Turning Dreams into Reality

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Turning Dreams into Reality Page 11

by Yuval Tabib


  Change your approach and focus on the goal - if you used to focus on the negative qualities of the other person, you must from now on focus on that person’s positive qualities and think only about them. Focus only on the things that made you feel good when you were with that person and not on the bad things that made you break up. The moment you have the slightest bit of doubt or focus on a negative aspect of that person, you transmit an unclear energy that will not help you to actualize the Law of Attraction.

  Be honest with yourself - check in with yourself to see if you have any limiting beliefs about relationships. For example, what do you think about a couple who got married? Have you had unpleasant experiences in previous relationships? Strengthen your image of yourself - cleanse your thoughts of any negative view of yourself, lack of self-love, lack of self-confidence, and negative beliefs about yourself.

  Visualize and feel - visualize how you’ll feel when you meet the person that you so badly wanted. Try to remember the first time you met and all of the nice things that you did together. Form a story that will excite you and write it down. Visualize the emotion you’ll feel after you have already gotten the person that you wanted. Visualize how your life together will be and the things that you love to do together like hiking, watching movies, hugging and kissing. Form a clear and precise picture in your imagination. The more you transmit outwards the emotions of having already gotten then specific person, the more likely it is that you’ll reunite and get back together.

  Make space - Also here, like in the chapter that dealt with relationships, you’ll need to make physical space for the specific person that you desire. Make room in the closet for another person, sleep on one side of the bed and put another pillow on the empty side. Behave as though someone else is living with you in the house.

  Be patient - Be patient and don’t transmit pressure to the universe and don’t have any doubt that the universe will bring you your request with perfect timing. In most cases, if you do the actions correctly, you will receive the person that you requested. But if you don’t get him or her, you will get someone who is even better for you. Remember, nothing happens by coincidence. Everything happens in your favor, so be patient and have faith and watch how everything works out for the best.

  Let go: this is the most important part. Knowing how to let go is one of the most difficult things to do. When I say let go, I mean detach yourself from the outcome and continue with your life as though the person that you wanted is already with you. The moment you transmit the energy of an urgent need or despair, you are holding onto your request tightly and not releasing it to the universe. Go out with friends, meet people, focus on your career, continue with your routine and don’t torture yourself with thoughts that life without that specific person isn’t worth it, rather on the contrary.


  Cleanse yourself of limiting thoughts and beliefs about the person that you desire.

  Get rid of doubt and pressure. Be confident.

  Do the actions consistently.

  Most important: Enjoy yourself, get excited by the process and have faith that the universe is going to soon deliver your request.

  Winning the Lottery Through the Law of Attraction

  People are curious to know if I’ve won significant amounts of money in the lottery or if I’ve hit the jackpot through the Law of Attraction. To maintain financial privacy, I cannot give you a clear answer about winning or not and how much. What I can tell you is that winning is possible!!!

  One of the most common questions regarding the Law of Attraction is “Can I win the lottery through the Law of Attraction?” The answer is pretty simple; you can achieve anything through the Law of Attraction, even winning the lottery. The question is asked, why have many people who have tried to win the lottery through the Law of Attraction not succeeded? I will answer with a series of questions; how did those people react when they checked their tickets and saw that they didn’t win? Did they believe deep down inside that they could win large sums of money? Which limiting thoughts and beliefs did they have around money and the lottery in general? What did they hear from other people about the lottery? Did they have patience or were they broadcasting stress and disappointment to the universe? Where they consistent through the entire process? Did they only want to win the lottery or to become rich at any cost? There are an endless amount of questions and answers that would attest to mistaken behavior.

  The universe doesn’t differentiate between a dream of a new house, a luxurious vehicle, a trip around the world or winning the lottery. The universe doesn’t have eyes or ears, it runs on emotions. Remember the following sentence:

  You don’t receive what you want, you receive what you are. I will go in depth into the meaning and implications of this sentence.

  As explained in the chapter ‘Money,’ money is an energy that is broadcasting on high frequencies. Therefore, to reach these high frequencies, you must raise your own frequency. People ask me, “and what happens if I am having a bad day or I am at a low frequency? Won’t everything get ruined and I’ll have to start over?” The answer is unequivocally no! You will just be in a status of ‘pending,’ like pressing pause on the television remote.

  As with anything you are trying to achieve through the Law of Attraction, also here you’ll need to use the tools of visualization, affirmations, etc. Just be sure to do the actions and the rest of the instructions that I describe before you begin. It’s best to remove all barriers, to be free of mistakes that are likely to make you fail at achieving your goal. Read this chapter more than once and then start to apply the rules.

