The Scandals of Life

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The Scandals of Life Page 11

by K. L. Humphreys

  "I was showing Lisa my office; I'm so in love with it." I smile at her and she seems to relax.

  "Mum, have you seen it?" Lisa opens the door and brings her mum into the office, giving James and Matthew time to escape.

  I wait at the door for Sylvie and Lisa to come out, as they reach me Sylvie has a suspicious look on her face. "Come on, you two, the food is going to be gone if you dawdle any longer." She walks ahead of us but doesn't mention anything about the discussion we were having before she came along.

  After dinner, we move to the sitting room. Throughout dinner Matthew was anxious, he kept checking his phone. By the way he's been acting I'd say that Valerie's waiting on him at his parents’ house. James has been quietly talking to him. I think he's been trying to give him some encouragement. I know that he spoke to a lawyer about the custody situation but I didn't ask what was said. It's none of my business and if James wanted my input he'd ask for it. Amelia is in the informal living room, sleeping in the travel cot Matthew brought with them.

  Sylvie comes into the sitting room with a box of mince pies, handing each of us one before taking a seat. "You lot should know by now that you can't keep anything from me or your father. Now spill."

  "What are you talking about?" Lisa's the only one of them that manages to keep a straight face. She's probably the only one who's managed to get away with anything while they were growing up. Both James and Matthew look nervous and it only adds to Sylvie's suspicion. "Mum, you've been watching too much Midsomer Murders."

  "You're not too old to get a clip around the ear, young lady. Now one of you better tell me what the hell is happening." Sylvie's eyes land directly on me. Oh no, I'm not saying anything.

  "The girls were talking and they thought that maybe Valerie had only given me Amelia for the day so she could start her crap seeing as she knew that James and Stef were going to be here." I smile at Matthew. None of his family has called me Stef, they usually all call me Stefanie.

  Sylvie leans forward in her chair. “I should have known that sly bitch was up to something. Has she been calling you?"

  "Yeah, I put my phone on silent. I currently have thirty-six missed calls and twelve texts." He rolls his eyes. “She's going crazy, she's outside your house as we speak wanting to know where the hell I am." He's reading the texts to us. “Oh shit, she's calling the bloody cops, and she’s telling them that I've kidnapped Amelia."

  "That cow, I'm going to kill her," Sylvie shouts and Amelia begins to cry; the poor thing probably got a fright. Matthew goes to get her and as soon as he leaves the room, Sylvie's up off her chair. "Thomas, start the car, we’re leaving.”

  Everyone starts to rush around the house gathering everything up to bring with them and James and I are sitting on the sofa. I’m wondering how much further Valerie will stoop. Sylvie helps Matthew put Amelia in the car. I kind of want to go and see what happens but I also don’t want her anywhere near James at the same time.

  “Oi, are you two going to sit there all day? I’m going to need your help,” Matthew calls out. “I’m going to need as many witnesses as I can get, she’s gone way too far this time.”

  I don’t even hesitate, I’m standing and pulling James up with me who gives me his smile that I love, the one that tells me he loves me without him saying a word. “Thank you,” Matthew says before sprinting out of the house.

  “Time to face the wicked witch,” I joke as we leave the house.

  Chapter Twelve

  We pull up outside James' parents’ house and it looks as though all hell has broken loose. Thomas is holding Lisa by her waist as she leans forward and shouts at Valerie. Matthew has his arms around Sylvie who is crying against his shoulder, all of them looking at Valerie with hatred. We jump out of the car and rush over to Sylvie.

  "What's going on?" James demands as he takes in his mum's ashen look; she's shaking like a leaf.

  "She hit Mum, she actually slapped her." Matthew sounds gobsmacked; he actually looks shaken too.

  "What the fuck?" James says exactly what I was thinking. If anyone needed a slap it was that cow not Sylvie. "You put your hands on my mum?" His tone is deadly. He's pissed and I understand completely why he is but he also needs to know that she's up to something and I don't want him playing into her hands.

  "Son, the police are on their way," Thomas tells him, his eyes glued to Sylvie as he tries to keep a hold of Lisa who wants to jump out of his hold and attack Valerie. If I were him, I'd let her at it, the cow needs a good hiding.

