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Mind of Danger (Body of Danger, #3)

Page 11

by Bristol, Sidney

  No man had ever looked at her like Elias did. Like she was desirable, sexy even.

  They reached for each other, their mouths meeting in needy kisses. He tugged her forward on the dresser until she was in danger of falling off. But he was there.

  She grasped his cock, giving it a stroke before guiding him to her entrance.

  He thrust, and she gripped his shoulders, gasping as he filled her. She wrapped her legs around him and dug her fingers into his hair.

  This wasn’t at all what she’d come to see him about, but she could neither stop herself from wanting this. Elias was the man she’d always wanted, and now he wanted her, too.

  He wrapped his arms around her and thrust, surging into her.

  Jo groaned and closed her eyes against the pleasure of it. One touch, a kiss, and she was so close. So damn close.

  “Look at me?” Elias’ voice was ragged.

  She pried her eyes open and stared back at him, riveted by the emotion she saw looking back at her.

  This wasn’t just a crush or scratching an itch. There was real emotion between them, built on trust and years of knowing each other. Her insides quaked and part of her recognized those feelings while the rest of her shied away from them.

  “Jo,” he groaned and thrust, changing the angle slightly.

  “Oh!” She clutched his shoulders as every nerve in her body felt as though it were singing from pleasure.


  He thrust again, sending her over the edge into bliss. She clutched his shoulders and kissed his cheek, his shoulder. She was vaguely aware of his words as he continued to drive into her, drawing her orgasm out longer.

  “You’re so fucking amazing,” he said.

  She leaned back, overwhelmed by the sensation.

  His motions were jerky now. He thrust again, clinging to her, and groaned his release. She hugged him close, lost in his words. The little girl in her who’d always wanted to matter hung on every one of them out of his mouth.

  “You’re beautiful, you know that? You’re so fucking amazing and I’ve missed you. I love you—”

  They both tensed as those three words left his mouth.

  He loved her?

  Fear was quickly eaten up by, hope? She’d always liked Elias. Maybe she’d even called him her first love in her own head. But could she be in love with him? Like, real love?

  Elias eased away, only a few inches, but enough to look down at her. “I shouldn’t have said that. I, ah, got carried away.”

  “Yeah. Okay.”

  Why did she feel sad now? Did she love him? What if he didn’t want to love her?

  “Jo?” Elias cupped her face and lifted her chin.

  She made herself look at him. She wasn’t a coward to hide from things, though she really wanted to right now.

  A sharp knock on the door interrupted stalled him from saying anything.

  “Yo, Eli. It’s Zain. You still up?” a man called out.


  As in Elias’ boss.

  “Shit,” he muttered.

  “It’s okay, just stall him,” she said.

  He made a face, but there was no getting around talking to his boss. She grit her teeth as Elias pulled out. He scooped up the towel and handed it to her.

  “Gimme a minute,” he called out.

  Jo grabbed her clothes and darted into the bathroom.

  She’d just had sex with Elias—again, he’d said he loved her, and his boss was here. She didn’t know how to process one of those let along all three.

  “Jo?” He tapped on the door. “I’ll go downstairs, okay?”

  “Okay,” she squeaked out.

  She listened to Elias move around the bedroom, then the final thunk of the door shutting.

  The tension coiled inside of her wasn’t budging.

  Jo cleaned up a bit more then got dressed, all while her brain kept repeating that one line.

  I love you.

  She could barely remember her mother ever telling her that.

  Jo had been an accidental pregnancy. An unfaithful moment in a turbulent marriage. Her sister’s father had been hostile her entire life. Honestly, it was a relief when Mom divorced him. Too bad that relief had been short lived. Mom and her sister had aimed their resentment at Jo, because someone had to shoulder the blame when it came to being at fault.

  All she’d ever wanted was to belong. The only times she’d felt that were when Elias was still part of their unit, and now.

  God, she needed out of here.

  Jo tip-toed out into the bedroom and found her phone still on the nightstand with her keycard. Elias was going to come back and want to talk. She didn’t think she could talk and be reasonable. Not tonight. Not after he’d said that.

  So, she ran right back to her room. Not that it was far away. Elias knew where she was.

  Five minutes of pacing and no better answers later her phone buzzed.

  It was Elias.

  Biting her lip she sat on the edge of the bed and tapped the message.

  Back. Sorry that took so long. Coming with you tomorrow. Sleep tight.

  She blew out a breath.

  No apology or shrugging off his previous words, and for some reason she felt as though that were a win. Now, what the hell was she going to say to him tomorrow?


  Friday. Newark, New Jersey.

  Elias stared out the passenger window of the cab at the city.

  He hadn’t gotten a single moment alone with Jo since last night. She’d texted him back that morning, claiming she’d fallen asleep the instant her head hit the pillow last night.

  Bull and shit.

  There was no denying that Jo had run from him. That didn’t sit well with him, but he also knew he couldn’t force his feelings on her either. It wasn’t her fault he’d nursed this crush over the years. He just wished there was some time, a moment, anything, amidst all of this where they could talk.

  His phone vibrated in his pocket.

