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Nightmares Page 9

by Stephen Brandon

  Friday morning the senators office called and informed the mayor that he would be arriving in two hours at the airport. The mayor was informed that he needed to be at the airport to greet the senator and his entourage. They would need four limousines.

  The mayor called the police chief, the chief called the captain, and the captain called the Lieutenant. The Lieutenant called his teams and they scrambled to the airport.

  Upon arrival they found the a TV crew from the capitol already setup. When the Lieutenant asked them to move from the terminal they refused. He cited the fact that they obstructed his security and they again refused. Sergeant Killjoy recorded it all as she checked her equipment.

  The senators private jet landed and taxied up to the entrance to the terminal. As he led his entourage over to the news crew, two small drones were seen flying across the runway toward the terminal. His security hustled him toward the limousines.

  Lieutenant James ordered the news crew to get into the terminal and they refused. He then ordered the crowd to scatter. Only a few slowly moved. When the first bullets from the drones started hitting the crowd they screamed and ran. The news crew stood like statues until the reporter was hit.

  The police officers were firing at the drones with their pistols and shotguns, without any effect.

  The drones then turned toward the limousines raking them with bullets. After one strafing run they headed back across the runway toward the woods.

  When the ambulances arrived they counted twenty-two wounded including the senator, plus fifteen dead including the reporter.

  Less than a week later a law suit was filed, suing the senator, the city, and news crew company. The city attorney brought forward Killjoy's recordings, and recordings made when the Lieutenant had called the senators office requesting information on his travel plans.

  Three weeks later, after seeing all the evidence the jury awarded a judgment against the news service for twenty-two million dollars. One of the civilians had recorded on their camera, the news crew telling the crowd where to stand, and how to act when the senator arrived.

  The city was not found negligent and awarded four million against the news media company for obstruction of police operations. Half of the amount was to go directly to the surviving families of the officers killed.

  However the senator and his office were found negligent for ten million dollars, because his office had leaked the time and location of his arrival and his refusal to furnish his itinerary to the city government.

  ~ ~ ~


  “Hello, this is John.”

  “Hi John, I have a package that needs to be delivered.”

  “When and where?”

  “It will be in Metro city on Friday morning. The easiest place for delivery will probably be the airport.”

  “Public delivery?”

  “It would be nice if everyone sees it delivered.”

  “I've opened a new email address. Send a picture and other data and I'll send you back the price. Public delivery's are double.”

  “Yea I know, I've already bought extra flowers.”

  The assassin sent back the price, two million, and that afternoon received another email with a Swiss bank account number.

  After verifying the money was there he set about planning.

  He knew there would be ground and maybe air security. He'd been playing around with some drones on his property, so he modified one by attaching a machine gun.

  Then he sent it hunting and managed to get a deer. The only problem was he needed to figure out how to mount it better. When the machine gun started firing the rounds went every which away.

  Changing out the machine gun for a modified M-16 he tried again and got much better results. Adding a second M-16, each with a thirty round clip worked fine. He could fire one, re-aim and fire the second.

  Using his two largest drones he mounted two on each. After wiping every part down, even the bullets, he gave them a coat of light gray paint. They were almost invisible from the ground.

  After buying a used pickup near Metro city he reconnoitered the area around the airport. The woods across the runway from the terminal were ideal. The two roads through the area and both gave him direct access to the main highway.

  Friday morning he watched the targets plane land. As soon as it touched down he launched his drones. The camera, with their aiming marks, showed the target approaching a crowd. Not wanting to let him get into the crowd he activated one weapon from each drone as they crossed the taxi runway. He watched the targets damn security cover him and hustle him toward a line of cars. Using a controller in each hand he turned the drones toward the target and activated the second set of weapons. With a smile he saw the security fall and then the target. Blood was visible as the target fell beside one of the cars.

  Turning the drones back toward the woods, he activated the homing beacon and started the pickup. As soon as they landed he threw the tarp over the bed and tied it down. Less than five minutes later he turned onto the highway.

  Reading in the newspaper about the attack was pleasing, except for the fact that the target spent three weeks in intensive care before being released, and immediately retired.

  Later he read about the lawsuit. That reporter buying the farm and the news organization loosing the lawsuit brought a smile to his lips. He thought to himself, I've got to get some better drones.

  ~ ~ ~

  Killjoy and the Drone

  “Edward's, Anderson, this morning you're on special assignment. Pick up Sergeant Killjoy from dispatch at 8:30. She will brief you on your patrol area.”

  “Hey Anderson, ever met Killjoy.”

  “No and I don't want to with a name like that.”

  “You'll change your mind soon enough Anderson. Lets get some coffee, today will be a long day.”

  Twenty minutes later they pulled their unmarked car around to the back door of the station. Edward's led the way into dispatch and over to a petite woman in uniform and said, “Hi Killjoy.”

  “Oh hell, do I have to put up with you today?”

  “Yup, and this is my new rookie partner, Anderson.”