  "Fuck the cops, she's gone too far this time, Dad. We've all let her get away with too much. This time she's getting it," Lisa says as she tries yet again to break free of her dad's hold.

  "Why don't we go inside, we can check out your face, Sylvie, and put ice on it if we need to?" I tell them and relief washes over Matthew's face. He reaches into the car and brings Amelia's car seat out.

  "Let's get you a cup of tea," James tells his mum as he guides her into the house. Matthew and I follow behind and I look down at Amelia, she's looking up at us with a smile on her face. She looks just like Matthew—dark hair, brown eyes, and bushy eyebrows. For such a young baby, she has a lot of hair.

  As I walk into the house I hear a loud screech. I really want to turn around but I know that she's ready to start even more shit and I'm not interested in giving her the attention she desperately craves. "You can't shut me out, that's my daughter you have in there."

  Thomas closes the door behind him as he follows us into the house leaving Valerie outside. It doesn’t take her long until she’s banging on the door, screaming that we’re taking her baby. “Everyone into the kitchen, nobody is to engage with her,” Thomas tells us and he’s so upset. James and Matthew take after him. Thomas is hurting right now and I bet if I were to look at the boys they’d have the same expression on their faces. They have soft hearts but if they were pushed to it, they’d have some temper on them.

  The banging on the front door continues. “Why are you keeping my baby away from me? She needs me,” she cries, which starts Amelia crying and I feel bad for her. I wouldn’t want my baby away from me either. But then I remember how much of a bitch she is and that sorrow I felt slowly vanishes. Amelia screams her poor little lungs out and no matter how much Matthew tries to soothe her it isn’t working.

  “Someone let that bitch in. Poor Amelia needs her,” Sylvie tells us as she starts to make tea, a clear red hand mark on her face. It must hurt.

  “Maybe calling her a bitch in front of Amelia isn’t helping,” Thomas tells them all as he gets up and lets her in. He’s right; I wouldn’t want anyone to call me a bitch in front of my child.

  “Finally,” I hear her huff as the door opens. “How dare you all keep my child from me?” She’s still shouting her mouth off, you’d think by now she’d realise when to shut the hell up.

  “Valerie, you’re lucky that I allowed you into my home. You’ve hurt my sons and today you hit my wife.” Thomas’ tone isn’t friendly like it usually is, he’s mad and he’s letting her know it. Amelia has stopped crying and is currently snuggled up to Matthew’s chest.

  She comes to a stop in the kitchen as she looks around the table, her eyes narrowing at James sitting beside me. “God, don’t you have your own family to annoy on Christmas Day?” She gives me a smarmy grin. “Oh yeah, I forgot, you don’t have one.”

  I reach over and squeeze James’ hand under the table; I can feel him tensing beside me. “Valerie,” he warns her and I sigh. I wish he had ignored her.

  “Darling, have you still not come to your senses?” My temper starts to rise as she starts to flirt with James. “Hmm, when are you going to realise that she’s no good for you?”

  “Piss off, Valerie. When are you going to realise that everyone hates you?” Lisa retorts, a smile playing on her lips. She has mischief written all over her. “So, why are you here?”

  Valerie gives Lisa a dismissive look before settling her beady eyes back on James. “I tried calling Matthew about A
melia, I wanted to know how she was but when I got no answer I started to panic.”

  “Of course, you did. You must have been out of your mind, imagining the worst, all the things that could be happening...” Lisa tells her seriously and my eyes widen.

  Valerie begins to play up to the sympathy. “Yes, I was so worried, I couldn’t think. I had to make sure she was okay.” She pouts, I’d have believed her too if she hadn’t have walked in and made a beeline for James instead of her daughter who she’s not once looked at.

  “Hmm, or maybe you were feeling left out. Knowing that James was here you wanted to be centre of attention, and with Stefanie here that doesn’t happen. One, because she’s prettier than you. Two, because she’s younger than you. And three, because she’s not evil like you are.” Lisa’s smiling as she tells her and I look down at the table, not wanting to look at her face as I know it will set me off.

