DRAGON'S GAP: Set Includes Stories 1-3 Plus Love's Catalyst

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DRAGON'S GAP: Set Includes Stories 1-3 Plus Love's Catalyst Page 22

by L M Lacee

  When she was twenty- two she had received a letter explaining who and what she was and where she came from. Once she was over her shock and disbelief, it still took her a few months to come to terms with the information contained within the handwritten pages.

  When she finally accepted the possibility, she studied everything she could about shifters. Even though shifters had been part of the world for most of her life. Sadly she had known very little about them having never met one.

  Her bear rumbled. So you think.

  Well, that is true.

  Shifters had been out, so to speak, for at least twenty years. Before then it had been a badly kept secret. It seemed everyone had a neighbor, friend or work mate they suspected of being more than just human. Conspiracy theorists believed shifters had made themselves known to the governments at least fifty years before they came out to the public. Edith like a lot of people always believed this was true. Mainly because the integration of shifters within the first five years of going public was quick and seamless, with very little opposition.

  Edith was told that when the shifters first came out, several governments had wanted to tattoo and chip or at the very least have shifters placed on a register. She was not sure who it was that persuaded the governments that this would be a very bad idea. But within months after the announcement those ideas were dropped and the shifters governed themselves without human interference. She thought maybe it had been the Goddess the divinity who had ruled over the shifters since…well…no one could remember when she had not ruled. It seemed shifters had always known about her.

  Of course it was all different now because of the sentence and the advent of the Elementals arrival back on earth. The Goddess had gone back to wherever Goddesses came from and magic had returned.

  What had been impressed on Edith, when she first arrived at Dragon’s Gap, was that shifters had been on earth long before humans. And as far as the shifters were concerned humans are a relatively new race. Edith often wondered, out loud of course. How it was that the shifters had been the ones in hiding and humans had become the number one species on earth. So far no one was able to answer that question.

  Even the Elementals had not addressed that point when they had appeared at the big trial, the Dragon Lord held for the nobility a few months previous. Edith had watched the recording of the court proceedings as everyone who came to the Gap did. It had been an eye opening experience for her to see the harsh realities of dragon life. Not so much her bear who had watched it with amusement and had sniffed disdainfully at the noble dragons and then at the death sentence handed down.

  Edith thought her bear secretly believed all bears were better than dragons. Even though Edith had felt the wonder that came over her anytime, they saw dragons flying, which was fairly often.

  Her bear grumbled at her thoughts, making Edith smile, then she frowned thinking of the Goddess who had sentenced the shifters to death. Although Edith had found that a lot of shifters thought she actually meant evolution. The stated opinion was that shifters are going to evolve into something more. What that is, of course, they cannot or will not say.

  When Edith had been told this, she had jokingly purposed that the Goddess meant shifters would become human. Her observation had not been well received, even her bear had refused to talk to her for days after that. Apparently her sense of humor needed help or that was what she heard her bear mutter.

  Life had obviously changed for all shifters because now magic and magical beings were returning to the world where once shifters and humans had been the predominate species.

  Now those two species could eventually find themselves second and third or even lower on the evolutionary chain. Edith wondered what the governments of the world thought of that or maybe they had been visited by the Elementals. If so she sort of felt sorry for them. Those guys were scary and to find out that you as the world rulers were not the dominant power on earth. Must have come as a shock to them, or maybe they already knew. That too could be a possibility she thought. Edith gave a mental shrug as she wondered what the fanatics would think about all that!

  Her bear, of course, had an opinion. Humans if nothing else are adaptable. As with shifters some will revolt because it is in their nature to do so. But most will do as the majority of remaining shifters will do. Survive!

  And our parents clan?

  Her bear hummed then said slowly. They are insular but even for them their days are dwindling.

  I think I better reach out to the clan just in case!

  Maybe so. Know it will take time for them to decide.

  Are all bears like them?

  No, I am not!

  Well, that is true. So back to my musings, she told her bear and ignored the bored sigh from her and her muttered. Why must you?

  Because you brought me here and I am bored and hungry. So I will reminisce on my past at my leisure, and you will endure as punishment. Edith grinned at her bears pained moan and continued on with her memories. Once she had recovered from her shock of finding out she was not human, she had reached out to her acquaintances and found out some information on shifters. As it happened they knew very little about bears, so she had read everything she could on line and contacted the shifters web site. Which was relatively informative if she needed to know where to shop, what to eat and how to find a mate. Other than that it was unhelpful. She stopped walking and said to her bear. We really should do something about that!

  Why do you wish me involved in things that are human problems? Can I kill it?


  Then do not bother me!

  So bitchy.


  Edith growled which she just knew amused her bear. Anyway back to my interesting thoughts, and sniffed loudly at the groan that sounded in her mind.

  She had eventually realized there was no other option but to leave England, so she took the plunge and traveled to America. To a small town in what they called the central states. She assumed as the letter had been posted from there she would find bears or at least someone to tell her about her heritage. Imagine her surprise when she had stopped her car and was accosted by an older female, who it turned out was her great aunt.

