Their Accidental Bride (Bridgewater Brides)

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Their Accidental Bride (Bridgewater Brides) Page 4

by Kelly Dawson

  I put a finger under her chin and tilted her face up to look at me. A lone tear trickled down her cheek. But she bravely met my gaze.

  “Yes sir,” she whispered.

  “Good girl.”

  Still holding tightly to her arm, I led her over to the side of the house where a wooden bench sat against the wall. In the afternoons, it would be a good spot to sit in the sun to shell peas. Right now, it would be perfect to perch upon and turn a naughty lady’s bare bottom cherry red.

  She lay herself willingly across my thighs, but let out a strangled sob.

  “Your tears will not dissuade me,” I growled. “I mean for this to be a lesson you don’t soon forget.”

  “I won’t forget, I promise!”

  She didn’t move as I lifted up her skirts and petticoats, and parted her drawers, baring her bottom. It was pale and unmarked; the handprints Shane had put there yesterday had faded. That would change in just a moment.

  I raised my hand high and brought it down hard, right in the middle of her bottom, my flattened palm large enough to cover most of both cheeks.

  Elise stiffened and whimpered, but she didn’t otherwise move, except to cross her legs at the ankles and lift them into the air. I pushed them back down roughly and spanked her again, my hand catching the underside of her bottom, right where she would sit. I intended to leave an ache that would linger and make her journey to town to become our wife a little bit uncomfortable. I wanted her to remember.

  Three more whacks quickly followed, all landing in exactly the same place, and she shrieked and kicked, trying to roll off my thighs.

  “Hold still,” I commanded, tightening my grip. “This is not finished yet. I will not have you lie to me Elise. Not for any reason.”

  Out of the corner of my eye I could see Shane, standing there with his arms crossed, watching the scene with interest. From where he stood, he would have a perfect view of between her legs, her glistening jewels wide open to his gaze. Especially when her feet kicked in protest at the discipline I was dishing out. Her beautiful bottom, rosy now, clenched tight as she dug her fingers into my leg, holding on. She had no need to steady herself; I had no intention of letting her fall. She was mine. Ours. She wasn’t going anywhere. She especially wasn’t toppling off my lap.

  My erection throbbed in my pants, poking into her side every time she squirmed. I, too, could see every drop of moisture gathering on the lips of her delicate folds and I wanted nothing more to plunge my cock deep inside her. But that would have to wait. We would not claim her properly until we were wed.

  I raised my hand high again, bringing it down with as much force as I could muster. Elise screamed and broke into sobs, her shoulders shaking. She bent her legs upwards and tried to reach back with her hand to cover her bottom but I caught her wrist. I shook my burning hand, then I helped her to her feet.

  “Shane!” she reached for him, but I held her back.

  “No,” I told her. “I was the one to punish you; I will be the one to comfort you.” I turned her and pulled her to sit on my lap, holding her tight against my chest. “It’s very important that you understand why you were spanked. Do you?”

  “Yes,” she ground out between sobs.


  “Because I lied to you!” she wailed. “I won’t do it again, I promise!”

  “I’m very pleased to hear that.” I wrapped my arms tighter around her and kissed her hair gently while she cried against my shirt. I must have spanked her a lot harder than Shane had done because she hadn’t reacted like this yesterday.

  It took her a long time to calm down. When we led her back inside, Emma was serving breakfast.



  * * *

  I rode to town with Elise in her rented buggy. After we returned it, we would go and make Elise our wife. The runaway horse wasn’t so flighty with Roscoe riding alongside us. Emma, Kane and Ian, witnesses and guests for our wedding, followed. My thoughts were churning. Elise squirmed on the seat beside me, her bottom still tender from the spanking Roscoe had dished out this morning. He’d been hard on her, but I’d enjoyed watching her bottom redden under his hand. As she’d kicked, I’d gotten several glimpses of the swollen pussy lips that I had sucked on last night. I couldn’t wait to claim her, to make her ours properly. Soon, we’d fill both her holes with our cocks. The thought made me smile.