  Looking up at Anderson she said, “I hope you brought your own luck. If you listen to Ed you'll need it.”

  “Luck has nothing to do with it. Where's your gear.” replied Ed.

  “It's all set up in the brown panel truck out back. Transfer your gear and turn in your cruiser.”

  “We didn't get a cruiser, we were assigned blue unmarked.”

  “I'll meet you out back in five, get your gear and make sure you have all the panels in your vest.”

  “Good morning ma'am. You called in a report earlier about an object hitting your house.”

  “Yes officer, It's on the roof above the patio.”

  “Killjoy looked at Edwards and said, “Bring a ladder around.”

  Around back the woman was pointing at the roof and talking to Killjoy, Anderson was taking notes. Slapping the ladder against the house Edwards climbed.

  “Hold it Ed. Get the video helmet and remote recorder.”

  “Anderson, when you get to roof level, I want you to just edge up enough to let the camera get a good picture. Do not stick your head above the roof level. Do you understand?”

  “Yes ma'am”

  At the top of the ladder, Anderson listened to her instructions.

  “Turn slightly to the right, now left and up. You're moving to fast, slow down your head movements.

  “Better. Come down.

  “Edwards, move the ladder to the other side of the patio cover.

  “Anderson, same routine.

  “Tilt up just a little. Hold steady.

  “Ed, get your full armor on and go up from the front of the house. Let me know before you reach the roof peak.”

  Pulling her radio from her belt Killjoy keyed the microphone. “Dispatch, I need a tech bomb retrieval unit at my location.”

Her radio chirped and out the speaker came the reply, “ETA forty minutes.”

  “Anderson, come down, meet us out front.”

  In the van she pulled another camera and turned it on. Anderson, mount this on the ladder so it above the roof level. Make sure you don't stick you head above the roof line.”

  Pulling two more boxes she attached antennas and said, “Ed mount these at the crest of the roof with direct line of sight to the object.”

  “Ma'am, for your safety and the safety of your family please pull your car down the street. When the other police van gets here, he needs to back into your driveway. Anyone in the house needs to go and sit in the car until we get that thing off your roof.”

  “Is it dangerous.? asked the woman.

  “I don't know right now ma'am, but it is best not to take any chances.” Killjoy then pressed several buttons on a console in the back of the van and several antennas telescoped up and a line of recorders started.

  Anderson asked, “Killjoy, what are you recording?”

  “The full electromagnetic spectrum. I need a baseline before we go to move the object. When we do move it, I need any data I can get to located it's controller source.”

  An hour later Killjoy yelled at Sgt. Brown, “What'd you do, stop for donuts.”

  “Na, Robbie threw a pad, had to fix him or he'd slip off the roof. What's the layout.”

  Walking around the house he pulled a rifle scope and looked up at the object. “Crap, that one is armed, and probably has a kill switch. Everyone out?”

  “Yes the family is across the street in the SUV.”

  “I'll put Robbie up on the garage and move from there. Any damn reporters around yet? Shall we wait, then we can get some good PR.”

  “Damn Brown, you just want your ugly mug on TV again. Oh hell here they come.”

  As the TV van pulled up Killjoy and Sgt Brown walked over and pulled the passengers door open, “Good morning, If you transmit anything before we get the object off the roof of that house I'll arrest you for interfering and attempting to sabotage a police operation. The best area for you to set up will probably be in the back corner of the yard. From there you can record the whole action on the roof. Killjoy here is going to setup the drone killer, you'll have the exclusive film from ground level.”

  “Come on officer, this is hot stuff. I need to get it on the air immediately.”

  “If your station transmits anything about this operation, the police department and homeowner will both sue you for all damages. Freedom of the press and all that, but if the operator sees your reporting and detonates anything, you are responsible. Call your chief and remind him about the incident at the airport last year.”

  “Sarge, are you talking about the reporter and fourteen other casualties when those drones attacked.”

  “Yup, and don't forget that news service lost a twenty-two million dollar law suit. Kinda cut down on your competition, didn't it.”

  “Anderson, show them where to set up and make sure they put on a long lens shade. I don't want any reflection off their camera lenses.”

  “Yes Sir.”

  “Call me sir again and you'll be a meter maid for the rest of your life. Am I understood?”

  “Yes S.., uh boss. Yes boss.”

  Thirty minutes later Robbie was slowly moving over the roof peak. The TV camera man had his camera mounted on a tripod and the cute female reporter had started her commentary.

  Suddenly Killjoy yelled over her radio. “EMP that thing now.”

  Sergeant Brown answered, “This Robbie doesn't have that modification.”

  “Everyone down, its transmitting and I'm picking up more signals.”

  The drone killer started firing its laser from the roof of the house toward the end of the block. “Anderson get those reporter out the yard, incoming!

  “Dispatch, code 9, I say again code 9, incoming drones, one down two airborne.”

  “Copy that Killjoy, ground backup and medical support notified. Air assets unavailable.”

