DRAGON'S GAP: Set Includes Stories 1-3 Plus Love's Catalyst

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DRAGON'S GAP: Set Includes Stories 1-3 Plus Love's Catalyst Page 18

by L M Lacee

  Claire looked at her. “Oh wow! Do you mean the brick ranch style on Wing Street, with the fenced-in yard?”

  “Yep that one. I know it is empty do you like it?” She asked with a teasing grin as Claire had a radiant smile on her face. “Yeah so much, I walked through it just before I left last time. I fell hard for the place. It has bedrooms with bathrooms and walk in closets to die for. One mega huge kitchen dining room and a large yard.”

  Sage said to June. “Quick get that place for her. She is in love.”

  “It obviously spoke to her.” Grace agreed.

  Verity laughed then said “Anyone can see that this is Claire’s home.”

  Claire smiled at her. “My home.” She softly said and for the first time in her life, she felt at peace with that.

  June took out her tablet and after a few taps said. “It is all yours when Lord Rene` signs his name.” She passed the tablet to him, he wrote a few words and signed it, then passed it back saying. “Congratulations Lady Claire and young Kammy on your new home.” Claire beamed a smiled that held warmth and happiness.

  “A beautiful property, you will need gardens.” Grace told her. “I will see to that.”

  “That is the least of what I need, how exciting.”

  Sage stretched and said. “Seems like it is a done deal, you will be Dragon’s Gap liaison. Joint office with June at the castle. What do you say ladies, do you both accept the terms and conditions?”

  “Which are?” June asked with another suspicious look in her eyes. Verity listed them before Sage could. “You will work for the castle, which means the family. You will be paid accordingly, and your homes will be an apartment at the castle or in Claire’s situation at Dragon’s Gap. Obviously brought by the family for you.”

  At her worried look Verity said softly. “In your name for you no one else. It will be your home.”

  Claire ducked her head as she said. “Oh thank you. I have never owned a home before or anything really.”

  Verity nodded. “Well, you do know dear. You both have offices at the castle waiting. Claire. Kammy will be looked after in the nursery along with Ava and Molly by professional nannies and guards. If at any time you and she need to be together that will happen. Our young always come first. Family first is our family motto.”

  When Rene` caught her eyes, she shifted in her seat and sent him a serene smile as she said. “If it wasn’t, it is now.”

  He smiled as he kissed her cheek and agreed with her.

  Verity told them. “You ladies have just become members of the Kingsley family.”

  Rene` sat back in his seat. “Nicely put my love, nicely put. So what say you ladies, are you joining our ever expanding family?”

  June and Claire both smiled and hugged Sage, then the couple and finally Grace. “Where do we sign up?”

  After another round of tea and coffee, June told them. “I am so glad this is happening. I have got to say I am a little scared going out on retrievals by myself, it is getting dangerous as hell and dicey out there. Sometimes I feel like we are just one step ahead of the enemy and make no mistake that is what they are. They are angry and desperate, never a good combination.”

  Claire agreed. “We have taken to doubling up for protection, just to get in and out of some of those towns quicker. We share the driving and the retrieval faster when there are two or more of us. We have to do something about that Sage, there needs to be Hunters with shifters, for protection when we go on retrievals.”

  Rene` interrupted as he grumbled. “Sage this cannot go on. I will have Storm come and see you when he returns in a few days to set up a roster for Hunters to accompany the shifters. Until then I will assign Hunters, and Shields to the teams, is that acceptable?”

  “Thank you Rene` that would be great. I think it has become past time that we restructured the retrieval teams. To reflect the desperation of the shifters and humans trying to keep the young and females from us. It is an intolerable situation that must be resolved and quickly, so if you can make that call please. And would it be possible for them to go out with our people starting today.”

  “I do not see why not. It will be good for them to mix with shifters and humans. To see what it is they will be fighting hard to protect.”

