DRAGON'S GAP: Set Includes Stories 1-3 Plus Love's Catalyst

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DRAGON'S GAP: Set Includes Stories 1-3 Plus Love's Catalyst Page 30

by L M Lacee

  Sharm stated. “You obviously do not understand how things work here, you admitted as much. So why not allow me to guide you in this.”

  Edith felt her temper rise as she asked. “Sharm are you patronizing me?”

  “I doubt I am. It is just this is all new for you.”

  “But bonding is not for you?”

  Sharm ran his hand around his neck. “Of course it is, but well I am a male that is all.”

  “Are you friggin serious? I do not believe this. I am bonded to your father.” Edith stormed around the room gathering items of clothing, she ended up back in front of Sharm who was frowning heavily at her last comment as he asked. “What has my Sire to do with this, you are not making sense. Who was it you spent time with today?”

  She looked him in the eyes and said quietly. “I am sorry I am not like your mother. She is the stay at home, make everything all right for every body type. I have to say here. I think it is unnatural for her, but it is a role she has decided on. I am not, nor will I ever be like her! I worked before I came here and I plan on working again. I have looked after myself all my life and if you wanted a submissive sweet shadow like your father got, you are friggin well out of luck. I do not expect you to change yourself for me and in return I expect the same courtesy from you.”

  As he went to speak, she said. “Do not! I am so angry now I will say something we will regret. So let me shower and change and we can go to this friggin party tonight.” She turned and started from the room.

  Softly he said. “Edith, please, I am sorry.”

  “Yeah!” She said without turning. “I am sure you are!” She grabbed her makeup and went into the bathroom when he heard the shower turn on, he slumped down onto the bed.

  Well shit that was a fucking disaster, any ideas? He asked his dragon, but he declined to answer him. Sharm sighed and got up to gather his clothes and to shower in the guest bathroom.

  Sometime later when Edith finished her shower he was nowhere to be seen, her heart clenched until she heard the shower in the other bathroom running. She sighed in relief. He had not left her. She closed her eyes against more tears, she had cried the whole time she showered something she seldom did. She picked up her jacket, to place over her new sweater and jeans, she was wearing the lingerie she had purchased. She didn’t know why she bothered, they did not make her feel any better. What do I do now? She asked her bear as she tied up her boots. With one quick look in the mirror to see that everything was as it should be. She went into the lounge to stand and look up at the darkening sky where dragons flew on the air currents. Her bear finally answered with a mournful tone. I do not know, mate is an ass!

  Yeah, he is.

  Talk to mate’s Dam?

  She said reluctantly. Yeah, we could do that I suppose! Neither she nor her bear were good at sharing details they considered private and as a bear she considered everything private.

  A few minutes later Sharm entered the lounge. Edith stared at him in the reflection of the window and felt her heart speed up. He was so handsome with his hair loose, he took her breath away. Dressed as he was in casual jeans and an open neck denim shirt. He had on a leather jacket that looked like it had seen way more action than hers ever had, and he wore combat boots which made him look hot.

  He asked without expression. “Are you ready?”

  Edith nodded as words escaped her, she walked toward him and when she went to pass, he placed his hand on her arm. She turned her head and her eyes met his. He could see the remnants of her tears and his heart cried out for the hurt he had inflected. “How do I fix this?”

  “I don’t know!”

  “I want you my soul. You are the only one I want.”

  “I know as I want you, but there has to be more than just wanting each other.”

  Sharm nodded. “It is a start, though. The rest will come.”

  “Will it?” She asked as she placed her hand on his cheek. His eyes softened at her touch, she let her eyes rove over his handsome face. Looking for what, he wondered. He brought her hand to his mouth and kissed her palm saying against it. “Yes I believe it will.”

  “Alright we keep on trying then.” She reached up and kissed him. He could feel she held herself back from him and for that he was saddened.

  By the time Sharm and Edith arrived at the party, it was in full swing. From what she could see as she looked around it seemed colorful, noisy, and loud. There were long tables with she was sure every available kind of food. Several large fire pits with beasts roasting on spits were cooking and the scent of roasting meat enticed and made her mouth water.

