DRAGON'S GAP: Set Includes Stories 1-3 Plus Love's Catalyst

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DRAGON'S GAP: Set Includes Stories 1-3 Plus Love's Catalyst Page 24

by L M Lacee

  “Now the other four I will admit to giving birth to them.”

  Impressed Edith said. “Well okay, you are still looking good!”

  “Thank you.” Verity replied a little subdued as they walked along the elaborately decorated corridor. Edith looked around as they walked on the warmed stones that had a nice blue hue to them. The whole hallway sang to her creative mind, with its delightful furnishings and color. “Wow this is something! I love it.”

  Pleased Verity said humbly. “I enjoy it.” The way she said that had Edith asking. “Did you decorate it?”

  Surprised that she would ask, Verity answered without thinking. “Yes I did as well as the whole castle over the years.”

  Edith murmured. “That must have taken years. This place is not small!”

  Verity looked around and sighed. “Yes many, many years each apartment has a theme.”

  That grabbed Edith’s attention as she came to a stop. “What? How many apartments?”

  “The top three floors they are the family. The top two floors have six apartments on each level each of them have four or five bedrooms and bathrooms. The third or lower family floor has twelve smaller apartments and they mostly house the single members of the family and others that we claim as ours. They are either one or two bedrooms each. Then the ground floor and the one above the floor we were on has several for the security details when they stay but mostly they been converted into offices. The public level does not have apartments, it is where court is held. Reighn and Sage have offices there, well, all the main offices are there. Also meeting rooms and grand dining hall as well as the grand receiving room, main foyer, smaller dining rooms, lounges and main kitchen that services the royal dining hall.

  The utility levels, which is where we met, houses the medical units and more offices, storage areas, security rooms. Then there is the basement level where there are cells and vaults and wine cellars.”

  Wide eyed Edith said. “This place is even bigger than I thought it was. It is enormous!”

  “Believe me I know. It is all original stone work in fact everything is more or less the same as when the first dragons decided to build. I think they just wanted the build the biggest castle they could and they did.”

  Astonished and filled with admiration Edith said. “And you decorated it all?”

  With a touch of appreciation and pride in her tones, she nodded then explained. “Yes as I said I had a theme for each apartment, for instance. We have the Rose apartment and then there is the Silver apartment, the Ocean and Tranquil apartments. Whatever whimsy struck me at the time. Reighn and Sage live with their young girls in the forest apartment. It has a turret which I converted into a master suite with walk in closets and an en-suite. I particularly enjoyed doing that one, also of course there is mine.


  V erity opened the door they had come to and Edith stepped through into a small foyer that led into the apartment. Which could have come straight from the Victorian era. She moved into the center of the room and looked around, her hands in the back pockets of her jeans. Edith rocked back on her heels while she studied the room. The lounge they had entered was large, the floors she noticed were golden oak giving the room a warm feel. A huge stone fireplace took up one whole wall. It was magnificent. There were wide French doors opening onto a balcony which overlooked a beautiful blue lake that sparkled as though crystals shimmered on the surface.

  There were doors leading into other rooms but this room was the center of the home. It looked like it came straight off the canvas of a masterpiece. And it did not fit the female she had just spent time with. When Edith said nothing just looked around her. Verity frowned and for the first time in a long time she stopped and looked… really looked at her home and saw the staleness of her furnishings. Something she had not noticed until now. She blurted out. “I liked this period of time.”

  Edith nodded. “And your shadow, does he like it too?”

  Verity did not reply directly. “Now I look at it. Everything seems out dated, wrong somehow. It looks shabby.”

  Edith took her hand. She could see she was upset, soothingly she said. “It is probably because you have changed and did not realize it. Stand back and look at you and your shadow. Are you the same people you were when you decorated your home like this?”

  Verity sighed. “No we have both changed. We… I redecorated after our sons had left home and Rene`, that is my shadow. He also decided he needed to leave to fly the world with his Hunters. So I decorated for me, but I feel it is all different now.” Verity shrugged and once again felt the weight of the years pressing down on her, she murmured. “Of course that was many years ago, time passes so rapidly without notice the older one gets.” She looked at Edith and said. “Rene’ he is a very different person now as well. Not being Dragon Lord has changed him.”

  Edith grinned thinking Lady Verity was not much pleased with her Rene`s decision to leave home, hence the Victorian style. She just bet Rene` did not like the way his home was decorated. “I am betting you are very different to who you use to be as well.” Verity hesitantly nodded as though she was trying to adjust to that thought. Edith squeezed her hand and said. “So change it. You have a wonderful eye for color and detail. I know, I see it everywhere I look. I can see what you did here but secretly I think you know it is time you remodeled.”

  As they walked farther into the room, Verity said. “Modern! I would like to go modern, not all glass and steel but soft warm modern colors and furniture.”

  Edith nodded. “Sounds good to me, pastel colors with bold accents, granite kitchen counters with white appliances. That sort of thing and in here you could go with reclining loungers with wooden coffee tables.”

  Thirty minutes later they were well into the new look with Verity writing everything down in a notebook. When Arron the guard opened the door into the lounge and a high pitched voice squealed long and loud. “Gran...Granma... Granmaaaaa!”