  June said. “Also, there is a pride of lions recently arrived led by Conor Towers, they are eager to join the community. Conor has already spoken to Johner about becoming a guard for the Gap, let us talk to them and include his lions. They are worthy males. I like them.”

  High praise from June, Sage thought as she said slightly smugly she would admit. “Claire as liaison, that is your job, so liaison can you see to that?”

  “Really! Already?” June asked Sage, accompanied by a shake of her head.

  “Yes as she is not to be my PA. She gets to do stuff like that now!”

  “I see where this is going!” Rene` said as he put his phone to his ear and started talking while he walked around the kitchen. Sage looked after him as she moaned. “I had it all worked out, now who am I going to get. I need someone who will co-ordinate my assignments with the retrievals for the time being until I find someone able enough to replace myself with. And then I will need a P.A. for the other stuff, you know?”

  “Would that be the Lady Sage Kingsley? Shadow to the Dragon Lord stuff.” June asked with a little smile.

  “Yes that stuff, who am I going to get?”

  Claire smiled and told her. “Don’t worry two people are coming. One will be ideal for the position as your PA and the other is just right for the retrievals. She is perfect.”

  She groaned. “Yes but what about now?”

  “Suck it up. You will get by, we will help.” June told her.

  “Oh alright, well good.” Sage still looked put out, but she stopped moaning. They talked for a while longer making plans which included, June, Claire and Kammy staying for the next few nights at Graces. Then Kammy would stay while Claire and June went on their last rotation as retrievers. They would be away for one week and then June would move to the castle. Claire and Kammy would move in with her, until she had furnished her home. If Grace could not cope with the new and improved Kammy while Claire was away, then she would go to Sage and Reighn’s place until Claire returned.

  Grace harrumphed at the idea she was not able to care for the three year old. It took a few minutes to soothe her ruffled fur, with apologizes from the three females, before she forgave them their doubts. None of them saw the wink she threw at Verity.

  When all the plans were made. Claire took the still sleeping Kammy to their room. With Grace’s assurances as well as Verity’s that they would check on her often. She and June went to the females lodging to pack up their belongings. Rene` volunteered to retrieve Kammy’s belongings, what there was of them from the center where she had been staying. Secretly he was going shopping for her, armed with a list from his dear Verity and Grace.


  F our hours later and the guards along with Rene` and Verity had said their goodbyes to Grace. Sage was pleased to see three dragons and several shifters patrolling above and around the home. In fact Sage saw a few dragons overhead, Reighn had pulled out all the stops it seemed she said so to Rene`. He looked up at the flying dragons and told her that Storm had ordered the patrols before he had left. He had taken over command from Rene` just after the trial. They were still in transition but so far the turnover was going smoothly. Most if not all the Hunters knew and respected Storm. Rene` assured her, that made the transition easier. He was now in the process of taking over command of the Shields from Reighn and that also seemed to be going smoothly.

  It was Verity, who told her as they traveled in the conventional mode of transport, a car. That having the Shields and Hunters based at Dragon’s Gap was helping with the hand over. Apparently having Shields deciding on where they wanted their base and if they should be together with the Hunters had been a discussion that Rene` had enjoyed heartily. In the end after many hours of neg
otiation with Storm, Keeper, Johner, Reighn and several captains as well as Lars and Stan. Aided by many bottles of Dragons Ale, an alcoholic drink that made any good whiskey taste weak by comparison. The males had decided rather than the traditional barracks both the Hunters, and Shields were used to. They would build a community of houses.

  One and two bedroom homes which they could share with a friend or live alone in. Whichever they were comfortable with. For some of the Shields, it had been many years since they had lived in a house, in a town. So it was going to be a learning curve for all involved.

  It had been suggested that the Shields and Hunters homes would be midway between the castle and Dragon's Gap. On the vacant land that was so far unused. Which stretched to the mountains but not too far away from the newly constructed training grounds and buildings. Thereby, allowing the males to retreat to their own sanctuaries when needed. It would also allow them to be involved in the lives of the town folk and castle. In the hopes that matches would be made.