  Sharm saw at least ten grills in use as food was being prepared. Lines were already forming but not as long as the line for the bars which were doing a brisk trade. As usual at these events the non-alcoholic drinks was flowing as freely as the alcoholic ones.

  It looked like there were several highly entertaining games to be played. By the amount of laughter Edith could hear coming from the tent that had a sign proclaiming, ‘Games.’ She spied the area behind the tent reserved for some kind of game that resembled lawn bowling, which she thought she would play later it looked fun. She had always liked bowling, she had been on bowling teams before, and even had her own shoes. She wondered if there was a bowling alley here at the Gap, she would have to ask and if not maybe it was time there was.

  Sharm saw couples dancing as others listened to the music. The band, a group of shifters, were playing soft rock. And as he listened, he realized he had heard them before he had thought they were out of town touring. He assumed Sage must have asked them to come back. As he looked around, he understood why they had moved it from Grace’s house to the festival area. Everyone from the elderly to the babies were here.

  He saw Molly, Ava and Kammy Claire’s little daughter being passed from female to female for cuddles. He watched as Reighn and several Shields headed into one of the games tents. He bet Reighn was challenging everyone to darts. Lars and Stan were playing bowls or what passed for it at Dragon’s Gap. It usually amounted to a drink and then bowl the ball, if you knocked down pins your opponent drank. Of course if you missed you drank and so on. The game was usually called on a technicality or when a fight broke out whichever came first. He had played it often and landed in medical a few times.

  Sage and June had kidnapped Edith not that long after they had arrived. If he was honest, he would say Edith had seemed relieved to go with them, probably because they had not spoken since leaving the apartment. He had no idea what to do, he did not understand Edith and he did not understand himself. It was as though he opened his mouth and his foot got jammed in there.

  Do not open your mouth! Snarled his dragon. The first and only words he spoke the whole night. Sharm knew he was right but still to move apartment it was just too much, too soon. He watched her now, with a drink in hand talking with Sage and June, she was beautiful her light shone all the way across the paddock to him. He sighed as he turned away from her it pained him to know they were not as one. He missed her already.

  “Hey girl!” Sage said. “So how’s it going?”

  Edith eyed the shorter female. It looked like they had been at the booze. Huh! A challenge just what I need.

  Her bear groaned. No drinking.

  Yes drinking! Why the hell would I be here if not for the booze?

  To celebrate bonding.

  Well another reason to drink.

  “I am okay. Are you drunk?”

  “Nah! I am on my way but not there yet. So you know how June and Claire, you know her right?”

  “Yep I do, sort of.” Edith agreed as June handed her a tall glass of beer. With a nod of thanks, she drank half of it in one swallow. When she finished, she noticed both females staring at her. “What?”

  “Seriously?” June said awe coating her words as Sage stood mouth opened in surprise.

  “What? I like beer.”

  “Are you planning on filling up from your feet because I don’t think we have that much in s
tock?” Sage told her, and she was sort of serious.

  “Aww! Shut up, miss light weight.”

  “Anyway.” Sage said with narrowed eyes. “I have named June, Claire and you as my enforcers.”

  “Shut the hell up!” Edith said with a laugh as she drank the rest of her beer. Then snagged another as a youth walked pass with a tray of filled glasses. She laughed again at the look on Sage’s face who spluttered in outrage. “It is an honor.”

  “For you! I am no pack animal, so no you lush.”

  June said. “Told you she wouldn’t go for it. Bears are not joiners, try the real reason you wanted to talk to her.”

  “Aww! Shut up, Miss know it all!” Sage growled at her as she eyed Edith. “So you know what that means then?”

  “How the hell would I?” Asked a disgruntled Edith and downed the tall glass of beer in one swallow.

  “Holy shit!” June said as Edith crooked her finger at another youth who came and handed her two glasses after she placed the empty on his tray.

