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Nightmares Page 4

by Stephen Brandon

  I took off at a run around to the back of the house. I yelled, “Who fired that shot?” At the far corner I heard my company clerk yell, “I did sarge.”

  Dropping beside her position I said “Why?”

  “The five guys out there didn't stop when I told them to.”

  I then yelled, “OK, you guys, this is how its going to go down. I want you to stack your weapons where they can be seen. Get out your ID and lay on your back with arms and leg's spread. You are within the field of fire from more than one position so running isn't an option. After you comply, I'll sent someone to check you out. Any of you still armed or if you try anything, we will kill you because we don't have anyplace to hold prisoners. Any questions?

  “Good, one of you stack the weapons and then lay down. Then the rest of you move to a spot to the left of the bushes.” I watched four of them move out into the open and lay down. I then said, “You are missing one of your group. Either he comes out now or you need to lie real still while we put a few bullets into his position.” Then I yelled, “Don't target the ones laying on their backs, but anything around them is a free fire zone upon my command.”

  I'd no sooner gotten the words out of my mouth than we all heard, “Coming out, don't shoot!”

  “Put your weapons on the pile and then your web gear. If any of your group is wearing web gear have them unhook it and roll off it. After you put their gear in the pile they can lay back on their backs, then you assume the position with your ID out. The soldier I'm sending out will be nervous. He'll approach you from the head, check your ID, then put his pistol under your chin and pat you down for any other weapons. When he clears you, he'll send you in one at a time for verification. We've already had one attack and casualties so a twitch from any of you will get a bullet. Am I clear?”

  We all heard, yes sergeant.

  I handed my pistol to the PFC in the other trench and said, “You understand.”

  He whispered back, “I can't go, I peed my pants.”

  “OK,” I whispered, “I'll go out, but when I send them in I want you to have them sit separately with their hands on their heads. Keep your weapon on them and tell them no talking.” To my clerk I whispered, “Move over there and cover them, until I get back they are to be considered unfriendly. OK. Then I stood up and ran to the closest of them. Putting my pistol to his head I said where's your ID. He tilted his head back and I pulled his military ID out of his mouth. It looked like him so I asked his date of birth, and it was the same as on the ID. Then I stated, “I'm going to move my pistol to under your chin so I can search you, so don't move.” After patting him down I stepped back and told him to roll over so I could check his back. Then I said in a loud voice, “One prisoner coming in. I then told him, go in sit with your hands on your head where the PFC tells you. He's young and so scared he already pissed his pants so if you don't follow his instructions he'll probably just start shooting. I hope you understand and don't try anything.” I then moved from one to the next until I got to the last. When I place my pistol to his head he whimpered. Checking his ID I saw the ID showed longer hair. Then I place my pistol under his chin and said, “I'm going to pat you down for weapons, so lay still.” Starting at the left hand I checked the arm up and to the armpit. I felt extra clothing in the armpit, but not lumps. Same thing on the right arm. Then I started at the collar and when I got to the chest I realized I had a small busted woman under my hand. I whispered, “Do they know you're a woman?”

  She whimpered back, “No.”

  “Lay still, sorry but I still have to check you for weapons, so I'll be quick.” After I had her roll over I found a knife in her belt. “Tsk-tsk”, I muttered, “by the rules I outlined before coming out here I should kill you, but I realize why you didn't expose it. On your feet, pick up all the web gear, and when we get back on the other side of the perimeter take a seat and put your hands on your head. Also no talking.” I picked up five M-16s and marched her back.

  I had her move off from the others and asked her where she was from. After stating that she was from Ft. Hood I asked her how she got here. She said, our truck was shot up and then crashed into a swimming pool. I also asked her if she knew the four guys and she said no. I took her back and then motioned one of the guys over. I asked him the same questions and his only different answer was that he knew three of the guys but the shrimp was shoved on the truck just as they were leaving. I got the same answer from the guy that tried to hide from us. Then I took him back over and said to them all, “You story seems to check out, however, until our NCOIC clears you none of you will be given back your weapons. Get out your IDs. You,” pointing at the shrimp, “collect their ID's and follow me.” I picked up their M-16s and started back around toward the BBQ enclosure.