  Valerie scoffs. “She’s not prettier than me.” She sounds like a child.

  “Valerie, I’m so disappointed in you. We welcomed you into this family with open arms and you’ve done nothing but abuse members of this family.” Thomas sounds wary, tired, and pissed off. “Why on earth did you hit Sylvie?”

  “What am I supposed to do? Accept being called a bitch? She started it,” she whines. She really acts like a child. God, you hit someone because you don’t like what they said? Jesus, we’re not in primary school anymore.

  “I expect you to behave like an adult and realise that violence doesn’t solve anything. You have an anger issue and it needs to be sorted out.” He looks at her like a father would look at his daughter. She’s been a part of this family for such a long time that he probably does see her as a daughter and that’s something that I’m going to have to get used to.

  Everyone is sitting in silence as Thomas and Valerie have their discussion. I watch her. The way her eyes are half closed as Thomas talks to her. It’s like she’s ashamed; that is until she looks at me and gives me a dirty look. The cow’s playing, she wants attention and Thomas is giving it to her because right now she’s the centre of attention. Hell, she’s not once looked at Amelia, checked on her or asked if she’s okay.

  “I don’t have an anger problem,” she bites out, her eyes glued to me.

  “Then what the hell is your problem? Why the hell are you here?” Matthew demands angrily but he ends up scaring Amelia who begins to cry again. “Shhh, I’m sorry, baby,” he whispers to her, his eyes wide with panic, he’s worried he’s upsetting her.

  “I told you why I’m here.” She’s getting snotty about it now, hating to be questioned. Again, she’s not even bothered about Amelia. For someone who was thrown at the deep end this morning, Matthew’s handling this really well.

  “Cut the crap, Valerie. For once in your life just be honest.” James decides it's time to get involved.

  “You want the truth?” She’s got that bitchy tone. I know she’s about to start her shit. “I’ll give it to you. That bitch is sitting in my seat,” she points her perfectly manicured finger at me, “she’s ruined everything I have spent the past fourteen years building all because you couldn't keep it in your pants,” she screams at us causing Amelia to cry.

  “Valerie, you need to calm down, you’re upsetting my daughter,” Matthew tells her calmly, he’s looking down at Amelia with so much love that it brings tears to my eyes.

  “Beautiful,” James whispers in my ear. His arms going around me and pulling me towards him.

  “Why the hell is she crying? Pathetic,” she tells me with disdain and I hate her. God, I hate her more than I hate anyone in this world.

  “Valerie, enough.” Thomas slams his hand down on the table causing me to jump. “Not that it’s any of your business but Stefanie suffered a miscarriage.”

  I gasp. Oh my God, he told her? Why on earth would he do that?

  “Tommy,” Sylvie says in horror as I pull out of James’ arms. I can’t believe he told her. That wasn’t for him to tell.

  Valerie laughs. “Aww, poor little girl.” She rounds the table so we’re face to face. “You’re not good enough to be a mother. At least you know that now. You didn’t deserve to be one. Now I know why he’s staying with you. Sympathy.” Her face is within an inch of mine. A smug smirk on her face, one that I want to wipe off it. I want to grab her head and smash it against the table. I want her to hurt but I don’t. Instead I sit back and look her in the eye, showing her that whatever she says doesn’t affect me when in actual fact the bitch has gutted me.

  Her head is dragged back and her eyes widen as she realises that she’s fucked up. Lisa wastes no time in dragging her out of the house by her hair. “You’re out of order, Valerie.”

  “What are you doing? Let go of me!”

  “I’m doing something that my brothers should have done from the beginning; I’m taking out the rubbish,” Lisa huffs. James stands and grabs my hand. We start walking out towards them, Sylvie hot on our heels. “You’re done here, there’s nothing left for you.” She pushes her out of the house just as the police turn up.

  “This is my family,” Valerie screams and I look behind me to see that Thomas has joined us but Matthew I can see pacing the kitchen, Amelia safely tucked up to his chest.

  “Not anymore. You lost that right when you made my brothers’ lives a living hell. You’re not going to get the chance to do it to anyone else.” Lisa stands in front of the door with her arms crossed, there’s no way that Valerie’s going to be stepping foot back into this house.

