DRAGON'S GAP: Set Includes Stories 1-3 Plus Love's Catalyst

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DRAGON'S GAP: Set Includes Stories 1-3 Plus Love's Catalyst Page 56

by L M Lacee

  Rene` said. “She is not dangerous.”

  Scarlett said. “Oh my Lord Rene` she is very dangerous.” He inclined his head. “Maybe but not to anyone here, until tomorrow.” Then he and Reighn with Keeper left.

  Scarlett said to Sage and Verity. “I did not mean to upset him. All grey ones are dangerous. It is their nature. It does not mean she is insane or murderous.”

  Verity smiled thinking, if they only knew and assured her. “You have not, he is protective of those he has decided are his that is all. It will be well Scarlett.”

  “Oh, I see, what are we to do then?” Elijah asked.

  Sage stood. “Please come back tomorrow, if it makes you feel better place guards around the castle.”

  Elijah said. “We thank you Lady Sage.” He made signals and two faeries shrunk and flew from the room.

  Storm’s dragon fought Storm for control when the faeries said they would take his shadow and his young away. Storm lost the hold on him and his dragon gained control for a fraction of time. That was all it took for him to burst from his human skin into dragon form and search for his shadow. When he sensed her in an apartment, he snarled, Mine! And flew to her balcony.

  Storm pushed on the handle of the balcony door to the apartment where his shadow was, it opened slowly and he slipped into the room. His dragon hissed at him as he found himself surrounded by the scent of summer rain. Taking two more steps into the lounge and his dragon roared as he tasted his shadow on the air. His senses became overwhelmed.


  The roar was loud enough it dropped Storm to his knees as blue scales covered his arms and face. His eyes changed color going from black to deep purple. As the shape of his eyes elongated to slits, and he shot out a small tongue of dragon’s fire.

  The front door crashed open as Rene`, Reighn and Keeper charged in. Charlie threw open her bedroom door at the same time making it bang loudly against the wall. A gun in her hand. Ella rushed from her room and came to a halt when she saw a large male barley holding onto his human form. Snarling at the three males in the doorway.

  Without thought Storm became motion. He quickly crossed the room and placed himself in front of the female his dragon considered his. Placing her behind him as he did so, he felt her surprised gasp of breath escape and touch his skin. His dragon roared making his head ring with the sound. MINE!

  “What the hell!” Shouted Keeper.

  “Be still my son.” His father softly said. “He is on the edge, Storm my son wait.”

  “No waiting. We have waited long enough!” Storm said, more dragon than human now.

  Charlie felt her heart still, as his words penetrated her soul. She laid her forehead against his back and just breathed in and out, slowly drawing the unique scent of thunderstorms in with each breath. The gun slowly slipped from her lax fingers. She felt him stiffen at first, then relax the muscles of his body, as he realized what she was doing. Slowly he followed her rhythm as the scent of summer rain enveloped him, filling and calming his dragon. The scales receded and his color returned to normal, his eyes remained the same. His dragon still close to the surface but not pushing to overtake now he was with his shadow, her scent filled his lungs.

  He turned slightly and took her face in his hands. Gently he wiped the frown from her face with his thumbs as she looked up into the face of an angel. Her eyes widened as she saw the knowledge of who she was in his eyes. She placed her hand on his cheek nodding her head saying. “I was not quite sure when I saw you downstairs. I thought I would wait until tomorrow and then come and find you, to see if I could have been right.”

  “Instead, my dragon brought me to you.” Storm sighed as his forehead touched hers and he breathed dragons’ breath over her. It wrapped around her folding her in its embrace connecting them as one. “We have looked for a very long time for our one, our shadow. We will not let you go.”

  Charlie sighed as well. “I understand that. You know we have young.”

  “So I have seen, we have much to discuss.”

  “Yes, there are things I have to tell you about me.” She hesitantly said, knowing she would have to explain who and what she was and hope he did not turn from her.

