DRAGON'S GAP: Set Includes Stories 1-3 Plus Love's Catalyst

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DRAGON'S GAP: Set Includes Stories 1-3 Plus Love's Catalyst Page 50

by L M Lacee

  Poor wee hatchling! Rene’s dragon said to him as he observed the female tuck the baby closer to her body. Very quietly she said to the girls. “It is alright, you are safe, and Charlie is here.”

  No one moved, Charlie stared at him and he stared at her. Finally irritated at the silence she said. “Dude what’s up?”

  Rene` could not help it he laughed. That was when Charlie saw the dragon in his eyes. He was not her dragon but still a dragon and not that young. In her mind she felt a brush like mental fingers stroking her mind. She raised her eyebrows her voice flat. “Dude?”

  His smile widened and his eyes twinkled. Rene` felt his dragon’s interest. She had felt his mind brush hers. Amazing!

  When he spoke, his voice was soft and soothing, allowing the girls to begin to relax. “Maybe we could all sit, I have some questions. I would rather not ask them out loud, there is another way.” He tapped the side of his head to let her know what he meant. “Do you mind?”

  Charlie thought on it as she sat and the girls piled around her. Thankfully they were little, and the chair had obviously been made for larger people. The man sat opposite her and filled the same sized chair by himself. Huh!

  “Firstly what is your name and who are you?”

  “My name is Rene` Kingsley. I am the father to the Dragon Lord. Yours?”

  “Charlie Easton and not so fast, who or what is a Dragon Lord?”

  “Ahh! He who rules the dragon nation.”

  “Oh yeah, Clint told me about him. Well okay let me introduce you.” With a touch she showed who she was talking about, she brushed a hand down Kelsey’s hair. “This is Kelsey, and she is the oldest at five.”

  Rene` inclined his head, smiled and said calmly. “Hello Kelsey.” She just looked at him, but her eyes lost the pinched look. In the same voice Charlie introduced the twins. “This is Lacey and Macie they are four years old.” He acknowledged each girl with soft. “Hello Lacey. Hello Macie.”

  Both girls ducked behind Charlie’s back and trembled slightly. Ignoring their reaction other than to run a hand over each of their heads in comfort. Charlie said as she touched Cara. “And this is Cara.” Who stared at him with huge round eyes, her lips made an O. Either in shock or surprise it was hard to say. Charlie told him. “She is two, I think.”

  Rene`s smile widened at her look and again softly he greeted her. “Hello Cara.”

  If possible her eyes got bigger. Charlie said softly. “Finally, we have a sweet baby boy here, but he has no name yet.”

  “Ahh! Well maybe we can find him one.” Rene` murmured. Charlie settled back in her chair and the little ones crowded closer as their eyes stayed on him. She said. “So let’s give it a go. I have never done this before although I have heard of it being done. So your word that there will only be talking, no snooping.”

  Rene` affected an indignant look and tone but his eyes twinkled as he told her. “I never snoop where I am not wanted.”

  Charlie laughed, why she trusted this man she did not understand, but trust him she did. “Alright then!”

  He inclined his head once more. She felt the brush in her mind but this time instead of ignoring it she thought of a door and opened it and heard Rene`s voice in her mind. It was as clear as when he spoke to her. Thank you.

  Charlie concentrated and sent back. You are welcome.

  I am assuming you only arrived tonight?

  Yes a little bit ago.

  Ahh! That is why your young have not been seen by a healer. My son is the master healer. He is very good with young ones.

  Oh, I did not know that. Clint just told us a healer named Sharm would see my kids.

  Sharm is my son. I know Clint a young dragon. He is a good boy.

  Okaaay! So Rene`. What do you want to know?

  I would like to know how it is that you are here with these young ones.

  Charlie quickly and concisely told him where she had found the girls and baby. When she was finished, Rene` asked. Are they dead?

  Charlie did not pretend she did not know who he referred to and now understood his desire for this form of conversation.

  Yes, very much so unfortunately they were not the only ones involved.

  Rene` nodded then mind sent. If you have anything that can help. I will have some people look into it.

  You can do that?

