DRAGON'S GAP: Set Includes Stories 1-3 Plus Love's Catalyst

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DRAGON'S GAP: Set Includes Stories 1-3 Plus Love's Catalyst Page 62

by L M Lacee

“So does this mean you will remain here?” Sage asked.

  “It does.” Ella and Keeper said together.

  Reighn nodded. “Family Sunday, you can explain your decision to everyone then. So where is the library to be?”

  Ella laughed as Sage said. “Like Edee hasn’t already figured that out.”

  “True.” Reighn agreed. “Alright then so as of this morning you are retired my brother. Good fortunes for your future.” He stood as Keeper did and they grasped arms in a warriors salute. “We will still train each morning, and there will be no excuses.” Reighn told him.

  “Of course not.”

  “Oh and I have some new books for you. I will have them delivered to your place. Where are you going to live now?”

  Keeper said. “Ella and I are to go with June this morning and decide.” At Sage’s wishful look and heartfelt sigh, he asked her. “Do you wish to come with us sister?”

  “Oh, can I?” She bounced on her toes, then looped her arm through Ella’s. “So exciting, so you get to call me Sage now and we are really almost sisters.”

  “Oh!” Ella stumbled a little. “I am, I forgot about that.”

  “Well, we did not Ella. We are all thrilled you are part of the family. Now what kind of place do you like?”

  Keeper watched his shadow be taken firmly in hand by his brother’s shadow and smiled. Reighn’s hand descended on his shoulder. “Brother, her family will not be happy with this development, they have done everything in their power over the last four years. Since she left their estate, other than come to me and demand she return to the family and give up medicine. If she is as we suspect not of their blood. Then that means they are hiding something about her birth. If they think you know, or she does, they will try to make trouble.”

  Keeper nodded and told him. “Mama does not like the family. She will not have Ella’s Dam or sisters to the castle.”

  Reighn agreed. “I know, I have asked her why? She said she had only supposition and what Johner’s mother told her. She will not say anything more. So be aware they may go either way. They could seem pleased at the news of your bonding or will demand the bonding be nullified. Which of course I will deny, regardless of what grounds they have.”

  Keeper’s dragon looked out at him. “Our shadow will not leave us or be hurt by them anymore. I will not allow it.”

  Reighn acknowledged that with a bow of his head as he said. “As we, her new family will not. I am just saying be prepared. It will happen as soon as they find out which by past experience. I would say, should be by tomorrow morning, expect them.”

  “I will, thank you. So can you come with me now or are you busy?”


  “I am outnumbered brother and I wish to have a say in my home.” Keeper told him with a woebegone face.

  Reighn grinned. “It will never happen but we will go together. I suggest we hurry if we want to try to have some s. Also, I know the Classic apartment which is all wood and glass is available.”

  They just reached the females who were waiting at the lift as he finished speaking. Ella asked. “The what?”

  Reighn said. “The Classic. I think mama always intended this apartment for Keeper and his shadow. You will see when we visit it.”

  June arrived with the lift. “Hi, how are you all, ready to go look at some new homes?”

  “We are well, June what apartments have you decided for us to look at?” Keeper asked.

  She grinned. “Well only one really, it is called the Classic.” They all laughed, surprised at their mirth she asked. “Why is that funny?”

  Sage told her and June grinned as she nodded. “Good, Reighn is right, it is made for you and Ella.”

  An hour later Keeper and Ella were in heaven and in love with the apartment. It was everything they could want in a new home. Four bedrooms, two lounges and a kitchen that was brand new, with up to date appliances. It was also large and just waiting to be used. The apartment was a cross between old-fashioned and modern, just right for Ella and Keeper. It had one special feature a large library with a large stone fireplace. Keeper could see it furnished with leather armchairs a few tables scattered around and as he stood in what would soon be his library visualising the completed room. He thought it was as if his mother looked into the future and said this was a place her son would feel contented and at home in. A place he would be free to be who he was.

