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DRAGON'S GAP: Set Includes Stories 1-3 Plus Love's Catalyst

Page 52

by L M Lacee

  Charlie placed herself in front of the healer and young girls. As the male pulled the female back against him holding her easily while she struggled against his arms. In a voice filled with worry underlined with fear and anger, he pleaded quietly. “Please Annise, still!”

  She stopped her movements immediately collapsing back against his chest as she turned pleading eyes up to his. “It has to be them John. Please make them give me my babies.”

  Rene` turned his head to Charlie and raised his eyebrows in a, what do you want gesture. She nodded her head, worry in her eyes along with had she but known it, acceptance.

  Rene` turned back to the couple as the male said. “Forgive us. My name is John Douglas and this is my mate Annise. We have been looking for our girls for two weeks now. They were taken when their Grandparents... they...” He swallowed and stopped then swallowed again.

  Everyone present knew what he was fighting to say. Rene` placed his hand on the younger male’s shoulder. “I understand, there were some young ones found earlier tonight by a female who brought them here.” He drew them farther into the room.

  Charlie wasn’t sure who held who up. They both looked exhausted and haunted, the male kept his arm around his mate as they made their way slowly into the room. They looked around and saw the baby and then Cara with Ella on the floor. The female slumped a little. Charlie moved aside and was not really surprised when she heard the twins squeal.

  “Mommy! Daddy!” The girls threw themselves into the arms of the couple who fell to the floor as they enfolded their children in their shaking arms. The girl’s tears ran as freely as their parents.

  Charlie felt a tug on her pants and looked down into Kelsey’s upturned face, she was smiling, but her eyes told another story. Gathering her into her arms Charlie picked her up as they saw a family reunite. She was fairly sure that scenario was not going to happen for Kelsey and the other two.

  Within a few minutes June arrived took one look at the situation and shepherded the couple and girls into the room across the hall. Rene` stroked a hand over Charlie and Kelsey heads before he wandered behind the family. Kelsey leant her head against Charlie’s chest as she whispered. “They are going to leave now.”

  Charlie kissed her forehead and leant her cheek on top of her head. “Yeah baby they are, their mommy and daddy finally found them. That is good right?”

  Kelsey nodded but Charlie heard her say. “I liked them, they never cried lots and lots like Cara. I am gonna miss them.” As would Charlie, her heart hurt. Silly as it was, she only knew them for a few hours. But still for that small amount of time they were hers and now they were gone. Would that happen to all her babies now? Maybe when they found out what kind of person, she was they would be forced to take them from her? She held Kelsey a little tighter as these thoughts circled in her mind, but the girl didn’t complain. In fact her thin arms held on just as tight to Charlie, who tried to lighten the mood by saying. “It is not Cara’s fault. She is only a baby still.”

  Kelsey sighed. “Yeah, she is, guess we will have to get use to the crying.”

  Charlie laughed a little. “Aww! Come on Kelsey she will grow out of it.”

  Kelsey’s. “Maybe!” Was playful but sad.

  Rene` came back in the room and walked over to her and Kelsey, tapping his head as he did. Kelsey snuggled in closer to Charlie and closed her eyes. She was sad and her head hurt plus if they thought she was asleep, they would not know she listened.

  Knock...Knock... Charlie, the twin’s parents, elected to have all the memories of the last weeks removed. I agreed. He sounded sad as he said it.

  Charlie touched his arm. I figured as much, it is probably for the best. It’s okay Rene`, can you remove them from Cara’s and Kelsey’s memories as well. If they are meant to be friends, they will, it is sad but truly a miracle they have their mom and dad back. Tell them I am happy for them and that their girls are a credit to their parents!

  Rene` kissed her forehead and dropped out of mind speak saying. “You are a nice person Charlie Easton. Welcome to my family.” Charlie laughed. “So you adopted me and mine huh? What is your family going to say about that?”

  “Nothing that is what makes us a great family. We love, we fight, we laugh and we claim special people like June and Edith. The word claim is dragon for adoption in case you wondered. Accept it, Charlie, you just became ours.”