  I can, I am Commander of the Shields, what you would call Special Forces.

  Okay then that should do it. Thank you. I have quite a bit of information that will help.

  What these small ones have been through it has left a mark.

  Charlie sighed and mimed rubbing her head. No little ones should have gone through what my young have. They need help. More than I can give them. What do I do? I worry, I won’t be enough!

  Rene` hummed deep in his throat. Charlie could feel it in her bones. Weirdly she thought it sounded comforting. Rene` finally offered. I can help the young ones.

  Gently he withdrew his touch, and Charlie, for a brief moment felt sad that he was gone from her mind. They went back to staring as Rene` sat deep in thought. Charlie recognized the signs of a person in the throes of a dilemma, so she remained quiet. The staring went on and the only sound in the room was the constant drumming of his fingers on the arm of his chair. It finally got on her nerves. She was tired and hungry and in need of her. Damn Coffee!

  So she may have been a bit sharper than she intended when she said. “Dude! Just spit it out. Seriously I will shoot you if you don’t!”

  Clint gasped and his hands trembled a little as he entered the room. Making the tray he was carrying wobble and the things on it clatter when he saw who Charlie was speaking to. “Right on time.” She muttered.

  He was followed by a male and female both tall and beautiful the bond to their souls and hearts was very clear but not really strong. Charlie bet they were newly mated, and a spurt of envy entered her heart. A coupling like that was truly a gift. Rene` murmured. “How extraordinary!”

  Without looking at him. Charlie snarled. “I said no snooping.”

  “I do not snoop.” He said absently, “Did you know you could do that?”

  She turned towards him. The hot words dying on her tongue. He sat there looking like every kids fantasy of a Grandfather and yet he was the most elegant man she had ever met. She could tell he really was curious and not really wanting to get into what she knew and did not know here and now. She just answered with one word. “Dude!”

  Another gasp came from Clint, Charlie frown at him and asked. “What?”

  He shook his head as he stated awe and censor in his voice. “Charlie this is Lord Rene`, the Dragon Lords Sire and the Commander of the Shields.”

  Charlie shrugged. “What is your point? I already know that.” Then to Rene` she said. “Dude spill it, you are getting on my last nerve. Jumping all over the place trying to figure out what to say.”

  Clint in the process of pouring the coffee into a cup almost swallowed his tongue as he sighed and said. “Oh Charlie!”

  Charlie grinned like she hadn’t heard that same phase many times in her life. Rene`, shadow to Verity the love of his life and father to the current Dragon Lord and his six brothers. Former Dragon Lord himself and now Commander of the Shields looked deep into the eyes of this strange female, and fell a little in love. She who had a heart as big as Dragon’s Gap. Rene` was no fool. He knew she had killed the people that had hurt the children. He also knew without a doubt she had killed before and would more than likely kill again. And yet she sat protectively with five young ones all damaged, and feared she would not be enough. He saw so much and not just what he had seen while he was in her mind. He would never intentionally betray her trust, but when you were as skilled as he was. It was hard not to have information come to you along the open pathways.

  Annoyed she looked at him like he was just a regular male. Even when young Clint tried to impart how revered he was, she still scowled at him. He found he liked it. He now understood Verity’s connection t
o his son Sharm’s shadow, Edith. He too felt that same connection with Charlie. Now he saw one more reason to settle at home, to make the same ties his Verity had. Finally, he understood what Edith and his sons as well as his shadow were trying to tell him.

  Rene` sat up a little straighter. The smile vanished from his face, gone was the relaxed and light hearted male and in his place was the male that commanded warriors and ruled dragons. His eyes elongated a little as his dragon came to the surface and he did so because Rene` wanted him too, he had that much control. “I am a Keeper!”

  Puzzled Charlie knew there was more to the term than the obvious. Her lips might hold a smile but her eyes became suddenly watchful. Slowly she said. “I would be impressed if I knew what that was. I am thinking that it is something special by the way Clint's reacting.”

  Clint backed against the wall as he went a shade paler whether it was from Rene`s disclosure or the way Charlie spoke to Rene` she wasn’t sure.

  Rene` flicked his eyes to the youth and then raised an eyebrow in a silent. He will live gesture!