  “As I have many things to tell you.” He knew he would have to tell her who she was, and who was looking for her but until then. “My Shadow, my dragon and I have been close to losing ourselves. It has been most difficult!” From his tone she understood that what he was saying was an understatement. “I am so very glad you hung on, my dragon.”

  He whispered. “We waited for you!”

  “I know.”

  Keeper drawled trying to keep the humor from his voice as he looked at his parent and brother. “Papa it would seem you claiming the female was premature. If you had waited, Storm would have taken care of it.”

  Rene` looked over at his youngest son and then to his oldest who said. “Do not look at me Sire. You would not allow me to drown him when he was hatched!”

  “I see now I was in error!” Rene` returned.

  Keeper raised one dark eyebrow and stated. “I am my mama’s favorite, remember that!” The two males grinned at the often said retort.

  Ella skirted the couple and came to where the three males stood. “Should I return to my home?”

  Rene` looked at the young dragon. “No my dear.”

  Reighn agreed. “They will…”

  MINE! Roared Keeper’s dragon making him drop to one knee, as his head rang with the words. He looked up at the female dragon. It was time his dragon decided to bond with his shadow, he had courted long enough! With no choice left to him Keeper agreed, as his dragon roared loud enough for all to hear. His eyes changed to purple and stone grey scales covered his face and arms.

  “Well... Well! Now your Dam will be pleased.” Said Rene`. Keeper stalked her as Ella’s eyes widened and she stood frozen, she gulped then said. “I am unsure what is happening.” Her body started to vibrate, then an almost silent hum sounded in her mind.

  Charlie suddenly broke away from Storm and was instantly in front of her. “What is going on, Ella are you okay?” She growled at Keeper. “You will not frighten her!”

  Keeper hissed at her and before she realized what was happening, he slipped around her and as fast as lightening grabbed Ella and ran for the balcony. Without waiting to open the doors, he crashed through and transformed as he leapt into the air, all with a silent Ella in his arms.

  “What the hell!” Yelled Charlie. “Bring Ella back. Edith will kill me!”

  “He will not, she is his shadow.” Rene` told her with a satisfied look on his face.

  “Perfectly satisfactory.” Verity said as she entered the room with Edith who growled. “He better look out for her or feel my wrath!” Not a dragon there doubted her words.

  Sharm said. “My soul, it is Keeper.”

  She turned turbulent eyes to him. “Your point?”

  He smiled as he took her in his arms. “He has his shadow. Nothing will ever hurt her again. Nothing!”

  Edith looked up at him. “The vipers?”

  He leant his head down until his lips caressed her cheek as he whispered. “Nothing!”

  Edith relaxed. “Well okay then. Finally, she is part of the family. Wait until I tell Sage she missed another bonding.”

  Reighn sighed morosely. “Wait for the screams.”

  Rene` raised an eyebrow as he asked Verity. “My love?”

  “Sage missed Lars and Claire’s joining and now Keepers and Storms, she will be annoyed.”

  “Did she want to be there?”

  “Eww! Papa Rene` gross!” Edith groaned, I will never get that picture out of my mind.” Reighn laughed, then told him. “No papa she hates to be left out of the, when they find each other part. It seems to be a thing for her. Whatever that is?”

  “Oh I see.” Rene` glowed softly at Edith’s use of the title papa. Verity squeezed his hand. He looked at the silent couple and asked. “Well my son, why are you here, you and your S
hadow need to talk and bond, should you not be at your own apartment. Your Dam and I will remain with your young until morning.”

  Charlie stood mouth opened, eyes wide. “What are you talking…? Yeeeep!” She squealed as Storm, like his brother, scooped her into his arms and raced from the room. Launching from the balcony with Charlie. Who was screaming and laughing at the same time. It was as though she could not quite decide which emotion she was feeling.

  He held her in his large hands then threw her up and dove under her transforming into dragon as they fell towards the ground. She landed on his back screaming with delight as she squirmed into position, as though she had done so all her life and bent down yelling. “Faster my dragon, faster!”