  Common mistakes

  Lack of patience - A lack of patience is one of the most common mistakes when it comes to applying the Law of Attractions. A lot of people lose patience at an early stage of the process and expect to win right here and now. This technique doesn’t work like that. You didn’t win? You can be relaxed, broadcast comfort and faith in the universe that it will grant you your request at the time that’s right for you. Don’t broadcast disappointment or anger; these emotions immediately push you away from your request. Doubt is your number one enemy, never doubt the Law of Attraction or your ability to win significant amounts of money in the lottery. The smallest doubt will push you away from your prize.

  It’s not just statistics - When it comes to the lottery, statistics and the Law of Attraction do not go together. Filling out a lottery ticket from statistical calculations is doomed to failure. The universe doesn’t work according to statistical calculations, so your approach will have to change. It’s enough to fill out and submit only one ticket. Submitting multiple tickets broadcasts excessive desire and desperation to win, which transmits negative energy. Remember that the universe runs on energy and not on statistics. In the end, your vibration is the determining factor.

  Be supportive - Be supportive of those who did win and do it with all your heart! Any kind of display of jealousy of the people who won will immediately lower your frequency and we already know what results from that. There is endless abundance in the universe and there is more than enough for you too.

  Wrong focus - One of the most common mistakes that people make is that they pin point the source that they want to receive abundance from. Allow the universe to bring you the wealth that you desire from whatever source it deems fit. Money is energy and it can flow to you from a number of different channels, through a deal that you made, through an inheritance, a generous gift and even through winning an impressive sum through the lottery. It is all about abundance and abundance is what you need to focus on. I believe that it is not right to restrict the universe by specifying where you want the abundance to come from. There’s no need to specify the day, time, and place for receiving your requests. Let the universe decide when, where, and how much. The universe knows how to deliver your wishes with perfect timing.

and beliefs - thoughts and beliefs are the most negative barriers that prevent many people from winning the lottery or large sums of money from various sources. There is an explanation on how to remove the barriers to achieve the money and how to raise your vibration to the frequency of money. Cleanse your thoughts of any limiting belief that you’ve had about money. Remember that your thoughts, feelings and words create the frequency that the universe receives in the end, and accordingly, you receive what you broadcast.

  Most people who play the lottery don’t really believe they will win. Why? It’s because their mind is full of phrases that were said to them in the past like, “You have no chance of winning,” or, “the chances that you’ll win are very slim,” or, “it’s a shame to waste money on it.” It’s no wonder they never won. So, cleanse these thoughts as soon as possible through affirmations and thoughts of abundance. It could be that in the subconscious mind of people who today do believe with total faith that they can earn large sums of money, there are still negative and limiting beliefs that they must get rid of. One of the ways is to declare to yourself a few times aloud: “I am now allowing myself to be a wealthy person and to live a life of abundance” or “I allow and permit myself to win the jackpot in the lottery.” It sounds simple but it’s very important. Your subconscious mind will hear and accept what you’ve said. You must consider and internalize that money is basically an energy that is eternal.


  Intention and abundance - ask for abundance and feel abundant. Don’t ask to win the lottery because a specific request like that will block other paths from which you will receive money from the universe. For example, if you need to win the lottery so that you can buy a car, a house, a dream vacation or anything else, focus on these things and not on winning the lottery. Focus on the final result, meaning how you will spend the jackpot money.

  Visualization - When you visualize, focus on things the abundance can get you. Visualize yourself driving in your dream car or in the house you’ve always wanted to live in and all the luxuries you have not allowed yourself to have until now. And I emphasize, focus on the final result. Incorporate a lot of emotion into the visualization, like has already been mentioned in previous chapters. Do this twice a day in the morning when you get up and at night before you go to bed.

  A vision - Get a piece of paper and write on it all of your life goals in the present tense. Don’t use phrases like “I want,” rather say “I have” or “I am.” State the amount of money you want to make without explicitly mentioning from which source the money will come. Let the universe decide that. Write down what you want to buy and where you would like to live now. State anything that comes to mind. Read this at least once a day.

  Frequency - money vibrates at a high frequency (happiness, love, joy, etc.), so try to keep as high a frequency as possible throughout the day. In the chapter ‘Money’ there are different ways presented that you can use to maintain and raise your frequency. Be as happy as you can within the reality of your life, and if you can’t, then create a reality that you can be happy in by feeling good with yourself, loving others, being positive and feeling positive. Be appreciative and learn to be grateful for everything you have. Release emotions like resentment, anger, jealousy, gossip, worries, complaints about lack of money, and so forth. As mentioned, all of these emotions bring down frequency, so try to broadcast them as little as possible, if at all.