  Softly she stated. “I would hazard a guess, you Rene` are so much more than that!”

  He smiled slyly as he confirmed. “Much... much more! For now I am a Keeper and a Keeper my very dear Charlie, has the ability to remove memories good or bad from any living person. A Keeper will help nightmares go away, he will keep the memories until the day the person wants them back, or not. Mental health is the Keeper’s responsibility in the Hordes of dragon society. To keep the mental health of its members whole and healthy he removes what is necessary. On rare occasions Keepers have helped others that are not dragons with the permission of the dragon council.” Rene` stopped explaining when he heard a snort from his son. “You have something to add Son?” Rene` gave him the look only a father could give a grown male to quell anything else he may have wanted to say.

  Sharm hurriedly exclaimed. “No Sire.”

  The female beside him smothered a laugh. It lightened the sombre atmosphere a little. Rene` turned to Charlie. “Of course there is no council anymore, so if I wish to share my gift with others I will. I offer it here to you and yours. I offer my very dear Charlie peace for your young and a chance at a normal life.”

  Charlie looked at the children and closed her eyes on a sigh. “It would seem there is much about Dragon’s Gap. I need to learn.” Rene`s eyes widened as he felt a tap in his mind and heard Charlie’s voice say. Hi! So what do you do exactly?

  I take the memories as I said. Good, bad, whatever needs to go to help that person function?

  I see how that must help soldiers after a battle no PTS for dragons? Huh!

  No, that never happens to dragons. What I am suggesting is. I take the horrible vile memories from your children. Because I can tell you that these young ones have some tough times ahead if it is not done.

  Charlie asked. Will they remember me?

  She felt him smile in her mind. Of course you are a good memory.

  Startled she spoke out loud. “Oh! So what do you replace the bad memories with?”

  Rene smiled as he answered. “The babies, just sweet memories of love and peace, soft dreams that all little ones should have. I will give the older girls memories of you, and I will enhance any other good memories, I find in their thoughts. I will have to see what they deem important. Do not worry, they will be safe. I will make sure of it. I am very good at what I do.” Rene` thought for a minute then asked. What if they have memories of their parents?

  Charlie was quick to respond. Let them keep those, hopefully they will be good memories but if they are bad or they saw their deaths?

  Rene` was just as quick to reassure her. I will remove those and will strengthen the bond you already have started with them.

  Charlie asked. Will you keep their memories in case they want them later?

  I will!

  Charlie let out a puff of air. “Okay Rene` the Keeper of memories. Will you help my babies please?”

  Rene` inclined his head as he asked her. “And you sweet Charlie, can I help you with your memories?”

  She shook her head. “Dude! No, you can keep your mind fingers out of my memories. I worked hard for each one, and I intend to keep them all!”

  Again she heard a gasp, along with a male and female laugh. Rene` laughed as well. If he forgot to tell her she had not quite closed her mental door on their joined pathway, he reasoned he needed it to monitor her.

  Rene` still did not know all these weeks later how he felt about what Edith‘s bear had given up. He and his dragon would often discuss her bear’s decision to give up her ability to shift and would wonder if she ached in her soul. As his Verity and the other female dragons who also could not shift did.

  Verity assured him Edith never said she was or showed she was in pain. But she was sharped tongued and on occasion grumpy. Sharm said that was her bear not Edith. Rene` was not so sure, although his Verity loved Edith very much as did all the young. Now as he looked at her, he knew he needed to make their relationship right. For Sharm, for Verity but especially for himself and Edith, she may not realize it but she needed him.

  Edith and Sharm remained watching and listening just inside the door as Sharm’s father bantered with a female who was surrounded by very young children. There was a small baby on her lap. Rene` stood and walked to Edith. She was shorter than him. Which surprised him as he always thought of her as taller. He felt her tense and her face became expressionless, remembering he supposed their last meeting. When he had slammed from her work room so very angry. He took her cheek in his right hand and rubbed his thumb under her eye.

  Sharm tensed waiting, he was sure for Edith to snatch her face away or unsure if he should interfere with his father and shadow. Rene` told her. “You look tired.”