  With that he walked from the room to complete a task that he knew was right but was hurting his new daughter. Charlie whispered following him with her eyes. “Well how about that. Yesterday I was alone without a family and now I am surrounded.”


  C harlie sat on the vacant chair beside the one that held Cara. Ella and Prudence were still in a trance. She watched Cara fall into a deeper sleep and her breathing ease. She kept the sleeping Kelsey in her arms reluctant to release her. Clint came in and tapped the healer Donald on his shoulder as he spoke to him and Edith. They both nodded and then left the room with him.

  Charlie watched them go across the hall and into the room closing the door behind them. She said a silent goodbye to the twins and wished them a safe and happy life, filled with love. She secretly hoped that they would meet again and tucked that wish away in a corner of her heart. She took a breath and finally looked over to where her baby boy lay with Sharm, who had his eyes closed in a healing trance. And his large hand lay on the baby’s small chest, as it rose and fell.

  Charlie was surprised by the difference in the baby’s body, already he looked almost like, what she thought a baby of seven weeks old should look like. He was still thin, but his eyes were no longer sunk into his head and his lips, hands and feet had lost the blue stain that she was becoming to think of as permanent. The biggest improvement was the loss of the grey tinge to his skin. It was now a healthy pink color and he just looked better all over. She breathed a quiet sigh of relief.

  Part of her could acknowledge that she had been scared that she had not been fast enough to save him. Now, though, as she watched him open his lavender eyes to capture hers. She smiled and whispered his name as his eyes followed her lips.

  “I name you, Justice Harper Easton. You are mine for now and forever. Welcome to my family.” He closed his eyes once more but Charlie was positive there had been an awareness in them and a smile of contentment shone from his mind. She felt the rightness of the names settle in her soul.

  A short while later Ella and Prudence came out of their trance. Ella looked around frowning as she rose gracefully from the floor and Charlie admired how she managed to do that after sitting still for so long. “What happened?” She asked while noticing the absences of the healer Donald and Edith, then she realized the twins were no longer glued to Charlie’s side.

  Charlie had placed Kelsey on her chair smoothing her hair in a gentle caress before she stood and stretched. She told Ella and Prudence what happened. Ella’s face cleared, and she smiled her soft smile as she placed an arm around the smaller female giving her a hug. Which came as another surprise for Charlie, who firstly did not punch or shoot the dragon and secondly, she found it a comforting experience. Prudence flew up and settled on Ella’s shoulder as Ella asked Charlie. “That is a good thing yes?”

  Charlie agreed then she did a totally weird thing she laid her head against Ella’s arm. What is happening to me, hugging? Now getting comfort from a female, I hardly know! “Yeah, it is. It is a real good thing. Young ones need their parents, but I will miss them.”

  Ella dropped her head on top of Charlies, very much like she had done earlier to Kelsey. “Of course you will but that is life. All children leave home sooner or later so just look at it like that. This was a little sooner than expected.” She listened to the faerie for a minute. “Prudence says if it is meant to be, you will all find each other again.”

  Charlie smiled at both Ella and Prudence as she extracted herself form Ella’s embrace saying softly. “Well that is a comfort. Thank you both I can see why Sharm asked you to
heal my girls. I feel better already.”

  Both healers turned a shade of pink in pleasure at Charlie’s words. It occurred to Charlie that she could see the faerie Prudence very clearly now. There were no fuzzy edges like there was before. In fact Prudence was so clear, Charlie could indeed see she had a pink tinge to her cheeks. Amazing!

  What was the difference, she wondered. Shaking away the thought, she asked. “Okay ladies, tell me about my baby girl. How is she?”

  Ella answered for them both, trying to keep her tone devoid of the horror she felt, and the anger at people who hurt little ones. She was a healer, and she needed to be detached. The problem was she did not know how to do that. So it was with a mixture of pain and anger. Along with an undercurrent of horror that colored her words as she told Charlie what they had found and healed. “Cara will be fine, her lungs were dirty like she lived in a place with a smoker.”