  Edith twirled around fast as she asked. “Who is killing that kid?”

  The guard smothered a laugh, especially when a female’s exasperated voice said. “Please Molly, inside voice.”

  Edith figured it was an often said quote by the twinkle in the guard Arron’s eyes, as he looked at her and winked. Verity said. “That will be my granddaughter Molly. Reighn and Sage’s little girl, she is seventeen months old and loud as you can hear.”

  “Grandma, grandma, grandmaaaaa!”

  “Molly inside voice.” Verity called to her and gave Edith an apologetic look. “We are still teaching her the difference.”

  “Slow lessons.” Edith said with a smile.

  Verity nodded. “It seems so.” Then she called out again. “Molly I am here little one.” Suddenly a very pretty blonde haired little girl, flew into the room on small chubby legs and threw herself at Verity who swooped her up into her arms.

  “Hiya granma.” She said as she kissed Verity’s cheek. “Me come see oo.”

  Verity kissed her cheek. “I am so glad you did.” Feigning shock she asked. “Where is your mama, you didn’t come here all by yourself did you?”

  Molly giggled. “Nah mama com wit Ava.”

  “Well good. Molly I have a new friend her name is Edith. Say hello Molly.” The little girl looked at Edith and smiled showing dimples. “Hiya Edee.”

  “Hiya Molly whacha been doing?”

  “Payin wit me frind.”

  “So cool, what is her name?”


  “Wow! That is a nice name.” Edith said as Verity frowned, then asked Molly. “Is she someone from the castle?” The little girl moved her head from one side to the other “No Granma!”

  Verity, a little alarmed asked Sage as she entered with Ava, “Sage dear who is this person Sela who is playing with Molly?”

  Sage shrugged. “No idea, Molly honey who is Sela?”

  Edith watched the little girl as she ducked her head from her mother hiding her face in Verity’s neck. Edith as
ked her. “Is she a special friend Molly?”

  The little girl nodded, lifting puzzled eyes to Edith’s. Who rocked back and forth on her heels and grinned as she whispered loud enough for the adults to hear. “Did she say not to tell?”

  Molly looked at the tall lady with the sparkling water eyes and grinned. She really wanted to tell someone about her new friend, but she had promised not to. She nodded again. Edith grinned when she felt the tension enter the room from the females, and leaned closer to the girl. “I know you promised not to tell, but it is okay to tell me. I am not family, am I?”

  Molly smiled and shook her head, so Edith whispered. “Who is Sela?”

  Molly whispered. “Fairy.”

  Edith opened her eyes wide and said. “Wow really! That is really neat. I wish I had a fairy as a friend. Is she big or small?”

  Molly said holding her little fingers apart. “Tat big.” Then she widened her hands and said. “Tat big.”

  “Wow!” Edith said with a smile making Molly smile with her. “I would like to meet her. She sounds like fun. Do you think she would like to play with me too?”

  Molly clapped her hands. “Me call Sela.”

  “Okay sweetie you do that.” While Edith had been talking to Molly. Sage had stepped into the foyer and made a phone call, within seconds several things happened. Molly closed her eyes and whispered words that Edith could not hear.

  Verity sat down on her couch with the child on her lap as Edith walked over and leaned against the wall near the French doors. Sage walked back in and placed the baby on the floor as she straightened she asked Edith. “Who are you?”

  Edith grinned at the abrupt, almost hostile tone. “Edith Black, friend of Lady Verity’s.”

  Sage eyed the female, “She never mentioned you before?”

  Edith crossed her arms as she said. “Because we just met.”

  “And already friends?”

  “Yep! Suspicious much?”

  “Yes, she is dear to me.”

  “And yet lonely and sad.”

  Sage drew in a breath to tell this interfering female to go to hell when two things struck her. Firstly, she had discovered her daughter was hiding a secret. Secondly, as she looked at Verity she saw she was right her shadow’s mother was sad and lonely. So instead of yelling at the strange female she said. “Oh Verity, are you? I am so very sorry. Why did you not say?”

  “Dear, you have enough to think about and with everything you have had to contend with lately. Anyway, it is my issue, not yours.”

  Sage winced at the mention of the last month or so. “But Verity?”

  “Sage dear leave it alone.”

  “Yeah Sage leave it alone!” Edith said, she could tell Verity was embarrassed and getting upset. She grinned at Sage who eyed the tall female ready to blast her. When she read the message in Edith’s eyes as she flicked them towards the visibly upset Verity.

  Sage gave a slight nod. “Fine but I reserve the right to discuss this at another time.”

  Edith‘s grin widened at the small feisty female. They all seemed to be like that here. They were definitely her kind of people, especially when she heard Verity sigh and growl at the same time in exasperation.

  Then the room filled with huge males. Edith leaned back further against the wall. Oh my!

  The first male to enter was Reighn, who she knew was the Dragon Lord from having seen him on screen. Followed closely by the one known as Johner, the castle commander. Edith had seen him earlier that week, when he had been in town. He went straight to Verity where he gathered her hand in his and kissed her cheek, while the big male went to the short female called Sage.