  A great Christmas this has turned out to be; now we have to deal with the police. I’m drained, all I want to do is sleep. I can’t wait to get home and have this day be over with.

  It was four hours before James and I managed to escape from the bedlam that was going on at his parents’ house. Valerie insisted she wasn’t going anywhere, but when the cops told her she needed to move she did it quickly, leaving Amelia with Matthew. Sylvie has pressed charges for assault and will be filing her statement tomorrow. James and Matthew believe that it will show that she is unstable and may help him get full custody of Amelia.

  Matthew decided that he was staying at his parents’ house tonight; Amelia was fast asleep by the time the police had finished and when everything started to settle down. I honestly think he’s scared; it’ll be the first night he has alone with her and being here with his parents will help ease that fear.

  James has been quiet; in fact, he’s not said a word since Valerie unleashed her evilness on me. I lean my head back and close my eyes hoping to get some sleep on the journey home; the sooner I’m home the better. I feel so tired I could sleep for a week.

  “Beautiful,” I hear in the distance. “Wake up, we’re home.” I’m instantly awake. Opening my eyes I see that we’re at the new home that James bought, he’s standing at the car door ready to help me out. “How are you feeling? You seemed to be pretty out of it?”

  “I’m so tired, I just want to sleep,” I say sleepily as he helps me out of the car. As soon as I’m standing I lean against him and he takes most of my weight.

  “Come on, beautiful, let's get you to bed.” His voice is thick with lust and it ignites my body, something only he’s able to do with just the sound of his voice. It perks me up and the sleepiness I did have is now gone. We walk into the house, still holding on to each other and he helps me up the stairs; not that I need the help but he’s running his fingers along my back, leaving goose pimples to break out.

  As soon as we reach the top of the stairs, I begin to kiss him; my hands roaming his body. I need him right now and by the way he's pressing against me, taking over this kiss, making it hard and consuming, I’m positive that he needs me just as much. His hands go from my back to my arse, squeezing my cheeks as he backs me up so my back hits the wall. "James." His name coming out as a whispered moan.

  "Beautiful," he growls. “Every inch of you is dripping with beauty." He starts to rein kisses along my jaw line, his five-o'clock shadow rubbing against my fa
ce is adding to the pleasure.

  We start to undress each other. I kick my boots off and we never once stop touching each other. The connection we have right now is a feverish lust, one that I wish never stopped. I start to move towards the bedroom, bringing him with me. His eyes are half closed as he takes my dress off, leaving me standing in my underwear. He's currently completely naked. "Goddess." His voice thick with need. As soon as I hit the bedroom, I decide it's time to turn the tables; I start backing him up until he hits the edge of the bed. I fall to my knees and fist my hand around his cock causing him to hiss out a harsh breath.

  I take him into my mouth, my eyes on his and I love the way that I'm affecting him. His breathing has quickened and his cock has thickened. I bring him all the way to the back of my throat, relaxing my jaw, I breathe through my nose, before releasing him. "Fuck, beautiful, do it again." I do as he asks and bring his cock to the back of my throat. His hands fist my hair as he starts to move in my mouth, he's taking over. "Enough," he tells me and I release him with a pop. He lifts me up and puts me on the bed. I'm so horny right now that I don't need him to reciprocate, I just need him in me. He must sense how on the edge I am as he gets a wicked smile on his face. "You like it dirty?"

  He flips me over so I'm on all fours and he doesn't torture me, he enters me straight away. I moan as he thrusts into me. I push back against him needing more. His hands roaming my arse are driving me crazy, his touch sending shivers up my spine. "James," I beg and his hands disappear and I feel slighted—I loved having those hands touch me. His hand is brought down on my arse with a whack and, God, I start bucking. The pain mixed with the pleasure is sending me to new heights, heights I never knew existed. "More," I demand.

  He doesn't hesitate; he brings his hand down again and again. "That okay?" he asks quietly, kind of unsure of himself.

  "So good, please, James, I need more. I'm so close," I whine, my body wound tightly. I'm about to explode at any second.


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