  “Family! You are officially claimed as my family.” Sage squeaked out.

  Edith moaned.” Kill me now!” She looked up at the clear sky and when no bolt of lightning appeared to smite her. She sighed gustily and said. “Dear Goddess, what does that mean?”

  With no sign of the tipsy female showing now Sage replied seriously. “We are there for each other no matter what. I have your back always.”

  Edith nodded. “Okay likewise Claire and June.”

  “Yep and Ella!”

  Edith nodded. “Without saying.”

  Sage nodded. “Good, now let’s get my drunk back on.” They snagged a tray of drinks and one of food and found an empty table, shortly they were joined by others and drinking contests began.

  After Sharm had left Edith with Sage and June he had said hello to his Dam and the matrons then spent time talking to Grace. Who on hearing about the party had cut short her vacation and arrived home mid-afternoon to his mother’s delight. Lars and Stan had dragged him into a quick game of pool. They had finished the bowling game apparently. It was a draw meaning no one wanted to fight, probably because the matrons were here.

  The one pool game went on to be three where he had reined again as champion but had lost terribly at darts to Johner. By the time he had finished playing and eating with Storm and Keeper, he had lost sight of Edith.

  Sharm was pleased not one person had told him of their woes tonight, it seemed they were too happy for his bonding to worry about their aches and pains. Donald had elected to stay on duty as Ella was off today which meant he could freely enjoy himself and drink, which he did. So apart from his dragon ignoring him for most of the night and his constant feeling that Edith was avoiding him, he was surprisingly enjoying himself. When he returned to the area where the music was being played he stood and listened, they had changed musicians and this band were playing country now. He had never really bothered to listen to it as his tastes ran more to rock but he knew Edith liked it. He had heard her music playing over the last three days in the apartment. And he had to admit this band was good, very good and by the number of people up dancing they liked it as well.

  He divided his time between watching the dancers and the band from the edge of the picnic area under the trees. Where several people sat on picnic blankets, some in groups, some in pairs and a few like him alone. He had gravitated towards the best view of the dance floor and the twirling couples as he sipped at the potent brew delivered by Keeper minutes ago. Who was now dancing with some female? They were laughing as they followed others in some kind of two-step dance. Sharm felt a twinge of envy. At least Keeper was having a good time.

  Edith eventually dragged herself away from the two females when they started another drinking game. She was avoiding Sharm and so far it had worked, she had not seen him for at least thirty minutes. She wandered over to say hello to Verity and to be introduced to Grace which was nice, although Edith felt uncomfortable around the older bear with her knowing eyes. In truth although she protested, she was relieved when Lars dragged her off for a game of darts. Having played when she was in England she acquitted herself well, even if she was playing against several drunk dragons and wolves. Eventually, she found herself next to a changed Ella. “You look really good Ella.”

  “Thank you Edee. I love my jeans and top, but I love my boots more.” She stuck her foot out, so Edith could admire the black lace ups.

  “Nice ones.”

  “It is so relaxing not to be worried about my clothes.”

  Edith grinned. “I bet, oh look that guy looks like he wants to dance with you.”

  “Oh does he?” Ella said as she looked around and spotted the tall male lion making his way to them, she asked worriedly. “Should I dance with him Edee?”

  “Hey this is the new improved Ella. You cut loose those strings that are holding you back by doing things you want to do. If you want to dance, do so, if not, don’t.”

  Ella put her chin up. “You are right. I can do this!” She mumbled bravely as the male smiled and held his hand out to her. She smiled hesitantly back and placed hers in his large calloused one. Edith gave him the evil eye. He did a double take and nodded, he got the message.

  Sharm was shocked to see Ella on the dance floor in jeans and a soft top similar to Edith’s. He had not known she even owned a pair of jeans. When she shyly talked to him a few minutes later, she told him Edith had taken her shopping and then showed him her new phone. She went on to tell him how Edith was going to teach her to drive, she seemed like a different person. He said he was pleased for her, and she smiled and moved away, he saw her dancing with Henry a few minutes later.