  A week ago, hell even a day ago, I hadn’t been looking for a wife. I wasn’t ready. Not yet. I didn’t want to get married until I could provide well for a family. I didn’t want my wife and our future children growing up in poverty like I had, living in a poor miner’s shack. I still remembered the words my father had spat at me when I left at fifteen years old: you’ll never amount to anything. You’ll never be more than a copper miner, just like me. Just like my father before me. I hadn’t proved him wrong, yet. And I wanted to, before I found a wife. I was close; my blacksmith shop was doing well. I was good at what I did and I enjoyed it. But I wasn’t successful enough yet. Not quite. But it was too late. We were headed to the preacher and Elise was going to be ours. Roscoe and I were going to share a beautiful, brave wife. Already, she’d claimed our hearts.

  Elise snuggled in closer to me and my cock stirred. I laid my arm across her shoulders, pulling her in tight against me. She rested her hand on my thigh. Her fingers crept out, sneaking up the inside of my leg, heading for my crotch. My breath caught in my throat. What was the little minx doing? Slowly, she walked her fingers closer and closer to the bulge in my pants. I didn’t dare breathe. I wanted to take her right then and there. I imagined pulling the horse up, bending her over the side of the buggy and plunging my cock deep inside her softness. Making her scream, just as she’d done last night. Filling her with my seed.

  I exhaled loudly. I had to wait.

  “How’s your bottom?” I whispered, nibbling her ear.

  A blush crept over her face. She was so cute with her cheeks as red as her bottom had been. She bit her lip.

  “Sore,” she whispered back. “Roscoe spanked me hard. Too hard. Why did you let him spank me so hard?” She sounded both petulant and bossy. Roscoe wouldn’t have stood for that, but I was more patient than my partner. I didn’t scold her as Roscoe would have done. Instead, I tilted her face up so I could kiss her pouting lips.

  “I will never interfere in a well-deserved punishment my love,” I informed her. “But neither of us will ever hurt you.” I kissed her again, just briefly. I wanted to devour her, to lose myself in that hot mouth, but I forced myself to wait. There would be time for that later. We had the rest of our lives.

  “Do you promise?”

  “To never hurt you? Yes. You will be ours. We will love and protect what is ours, always.”

  “That’s good.” Her voice was small, almost frightened. Like she doubted my word. Had she been mistreated? Is that why she’d come west to marry Coleton?

  “You’re running from cruelty, aren’t you love?” I spoke softly. My words were for her ears alone. Whatever she told me I would share with Roscoe later, but for now, I wanted her to feel safe enough to open up to me, and keeping my voice low would help with that.

  She was silent for a moment, then she shuddered.

  “Tell me,” I urged.

  Hesitantly, she did. Fury rose within me as she told me about her useless brother gambling away their fortune, running up huge debts, and selling her to Mr. Yates to pay them. The intensity of my anger shocked me. How dare she be married off to someone who would abuse her? Her body shook as she told me about her past and I held her close, kissing her temple tenderly.

  “Shhhh now,” I whispered. “You’re ours now. Mine and Roscoe’s. And we won’t let anything bad happen to you. I promise.”

  But even as I held her, uneasiness nagged at me. We were a long way from Philadelphia. But it sounded like Elise’s brother was a very desperate man. And desperate men often did desperate things, especially when they had a wealthy backer. I knew why Mr. Yates
wanted Elise – she was beautiful. The most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. But now she was ours, and Mr. Yates couldn’t have her. We would make sure of it.



  * * *

  Already, Emma was turning out to be a very good friend. She’d helped me get ready for my wedding this morning, helping me dress in the cream satin gown I’d brought with me, and weaving wildflowers into my hair. She had talked while she’d worked, telling me how she met her husbands, and kept me entertained with stories of her family, her children, and life with her men. I was nervous, but she put me right at ease.

  “They’re good men, Shane and Roscoe,” she had assured me. “If you do your very best to please them, they will make you happy. I’m sure of it.”

  I hoped she was right.

  Emma didn’t complain about the food I wasted in my feeble attempts to help cook breakfast this morning. Nor did she mention Roscoe carting me off outside and punishing me. I am sure she heard it all: the scolding, the spanking, my cries. Even if she didn’t, the tears that wet my eye lashes and my red face would have given it away. Especially when I sat down gingerly on my tender bottom. But Emma didn’t say a word. Instead, she was kind.