  Elias pulled the device out, only a little disappointed it wasn’t Jo texting him from the back seat.

  It was Merida. Her job title was still evolving. Calling her the Office Manager or Zain’s assistant downplayed the pivotal role she played in things. And then there was last year.

  He’d been the guy on-site when the disaster that was last Christmas began. Merida and her now fiancé were the only reason they’d all survived. It had forged a close friendship between them. Hell, he was closer to Merida than he was with his own sisters at this point.

  Elias tapped the text, already groaning silently.

  Why am I only now hearing you have a girlfriend?????

  He breathed a deep breath.

  Merida was in sister mode. Great. She got under his skin like no other. They butted heads. And at the end of the day, they would always be friends. There was something about surviving impossible odds together that built a bond that could not easily be broken.

  Like what he had with Jo. Or hoped he did.

  What if it was all one-sided?

  No, he couldn’t go there.

  He tapped out a reply.

  An old friend.

  Elias hit send, then thought better of his three-word reply.

  It wasn’t like he could reach out to his sisters. Merida was the closest thing he had to a relationship sounding board. Before he could reword his answer, Merida replied.

  Old friend, my ass. Zain said you two looked cozy. Spill!

  The taxi eased to a stop at a red light.

  They still had a ways to go. Then there was the clothing change and another drive before things went down. He had time.

  Jo was in my unit. She’s someone I care about. Helping her out with a thing.

  He hit send, then kept typing. Maybe he did need another woman’s opinion?

  I don’t know what we are now. Are you going to be an ass if I’m honest?

  Elias stared at the screen, willing Merida to reply immediately.

  He didn’t ha
ve to wait long for her reply.

  Sweet Jesus. You like her! Have you always liked her? Is she why you never went on any of those dates I tried to set you up with?


  He cringed.

  It probably said something about him that Jo was the woman he compared all others to. And for him, everyone else came up short.

  He was saved from having to answer Merida’s questions by another incoming text from her.

  I’m not an ass. I just don’t let you get away with shit. Like I’m not going to let you get away with leaving me out of the loop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  That was a lot of exclamation points.

  Elias started typing. It felt foolish to text stuff like this, but this was his only option to work it out now, when he needed out of the mental loop he’d been trapped in.

  Yes, I like Jo. Yes, I’ve been attracted to her for a long time. It meant a lot that she called me for a favor, and stuff has happened that change things.

  He hit send before he could think better of it. Thumbs hovering over the keys, he considered his next words. Did he tell her everything?

  Merida wasn’t exactly one to talk secrets. Some people called her cold. He saw her as careful.

  She wouldn’t betray his trust. He knew that.

  Elias’ thumbs flew as he typed, trying to not think too hard about what it was he was saying.

  I told her last night that I love her. It just came out at the worst possible moment, and now we have to do this thing and she’s barely talking to me. IDK how to handle this. Any insight?

  Merida’s reply was almost instantaneous.


  Was that a bad holy shit? Or a good one? Were the exclamation points an indicator of something?

  A second message from Merida came in right on its heels. She must be glued to her phone.

  I cannot believe I have lived to see the day where you actually look at a woman. I’m proud of you, Woody. My guess is that if you’re the guy she called in a crisis, she likes you way more than as a friend. Ask her when you get some downtime. Keep me posted!!!!!!!!!

  Elias blew out a breath. Merida’s words comforted him, but only so much. Jo wasn’t like other women.

  In for a penny...

  He’d already left himself open. Might as well make use of the opportunity to talk to Merida.

  Question. Don’t bust my balls for this. Is there an easy way to buy one of those same color bra and panty sets if I don’t know top sizing?

  He closed his eyes and waited.

  Merida did not disappoint.

  You are so getting your balls busted, but not by me! That’s her job now. Emailing you some links and a guide. Stick to things called bralettes and you should be okay not knowing sizes. Anything else you need from your personal shopper?

  Smart ass.

  He shook his head. Merida was never going to let him live this down. Then again, if Jo fell for him, he wouldn’t care.

  Sure. One more thing. Where would a guy buy an apron? For himself?

  Elias had to exercise a lot of restraint to not laugh. He could hear Merida in his head cursing a blue streak and howling with laughter.

  There are things friends shouldn’t know about each other’s sex lives. I’ll send you links, lover boy.

  His phone chimed again, but no message appeared in his conversation with Merida.

  Frowning, Elias tapped the notifications and paused when he saw a message from Jo.

  He barely resisted the urge to glance over his shoulder where she was sitting in the backseat of the cab next to Isaac.

  Her text was a simple question.

  Something wrong?

  Elias stared at those two words, willing them to be anything else.

  They didn’t change.

  He tapped out his own two words.

  Work stuff.

  What did he say to Jo now? How did he talk to her after blurting out, I love you?

  No new messaged popped up, and Elias settled into the gloomy silence, broken only by the sound of the radio and their driver’s humming.

  It felt like it took ages for them to reach Jo’s apartment.

  Elias paid for the cab while she kept her eyes on Isaac and looked for anything out of place. There was always the chance that their plan could backfire.