  After many hours of deliberation with the help of the Ale, all agreed with Reighn’s suggestions which was really his Dam’s advice. Houses were now being built by willing dragons and shifters. Each night new homes would be erected and in the daytime streets were constructed with cobble stones and walkways, along with parks and natural pools for swimming.

  Verity had explained to June before the meeting had broken up, that the problem she had with the new homes was that they needed decorating. She feared that if she left it to the males they would live in sterile boxes, much like an army barrack. Which was not at all what they needed. They needed a place to relax to feel free in when they returned from a mission or if they had to stay at home. Decorating, furniture and the yards needed to be tended to but she had no idea who had the time to do such work.

  Before they had left June had made some calls and organized shifters for the decorating. As it happened Grace’s sons had operated a decorating business in Russia. And were in the process of debating the wisdom of starting the same business at Dragon's Gap. June’s inquiry as to whether they would be interested in the new homes. Sparked instant affirmation and by the end of the week they would have a crew and equipment and be ready to start.

  As for the yards, a quiet word in Grace’s ear for the Matrons of the Gap to tend to them would have the yards planned and plantings brought. All June would have to do when she returned would be to organize the labor force required. Verity stood astounded when she explained what she had arranged, she hugged her saying. “Sage really knew what she was doing when she employed you, you are a marvel.”

  June had grinned and rubbed her hands together. “It is what I love to do, matching people with ideas. Sometimes it is people with people, such as Sage and Grace but my true forte is organizing, it is a gift.”

  Verity agreed. “It truly is, we are lucky to have you. Now we must go.” The she admonished both females to take care and to come home quickly, knowing they were to leave for a retrieval the next day.

  Verity watched both young females as they stood on the deck as she sat in the car that was taking her home. A dragon flew over blocking the sun for a minute leaving June and Claire in shadow. She felt a shiver roll over her body as if a hand glided over her skin in warning. She almost asked the driver to take them back, so she could warn both females but shook herself and mumbled crossly. Silly old dragon, imagining fear when there is no reason for it!

  Pushing the feeling from her mind, she and Sage talked about the Shields homes for the rest of the trip to the castle.


  A t the precise time Verity, Sage and Rene` were saying their goodbyes to June, Claire and Grace, John Morton smiled as he woke. Today was the day he would finally secure his place in history. He placed his hands behind his head and thought over the last few weeks since his escape. He frowned, was it days or weeks, he could not remember. Did it matter, he thought it did not!

  He smiled again, it was nice to have friends especially friends that desperately wanted to know where their money was. The night after he had been incarcerated he was released by four highly trained males. He assumed they were shifters. They were definitely not dragons. It seemed several of his clients had become concerned that if he were to die, the whereabouts of their finances would die with him. They wanted access to the accounts he had created for them. He had told them when they approached him the day he was arrested. That he was willing to hand the accounts over once his freedom was assured.

  It had not taken them very long to agree and one night later his escape was successful. His rescuers had spirited him away to an estate where he had revealed the accounts to two severe looking gentlemen. While they checked the numbers and passwords. John had excused himself to use the bathroom. He knew his life once they verified the accounts was forfeited or worse, he would be sold or traded to other account holders. He did not place any trust in his rescuers to allow him to leave this estate of his own free will. So he took matters into his own hands. It was only a matter of opening a window and climbing out, then once away from the estate. He transformed and flew to his secret hideaway, where he rallied his supporters.

  Unfortunately there were not as many as he had hoped for. Of course those who came to his side he knew were only willing to pit themselves against dragons. For a share of the promised wealth, he said he would provide to them once the Dragon Lord was dead. His attempts to have Reighn and his bitch of a shadow killed on the day of the trial had sadly failed.