  I couldn’t believe I was riding in a rickety buggy to my wedding day, where I would be wed to not one, but two men. It was like a dream. A very unexpected dream. Ever since I was a little girl, I’d planned my wedding. My whole life, all my schooling, had prepared me to be a high-society wife. I’d gone to finishing school. I’d danced with all the gentlemen at my debutante ball. I’d learned how to manage the household staff, and when Father had died and it had become my responsibility, my training had stood me in good stead. But as John had gambled away the money, the servants had left, one by one, until only Cook remained.

  The marriage I was riding to now was very different to the big wedding I had imagined.

  My heart pounded as we stood in front of the preacher and Roscoe took my hands. Officially, it was Roscoe I was marrying, because he was the eldest of my two men, but I would belong to both of them. My mouth was dry and my pulse raced as I repeated my vows. I faltered slightly at the ‘honor and obey’ bit. Was I prepared to obey these men for the rest of my life? They’d both already shown me what would happen if I didn’t, and I didn’t much care for it. My bottom still tingled from Roscoe’s harsh wallops this morning. I’d only known these men for one day and already I’d been on the receiving end of two spankings. Both of them had hands as hard as boards.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Emma give me an encouraging smile and I forged ahead with my lines. It was a bit late to back out now, even if I wanted to. Standing next to Roscoe, Shane grinned. My insides flipped. He obviously didn’t care if my words were sincere or not; he’d already proven that he knew how to deal with wayward women. I remembered the way my lady parts had throbbed and how my juices had made my thighs slick in response to the spankings my men had delivered. My mind didn’t like being punished, but my body betrayed me. Even when I had cried afterwards, the telltale feelings of arousal ripped through me and I felt protected. Safe. Cherished. And those were the things I wanted most of all.

  Once the vows were said, Roscoe captured my mouth with his as he slid a simple gold ring onto my finger. Sparks ignited around me as he claimed me with his lips, exploring my mouth with his tongue. I felt his fingers entwine in my hair, pulling my head in closer. He kissed me with so much passion I was dazed, lost in his embrace.

  Around us, Emma, Kane, Ian and Shane clapped as Roscoe showed me that I was his. I couldn’t wait for Shane to show me I was his, too.

  There was no reception afterwards like there would have been had I married in Philadelphia. Instead, Kane and Ian returned my rented buggy and took Emma home, and my new husbands took me straight to the hotel.

  “Come on my love,” Shane whispered in my ear, bending so close to me I could feel his breath on my neck. “Now it’s time for us to show you what it really means to be ours.”

  . “Didn’t you already show me?”

  Shane chuckled. “That was just a taste.”

  I sucked in a breath, my heart pounding in anticipation. Aunt Nellie had told me little of the ways between men and women, but she did tell me it would hurt. I walked between them, my hands resting on the crooks of their elbows. I was nervous, but I tried not to let it show. I tried to force Aunt Nellie’s words from my mind. Maybe she’d be wrong about the pain, just as she been wrong about the duty.

  But the hotel got closer and closer. Just a few more steps along the dusty boardwalk and we’d be there. I had to know. I stopped walking. So did my men.

  “What’s wrong darling?” Roscoe asked. His tone was gentle and his face was the picture of concern. I felt silly for being afraid. But still, I couldn’t shake away Aunt Nellie’s warning.

  “Will it… will it hurt?”

  Roscoe reached up and brushed his thumb gently down my cheek. “It might a little bit,” he said. “Just for a moment. But we’ll be gentle, I promise.”

  Butterflies flitted inside of me. My legs shook with nerves as I followed my new husbands into the hotel lobby.

  “Don’t worry,” Roscoe whispered, as Shane booked our room. “We will take care of you,” he assured me. “You’re ours now.”

  They both held my hands as they led me up the stairs and into our room. Part of me wanted to turn and run. But the other part was excited. If they planned on doing to me anything like what they did to me the previous night, the pain Roscoe warned about, would be worth it.

  Shane sat on the edge of the bed and stood me between his knees. Roscoe bolted the door. I licked my lips nervously, trying to wet them, but my mouth was too dry.