  After the sergeant checked the ID's and said they look valid he asked if I'd checked any of their dog tags. When I answered no the shrimp pulled hers off over her head and handed them to me. After handing them to him he pointed out a couple of things that I should check on them including the side they were imprinted from. He then handed me his and I check mine, hers, and his. They all matched. “This PFC will take up a position by the truck while I bring the rest around one at a time, or should I just check their dog tags and it they match give them their weapons back.”

  He said, “Use your best judgment and what's so special about him.” pointing at the shrimp.

  I said, “The shrimp is a woman, I think we can trust her, and that ain't my balls talking. Everyone knows my company clerk is a woman, but we'll just nickname her as the shrimp if she is OK with that. I think it'll be safer for her for now.” Turning to her I stated, “The enemy we're dealing with will kill or rape you just for the hell of it because you're not part of their group. So if the time comes that we're attacked I expect you to be a soldier and shoot to kill the enemy. Am I understood?”

  She simply answered, “Yes Sir.”

  I then walked back around and the first three I checked their dog tags were OK. When I turned to the last guy he said, “I lost my dog tags.”

  I shoved my pistol into his stomach and reached up and pulled the silver chain around his neck up and looked at the piece of jewelry hanging on it. There was a wedding ring and a Star of David. Dropping them back into his fatigue shirt I commented, “As soon as we get back to post get your ass to personnel and get another set made. Also I'm going to check with my NCOIC about the unauthorized jewelry hanging around your neck. Now you four take this and that position. No one enters our perimeter without authorization. Have them stack their weapons and lay down on their backs while someone comes to get me. Any questions? Oh by the way I've got two scouts out, so someone from the next position up can verify who they are. We're all from one company.” Then I told my to guards to follow me.

  The scout returned reporting one truck found in a swimming pool along with a bunch of bodies. There were dead bodies in all the houses they checked.

  About 6 PM the cook asked for two soldiers to help. They came out with a big pot of soup and a basket full of cups, bowls, and sandwiches. I walked the perimeter while they fed the troops. At each position I told them to come to the BBQ grill location as soon as the sun hit the trees to the west.

  My other scouts returned from the east and reported that all they'd found were murdered civilians. However they did bring in all the can goods they found in some civilian backpacks. The Sergeant gave them a password and reply and told them to use the same stealth that they'd used earlier to reenter all the houses to the west and gather dark colored blankets and any canned food they could quickly gather. Then he told them that there was a gas station about 2 miles back up the road. We'd rendezvous with them a hundred feet behind the station. Then he warned them not to approach the gas station because it could be a rally point for the enemy, especially if they were using vehicles.

  After everyone reported in I d
ivided them into two groups. “OK now we are moving out to the west. I want two columns. Second man in the column keep you eye on the lead man in the other column. Quietly inform the lead man in your column it they get more than ten yards off. Lead man, you are the point man so if you spot anyone ahead of you crouch and hold up your arm to signal those behind to stop. Everyone else keep an eye on the point man and the outside of our column. Cook, you and your assistant bring the cooking gear you need and you'll be at the rear between the columns. Shrimp, you and the company clerk will travel with us between the columns and act as runners if we need to pass any messages. The Sarge and I will move up and down between the columns. Now, if we suspect a trap or anything unusual the Sarge or I will give a whippoorwill whistle. If you hear that drop and assume a perimeter facing out. Stealth is our best defense because we're probably outnumbered. Now quickly check your and your buddy's gear to make sure you don't have anything that will rattle or shine. We move out in 2 minutes.

  We passed through three backyards before hitting the woods. An hour later we were at gas station. Out scouts joined us there. We went on up and behind the next gas station and over the hill. Coming down the hill almost at the bottom he had the lead turn right. He sent shrimp back to bring the last two men up from the rear of each column. He instructed them to position themselves on the other side of the road so they could see down the road. They were to give a woof whistle if they saw any vehicles coming. The other two he instructed to cross the road and check around the storage unit area and the other building and then signal from the road edge if everything was clear. He gave them 15 minutes to scout the areas and report.