  Ella beamed a smile at him as she took in the floor to ceiling book cases that stood empty. Just waiting for them to fill their shelves and rolling ladders, it was she knew perfect.

  Together they spent the rest of the day deciding on and ordering furniture with help from June and Sage. Within an hour, Edith, Claire, Verity with Grace had arrived to congratulate the couple and discuss where and how their home should come together. It was made quite clear within minutes of his mother arriving, that he and his opinions would not be wanted or needed. Keeper was going to demand he be heard. When he took one look at his radiant shadow and he and Reighn decided to go find their father and tell him his decision.

  The following morning around ten o’clock Ella and Keeper were in their new apartment with most of the brand new furniture delivered. They were surrounded with boxes of Keeper’s and Ella possessions. Together they had spent most of the previous day and night packing ready for this move, some of his books were already in the library waiting to be shelved.

  When Edith arrived, she as usual, did not preamble. “The vipers are here. Ella, they are demanding to see you.”

  Ella drew in a sharp breath and looked at Keeper saying. “It did not take them long did it?”

  “No, Reighn was right.”

  Sage and Charlie walked in behind Edith, this morning Sage looked like the Dragon Lady, power ebbed and flowed around her. She smiled at Ella and said. “Ella, you are not to be ordered anywhere. You are an adult, a healer, and most of all a shadow to Lord Keeper as well as a member of the royal family. This makes you royalty. Along with all that comes with that title, and one of those is respect, or it should be. If your family wishes to see you. They will have to be respectful of your new position as the shadow to Keeper. Brother to the Dragon Lord and ask for an appointment at an appropriate time of your choosing.”

  Ella wrung her hands and hesitantly said. “I do not think my mother, and father will like that very much Lady Sage.”

  Sage smiled. “Well Lady Ella that is tough luck on them!” Making everyone’s eyes gleam with laughter, especially Ella’s. She took Ella’s cold hands in her warm ones and squeezed gently. “Remember you are Lady Kingsley. You bow to no one other than the Dragon Lord, oh and me, but you know?” She flapped her hand about. “Do you understand Lady Ella?” Sage’s tone brooked no argument on this subject as Ella nodded.

  Charlie leaned back in her chair as she watched Edith’s eyes become harder as she listened to Sage and Ella. She had a good idea why Sage was forcing the issue, after Edith and she had met for afternoon tea yesterday at a place called Tessa’s tea rooms. At the same time Storm spent an hour or two bonding with the girls and Justice. Which worked, already they were becoming a tight unit, especially as he was taking them flying again this afternoon.

  She and Edith had talked about the members of her new family. Edith was very forth coming, she held nothing back about her relationship. How she and Sharm had been cursed and the relationship Ella and her family enjoyed, which was toxic. She filled her in on June and Claire. She did not spare herself in the telling of her rocky relationship with Rene` or her love of Verity.

  By the time the tea was finished, Charlie had a clear picture of the members of her new family. When Charlie asked her why she felt she needed to divulge all that information, Edith had grinned and told her she knew Charlie was someone she could depend on. To keep her family safe. She also told her of the Faerie called Sela who placed the curse and was now free and at large. Charlie was very annoyed with Scarlett and would be having words with her about that later.

o what should I do?” A worried Ella asked Keeper. “Especially after what we discovered yesterday?”

  He looked over at her, his eyes soft although one could see his dragon in them. “Nothing, we still have no more information about that than we did yesterday.”

  “Yes, that is right.” Ella agreed. They had talked of what steps they would take to find out last night with Sharm and Edith. Keeper told her. “June will explain that you are unavailable, and they are to make an appointment later this afternoon if acceptable, if not then next month will do.” He took Ella’s hand in his. “We have a life to get started, do you wish these people involved, either way?”

  Ella looked horrified. “Dear Goddess, no, you, Edee and your family, are my family now. No my shadow I do not wish them in my life as they are.”