  The female could not hug Edith enough, right there in the main street. Edith had not been sure whether she should scream and hightail it out of there or scream and duck for cover. She had done neither and had endured the hugging and the cheek pinching, seriously bears were just so grabby. The great aunt introduced her to the clan her parents had belonged to and she had been invited to stay with them. It had been amazing, intriguing, and just plain thrilling to finally belong to a group of people and not feel like the outsider.

  In her time there, she learnt who her parents had been and why she had ended up in England and their foster system. Apparently her parents, while traveling as bears were known to do had died in a tragic accident. Sadly the bear clan had lost touch with her parents several years before the accident and with no knowledge of Edith’s circumstances. So because there had been no emergency contact information with her parents. She had become a ward of the English government. And as the placement people had not bothered to test her for the shifter gene she was placed with human foster parents.

  Her aunt had told her how the clan came to know about her. It seemed she had been seen when she had been working as a conservator, or what is commonly called an art restorer at the Tate Britain Museum in England. The clan members had been on a museum tour when they had recognized her. They immediately contacted the elders to inform them that the long-lost presumed dead bear cub, was in fact alive and living in England.

  It seemed she was easily identifiable as she was the living image of her mother and grandmother. Edith learned she in fact did not have many older relatives, only an aunt and uncle and the great aunt she had met on arrival. But she did have a few more cousins as opposed to other shifters bears were quite prolific. If her parents had lived, she would have been one of several children.

  It had t
aken the clan two years to debate and mull over the wisdom of contacting her. Apparently bears were good at debating and they loved to mull things over. No need to rush or hurry! Was a favorite saying of her parent’s clan. When eventually they had finished their mulling, it was decided a letter would be sent to Edith.

  That was three years ago now, she sighed as she thought of her life since then it had changed so much. Some good, like her discovering her bear, even if she was bossy and grouchy. Some bad, like finding out about the shifters sentence. And some things were just sad, like the clans horror when it was discovered she was unable to communicate with her bear or shift. These two disabilities were intolerable for the small clan, the elders acted as though her not being able to shift was an insult or reflection on them. They had worried it was because she had been isolated from bears for too long or the fact she was raised human. Regardless after careful consideration that lasted three months. It was decided the repercussions of Edith’s condition would disrupt the clan’s balance. She was unsure what and why that would be, when she asked, they would not tell her. Even when she admittedly whined like a little girl and nagged relentlessly. Which stopped, when snarling and growling got involved.

  Eventually, she had been told a decision had been made as she had not actually been accepted into their clan, inclusion she was told was not automatic. She had her doubts about inclusion not being automatic and was positive that her inability to access her bear was the reason she was not accepted. Especially after they had consulted healers and specialists and no one could seem to find a reason for her condition. Witches, and shamans apparently had no idea either.

  Her great aunt explained to her one night just before she left. That it was all to do with genes as she could not shift she would not be able to find a mate. They would be afraid the condition would be passed on to their cubs. She would be a single bear in a clan of mostly mated bears. Never a good mix in a small clan. Edith had accepted that explanation but knew there was more to it.

  Hew, her eldest cousin was more direct. He told her that she was too independent and sharp tongued for the males to tolerate, even though all female bears’ were. She was just too verbal also she had more education than the average male in the clan. Her cousin Hew being the exception, he had attended college, plus there was the fact she was very self-reliant. This was too hard for the male bears to cope with or understand and that was on top of her condition. He had said kindly, there would be no life for her in the clan. Now that Edith had believed!

  She had known her aunt and Hew were both right, although Hew’s reasoning was more in line with hers than her aunts. She had indeed summed up each male of the clan inside of five minutes of her arrival and knew there was never going to be a match with anyone. Whether she could have shifted or not.

  Her bear sighed. As if mate would be there. Mate is here!

  Huh! Probably a dragon or a cat or even a wolf. Didn’t think of that now did yah!

  Why are you difficult? Can you not realize we need a mate?

  No! She thought about what she understood now about the wider world of shifters and reflected that with time and distance. She did sort of understand the clan’s point of view. In truth she had been ready to leave the town and her parent’s people or bears long before they had asked her too. She had found the clans way of life very restrictive. Having to watch each word that came out of her mouth and every action she made or even how she looked at others was stressful. It had been getting complicated with the female bears issuing veiled threats that would at some point be turned into a challenge. Edith knew she would never be able to accept any challenge issued, as she was unable to shift. She was sure there was law about using guns in a challenge.

  It had all become very exasperating. To be thought of as less of a person or bear because one, she was unable to shift. And two, she had been raised a human, was demoralizing and it really just got on her last nerve. Having accomplished what she wanted, which was to find out about her parents. Meet some family and learn why she was so different to the average person she had grown up around. Edith said goodbye to her relations and with a sense of relief had driven out of bear town.