  The following attempts to eliminate the Dragon Lord and his witch also failed and with each unsuccessful mission. His dragon force grew smaller and smaller. Some died in the assassination attempts and others scuttled away on the nights when the alcohol ran out. Or they were just cowards. Either way John did not want them. Hatred and revenge grew daily in his heart, until his mind broke and a plan became clear.

  If he could not kill them at Dragon’s Gap or in the castle he would make them leave the protection of Dragon’s Gap. Where he would have them killed and to do that he needed shifters… motivated shifters. In his delusional world he had a moment of clarity as he remembered reading the research one of his clients had done on Sage.

  He smiled again as the sun shone in through the high windows and bathed him in its warmth as he imagined Reighn broken and destroyed. His world taken from him as he held the dead and decaying body of his shadow in his arms. A demonic laugh erupted from him as he jumped from his bed. He now knew who would kill her for him…


  O nce back at the castle after the meeting at Grace’s home. Sage took the girls to their apartment which included a turret room. Which still made her sigh in pleasure, especially as it happened to be the master suite, with an up to date bathroom and walk in closet to make any female’s heart beat faster. Sage loved her new home even if it did not have some of the fun things of her house. Such as her wraparound deck of course it had balconies that she and Reighn dined on most evenings. And seriously who did not dream of living in a castle? Truthfully what was missing could and would be made up for in just about any other part of the castle and then there was Reighn. He more than made up for any short comings her home may have.

  There were four other bedrooms as well as a formal dining room, offices, library and lounges. The apartment was decorated in soft colors of the forest, greens and browns with red and blue hues. It was actually called the forest apartment. This was a whimsy of Verity’s to name each apartment when she had been Lady to the Dragon Lord and it had never been changed. Sage found it charming and when Reighn had shown her through the family apartments she had fallen in love with the feel of this one. She had told him it had felt like coming home. Since they had moved in, the girl’s bedroom had been transformed into a magical faerie land with twinkling lights and rainbows. Art work was drawn on walls, resembling Faerie Groves apparently, there were soft tones of the forest along with the occasional sprite and unicorn adorning the walls and ceilings.

e girls loved it. Their playroom received almost the same treatment, except instead of sprites there were dragons within the mural. Toys magically appeared each time Rene` and Verity came to visit, and that was not counting the ones that Reighn slipped into the playroom. When he thought she was not looking. It was not that Sage did not want her girls to have them, she did and truly she told herself. As long as they were all happy thinking, they were being clever. Who was she to end their fun?

  These people never thought they were going to be a daddy or grandparents or even uncles. So they spoilt the girls, it was a win…win as far as Sage was concerned. The girls deserved pampering and the dragons needed to feel what it was like to have young around. She just hoped one of the brothers met their shadow soon. So they all had more little ones to love.

  As the royal couple, they warranted servants so they had maids and a butler. It freaked Sage out thinking about having servants after basically being one herself for eight years. She tried very hard not to be uncomfortable around their staff but knew she did not succeed completely. Although they did not seem to mind, in fact, she was pretty sure they were amused by her most of the time. At least she and Reighn tended the girls together. Sadly she knew it would only be a matter of time before she became so enmeshed in royal life as well as continuing on with the retrieval teams, that she and Reighn would have to give into the inevitable and have someone come into look after them.

  She left Molly in the play room and took Ava through to her room to change her in preparation to giving her a bottle. When arms slid around her from behind, and she felt the tension she carried whenever he was not with her leave.

  “Let me feed her.” He whispered and took Ava with a smile as she reached for him. It still surprised her how quickly they had gone from wary little girls of the giant male, to girls that adored their Daddy. “Does Molly know you are home?” She asked softly as they walked out onto the balcony and he sat in a seat designed for him. She curled up in the one opposite and watched him place the bottle in Ava’s mouth who smiled around the nipple at him. He made a purring noise, or his dragon did and she automatically started to drink. Her eyes tried to close, but she fought sleep, trying to watch his eyes as his dragon looked out at her.


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