  “See! And you all say I am scary!” Said a delighted Edith. They all looked at her as Verity said. “My dear you are, she is just a killer.” Which made everyone laugh. Reighn said. “Edith, Sharm I need to tell you... before he could say anymore. Rene` waved his hand and the windows repaired. “Now let us sit and have tea and coffee and discuss this as civilized people.”

  Edith looked at Sharm as Sage, who finally arrived and proceeded to quietly so as not to wake the children. Berate Reighn for not calling her early enough to witness the couples meeting, moved farther into the apartment.

  “Trouble you think?” Edith asked. Sharm kissed her, then grinned. “Probably but this is Dragon’s Gap. How boring would it be if there was not trouble?” Edith had to agree as she laughed.


  K eeper and Ella arrived at his apartment within moments after leaving Charlies. Whereby, he transformed while she was in his arms. She was impressed, Ella knew of no other dragon that was able to accomplish this while holding someone, or at least none that had told her. She looked around the apartment, his scent was everywhere along with the scent of age. It was clean, tidy and filled with books. Floor to ceiling shelves covered every wall, with many towers of books stacked on the floor, they almost reached the ceiling.

  Keeper knew what she saw as she looked at him and his apartment, a male who read and hoarded books. He devoured books as if they were candy, his collection rivaled libraries. Defensively he told her. “I like to read!”

  Ella stared around her with wide eyes. “Oh my. You have read all these?”

  He nodded. “At least twice, some more.”

  Ella’s eyes opened wider. “Twice! Are there more books than what I am looking at now?”

  He nodded, once more trying to not be embarrassed. Only his family knew of his obsession. They had contributed many books over the years. Finding and bringing him ones they thought he would enjoy, and he did no matter the topic. Fiction, non-fiction, dry as dust texts. Tomes so old the paper was very delicate and needed to be handled carefully. He read in many different languages. It made no difference to him, if it was written, he wanted to read it.

  Shyly Ella told him. “I like books. My collection is not this vast but I have a fair amount, maybe we could merge them.”

  Keeper heard the shyness and the truth behind the words. Startled he asked. “You like to read?”

  Ella nodded as a smile blossomed, she said softly. “Books are very good friends; they never lie or criticize you, and they are always there for you.”

  Keeper nodded as he agreed. “So I have found also.”

  Ella frowned. “Oh but you have a big loving family?”

  “True and I am the youngest!”

  Ella thought about that. She was the middle child, and what she wondered would it be like to be the youngest, to never do anything new. To be thought of as young all the time and to struggle to be heard especially in his large family. She looked at the tall, handsome dragon. So much a Kingsley male with his long black hair and well-muscled body, his fine features gave him the classic handsome hardened warrior look. What was different to his brothers was his amber eyes with the unsure expression in their depths that spoke of worry. Maybe she thought he worried she would reject him because he was intelligent, gentle and quiet. Yes, she could see what it would have been like to be the youngest of so many. Without thought she said. “You are loved but lonely, alone in a crowd, books fill that void and then they become your friends?”

  He smiled relieved as he answered her. “Yes very much so. I hoped you would understand.”

  “What is there not to understand?” Her dragon almost purred at the male as she said, I understand shadow is strong and worthy.

  Ella told her. His name is Keeper,

  Our shadow! Time to be a dragon my one.

  I do not know what you mean?

  I will show you! She did, with picture after picture of dragons mating in the air, on the ground. Until Ella became a quivering mass of need and lust.

  Keeper watched as his shadow stood perfectly still as though she was entranced. Her eyes widening with shock and then as he watched they filled with lust. Just before they closed.

  What is happening? Keeper asked his dragon.

  Her dragon is showing her what it means to be a shadow!

  I see! Keeper smiled with anticipation, his dragon snorted. You do not, but you will my friend.

  Ella’s eyes snapped open she had not realized they were closed, where once they were a startling brown now a ring of purple around the iris appeared. Keeper grinned. It looked like someone had been keeping secrets. “You are royal?”

  “My family say no, that it is an affliction, a throwback but definitely not royal.”