  She had taken her time and traveled slowly across America visiting as many places as she could. Some towns she found scary, others she found amazing. There were towns where the people were friendly and those towns were places she would have lived in if she had been completely human.

  About two months into her travels she saw a brochure for a tourist town on the west coast. She decided that would be her destination. She had been living at the coastal town for only a few months, working casually for several art galleries. When shifters and what she now knew to be dragon Hunters had arrived. They had advised her and several hundred other shifters from the surrounding towns to leave and go to Dragon’s Gap for their safety. At least that was what the very handsome tiger shifter had told her.

  Edith knew a good idea when she heard one, of course now she knew her bear had pushed her to make that decision. Thankfully she had been able to pack up her few possessions, which had taken less than thirty minutes and had followed the convoy to Dragon’s Gap.

  Where she had discovered the reason why her safety and the safety of other shifters had been in jeopardy. It had come as a shock to know she was now considered endangered, whether she could shift or not. After talking to others about what was happening around the world and why the Gap was safe for shifters. She had come to the realization Dragon’s Gap was the place to be. Of course her bear was delighted. Secretly Edith hoped she would quell the constant restlessness she always felt.

  After two weeks her bear had started talking to her. It still made her smile when she thought about what she must had looked like. The morning she had woken and found she indeed shared her body or soul whichever it was, with a full adult She bear, who had loads of attitude.

  Now with the initial awe on Edith’s side and the amusement on her bear’s side worn off. They were settling into a friendship of sorts, her bear bitched and Edith thought human thoughts to annoy her somehow it worked.

  With another smile she figured she had annoyed her bear enough with this trek down memory lane. It was a petty way to pay her back for the rude awakening this morning and the lack of breakfast. It must have worked as her bear seemed to be doing a lot of grumbling before she turned her back on Edith refusing to acknowledge her. She quietly laughed.


  L ady Verity, shadow to Rene` Kingsley, former Dragon Lord. Mother to the current Dragon Lord and his four brothers and two nest brothers as well as mother-in-law to Sage and grandmother to two delightful girls was. Bored! Bored! Bored!

  She wondered as she walked along, if she thought it enough times maybe she would not be bored. She loudly sighed, her shadow was not home and her sons did not need her. Her new daughter and her new grandchildren did not need her. They were all very content and busy with their lives and work. What friends she had were engaged in their own lives or away on vacation.

  She had to admit since Sage had bonded to Reighn and taken the responsibilities of Dragon Lady from her shoulders. Those females who had professed to be her friends had declined considerably, which was a blessing on one hand and annoying on the other.

  Of course in the past having friends she knew was all due to the fact they had believed that she would influence first Rene` then Reighn. Securing favors for them or their shadows or families. Which on occasion she would admit, she had done. Especially if it had anything to do with the elderly or young. Now of course everything had changed with Sage and the Elementals arrivals. As well as Reighn’s declarations.

  Silly dragons! Life had changed even before that. They are just too stupid to see it! Said a scornful voice.

  Verity did not answer the voice she heard in her mind. She was not entirely sure she was not going mad. No female dragon had a dragon that spoke to her. As with flying it was always a hope but never an actuality and always a constant source of pain. Only males co
nversed with their other half which is how her Rene` explained the other side of themselves and yet she knew she heard a very feminine voice talking to her

  Dragon, I am your dragon!

  Verity hesitated for a moment then again ignored the voice. She had been raised to believe that females only ever had the title dragon, never the manifestation of a dragon. She could not ever remember a female dragon that had shifted, she doubted they ever had.

  Not once in her or her mother’s lifetime, had a female ever said they talked to their other half. Conversing with ones dragon went hand in hand with flying, or so they were told. So hearing a voice in her mind was all a little disconcerting. Now she was positive she heard a derisive snort, or at least it sounded very much like that. Maybe she was going mad!

  Her dear friend Grace, who was a bear was away recuperating at the seaside after her kidnapping ordeal. She had gone at the insistence of her sons and their mates and courtesy of Reighn and Sage, she would remain away for another week. In the last phone conversation, Verity had with her. She had sounded as bored as Verity was. But determined to stick it out in the hopes she would never have to do it again or so she assured her.

  Verity did not want to have the discussion of her possible insanity on the phone with her friend. She had decided she would wait until Grace returned to Dragon’s Gap. Then she would find out if it was indeed possible to have a dragon talking inside her head.

  Yes, I am here and I do talk! Why is it so hard for you to accept? Said the voice again.

  “Oh dear!” Verity murmured. She decided right that minute when she was positive she was not going insane, as some dragons did when they reached a certain age. That she would approach her Rene` for his advice. Until then she would discuss it with Grace. Banishing those unwanted thoughts from her mind. She went back to trying to understand why she was bored and finally admitted to herself she was not only bored she was lonely. Maybe that was why she was hearing voices and snorts, as she heard another. It had been a long while since she had felt this way, she did not care for it. No one needed her and she was, Bored! Bored! Bored!


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