  Roscoe came up behind me and circled his hands around my waist. “Strip for us, sweetheart,” he whispered in my ear. “I want to see all of you.”

  Slowly, I undid the buttons on my dress. But my fingers shook and I fumbled, almost crying with nerves. Shane placed his hands on top of mine. Gently, he captured the tiny buttons in his large fingers and twisted them undone. Roscoe helped him slip the garment off my shoulders. He also took care of my footwear, deftly wielding the buttonhook to undo my favorite black suede boots.

  My body jangled with nerves and my hands were trembling so much my fingers were useless, so my men took it upon themselves to unclothe me. It took a long time for my men to rid me of my undergarments: chemise, petticoats, corset, camisole and drawers, and the longer it took the more nervous I became.

  “Relax,” Shane commanded softly. “Let yourself enjoy this.”

  I took a deep breath in and let it out slowly, doing my best to calm my shattered nerves. My men were careful in their ministrations and leaned forward to kiss my bare skin as it was slowly exposed and I found that I did enjoy what they were doing. By the time I stood before them, completely naked, I was both tingling with arousal from their lips, and anxious for what was yet to come.

  “Lie back.” Roscoe settled me in the middle of the large bed and straddled me, his thighs on either side of my knees. “Relax.”

  I arched my body back into the soft mattress as Roscoe leaned over me and pressed light kisses to my lips, my chin, my throat. He took my breath away as he kissed his way down my body, nuzzling his face between my breasts, his beard softly scratching my skin, tickling me. My skin tingled everywhere his lips touched. I wasn’t nervous anymore. Now, I was just excited.

  He cupped my breasts in his hands, squeezing the flesh, twirling my nipple between his thumb and forefinger. The achy hotness beneath his hands deepened and spread, stealing my thoughts, making me focus on nothing but him. He kept kissing, down, down, down, in a line past my navel, to the thatch of light pubic hair at the apex of my thighs.

  “Oh!” I squirmed as his mouth set off fireworks inside me.

  Beside the bed, Shane discarded his shirt, revealing a muscular torso lightly covered in dark fuzz. The muscles of his shoulders rippled as he bent to unfasten his pants, sliding them
down his long, lean legs. His cock stood straight, huge, and my eyes widened. I’d never seen a cock before and it was much bigger than I’d expected. Would it fit inside me?

  I watched as he grabbed the thick shaft in his fist and stroked it, running his hand up and down from the base to the tip. I swallowed.

  Perhaps sensing my anxiety, Roscoe changed the movement of his fingers, licked faster with his tongue, distracting me from staring at Shane. Instead, all I could focus on was the hot wetness of his mouth and the wicked things that mouth did to my insides. I spread my legs open, offering my body to him. He accepted my invitation, delving his tongue deep inside me, his fingers playing with my little swollen nub, sending sparks shooting up my spine.

  The mattress dipped as Shane climbed onto the bed and when Roscoe moved away, I moaned in protest. I didn’t want him to stop! I wanted him to continue fanning the flames of desire that burned within me.

  “My turn,” Shane informed me as he took Roscoe’s place. “Roscoe got to marry you, so I get to take your virginity.”

  His words were crude, like I was some kind of prize, but as he replaced Roscoe’s mouth with his own and trailed his fingers down my abdomen, I decided I didn’t care what he said as long as he was as good at stoking my raging fire as Roscoe was.

  All my senses were alert, my whole body alive with sparks, as Shane sat up and shifted, his thighs on either side of my hips, and pressed the head of his cock at the entrance to my tight pussy. He moved it up and down over my ready, waiting slit and I rocked beneath him, wanting him. Needing him.

  “So wet,” he murmured. “Roscoe prepared you well.”

  With a grunt, he entered me in a single thrust and I cried out at the burning ring of fire as his cock stretched me wide. Once inside me he stilled, hovering above me, letting me get used to the feel of him. The pain was only momentary and as he smiled down at me and I relaxed, my body embraced him and he fitted perfectly. He bent his face to mine, kissed my lips hungrily, and then started moving, in and out, slow, gentle rocks of his pelvis.


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