DRAGON'S GAP: Set Includes Stories 1-3 Plus Love's Catalyst

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DRAGON'S GAP: Set Includes Stories 1-3 Plus Love's Catalyst Page 26

by L M Lacee

  “Please Dragon Lord. Release Sela!” Asked the beautiful faerie Queen. Reighn turned his head toward the couple. His eyes had elongated as his dragon had risen close to the surface proved by the growl in his voice when he asked.

  “Did you know she had sworn my daughter to withhold from her family, her presence? She taught my daughter to LIE!” He roared again.

  The Queen bowed her head. “No my Lord we did not know of this. We are most distraught. Sela was to make contact with you or your father before we arrived.”

  “When was that?” Sage asked.

  “She has been here on and off for the last two months Dragon Lady.” The King answered.

  “I see.”

  They all looked at Sela, who Reighn had released. She went to shrink and the Queen sternly ordered. “Do not Sela. You have broken trust. Remain full size.”

  The faerie sobbed pathetically. “Yes my Queen.”

  The King stepped forward. “Dragon Lord Reighn, we my Queen and I apologize. We were under the assumption the High Queen’s orders were being carried out, please forgive us for not checking.”

  Reighn inclined his head. “We thank you. We will remedy the memory of the meetings of this one with our daughters.”

  Surprised the Queen asked. “You have a Keeper?”

  Reighn nodded with a slight smile. “We are lucky enough to have two.”

  Queen Scarlett sounded envious and impressed when she said. “You are very blessed.”

  “So what is a Keeper?” Edith whispered to Sharm who turned slightly towards her and whispered back. “I will explain later.”

  Edith shrugged. “Fine.”

  Reighn looked at Sharm who radiated contentment and pleasure and then glanced towards Edith who seemed slightly resigned and very confused. He addressed the Queen and King. “My shadow and I would like the faerie to be dismissed from Dragon’s Gap. She can no longer be trusted.”

  The Queen inclined her head. “She will return to the High Queen and be disciplined. She will not be allowed to return here again, as of now our Grove is closed to her!”

  “We thank you.” Reighn told them.

  Sage said. “We welcome the faeries to Dragon’s Gap and hope you will live long and are very prosperous in your new Grove.”

  They shone with delight at the welcome, Queen Scarlett and King Elijah inclined their heads as he said. “We are honored to share your homeland.”

  Reighn asked. “Obviously you have not long arrived?”

  Queen Scarlett nodded. “We had just arrived when we heard Sela’s distress call.”

  “Ahh… the scream.” Verity said to Edith.

  Queen Scarlett asked shocked. “How unusual that you heard her call. How could you?”

  “In a manner of speaking we did.” Reighn answered before any of the others could answer.

  Dragon Lord cagey! Edith’s bear murmured.

  Isn’t he, though? She murmured back.

  Reighn asked. “I thought the High Queen’s sister was to be the Queen of the Grove?”

  Queen Scarlett nodded sadly saying. “That was so, Queen Isabel is unfortunately suffering a bereavement and will no longer take over any Groves until further notice. I hope my light and I will be acceptable.”

  Reighn inclined his head. “Most acceptable. We are delighted to have you and your King with us.”

  She and the King smiled at Reighn. Edith murmured to Verity. “We need to know why she did it.”

  Verity nodded as she asked. “Queen Scarlett please ask Sela why she contacted Molly.”

  “Yes Lady Verity.” The Queen inclined her head but not before giving Edith a long look and before she could ask the faerie. King Elijah asked Sela instead. “You were supposed to contact the Dragon Lord or the former Dragon Lord on your arrival as the emissary. They were your orders were they, not Sela?”

  “Yes King Elijah.”

  “Why did you not?”

  “I found that my duty conflicted with my concern for the young.”

  Queen Scarlett asked her sharply. “Sela, why did you make contact with the young one known as Molly?”

  Sela stood with her hands together as she said. “I wished to see how the young were treated by the royal family. I was concerned with what I had seen.”

  The King asked. “Was that in your guidelines?”

