from custody.”

  As the councilors stood and Johner undid their cuffs and shackles. Reighn bowed his head to the males who returned the gesture. “Councilors I thank you for your patience and help in these matters. My family and I apologize for any and all inconveniences to you. Please join your families and know you go with our appreciation.”

  The three males bowed from the waist to Reighn and his family and left the prisoners seats. Quietly they were greeted warmly and tearfully by the bewildered members of their families as they hurriedly spoke to them, explaining why they had been incarcerated. Reighn looked at the remaining rows of prisoners. “Councilors Tomas, Mennet and Dressen. Councilors you will stand trial with your co-conspirators. Captain Johner read out the charges please.”

  Johner stood in front of the councilors and other prisoners as protocol dictated, he unfurled a scroll and read.

  “Councilor Tomas, Councilor Mennet and Councilor Dressen, you are all charged with treason against our Dragon Lord. His family and the dragon nation. All others are charged with conspiracy a
gainst our Dragon Lord and dragon nation. The Norman family including the Telson family are charged with the kidnapping of a hatchling from her mother Lady Sage. As well as the drugging of said mother and grandmother Lady Grace.”

  Johner snapped the scroll closed and stepped away as the room remained silent, not one person made a sound. It was not shock that held their tongues. Reighn knew the nobility were not interested enough to care about the Councilors named or the crimes they were accused of. He could see that a female or two were a little perturbed about the crimes against Sage and her family. But it only registered slightly on the majority of the nobles as a dragonet was not involved it made little impact. As he scanned the seated females and males he saw that his fellow dragons affected boredom and were just barely able to hide their frustration and annoyance. Several even sent dark looks towards him and his family at being summoned to court like common citizens. His dragon snorted his contempt for the nobles as he told Reighn. Today will not be a good day for these dragons who do not think what happened to our hatchling has no impact on them or theirs!


  R eighn gave a nod of his head towards Lars and Stanvis who again pulled open the large wooden doors. This time it was not prisoners being led into court. The sound of boots on stones reverberated throughout the castle.

  While the bones of the Ancients bedded into the very foundation of the castle sang with the purity of dragon song.

  The Shields had arrived!

  Two hundred and eighty-four Shields marched in time as they entered the court, the song of long past dragons unheard for hundreds of years, thundered out over the shocked and silent nobles as the Shields halted in front of the royal dais. Right arms crossed over their hearts the dragons of the Shields saluted the royal family, as the song lessened back to an almost silent hum.


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