  He watched them move around the dance floor. Henry moved well as did Ella. He went over what she had told him about Edith’s involvement in her change and he honestly did not know how he felt about that. Reighn moved in front of him cutting off his sight of the dance floor which stopped him chasing thoughts around his brain.

  “So you going to tell me what happened between you and Edith?” Reighn had watched both Edith and Sharm circle each other around the party, he had no idea what was wrong but his Dam and Grace had also noticed. So he decided to go fishing. Sharm demanded. “What do you mean?”

  “You know what I mean. She is unhappy, and you are avoiding each other.”

  “Did she say something?”

  Reighn sighed. “No brother.” He really wanted to say dumb-ass but had promised his Sage to stop cussing, so instead he said. “She did not, now what happened?”

  Sharm took a long drink of his new ale someone had passed him and said. “I screwed up.” He then went on to explain what had happened. Reighn listened then said. “You are a prize idiot brother.”

  Miserably Sharm said. “I know, what can I do to fix it?”

  “First agree to move, she is right you both need to have a place together. I bet her bear is unhappy about the apartment. They like their own dens. You know this. It is what Sage and I did. Stan and Jacks have done the same.”

  “They live in town.”

  Reighn stated. “Still the same thing.”

  “Okay I can do that and the rest?”

  “The hell if I know, ask mama?”

  Sharm shook his head. “Storm said Papa did not come home, so she is sure to be unhappy too.” He sighed as he said. “I will figure it out.”

  Reighn stared at Edith where she was laughing and talking to the Faerie Queen and another faerie named Prudence. He said. “I hope you do. We need her.”

  Sharm looked over as well and said. “I need her more.”

  Reighn’s parting shot. “Then act like it!” Made Sharm wince, he would as soon as he figured it all out.

  Edith looked over to where Sharm stood talking to Reighn. The Queen noticed where her gaze was and said. “Edith, why are you sad?”

  She answered before she could censor herself. “My shadow is an ass!”

  The Queen, her two guards and Prudence all laughed, more so when Q
ueen Scarlett said. “Of course he is, they all are at one time or another.”

  Edith’s eyebrows rose. “Really?”

  Scarlett nodded. “My light is a strong, gentle male, the light of my life and yet he can wound with a word quicker than with a knife. They do not always think before they speak. Especially when the bonding is new.”

  “Well thank you for your advice.” Edith said hoping that would be the end of it and the Queen would get the message that she did not want to discuss this. Scarlett’s eyes narrowed as she said archly. “What advice? I have not given you any yet!”

  Edith looked at the feisty faerie and knew she was not going to let this go. With a growl in her voice, she asked. “Well what is it you advise then?”

  “Tone!” Scarlett snapped at Edith who sighed loudly. Unlike the Queen’s people. Edith did not quail at the sharp command. She just snapped back. “Well!”

  Scarlett laughed. “You are delightful. I do not scare you?”

  “Are you meant too?” Then Edith scowled and asked. “Are you having a good time?”

  Scarlet grinned at the scowling female’s change of topic. “I am very much, it is a wonderful party and no, I do not want to scare you. Edee my advice is patience, it is a new bonding. It just needs time.”

  “Okay thanks.” She replied, then she hugged the Queen who was surprised and returned the hug. Edith released the Queen and looked at Sharm standing alone now. Reighn had obviously moved off and then back at the Queen. She whispered sadly. “But I cannot be what he wants?”

  “What is it you think he wants?” She asked just as quietly.

  “A little female to sit at home waiting for him to return at the end of the day,”

  Scarlett lips pursed. “He told you this?”

  Edith squirmed as she said. “Well no, not in so many words.”

  “Well in what words?” Scarlett demanded, a crease between her eyes. Edith squirmed more at the demanded question. “I don’t know, we had a fight he yelled. I growled, then we kissed and here we are!”

  Scarlett smiled just stopping herself from laughing at the response. Unlike the three faeries beside her who turned from them trying to smother the laughs working hard to escape and not succeeding very well.


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