  They gave us the all clear and we hurried everyone across and behind the storage unit area. As soon as the guys from the top of the hill arrived he explained that we needed to move about a mile off the road toward the lake before setting up camp for the night. After a ten minute rest we moved out again. Not a half hour later a dog started barking off to our left. Everyone froze except the sarge. He pulled his notebook out and tore a strip of paper from one page. He stretched it tight and started blowing on it. For a second I heard a high pitch whistle and then it got higher, and I couldn't hear it. Dogs started barking all over the place, and I could hear dogs barking so far away that I could barely hear them. Looking at the sarge I commented, “Neat trick, you got to teach me that one.”

  All he did was head for the head of the column, and we started moving again. Shortly we stopped again and he quietly announced, “Rest in place, pass the word. We spend the night here. No fires, no smoking, no noise. Pair up, one man sleeps while the other guards, 2 hour shifts.” After a few minutes I could hear the crickets and other nightlife start making their noises. A few minutes later I felt a tug on my web gear. It was the shrimp and she whispered to me that she needed to go to the bathroom. I led her over to a couple of bushes and pulled out my entrenching too and dug a shallow hole. I whispered in her ear grunt like you having to shit. Wipe from the rear and dump the paper in the hole and then cover it up and tamp it down. I could see reflections from several locations on the perimeter. I stood up and put my entrenching tool back in its web carrier and turned and quietly went back to my position. Listening I could hear some faint grunts and then the shrimp came back to my position and whispered loudly, “I'll stand guard, so you can get some sleep.”

  When she woke me up I went over to pee at the same bushes and when I got back she was curled up using my web gear as a pillow. The only talking I heard for quite awhile was someone asking what time it was. I was getting drowsy so I went over the perimeter and started checking each pair of guys. The third pair of soldiers I checked started making comments about the shrimp. I replied, “He's still got mama's milk behind his ears. By time this is over he'll know how to shit in the woods and walk like a soldier. Who's supposed to be asleep? Get to it.” Then I worked my way around and met the sarge on the other side half way up.

  “Any problems?” he asked. “All clear up front, we'll move out at dawn, in about two hours. Get some rest.” We walked back over to where the shrimp was sleeping and he told the clerk to wake us as soon as it started getting light. I told her that if I started snoring to just give me a slight shake on the shoulder. I gently lifted the shrimps head and pulled out my poncho and lowered her head back on the pack. My poncho wasn't the most comfortable pillow, but it worked. I was just getting real drowsy when I felt someone throw their arm across me, and scoot right up to my back. Opening my eyes I was looking right into the company clerks face. She whispered, “Is he queer?”

  I whispered back, “No, he is a young woman and feels safer if no one knows. I discovered the fact when I searched her before allowing her and the guys into the perimeter. They didn't know, and she prefers that we keep her secret. I guess she thinks I'm a big teddy bear, so wake her if anyone appears to be approaching.”

  Then we heard the shrimp mumble, “He already taught me how to shit like a bear.”

  I heard the clerk chuckle as she stood up. Then I was out.

  I felt someone shaking my shoulder. As I opened my eyes the shrimp said, “Kathy went to pee and she's been gone a long time.”

  “Which direction? Wake the sarge.” Grabbing my pistol belt and M16 I headed off in that direction. Two of the new guys had her stretched out on the ground and one of then was humping her. I just butt stroked him with the butt of my M16 behind the ear and swung it back hitting his partner in the neck. He fell back and grabbed his neck. If he hadn't jerked his head up it probably would have cracked his skull instead of ripping his throat open. A couple of guys came rushing up from opposite directions with their weapons at the ready. The sarge arrived a moment later. I simply stated, “Rape is a capitol crime in some cultures. What do you want done with this scum.”

  He looked at the three soldiers and said, “I need three volunteers to bury this scum, deep.” By then Kathy, my company clerk was crying. That drew a larger crowd. He repeated, “Rape is a capitol offense, I need some volunteers to bury this scum deep, and remove all identification from them before you bury them.” Several guys each grabbed the rapist and started dragging them off and telling others to get their entrenching tools.