  Charlie brushed at Cara’s spiky hair. “Before the house then?”

  Ella grimaced. “I have seen this before in children and she was probably exposed from birth.”

  Charlie looked up when she felt Ella’s dismay at having to voice the rest, softly she said. “It is okay Ella, just tell me.”

  Ella nodded, drew in a breath and hurriedly told her. “She had a few bruised internal organs, her liver was a little swollen, and her kidneys were infected along with her bladder. Charlie there were some old breaks.” Ella could not hold it in a sob broke through her reserve. She sucked the others back in and stiffened her spine as she listed the breaks. “Three ribs on the left and four on the right side. Also, each arm bore a spiral fracture at one time. They are barely healed, and most of her fingers were fractured also barely healed. She had a partially healed broken nose and cheek on the right side. How they happened I cannot say a fall or maybe a punch. I do know they were never healed by one of us. I would guess they are about four weeks old.”

  No wonder she cried a lot! Thought Charlie as her hand stopped its movement. She kept her eyes hidden from Ella and Prudence. She knew they would be ghost grey and would speak of death. The two healers were sweet, kind and compassionate females and they seemed to like Charlie. Amazingly enough she felt comfortable with them. They could, she knew, become friends but not if they saw the murderous rage in her eyes.

  Luckily Charlie was able to hide her scent, so they could not tell of the burning anger she was feeling. She could do nothing about the feeling of danger that swept through the room. She kept her eyes averted, not wanting them to look at her like others had. This was a new life for her and her children.

  Then Rene` was there, his arm around her and asking Ella questions. Charlie pushed her face into his shirted chest, breathing out her mouth heavily. Letting the anger, the need for retribution go with each hot breath. Giving herself time to compose her features, to regain her balance. When she felt she had herself under control, she pulled away a little and her hand continued its rhythm on her girl’s hair.

  Ella answered Lord Rene`s questions glad he was there, for a minute she felt a flash of danger. Which thankfully seemed to disappear as soon as he came back in the room. Comfortable now Ella carried on her conversation. Prudence watched Charlie, she knew where the danger came from and she knew what kind of predator had entered the castle. Interrupting Ella she said. “I must go to my Queen and King. I will return. Ella heal the young one without me. She needs very little.” Ella nodded her head at Prudence who flew fast from the room.

  “So Prudence and I healed all of the old wounds and cleared up the infections. She was starting a cold that is gone now. She will need rest and care for the next few days but she is healed and healthy.”

  Charlie under control now, lifted her head. “Thank you Ella, what now?”

  “Well, my assistant has flown the coop sort of...she decided to return to her home apparently. So if you do not mind, I need a few minutes to myself and a drink. Then I will see to Kelsey. Prudence took a look earlier, and she said there is very little to heal. So it will not take me long. Is that alright?”

  “Yes Ella, that is fine.” Charlie grinned as she answered. Ella smiled in return and then hurried into the back room. She needed the bathroom and a drink of juice. Mostly she needed to cry and rage in private, at the injustice that was done to a tiny innocent baby girl.


  W hen Ella disappeared through to the other room Charlie let her smile fall and released the breath she felt like she had been holding forever. She dropped her head on Rene`s chest. “Damn. I almost lost it then, thanks Rene`.”

  “Do not concern yourself.” He told her. “I too felt the old demon, anger stir at the list of injuries my sweet, sweet Cara has suffered. So I will erase them from her memory then she can be the happy baby girl she deserves to be. Yes?”

  “Please do Rene`. She has suffered enough and for too long for such a little bit of a girl.”

  Rene` gave her a hug and released her. Charlie kissed the little girls sleeping face before Rene` took the sleeping toddler in his arms. He sat with her draped across his knees, then he placed one hand over her forehead and eyes while he closed his eyes.