  “No King Elijah the High Queen said to contact Lord Reighn as soon as I arrived.”

  “She is lying.” Edith said to Sharm as he looked at her and asked. “My shadow you know this. How?”

  “Years of study!”

  Sage read conviction in Edith’s eyes so much so she asked the faerie. “Why lie Sela? My daughter is in no danger. None of the young here are. One visit to the medical center would tell you that. And a minute with our daughter would have assured you of the same. You have been here for weeks, why was that?”

  Sela raised her head and a mutinous look came over her face, she shot Edith a truly venomous look which Edith smirked at. The faerie’s face twisted in contempt as she said. “I thought she was special, that she would lead me to the grey ones.”

  “Grey ones at Dragon’s Gap?” The female guard behind the Queen asked in disbelief.

  “Yes Captain Sparrow at Dragon’s Gap.” Sela said scornfully.

  “Take care Sela or I will allow Sparrow to escort you to the High Grove.” Queen Scarlett told her sharply. Sela bowed her head looking at them from beneath her lashes.

  “I do not believe you. There are no more left.” Protested a startled King.

  Sela lifted her head and gave them a superior smile as she told them. “Not true, the High Queen knows there are still grey ones left.”

  Queen Scarlett asked. “She told you to look for them by becoming friends with young Molly and not following orders. That seems highly unlikely!”

  Sela opened her mouth and Edith snorted saying loudly. “Wait for the lie!”

  Sela snapped her lips together and glared at Edith, if hatred was a knife Edith would be sliced and diced. Her bear growled at the faerie.

  Sela sniffed and said. “No she did not, I wanted to show I was worth more than a first contact emissary. I wanted to prove I was worthy of more responsibility and that I could have my own Grove and King.”

  Edith crowed. “Now that is the truth!”

  Verity grinned as Sage smothered a smile. Reighn raised one eyebrow as he asked Edith. “Finished!”

  “Yep! Gotta say it as I see it!”

  Reighn shook his head, swallowing his own smile and said to the Queen and King. “I think this is a faerie matter now.”

  “We thank you Dragon Lord. As I said Sela will return to the High Queen.”

  Sage asked. “Could you tell us what a grey one is please or is that a secret?”

  The Queen sighed. “No Lady Sage it is not a secret, it is a travesty from our history. Many years ago a faction of Faerie broke away and walked the human world. They lived among humans and produced children against all the rules and whether we agree or not they are law.” This last was said with look to her mate who shrugged but did not speak. Scarlett said. “Anyway most of the faeries have been accounted for as well as their progeny. Unfortunately, a handful have not been discovered, so we do not know if they had children or even if they themselves have survived. In the past every now and again a child of a faerie would call to us or the faerie themselves would. Sadly it was usually on their death bed, and we would go to bring them home to the High Queens Grove. Our new High Queen holds the grey ones dear to her heart. It is not their fault their parent has neglected them or their powers. As you can imagine most children of a faerie parent have gifts. Because the child is not nurtured at a Grove and as the gifts are very often hidden from the child. Eventually, this causes problems for the young and in some cases their death and possibly the death of others. The High Queen has taken it on herself to help all the children of the faeries. Sadly not all can be saved, sometimes we do not find them and they become lost or they pine away. Bec
ause there is no contact with a Grove, of course, they do not realize this and they die, never knowing they are more than human.”

  Verity asked. “So are they grey skinned toned is that the reason for the name?”

  The King shook his head. “Oh no, they are as you and I. We call the young of the faerie parent, grey ones because left unattended they fall into the grey mist between the real world and the other!”

  “What is the other?” Whispered Edith to Verity, who whispered back. “I will explain it later.”

  Edith sighed, there was so much she did not understand and it was have the effect of making her annoyed. The faerie Sela from beneath her lashes looked around and was pleased to see the attention of all the people in the room. Even the royal guards were firmly on the Queen and King. Surreptitiously she raised her hand to her mouth and softly blew a stream of dust towards Edith, who sneezed repeatedly when it found its way into her lungs. Everyone stopped talking and stared at her, she smiled sheepishly. “Sorry!”