  Gratitude - as mentioned in this book, the frequency of a penny and the frequency of a million dollars is the same. So, even if you won a few dollars, you should be grateful for it and broadcast to the universe the emotion as though you won a million dollars. Let me remind you, the universe doesn’t have ears or eyes. It understands emotions and what you are broadcasting. So, intensify your feelings of gratitude, not only for winning a few dollars, but also for anything that was given to you as a gift and leverage this for feeling abundant and intensifying the emotion. Even if you found a dime on the street, pick it up and thank the universe. Remember, you thanking the universe signifies the abundance that was sent to you more than getting the dime itself.

  Persistence - play the lottery once or twice a week, one ticket each time. Be persistent and always play when you are at a high frequency and with positive energy and not from a place of crisis or despair. Approach the lottery counter feeling like you’ve already hit the jackpot and buying the ticket is only a ‘rubber stamp’… Write your full name on the back of the ticket and remember, you’re already rich, broadcast that feeling to the universe and don’t show signs of disappointment or despair if you don’t win. Be persistent and it will come.

  Broadcast abundance - when people are told to broadcast abundance, they ask, “From where do I have money to ‘act like’ a rich person right now?” Well, you don’t have to be rich in order to broadcast abundance. At the beginning of the chapter, I wrote: “You don’t receive what you want, you receive what you are.” From here, it is on us to broadcast to the universe this sense of abundance. You can broadcast abundance to the universe without even spending a penny. How do we do this?

  Here are a few examples:

  Let’s say you are sitting at a café with that specific person and at the end, he or she offers to pay the bill. Thank him or her with a smile and after you say goodbye, also thank the universe and get excited over the abundance that you received, even if it was just a cup of coffee! Since the universe is nourished by emotions, try to develop the emotion of gratitude and joy over the abundance you’ve received. It should be this way any time someone buys you something or gives you a present. Leverage even a discount that you get in a store for creating the emotions of abundance and be grateful for it.

  Be careful what you say throughout the day regarding money. Don’t say things like, “I don’t have any money” or “I have bad credit” and don’t talk about your debt. Try as much as possible not to check your account balance on a daily basis and especially not on your credit card. Don’t be too obsessive about your bank account, especially if you have bad credit. Read the ‘Money’ chapter again and the subchapter ‘Feel Rich, Be Rich’ and try to broadcast as little lacking to the universe as is possible.

  Emotions - emotions is the name of the game. Emotions are the fuel that creates your reality. Whatever you feel throughout the day is the reality that you attract to your life, so it is very important that you feel good with yourself. Don’t expect to win significant amounts of money if your emotions are negative. Don’t go to buy a lottery ticket when you are angry or tense. Go with a smile and positive energy all the time! Don’t expect to win the lottery if a half an hour before you bought the ticket you were at a high frequency but throughout the day you had been angry, negative and complaining about how broke you are. When you choose the numbers, go with your intuition.

  Let go and detach - this is the most important part! Did you buy a lottery ticket? Great, now let go. Let go of thinking about it. If it is the winning ticket, put it aside, don’t count the days until the winning numbers are drawn and don’t rush to check if you’ve won. Forget about it for a week, two weeks, even a month! This behavior is very important for not broadcasting to the universe emotions of neediness and desperation causing balance forces to come and distance you from your goal.

  I emphasize:

  To win the lottery, it is very important to broadcast abundance and wealth to the universe, and not neediness. Focus on the emotion that you are wealthy and full of abundance.

  Make sure to detach yourself from the condition of your bank account. I don’t mean avoid checking urgent or routine financial matters. I mean don’t be obsessive over your debt and bad credit, which will make you broadcast to the universe the opposite emotion.

  Abundance affirmations

  Say the affirmations aloud in the same way that was explained to you and don’t forget to combine a lot of emotions, intentions and visualization while you are saying them.
br />   “I am creating a large amount of money in my life.”

  “I am worthy of prosperity and the money that is meant for me.”

  “I feel that money flows easily into my life.”

  “I always receive more money than I spend.”

  “I am grateful for the money that comes to me from a variety of sources.”

  “I feel comfortable with a large amount of money.”

  “I am generous and I am sharing my money with others because I know that there is enough for everyone.”

  “I am a money magnet.”

  “I am a rich man/woman of the universe and I live a life of abundance.”

  “I am a lucky man/woman of the universe.”

  “Each day that passes gets better and better.”

  “I am allowing myself to make a lot of money in my life.”


  Remember, your thoughts in your conscious mind and your intentions in your subconscious mind must match.

  Let go of limiting beliefs, negative thoughts and negative talk about money.

  Be patient because in the end, the patience will pay off.

  Feel and speak about abundance and avoid thoughts and speech about lacking. Remember that everything runs on emotions, so you need to feel like you have already won. Play the lottery for the fun of it and enjoy the game.


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