  “Dispatch, second drone down, receiving fire from last drone. Object on house just blew taking out Robbie. Notify fire department.”

  “Wilco Killjoy.”

  “Killjoy, Anderson here, reporters want to retrieve film camera.”

  “That's a negative, anything that moves may become a target.

  “Edwards, can you get a bead on the incoming. You're supposed to be the expert marksman.”

  “Open the van door, I've got to get baby.”

  “No time, I'm activating van defensive program. Get under cover.” A radar aimed rifle telescoped from the roof and started firing at the incoming drone. The third shot clipped it and it dropped in the front yard across the street.

  “Killjoy this is dispatch, air assets en-route, ETA five, copy?”

  “Roger that dispatch, send another tech truck. I need two more backups to isolate downed drones.”

  “They are en-route, dispatch out.”

  “Anderson, bring the reporters to me with their equipment.”

  When they got to the van Killjoy said, “I need a copy of your recording now.” as she handed the camera man a memory stick. “Come by my office in the morning and I'll let you copy some of my recordings. Miss, I'm sure you can drum up some interest in tomorrows news with hints of more pictures. For your safety, I suggest you don't transmit your recording unless you're moving. Whoever is controlling these drones may not want everyone to know he failed.”

  “I think I'll wait until I can hand this recording to the editor.” she replied. “Lets go Joe.”

  Scraps of the first two drones downed had residue of explosives. The third drone in the front yard had self destructed using a thermal charge.

  Two days later, with the images of the drone attack still fresh in the publics mind, the city council posted a reward for the capture of the terrorist drone operator. They also upped the budget for the special operations section of the police department.

  Killjoy and the special operations section spent the next month upgrading their equipment.

  ~ ~ ~


  Almost a year later he got another phone call. When he answered the voice on the other end stated, last time you only delivered the candy, not the flowers, but everything worked out OK. This delivery has to go without any screw-ups. Flowers only and anytime.

  One mil, same account as last time.

  It's on it way.

  The target had a habit of watering his garden every morning. He sent the drone in just before dark. A block before the targets house something went wrong. The drone crashed on the roof of a house. His new drone had one weapon mounted plus a two pound block of explosive. In the morning he could see cops looking at his drone from the ground.

  He carried his last three drones out to the field behind the motel and launched them. Two black and one blue. The blue one was his newest. It had a built in Faraday cage and the electronics were all surrounded by mirrors to keep lasers from destroying them. He added that refinement after reading an article in a police magazine mentioning that some of the larger police departments were testing out lasers, and directional pinch generators to kill drones that wandered into airports and other secure locations. Metro city wasn't one of the listed departments.

  He saw a flash of light and one of his drones exploded. He wasn't to worried he still had two in the air. Then he saw what could only be a laser on the top of the house and he lost his second drone. Grabbing the controller for his original drone he flipped the self-destruct switch.

  The controller for his newest drone showed that it was no longer a target, the laser was firing into the ground. Since he couldn't reach his target, he decided to eliminate the police that had shot down two of his drones. Aiming the weapon at the police van he flipped the switch. A second later he realized that it had been hit by something. With a scowl he flipped the self-destruct.

  A week later he sat in the tree-house in the y
ard behind his targets house. Like clockwork the back door opened and his target stepped out. A crossbow is silent, and just as deadly as a gun at a hundred and twelve feet. Aiming dead center of the targets chest he pulled the trigger, just as the targets dog jumped up on him. He was loading a second arrow then the targets wife started screaming at the back door. Dropping to the ground he ran around the house and jumped into his truck. Blue flashing lights appeared in his mirror as he jerked the gearshift in drive and floored it. A block from the highway a second police car crashed into the side of his truck and he was thrown halfway out the door and dragged for a distance, before falling completely out and getting run over by the back wheel.

  # # #

  Polls have Consequences

  ~ ~ ~

  “Governor, we've finished analyzing the last 4 poll results. They don't look good for anybody.”

  “John, the election is thirteen months away. Is there anyway we can raise our numbers?”

  “Governor, the only way to raise our numbers is to eliminate 72% of the state's voters. However, your numbers are at least higher than the legislatures.”

  “What do you mean, last night on TV they announced that my next crisis would drop me into single digits, and it was already building.”

  “Yes, but the house is at 9.6% and the senate is at 8.9% job satisfaction. Their unfavorability ratings are in the high 80's. Yours are only in the high 70's. One poll even had the question, would you vote out the whole state government and put in amateurs. Across the board, the results were 73% to vote out all the politicians and vote in anybody that had no political connections.”

  “What was the margin of error in those polls.”

  Governor, when the numbers are this lopsided the margin of error doesn't count for shit!”

  “But, everything we learned and all the right economist state that we've taken every step in the correct sequence. It's just that the economy keeps going down.

  “John, call the senate and house leaders and arrange a meeting for this afternoon. Second, I want you to give a short presentation on the poll results. Last but not least, I want a presentation of what they and I have done in sequence and what the economy did, not just in my state but nationally since I took office.”


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