by Blue Saffire
I caress her cheek. “Come on, let’s get showered and we can head out for supplies and breakfast.”
Grasping my hand, she gives it a squeeze. “Thank you for understanding. I know with all my heart this isn’t easy for you. Especially since it involves your family and I’m a total stranger.”
“You are not a total stranger,” I say as I lace our fingers together. “You know me better than most, and I have this feeling I know a lot more about you than you think.”
I lift her hand to my lips and kiss her fingers. “For now, it’s me and you for a few days. Graves gave you the time. Let’s take advantage of it.”
“Oh God, I thought he was going to put me in the Witness Protection Program. I’ve never seen him so concerned about me. You know, at one point, I thought I was going to nail him with the rest. I’m starting to question that.”
I work my jaw as I think about how she’s a real-life sitting duck. She has snakes all around her and she’s trying to weed them out. It takes a moment for me to remind myself she’s good at her job.
Although, last night could mean that her job is compromised. I don’t want to think about that now. I shove it to the back of my mind. My brothers will help me to figure out if this is about her case or our shit with Cal. Hopefully, the two haven’t met in between.
My instinct is telling me to be cautious for now. I don’t think we should fly off the handle and show our hand. Last night, in the heat of the moment, I was ready to knock down everyone’s door. Now that I have Dem here where I know she’s safe, I’m starting to think clearly.
“Babe,” Dem calls me out of my thoughts.
“I meant what I said.”
I draw my brows as I watch the dark look that comes over her face. “What’s that, love?”
“I’m going to gut whoever was responsible for that fire. Whether I take them down in this case or nail their balls to the wall some other way, they’re going to pay.”
I smile and give a small chuckle. “I know, babe. I know.”
* * *
“This is nice,” I sigh to myself as I settle into the bathtub.
Kevin took me to a brewery, a cute little bath works shop, and a bookstore. It felt good to let my guard down and be. Things between us are so easy when I’m not fighting it.
Kevin can be so affectionate and attentive. There was never a moment when he wasn’t at my side or didn’t have a hand on me in some way. If it wasn’t his hands, it was his lips.
My face hurts from smiling up at him. Not to mention how much he has made me laugh. Today, I’ve felt more like myself than I have in five years.
“Try this. You have to try this,” Kevin says as he comes rushing into the bathroom.
I look up from the book I’m reading. I almost scowl at him. When I get to read a Tiya Rayne book, I get invested. She’s on my top five list with Blue Saffire, Ivy Harper, KT Adler, and Verleiz. I’m deep in this book and it’s getting good.
However, when I see the wide-eyed expression on his face, my heart melts. He’s holding a piece of one of the papas rellenas I made. I roll my eyes and laugh.
“I know what they taste like, babe. I made them.”
He still comes to hold it to my lips. I take the bite and hum. Damn, it is good. I haven’t made them in a while. I was feeling homesick when we were in the grocery store and I saw the ground beef. The potato balls came to mind.
“These are so good,” he says.
“I’m glad you like it. Now, are you going to let me finish my book?”
He gives me a sheepish smile that makes me fall for him all over again. This big strong man has a way of tapping at my heart in all the right ways. Kevin isn’t afraid to show his feelings. In moments like this, it’s cute and makes me wonder what a little boy with him would look like.
I allow myself the thought this once. In the perfect world, I’d want to have as many babies as this man asks for. In reality, I know that can’t be.
However, for these few seconds, I look at Kevin and see a little brown boy with red locks and his father’s smile. I have no doubt we’ll have a kid with some type of red hair. My natural reddish-brown waves probably wouldn’t fight Kevin’s red locks too much.
“What’s that look?” he says, bringing me from my musing as he leans over to place a kiss on my lips.
“Nothing.” I smile and shake the image away.
“Want some company?”
I’m about to beg off because I seriously do want to find out what’s going to happen next in this book. However, he does it again. Takes a chunk out of my armor.
“You can read to me or I’ll read to you. As long as you’re in my arms, I don’t care.”
Oh my God. How do I say no to that? I smile wider and scoot forward.
“Come on in.”
He peels out of his sweatpants and climbs in behind me. Once I settle against his chest, he kisses my shoulder and plucks the book from my hands. I was going to read to him, but once his soothing voice starts to bring the words to life off the page, I’m glad to sit back and listen.
We sit through a few chapters. Each time the water cools, I release some and add more warm water. Although the bubble bath he purchased for me has faded, the bath is still soothing. His arm that he has banded across my shoulders doesn’t hurt in making me feel secure.
“We should get out and eat dinner,” I say when he goes to start another chapter.
When he hesitates, I turn to look at him. He’s frowning. I scrunch up my face.
“It was getting good.”
I burst into laughter as I watch the pout that comes to his face. I love this man. With every moment, I learn something else about him that makes me love him more.
“We can finish while we eat. I’ll read this time. I want to try that beer you had to have.”