  “Apparently your family is withholding secrets. It does not work like that.”

  Ella nodded, she always thought so but had been to chicken to find out why sometimes the tell-tale purple ring showed. Keeper told her softly. “If I can tell you are royal, all will. Bonding’s reveal things like this, or so I have read.”

  “Oh my! What do you think the Dragon Lord will think?”

  Keeper grinned. “He, like me, will be pleased you are my shadow and part of our family. Whether you know it or not, Reighn likes you and admires your courage and dedication to dragon kind.”

  She smiled shyly as she said. “I did not know that!”

  Keeper’s dragon pushed him. Enough talking, I want our shadow.

  Okay…Okay stop pushing I’m getting there.

  Not fast enough, you have read and know what happens next, get to next part.

  Keeper grinned inwardly at his dragon, it was true he had read much on what happens in dragon bonding. “You are mine!” He growled with a lot of his dragon in his voice.

  “So it would seem.” She answered coyly. What the hell was that? She asked her dragon.

  We dance now!


  Keeper frowned as he advanced one step. We dance, his dragon said. We dance for our shadow.

  Unsure what he meant Keeper allowed his dragon to do as he dictated. “You do not wish to be a shadow?” He asked Ella softly saying, anything to distract her from what his dragon was doing. Startled Ella said. “I really do, it is just unexpected. I have known of you and been in your presence on and off for several years.”

  Keeper growled out. “Four years, three months and several days.”

  “And yet you did not know I was yours.” She stated boldly. He took another step closer and cocked his head to the side. “Not until recently when I saw you at the clinic with Claire and Lars. I knew then.”

  “I see and you still did nothing?” It was her turn to growl in annoyance as she stepped to the side angling her body from his, he took another step closer to his prey. Ella raised her eyebrows she could not decide if she was annoyed or intrigued as he told her. “I was hunting!”

  Ella shook her head puzzled, what were they talking about now. “Who?”

  Keeper almost laughed at her confused question, she was truly adorable. “You! Did you not feel me, see me. Wherever you went I have been there.”

  Ella went over the last few weeks remembering the many times she had seen him or felt him near her. She now realized what the feeling deep in her soul was. Peac
e and contentment of knowing her shadow was near. She may not have realized it, but her dragon had understood and known her shadow was close she blurted out. “You were courting me?”

  “I was. I am.”

  “Oh! You know who my people are?”

  He smiled as he stepped near enough to touch her. “There is very little of where you come from I do not know about. Now you my shadow!” He whispered as he leant near. “You my shadow, I can barely wait to uncover.”

  Ella almost pouted something she deplored about her sisters as she said. “I know little of you?”

  His smile grew. “What is there that you wish to know?” He stepped back half apace and spread his arms wide. “I am an open book, there is nothing I will hide from you.”

  Ella swallowed as she whispered. “I do not want to disappoint you. Are you very sure?”

  “Are you?” He countered.

  Ella’s smile blossomed. “Yes Keeper, my soul shadow there is no one else that compares…”

  He moved to where his body touched hers cutting off anything else she was going to say as she almost swallowed her tongue and together their dragons hummed. Dance over, take shadow now!

  “I feel your hesitation.” Keeper told her.

  She nodded whispering. “Until recently I did not know I could be loved. I am frightened this is a dream!” She blushed and lowered her eyes. “I know that is stu…” She never got to finish the words as the sneaky dragon pounced on her and scooped her into his arms saying. “I see my shadow, there is but one way to convince you. And that is with every fiber of my soul, heart and body!” Then he kissed her passionately letting her feel everything he felt. Everything he had felt over the last few weeks of his one sided courtship and she responded in kind, unable to hold back. The flare of passion grew and flamed between them. Slowly they drew apart, she opened her eyes to stare into the elongated purple eyes of her shadow. Together they breathed deeply of their combined dragons’ breath, joining their hearts and souls as one.

  Ella, her mind blank with wanting moaned a delightful sound to Keepers ears. “Mine! My shadow, my true love.”


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