  Noncommittally she said. “I worked late last night.”

  Rene`s dragon said. She is hurt, we hurt son’s shadow. I thought she was just angry.

  Rene`’ sighed as he told his dragon. We did hurt her or should I say I did. I read this wrong, all wrong!

  “I am sorry Edee!” He used the name the family used and felt her soften a little. “I was wrong and you were correct, please forgive an old dragon his stubbornness and arrogance. There is no force in the world that I would allow to hurt you and yet I find I did it all by myself!” He sighed as he said. “Some truths sweet daughter. Old dragons do not like to hear, but they needed to be said and I needed to hear them. So forgive me, my dear.”

  He felt her relax as Sharm did, Edith nodded as tears gathered in her eyes and throat making her voice husky. “Okay…Yeah! Okay, I am sorry too. Please forgive me. I should have handled it better.”

  Rene` smiled. “Probably we are both guilty of that!” He kissed her cheek. “Do not stop being you Edee, you are unique, gifted and a vital part of our family. Our Grounder, we need you to make sure we stay on track.”

  Edith hugged him, surprising him by her easy acceptance of his apology, she really was a lovely young female. “I can do that.” She told him. “You know Sharm and Reighn say the same thing!” She smiled as she moved back a little and asked. “Do you think that means I nag?”

  Rene` laughed and his eyes held the twinkle she was always told he had. “Lovely absolutely lovely. I have missed too much being stubborn.”

  Edith shrugged then said. “Charmer! I see the appeal.” She looked at Sharm. “If you are half as handsome and charming as your father when you are his age. You will be lucky for a very long time!”

  He grinned at her, smugly assuring her. “Mama always said I was more like papa than the others.”

  Which caused Rene` and Edith to laugh harder. Sharm walked farther into the room, he took Charlie’s hand in his and bowed over it. “Hello, I am Healer Sharm Kingsley. I apologize. My shadow and Sire had some issues to sort out.”

  Charlie nodded. “I saw that.”

  “I am obviously a dragon. You have met my Sire and Clint I see?” He introduced Edith as she and Rene` drew clo
ser. “This is my shadow or mate, Edith, who is a bear.”

  Edith gave a nod from watchful eyes and said. “Hello.” Her eyes scanned over the children who were staring at her and Sharm as though they were the enemy. It hurt Edith’s heart to think of what these little ones may have gone through. She squatted down and looked the girls in their eyes and spoke directly to them.

  “Hello, my name is Edith my nieces call me Edee and I like that, so you can too. Now my mate here.” She pointed to Sharm over her shoulder. “Is named Sharm, he is a doctor or healer and real nice. We don’t have a nick-name for him yet, so while we check out the baby because we really need to look at him, right?” They all nodded even the littlest girl. Edith said. “Maybe you can all think of a name for Sharm, so we can tell my nieces about that when you meet them later.” They nodded again as their eyes opened wide and they looked at Sharm and then Edith. “Good girls!” She stood with help from Sharm. Charlie grinned at her. “Thanks.”

  “Nah! I owe my knowledge to thirteen years in foster care that teaches you how to cope. Then I was a preschool teacher for a number of years. Which instills in you how to communicate with young ones. My advice is, tell them the truth as often as you can and if you cannot, tell them that. Do not lie, kids like us all know lies.” She assured the adults.

  Charlie looked at Kelsey who nodded and said. “Yeah, Edee right.” Causing Charlie and Edith to grin.

  Sharm said to Charlie and the girls. “We are here to help, to soothe and if needed to administer treatment. Apart from being a healer I am a practicing medical doctor. So what can we do for you?”

  “First order of business.” She said. “You can let my hand go. I do not need treatment but thank you for the boost of energy.” Sharm grinned and let her wrist go, secretly he was impressed not many people felt it when he boosted their energy levels. Not that hers were that low but still she had known what he was doing. Interesting! His dragon murmured. She is not just human.

  Sharm said thoughtfully. No, I think she is more, much more! He shared a look with his father and received a slight nod. Charlie said. “The baby needs immediate attention and each one of the girls needs looking at. The short of it is, this evening...


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