  When both little girls saw him they both cried out. Molly slipped off her grandmother’s lap and called loudly. “Dada!”

  Which caused everyone to cringe while the baby just reached for him with a whimper. He scooped them both up in his large arms. “My princesses, dada is here.”

  Edith was amused to see Sage look at the male with a sense of frustration. Just then two more males entered, they looked enough like Reighn to be his brothers, which meant they were sons of Verity and her Rene`s.

  Edith’s bear rose and growled low, which sounded like a purr Edith chuckled. Wow, I never knew bears could purr. Although both males are purr worthy!

  Her bear snarled back. We do not purr like cat. What you know of bears would fill a small tea cup!

  Well, that is rude!

  Mate! Our mate is here!

  No, just no! That is such a bad idea.

  Mate! Get mate now!



  Edith looked over at the two males and asked her bear. If I was to go along with this mad idea, which I am so not. Which one would be the mate?

  Her bear oozed charm and sweetness as she answered. Beautiful male with healers’ heart. Our mate!

  Edith grumbled as she eyed both males. And that answers nothing!

  Storm asked Sharm as they stood inside the doorway. “So, we are here why?”

  Sharm replied as he scanned the room his attention stalling on Edith, absently he said. “Apparently Molly has a new friend which no one knew about until now, and it is a faerie.”

  Storm raised his eyebrows. “Really, we have faeries here at Dragon’s Gap?”

  Reighn motioned them closer as he told them. “It would seem so, although they were not meant to be here until the end of next month.” He turned his attention to his daughter in his arms. “Molly tell dada when your new friend came here, sweet girl?”

  Molly ducked her head under his chin, so she did not have to look at him.

  Edith felt sorry for her and said. “She cannot, she promised not to tell her family. The fairy asked her to keep the secret.” Turning her attention to Verity, she asked. “Seriously there are fairies really?”

  “Oh yes. We pronounce it Faeries.”


  ‘Why do you find that strange?” Verity asked amused at the question. “You are bear, we are dragons. Sage is a witch?”

  “Seriously witch? Who would have thought?” Edith looked the scowling female up and down and smirked. “Okay... Yeah! I get it.”

  Sage growled “Look Lady...”

  Reighn’s snarl of. “Who the hell are you?” Caused Sage to quickly halt the hot words on her tongue.

  Edith snarled right back at him. “Seriously you and your mate have the same attitude when it comes to asking questions!”

  He took a step towards her and to his shock found not only his mother but his brother Sharm blocking his way. Confused he asked. “Mama… Sharm?”

  “My friend. I have claimed her!” Verity told him, much to his and the others surprise.

  “Mama really…Claim? Who is she and what do you know of her?” Reighn tried not to growl but really his mother!

  Edith growled as she moved from behind Verity. “Hey dragon I am right here, ask me and leave your mother alone, picking on her is just plain mean!” She stabbed him in the chest with her finger making everyone hold their breaths as they expected Reighn to blast her from the room. He looked from her finger to her face and into her turbulent sea green eyes and said nothing. Sharm went to step between them, but his Dam held his arm. Forcing him to stand by and watch his shadow confront the most dangerous dragon alive.

  Edith frowned as she said. “Now you listen here, that lovely female carried you and your brothers separately I hope, for nine...”

  “Twelve.” Said an amused Verity.

  “Twelve!” Yelped both Edith and Sage.

  “Seriously?” Edith asked as Sage stared daggers at her shadow while she hissed. “No one told me that!”

  Edith told her. “Getting off track here but needs discussing later.”

  “Agreed!” Sage still scowling at Reighn stated.

  Edith then asked. “Where was I?”

  Storm highly entertained called out. “Twelve.”

  “Thank you um…”

  “Storm second son and no probl
em.” He grinned at his older brother’s look of exasperation.

  “Yeah so twelve.…” She once more sounded shocked when she said that. “Months… and you will respect her wishes if she said friends and claim as well as trustworthy, she means it.”

  “She never said trustworthy!” Johner said entertained as much as Storm by the female. Edith turned her head towards him and blinked her eyes once.

  He nodded and said. “Not helping, got it!”

  She turn back to Reighn. “Well?”

  He took her finger between his two fingers and moved it away from his chest and said. “Your name?”

  “Oh yeah, Edith Black.”

  “I see.”

  Edith looked into his black eyes and said. “Yeah I bet you do. Finger!” Reighn released it quickly and sighed then said softly. “My Dam.”

  Edith turned to Verity. “I am guessing he is not swearing?”

  “No it means mother or mama.”

  “Oh wow, you have your own language?”

  “Of course, although it is not used often nowadays it seems to have fallen out of fashion.”

  “But think of the scope of it, secret messages, love notes, mystical writings so very…”

  “Enough!” Reighn growled.

  “Well that is rude. You and he are well suited.” She told Sage, who nodded with a smug smile. “Yep all mine!”

  “Lucky you!” Edith said but it sounded like she did not mean it. Which had Storm and Johner smiling again. While Sage narrowed her eyes at her. Verity squashed the laugh in her throat as did Sharm who was enchanted and slightly awed by her inability it seemed, to realize she was in danger.


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