His eyes light up. “You’re going to love it. I get it whenever I come up here with Quinn. I found that place by accident.”
“It absolutely does not look like a brewery. I thought it was a cute place.”
He nuzzles behind my ear. “They have great burgers on Thursdays. I’ll take you there for dinner this week.”
I can’t help the smile on my face. I’ve always wanted to be able to plan dates with someone and know they’d be there for me to spend time with. This is a bit surreal. I try my hardest not to think of why we’re here.
However, in the back of my mind, I’m terrified that my cover has been blown. Sergeant Graves was concerned that whoever has it out for me decided to send a message. I don’t know.
After some thought, something’s not adding up. I’ve been after this ring for years. This isn’t their style. Nothing I’ve seen from them fits this MO. Besides, if they linked me to Cal, why haven’t they come for me sooner? Why burn my place down while I wasn’t home? When these guys target someone, they target them.
It’s all off. Shane is the only piece that changed recently, and despite Kevin and his brothers thinking that was the trigger for the attack, I don’t think so. It was too fast, too soon.
After all this time…I know something else is going on here. While I’m not completely sure that my cover hasn’t been blown, I have this feeling I should be focused on the bigger picture. I need to know what Cal was hiding from me. Maybe that will provide some answers.
“Come here, baby,” Kevin says, and I focus back on the bathroom we’re in.
I stand from the water as he holds up a towel for me. He already has one around his waist as he stands outside the tub. Stepping into the fluffy fabric, I look up at him with adoration. He wraps me up and tugs me into his warm body.
“You take such good care of me,” I say teasingly.
“Is tú mo thief croí beag. I will always take care of you.”
I narrow my eyes at him playfully as he smiles back at me. “What did you just say?” I ask cautiously.
“I called you my little heart thief.”
All my tough girl flies out the window. Not that she ever remains when he’s around. I lift up on my toes and wrap my arms around his neck. He meets me halfway and kisses me before I can take the initiative.
My knees grow weak as he reaches into my soul with this kiss. I tighten my hold on him and give myself over to all that is Kevin. He groans into my mouth and grasps ahold of my ass.
Right when I think he’s going to take this further, he breaks the kiss and places his forehead to mine. “Let me feed you, love. Then we can get lost in each other for a wee bit.”
“What do you consider a wee bit?”
He gives me that breathtaking smile as he laughs. “The rest of the night, love. I’ll be lost in your pussy for the rest of the night if you can handle it.”
“Ready to be served, papi. So ready to be served.”
Chapter 26
A Day without Worry
Kevin walks up behind me as I look out at the mountains. He palms my forehead and tugs my head back, placing a kiss on my nose then my lips. The playful and tender gesture brings a smile to my face as I snuggle into his chest.
“What’s on your mind?”
“Nothing and everything.” I give a small snort.
He wraps his arms around my waist and buries his face into my neck. Closing my eyes, I savor his embrace. I don’t want to bring the mood down, but it’s time to face reality once again.
“It’s only been a few days and we need to go back,” I say.
He sighs. “Aye, I know. I have some meetings and new clients to tend to. I’ve been putting things off enough.”
I turn to face him. “I’m sorry. I’ve taken over your entire life. First, you’ve been watching over me, now this.”
He grasps me around the throat and pulls me in for a deep kiss. I never thought I’d be into breath play, but Kevin makes it sexy and affectionate. I’ve found myself enjoying a lot of things I never thought I would since we’ve been exploring each other.
I can’t help clinging to his thermal T-shirt as he takes the kiss further. I don’t think he’s ever kissed me without passion, but this has reached yet another level. It’s been like that…one level after the next. I’m falling so hard and don’t know how to stop it.
“You are never a burden to me. Never. We have staff coming back in from their assignments. I’ll have more hands on deck. You are not disturbing anything. Okay, love?”
“Okay.” I nod. I rub my forehead. “I need to spend time with Con, but I don’t want to put him in danger.”
He kisses my forehead. “Let me worry about that. You’ll be staying with me. You’ll have plenty of opportunity to talk to the lad.”
“About that.” I look down and rub my hands on my leggings. “I was thinking that I should find a place. Or maybe I can sublet your apartment since you’re moving back into your house. That way I’m not bringing any danger to your family.”
He taps his knuckles against my temple lightly. “Are ya hearing me? Has anything I’ve said gotten through to ya?”
“Kevin, we don’t know what I’m up against. I don’t think it’s wise for me to move in with you.”
“Whatever we are up against, we’ll be facing it together. The safest place you can be is with me. You and Sunny will be safe in my home.”
I pinch the bridge of my nose. I knew he wouldn’t agree to this or see things my way. Eric’s words still haunt me from two years ago; if Kevin only knew how dangerous connecting himself to me could be, he’d think twice about wanting me around him and his family. If only I could be sure where Cal’s attack came from, and if it was because of me.
There has to be a way out without involving people I care about or putting them in danger. I’ve officially given up on Eric coming through for me like he promised. I don’t even want to think of what might have happened to him.