  They made it inside the modest one-bedroom apartment without issue. The place was sparsely furnished. Hell, there wasn’t hardly any clutter or signs of regular life.

  “I’m going to the bathroom,” Isaac announced and trudged down the hall like he’d been there before.

  Elias grit his teeth against the baseless jealousy.

  The bathroom door clicked shut, and he blew out a breath.

  A hand gripped his elbow. Small and familiar, he craved that strong touch.

  Jo pulled him around to face her. She looked up at him with a serious expression save for her eyes. Those were...warry?

  “Are we okay?” she asked.

  “Yeah,” he said.

  “Who were you texting?”

  He paused, taking in the question, her expression—all of it.

  She looked a lot like he felt right now.

  “Merida. She’s... Well, I think her title is still Office Manager. She’s like a sister to me and she just found out about everything.”

  “Merida? Like, the movie?”

  “Nothing like that.” He had a vivid memory of Merida wielding two guns. “Actually, scratch that. Exactly like the movie.”

  The suspicious look on Jo’s face didn’t budge.

  Elias pulled out his phone and scrolled up.

  The messages prior to today’s exchange were about Merida’s wedding. Safe enough to share since it didn’t compromise company security or secrets.

  “Here.” He handed the phone to Jo.

  Her eyes went wide and for a moment he didn’t think she’d take it.

  What did he have to hide?

  Not a thing.

  Elias turned and took all of two steps into the kitchen before he was out of space. He turned and leaned against the counter, watching Jo skim the texts.

  She glanced at him, then away.

  There was a new awkwardness he wanted so badly to erase.

  Jo held out the phone. “It wasn’t the worst moment ever.”

  “Oh?” Every fiber of his body was on alert.

  She shoved her hands into her back pockets. “It’s a little weird you asking advice from another girl though.”

  “Who am I supposed to ask?” He shoved a hand through his hair.

  “Hm. I guess you’re right. Merida She’s getting married?”

  “Yeah. I’m... I guess I’m who she vents to about wedding...stuff.”

  Jo’s lips curved into a smile. It was brief, but he saw it.

  She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Can we both agree I didn’t handle last night well? And can we... I don’t know. Talk about it later? After...? Because I don’t know what to say or how to act. I’m really awful at this girl stuff. I feel like I’ve already screwed things up.”

  Hope was a beautiful thing.

  In seconds he could feel it growing roots, wrapping around him until he thought he might die if this hope were choked out again.

  “You haven’t. No more than I have,” he said.

  She opened her eyes, and he glimpsed that rare vulnerability she didn’t show often. “So, we’re...on hold?”

  “We’re waiting for a more appropriate time.” He didn’t think he could put this feeling on hold. It had a life of its own.

  “Okay. That sounds...good. Yeah, good.” She rocked back on her heels. “I’d, um, go with a large to be safe.”

  “You think so?” He eyed her hip. She did have a great ass.

  “Girl sizes are all kinds of screwed up. I’ll, um, be curious what you pick.” Her cheeks grew pink.

  “It’s okay then? Was that a good idea?”

  “Talking about this is m
aking me ten kinds of flustered. Yes. Okay? Yes, it’s a good idea.”

  “Would you want to look at the links?” he asked slowly.

  She shook her head and closed her eyes.

  He gripped the counter on either side of him. The urge to reach for her was strong. They’d figure it all out later, but all indicators so far were positive.

  Jo crossed the distance between them in one stride and went up on tip toe. She pressed her fingertips to his chest and for one blissful second their lips touched.

  It was perfect.

  He could wait, though what he’d say then he had no idea.

  Elias loved her. He was pretty sure he’d always loved her, and there was no taking that back now that he’d said it. All they needed was time,, and he had a load of vacation days he’d never used.

  FRIDAY. GIOVANNI’S Home, Newark, New Jersey.

  Jo tugged on the hem of her sparkly, black body hugging top. It had the right amount of bling to look festive paired with faux leather leggings and knee-high boots. She’d thrown a leather jacket over it all to better hide her guns. Not that it was a secret everyone attending tonight was packing. It was the best outfit she could do to look the part of a party goer and still have enough range of motion to defend herself.

  Should she have done more make-up?

  It wasn’t really her thing. Usually she smeared on some cream to hide her freckles, did some mascara, lip-gloss and this thing called a highlighter stick. That was it. But Elias was going with her...

  She still could not believe the first party she’d gotten dolled up to go to in ages with Elias was a fucking undercover operation.

  Of all the things in her life, this was possibly the weirdest.

  Screw more make-up. He knew who she was and what he was getting with her. Make-up didn’t change any of it.

  Elias lengthened his stride just enough to reach the brass adored white front door of Giovanni’s New Jersey home ahead of her. The gesture was only slightly ruined by Isaac’s near constant huffing.

  “Thanks,” she said to Elias and stepped into the lion’s den.

  According to Rusty from the Seattle FBI, Dion hadn’t been able to communicate with Giovanni since last night.

  Sasha was in the wind.

  With any luck, he’d gone back to whatever dark hole he lived in, or maybe he’d succumbed to his wounds. She doubted she was that lucky.


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