  He kissed her gently then said. “Lady Sage please have June see them and inform them when we can meet.”

  “Of course and sweetheart?” Sage said to Ella as she pulled her phone from her pocket. “That is the right decision. They have no love for you. This is a power play. You know that, right?”

  Ella nodded. “Once I would have not thought that but I know what real love is now.”

  “Well, okay.” Sage said into her phone. “It is a go.”

  Ella assumed she was speaking with June.


  J une stood outside the small receiving room where a guard had shown the three females of the Field family into. She was not scared to meet these females. She had faced down dragons before. They did not intimidate her, although as she saw Johner and Lars arrive. She felt a glimmer of relief and could feel her shoulders relax a fraction. “You know I can do this?”

  “Of course you can.” Lars agreed as he smirked at her. “We are here for their protection!”

  “Shut up! Seriously what is it that Claire sees in you?”

  “My lovable personality, among other things!” He wiggled his eyebrows up and down.


  “She sees my heart female. Now open the damn door, let us see these vipers.”

  Johner said. “I have seen them. They are nothing like Ella.”

  “Well, how can they be? She is one of a kind. Just like our June.” Lars said without a smirk this time.

  “Yeah, that will earn you brownie points!” June mumbled, with a smile for them both.

  She opened the door and almost choked on the perfume that emanated from the females in the room. Johner left the door open after they had entered and stood with Lars on either side of June. While she looked over the three females that belonged to Ella’s family.

  She was glad of Lars and Johner’s company after all. She had no doubt these three females would have chewed her up and spit her out, if given half a chance. Not that she would have given them one, but one never knew what could set crazy people off… and these three looked a little on the wired side.

  June knew when she was in the presence of people who thought the world revolved just for them. These three had the superior entitled attitude of the idle rich. Which according to Edith made people do crazy things, because according to her people who were not her family… were idiots. June half wished Edith was with her, she would have loved confronting these three.

  The older female who was obviously the mother, sat in a straight back chair while the other two females stood either side of her. June guessed it was supposed to be a picture of a united front to intimidate and make sure Ella knew she was the outsider. It probably worked well in the past on the gentle Ella. Shame it would not work today.

  Johner decided that none of the females were similar to Ella. The older female was a pinched face harridan, meaning, bossy or belligerent old woman. He had learnt the word and what it meant at a very young age. It had stuck with him ever since, he almost snorted out loud when he realized it was the first time he had used it as an adult.

  June was thinking along the same lines as Johner. As she looked closer, she saw that Ella’s two sisters were starting to resemble their mother and thought how sad for them. And as hard as she looked, she could see no resemblance to Ella.

  June had met many females like Ella’s mother over her lifetime. One was quite memorable, her grandmother’s face which she remembered formed into a similar pinched distasteful, disapproving expression that this females face seemed to be habitually in.

  Taking a deep breath in, she placed herself in the here and now. This female may look like her grandmother but there was no indication, other than appearance. That she was the same type of person, although they did dress alike.

  All three females were dressed in what June considered conservative church going, clothes. Twin set cardigans in varying shades of apricot, obviously that was the ladylike color for them. They had teamed the twin sets up with white knee-length skirts, the mothers was brown of course. She bet they all wore stockings with their high heels which were a darker shade of apricot, an unbecoming color for shoes June thought. But they all matched which she supposed was the point. She did not understand the white gloves, though. That seemed odd even for the period they were dressing in. It appeared these females liked the fashion style of the forties and fifties. Where ladies wore stockings and carried dainty handbags or at least the mother did and as dutiful daughters they did as they were told.

  That would explain the shocked look on their faces as June had entered in her red long sleeved shirt and jeans with black boots. The same ones Ella had fallen in love with and purchased for herself. Come to think of it, June laughed quietly to herself, she had so far not seen Ella out of them.