“Talk to me,” Kevin murmurs, pulling me from my thoughts.
I chew on my lip as I decide on what I want to share. To hell with it, I bite the bullet. “Something about that fire is nagging at me.”
“Like what?”
I pause to gather my thoughts. Shifting through the ones I can share. Serg is right, someone has it out for me within the department. Although I can’t ignore that’s a factor, what if I’m right and the fire isn’t related to that?
“I’m not so sure it’s connected to the ring or the case. It doesn’t fit the profile. Unless someone’s writing their own playbook, this one is off. Shooting Cal? That’s the type of shit they would do. This fire, my not being there at the time? It’s not them.”
However, if it’s not the ring, then who? And how much longer do I have before these bastards do figure out who I am? Fuck, Eric has left me holding a bag full of crap.
“Okay, when we get back, I’ll start digging. I want my own look at the surveillance around your place.”
I sigh. How much more can I take?
When Kevin wraps his arms around me and places his chin on top of my head, I swear I can feel his protectiveness course through my body. I hold on to that security, only to get angry with myself.
I’ve become dependent on Kevin. That was never supposed to happen. I can’t afford for that to happen. As the baby sister to three domineering brothers and a strict dad, I’ve been a fighter and handled myself fine for years.
“I feel ya pulling away,” he says and releases a heavy breath. “Let’s get home, and we’ll take it a step at a time. We have so much stacked against us as it is. Let’s not be our own worst enemy, aye?”
I give a little smile he can’t see. He’s becoming more comfortable around me. His accent slips out more and more lately without annoyance or frustration.
I’ve found myself slipping into Spanish around him as well. Only little things, like I would at home with my family. However, I was pleasantly surprised when he was able to not only understand me, but reply as well.
“Can you promise me something?”
“What’s that, love?”
I turn my face up to look into his eyes. “Don’t make me fall for you any more than I already have. I need to be able to survive when I have to walk away.”
This time when he wraps his hand around my throat, he brushes his thumb over my lips. “I’ll never tell ya a lie. So that’s not a promise I can make. I intend to keep falling, and I’m taking ya with me every step of the way.”
With those softly spoken words, he kisses me tenderly. Even after the words are said, I feel them rumble through me. They’re the true promise made.
I know he’s going to take me with him, that is if I don’t fall faster and deeper than he does. When he breaks the kiss and I look into his eyes, I see the same thing I feel. I don’t think I ever stood a chance.
“If this is our last night in this bubble, how about we go dancing?”
He beams at me. “I love how that sounds.”
* * *
I’ve been having a blast tonight. The little bar in town has live music and the people are friendly. Spending a night dancing in Kevin’s arms isn’t the worst thing to be doing.
I can think of a hundred of those, and they all start when we get back. I know I need to get to the bottom of what’s going on. Which is why curiosity has me excuse myself from our light banter at our table to go to the restroom to freshen up and check my phone.
I haven’t given it much attention while we’ve been away. Most of the time Kevin has had it, refusing to let me do anything but relax. It’s why I don’t check it in front of him.
The first thing I notice is a ton of missed calls from Harris. I find that to be odd. He knows I took a few days’ leave; he was standing there when Serg told me to disappear. The
re are also a few calls from an unknown number.
My finger hovers over the number debating on whether or not I should call it. The phone rings right as I decide against it because I don’t want to ruin the night, but also I want to have Shane around when I do. He handles all the tech for Blackhart Security and Investigations.
I answer the call with a roll of my eyes. “Hello.”
“Damn it,” Harris breathes into the line. He sounds a little drunk. “Why haven’t you been answering your phone?”
“Why have you been calling?”
There is a long moment of silence on the other end. My temper starts to flare with each second. It’s not lost on me that he could be involved with the fire at my home. I still don’t know why he was there afterwards. I’m not buying that scanner shit.
“I wanted to make sure you were okay. Where are you? Where are you staying?”
“How is any of that any of your business?”
He huffs into the line. “Listen, I want to make sure you’re okay. I have—”
“I’m with Kevin. He’s taking care of me, but thanks.”
“Yeah, okay,” he says bitterly. “Figured. Be careful—”
“Are you threatening me?”
He takes another pause. “If I were threatening you, sweetheart, you would know, but I can tell you this: you’re going to want to watch your ba—”
I hang up on him. Game on. Harris has moved to the top of my list. I’m going to finally find something on him and nail him with all the rest.
“Asshole,” I grumble as I turn to walk out of the bathroom.
I run right into a solid chest when I step out. His cologne grabs my attention without me having to see his face. When Kevin places his big hands on my waist, I look up to lock eyes with him.
“Are you ready to head back to the cabin?”
The hooded look in his eyes tells me that he’s ready to end our night out. If that weren’t enough, his voice is thick with desire, causing his words to come out like smooth honey. I place a hand on his chest and nod.
“Yes, I’m ready,” I reply.