  Reighn gave her a small grin as he asked the Queen. “Could they escape the grey mist?”

  She nodded. “By themselves improbable because to accomplish that it would take extreme strength of mind. And sadly we have yet to find any child strong enough to have done so. In all honesty this is the fault of their parent who did not give them any training. Maybe if they had done so, they would have been able to stay out of the mist or if they could not. They could find their own way out. For years the High Queen would go into the grey mist and search for them. With her guidance she could lead them from the mist into the light.”

  Sharm asked. “Do all grey ones walk in this mist?”

  Queen Scarlett told him. “It has been said that there could be a possibility that a faerie mother could prevent her child from falling into the mist. If she was strong of mind and had enough magic.”

  The King said. “We do not know if this is true as we have never met anyone to ask.”

  Sage asked the Queen. “You do not believe that?”

  “I do not.”

  King Elijah clarified. “Of course it is only a theory. We know of no grey ones who have ever done so.”

  The Queen told them sadly. “We have not had a grey one for many years. The High Queen thinks they are all deceased.”

  Sage asked. “So if word of one was discovered, you would be interested to know?”

  “Most interested.”

  “Talk or capture?” Sage clarified.

  The Queen looked sadder. “I am always hopeful my sister and her children, if she had any survived. So no not to capture.”

  Sage said. “I will have my retrievers listen for word of any grey one’s for you Queen Scarlett.”

  Reighn said. “As I will have my dragons search also.”

  “I thank you, my Elijah says I should never give up hope!” She gave her light a gentle smile filled with love. He took her hand. “No dear one you should never do that!”

  Edith asked. “Why did they desert the High Queen?”

  Reighn would have bet money it would be her that would have asked. Queen Scarlett sighed sadly. “No one really knows. My sister was young and vulnerable maybe she was seduced into leaving by the male that led the rebellion. Always there is a fraction of a populace that feels they are not getting enough or want more.”

  “And your sister was one of those?” Sage asked not really believing that someone who was like Scarlett could be like that.

  “I had not thought so.”

  Edith nodded. “I am sorry for your loss.”

  “Thank you.” Queen Scarlett gave her another long look, then it was as if a light bulb went on. She smiled and said. “Oh I see.”

  “What do you see?”

  “For a future telling Lady Edith.”

  Edith stared at her, knowing she would get nothing more from her and feeling a little frustrated, she asked her bear.

  What do you think?

  I think she sees something about us but is not telling, very annoying!

  Now you know how I feel when you do that!

  I am bear.

  That means nothing to me!


  Edith made a quick decision. She would invite the Queen to morning tea, so she could pump her for information about what she supposedly saw. But she found herself instead issuing an invitation to a party. “Listen Queen Scarlett in two night’s time we will be having a girl’s night.”

  Sharm almost swallowed his tongue as he hurriedly said. “Edith, I do not think...”

  Queen Scarlett cut him off, when she asked, “What is that?”

  Leaving Sharm and Reighn staring at each other in dismay and Verity looking at Sage whose face started to light up with glee. Curious the faerie Queen stared at Edith who grinned and said. “Well we have food and wine, stuff like that and we dance.”

  “Games we will be having games!” Sage said helpfully.

  “Really games?” Edith asked with a frown.

  “Yes I never had a girl’s night, and I want one, so I am hijacking yours. Do you see a problem with that?” Sage demanded.

  “Sheesh! You only had to ask, so precious!”

  Sage smiled wide and did a fist pump. “Yeah me!”

  Which made Edith laugh and Reighn and the others look at her with differing expressions of amazement and confusion.

  Edith explained to the still confused Queen. “It is to celebrate bonding. In the human world it is called a hen’s night.” She held her hand up as she saw Verity and the Queen open their mouths to ask. “I will explain that on the night.”

  Sage grinned. “So much fun. Mama Verity will you come?”

  “Umm well! I suppose if Queen Scarlett will?”