  She would bet her last dollar these three females would abhor boots if they even registered them as foot wear. Neither of the sisters had Ella’s soft brown hair. The younger females hair was black, the mothers was more iron grey than black. Their eyes were all blue as opposed to Ella’s brown. June thought. She must take after her father. Where they had the narrow sharp bladed nose and thin lips that matched their narrow faces. Ella’s face was rounder and her lips fuller. On the whole June thought Ella was far more beautiful than these females. Yet, for all intents and purposes Ella was brought up to believe she was graceless and ugly. Go figure! Jealousy made people hateful, June knew from experience.

  “I am June Bradly the Castle Liaison. As I am sure you know this is Lord Lars. Prime to the Dragon Lord and Lord Johner. Brother to the Dragon Lord and Commander of the castle.”

  Without acknowledging June or the males, the older female dragon asked. “Where is my daughter?”

  June grinned inwardly as she felt Lars and Johner’s antagonism to the three females’ spike.

  “Who are you?” June asked, two could play this game and June knew she would win. She had years of practice on how to annoy people and these females needed to know not every female they met was frightened of them. The older female seemed to draw herself up and inward. The in-drawn breaths by both younger females amused June. It seemed they were not used to being questioned. Who’s bad now? Snickered June’s inner bad girl.

  Lars and Johner were content to leave this to June. In fact they wanted to see how she was going to deal with these vipers, as Edee called them. The older female said in tones that could form icicles. “I am Yestoria Field. These are my daughters. Eugenia and her sister Auremia. We have come about my daughter Ella.”

  June inclined her head which brought Yestoria Field’s lips into a tight line. She asked her. “Lord Field was unavailable to visit his daughter?”

  Having to explain herself to this… this creature, almost caused Yestoria to have an attack of the vapors, which she would have had on the spot. But she was afraid that this animal would eat her before her daughters could protect her. So she fumed and narrowed her already squinty eyes.

  Yestoria knew she should have worn her glasses, although not having a truly clear look at the female in front of her was probably a good idea. These animals… these shifters were disgusting! She pulled her metaphoric sleeves up and stated in tones that had
reduced more than one female to a crying, sobbing imbecile. “No! He is away on business. Now I demand to see my daughter.” And was shocked to see there was no effect on this female, in fact she seemed amused, the disgusting little chit!

  June nodded not even trying to hide the amusement in her voice. “I am sure you do, but it is not convenient for you to visit this morning. Now I can book you in at two o’clock this afternoon. Lady Kingsley and her shadow Lord Kingsley will be available then.”

  Both the younger females laughed or twittered in what they assumed was a delicate manner. Behind their gloved hands as their eyes filled with a sneering glare. When June asked them. “You find something amusing?”

  “Yes it is very amusing.” Said the one named Eugenia. “Ella being a lady, now that is hilarious.”

  June’s face hardened, at the slight to her friend. It took everything she possessed not to launch herself at the stupid female. She felt both Johner and Lars stiffen in offense. The other female named Auremia agreed. “Oh my, yes sister. Isn’t it quite amusing? Imagine clumsy, ugly cinders a lady. Absurd!”

  Astounded Lars could not prevent the words slipping out as he asked. “You all believe this?”

  Yestoria stated. “Well of course Prime Lars. Her sisters and I know her well. No matter how much we tried, we could never teach her grace or reason. She is a fool, always has been, always will be. Just look at the last five years, running off to work with diseased people. Contracting heaven knows what disgusting ailment. It is disgraceful. Her Sire and I have been bedside ourselves with shame. She has made it impossible for my daughters to find shadows.”

  Lars just bet that was the reason, not that they were the most nasty, vicious bitches he had ever met and that was saying something. Ella’s mother, unfortunately, was still talking. If he was June, he would have kicked them all out by now.

  “This is why we came as soon as we heard of this ridiculous rumor that Ella was a shadow to a royal!”

  Johner answered. “Fortunately, the rumor is true. What do you plan to do?”


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