  I stood up and said, “Situation is handled, reform the perimeter facing out. Shrimp get my poncho.” Then I squatted by Kathy's head and called her name. The third time she answered so I said, “Give me your hand and let me help you up. We need to move you over by the bushes so you can clean yourself.” Shrimp arrived with my poncho and I put it over Kathy's head and led her over by the bushes. The I told the shrimp to run over to the cook and get some water and a towel. Also grab a couple of field dressings off our gear. She was back in no time at all.

  I then asked Kathy, do you want any help, I can leave the shrimp here for awhile. She replied, “No you stay.”

  “Shrimp, grab a weapon and guard the other side of these bushes.”

  The sarge walked back and handed me their ID's and dog tags. “Handle this while I get the cook to make something for breakfast.”

  Looking at my company clerk, I told her I'd be back in a few minutes. When she asked why, I simply stated I needed to dig a latrine to make several deposits in. Then we heard off to the side, never mind sarge we'll have a nice hole dug in a minute. Several of us will use the facilities after Kathy. Kathy just said thanks guys, and grabbed my hand and squeezed.

  When the guys announced the hole was ready Kathy walked over to it. I handed her the ID's and dog tags. She dropped them in the hole and then squatted and peed on them. After she got up several of the guys shit on them and others just peed in the hole. Then they covered the hole and tamped the sod back in place. She started crying again as she thanked the guys. The shrimp took her by the arm and led her back toward our position.

  The sarge came up with the cook and said, “You know its dangerous to bunch up in combat zone.
Spread out so the cook can give you a light breakfast. We move out in half an hour.” Looking around he again open his mouth and stated, “I was going to take a shit in this hole, but I see it's full. I guess I'll have to wait. Hopefully we won't need to dig another shit hole like this one.”

  After what the cook served what he called breakfast we moved out, and got the lake recreation area about noon. The sarge took 10 guys and headed down to the swimming area. After circling the building they broke in. A few minutes later he sent guys into the latrine areas and they reappeared with several rolls of toilet paper. We then moved to the far west end and set up a perimeter. The cook used one of the grills and made a pot of what he called stew. After seeing beans, corn, what looked like spinach, and a few other unidentifiable cans dumped into the pot I turned away and went to check the perimeter. As I crossed near the barbed wire fence I spotted the shrimp point at me. Suddenly Kathy jumped up and ran over and hugged me and thanked me again. Then she ran back and dropped into her position. I said, “You OK shrimp? The cook thinks he'll have what he calls food ready in about half an hour. Pass the word we'll bring it around and then move out. Also, all the canteens need to be topped off. Pass the word that one man at a time can come back to fill his and his partners.”

  After eating and packing everything up the sarge called everyone in. “OK we'll move out in the line formation we've been using. When we reach open area we'll split in half. One group will cross while the other covers them. After the first group has secured the forward area they'll signal and the rest of us will follow. If we come under fire only half will return fire while everyone else maneuvers to flank then, and then open up with everything they got. Just hope it isn't our soldiers. I'll try to make contact with the opposing force and verify who they are before we open fire on them. Lets move out.”

  Two days later we arrived at the airfield perimeter fence. We could see two choppers, one looked like it crashed and the other looked like it burned on the ground. After a quick conference the sarge ordered us back. After crossing the road again we turned north over the ridge line and then west again across east range road. Approaching one of the small arms ranges we could see motor pool road and a line of burned motor pools. We retreated back over the ridge and kept moving west. Our scouts kept an eye on the motor pools. Down near the west end we heard a firefight. Cautiously we spread out on the ridge line. A motor pool was under attack from our side. We sent in two scouts to see if they could tell who was who. They returned with an unconscious man. When he opened his eyes we could see the fear on his face. He started pleading for mercy in broken English. The sarge just kept asking him who was inside the building until the prisoner said Yankee solders. Then he tried and managed to break free. He made it less than 10 feet before one of the guys dropped him and then said, “Well sarge, what direction are we going in from.”


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