  Scarlett smiled. “I would be delighted to see what this girl’s night is all about.”

  Edith rubbed her hands together. “Cool, now bring as many of your Ladies as you like.” She pointed to the two female guards. “You two look like you know what fun is, so make sure you come.”

  They both inclined their heads. “If it pleases our Queen.” The one named Sparrow said, she did not wish to embarrass the female but to anyone else it would seem obvious. If the Queen went they would be there, they were after all her guards. Then Sparrow realized it had not occurred to Edith at all, in fact she probably never even realized who a faerie Queen was. Sparrow hid her smile as her Queen, with a decided twinkle in her eyes told them. “It would very much please me.”

  Sharm looked at the two warrior fairies. Neither of them looked like they had ever smiled and yet his Edith seemed to think they would know what fun was. Then he saw the King’s shoulders relax just a fraction.

  Ahh! Our shadow is wise. Said his dragon, she knows the King will not worry if guards go too.

  Sharm was not so sure that was Edith’s reasoning but he went along with it, his attention was taken when his shadow asked. “Sage where should we hold it?”

  The Queen still had a slightly shocked look on her face. Either it was because she had been asked to a party or stunned someone had dared to treat her as a normal person. Reighn tensed with worry that his shadow and Edith had offended her. Especially as he watched the King, who was as he stared at his Queen. Sharm standing beside his Dam was tensing in anticipation as well, until each of them saw a smile blossom on the Queen’s face, she literally glowed with happiness.

  Reighn knew Edith with her blunt and irreverent way of speaking had with one simple invitation done something they would never had dared do. She had cemented the faeries as part of Dragon’s Gap. Already he could feel the current of energy sinking into the earth from the Faerie Grove that responded to the Queens happiness. Sage asked. “Oh... Umm Mama Verity where should we hold it?”

  “Well it will have to be at Graces.”

  Edith said. “Good, well see you all in two nights at Graces, whoever the hell she is. Now I need food and coffee, so I will say my goodbyes.” She waved as she moved quickly from the apartment, not giving any of the stunned people a chanc
e to say anything or stop her. Unfortunately not fast enough to escape Sharm as he followed her to the lifts. “Leaving so soon?”

  “Yep!” Edith stared straight ahead at the doors of the lift, begging them to hurry and open.

  Sharm grinned at her one worded answer. “We have much to discuss.”

  “Nah! We can get to that some other time. I am late.”

  Sharm’s dragon laughed at their shadow. He asked as he moved closer. “For what?”

  “Well stuff! You know I am in need of food and coffee. Your mother promised me both but I still haven’t got them so…” She shrugged.

  “I see well allow me as you shadow to provide both.”

  Finally Edith looked at him turning just her head and he was there, in all his glory inches from her face. How had he got so close without her realizing it? Edith always knew when someone was in her personal space. It was a survival instinct living on her own had taught her, she thought until now. Curse you bear and your slutty ways!

  Want mate now!

  Eww! Whining so unattractive!


  Edith’s tongue ran away from her as she said. “Dear Goddess, you are absolutely gorgeous.” He was, he had midnight black hair with streaks of blue shimmering in its depths. He had braided it into one long tail and tied it off with a beaded leather thong. His eyes were slightly oval and so blue they rivaled a summers day. His thick black lashes looked permanently dyed and amazingly enough his nose looked unbroken. Which Edith thought would have been impossible with so many brothers. Although she admitted as her eyes roamed over his face it did balance out his slightly roguish mouth. Edith mentally slapped herself but could come up with any other way to describe the male’s mouth. She was honesty lost for words. Her bear murmured. Works for me!

  “I thank you.” He said with a little nod of his head. “I must return the compliment. You are everything I have ever dreamed of in a shadow and I dream every night.” He smiled showing her his very white teeth. Edith felt her knees wobble, she definitely saw his dragon in that smile. She asked throatily. “Every night?”

  Sharm nodded, his eyes smiled while his face remained serious as he moved closer. “Sometimes twice, maybe more.”


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