  Charlie turned away and her eyes landed on the slightly opened door that led out back to the bathroom where Ella went. She saw a flicker of light which piqued her curiosity. She made her way there and pushed open the door and watched Ella, who stood inside a purple bubble. And she was screaming loud and banging her hands against the purple barrier. No sounds escaped as she raged and wept for Cara and what the sweet baby girl endured. Finally exhausted she stood and drew in deep heaving breaths. After a few minutes she twisted around her ravaged face told the tale of her anguish. Seeing Charlie standing in the door way Ella hung her head, her arms hanging limply by her sides.

  Charlie felt the crack in her heart widen even more when Ella raised her head. And the anguished eyes stared at her from the beautiful young female. She walked over and pinged the bubble with her thumb and finger. It collapsed as Ella did. Charlie took the tall female in her arms and hugged her. “Hush Ella, it is okay, we have her now. It is okay Ella.”

  Ella placed her head on Charlie’s shoulder and cried loud noisy tears. Charlie let the tears flow for a few minutes then she cupped Ella’s face. “That is enough now Ella, you will make yourself ill. Okay, I don’t know if you really will but I have heard that. So stop it now!” She tried being stern, but she was sure it fell short of the mark when Ella gave her a watery laugh and Charlie grinned. “Well there you are, so clean up and come out when you are ready and we will go and harass Rene` and Clint.

  Ella grinned and sniffed her voice husky. “I am sorry Charlie.”

  “For what?”

  “For breaking down. I am a healer we are meant to be strong and capable, not weak and soft. We are meant to be unemotional…”

  “What a load of bullshit!” Said a voice from behind them. Edith strode in and took Ella’s face in her hands as Charlie backed away. “That is the twat Donald’s bullshit right, not yours. I have told you before my friend. You are just perfect as you are. I like the Ella we have soft, capable, lovely and intelligent as well as one of the strongest people I know. So you scream and cry and throw things, big deal.” She turned to Charlie and asked. “Did she throw things?”

  Charlie shook her head as she moved towards the door. “Nah! Not a one and she bubbled herself, so no one could hear her. It is pitiful Edith, just sad how no one has taught our girl how to have a tantrum.”

  She left them both laughing, closing the door on the two females. Charlie had no doubt Edith would set Ella right, failing that she had Charlie now. She knew her friend would be okay. And yes she was aware she used the friend word… damn it! As she entered the room, Sharm came out of his trance. He was a strong healer, not even a stumble for how long he had been under. He looked at his father and Cara, smiled and licked his lips. Charlie carried over the jug of juice and a glass pouring one as she reached him, he took it drained the contents and a second one in sever
al swallows.

  Just then Ella came back in the room with Edith who handed her a glass. She took some juice as well. With a quick look Charlie could see no sign of the female she had left moments earlier. Ella was calm, and she seemed to have a quiet happiness about her that was missing before.

  “How is he?” Charlie asked of Sharm as Ella wandered over to Kelsey when she had finished her juice. She picked the girl up placed her across her knees like Rene` had done with Cara and then closed her eyes. Sharm raised an eyebrow surprised Ella had not even bothered to look or ask permission from Charlie.

  Charlie grinned. “Oh that, we reached an understanding. It is all good now how is Justice?”

  “Who?” Sharm asked a little befuddled from the healing. Charlie tapped his arm and pointed to the baby boy. “Oh sorry, he will be well, he needs food and care but will make a full recovery. You got him here in time. Dragons are a hardy species even hatchlings. But they, like all living beings need food and the basics of life. Did my father tell you he was probably from wild dragons? We will investigate of course.” At her look he hastened to add. “I do not hold out any hope, they will be gone wild or not. His parents are not alive.”

  “You and Rene` sound so sure?”

  “I am, because like the twins parents, they would have found their way here long before now.”

  Puzzled Charlie asked. “Why?”

  “Because dear Charlie, it has taken at least a month for this hatchling to get this malnourished. I would hazard a guess and say whoever stole him was feeding him. But a hatchling needs a special formula if they cannot receive their mother’s milk. So he was probably stolen at around three weeks old. The formula they were feeding him did nothing to nourish him. Although it kept him alive until you rescued him. Unfortunately, there will be no hope his birth parents have been lost to our world and this young hatchling is alone.”


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