Turning Dreams into Reality

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Turning Dreams into Reality Page 13

by Yuval Tabib

  Setting timeframes for the universe

  The Law of Attraction is not something fulfilled immediately and it is good that it’s that way because otherwise there would be total chaos in the world. One of the reasons, if not a main reason, that people don’t succeed to apply the Law of Attraction is because of the impatience and urgency that overtakes them. Instead of being grateful, calm, enjoying the process and living with the knowledge that what they want is about to manifest, they take opposing actions and immediately push their request further away. The universe has its own pattern of behavior. Only it knows how to satisfy your desires at the time that it sees fit and it will always be at the right timing. So be relaxed, broadcast calm confidence to the universe. Remember, don’t expect to receive the fruits of the seed that you planted after a short time.

  Lack of gratitude

  Most people don’t fully understand the significance of gratitude. Gratitude is like fuel for the universe to fulfill your desires. A person who doesn’t know how to be grateful for what he has in life is not suited to receive in return. Gratitude can change your entire life. It doesn’t matter how lucky you are or what you’ve achieved in life, you can always find something to be grateful for. It could be for the roof over your head, for the money you have (even if it’s only a little bit), love, friends, parents, food, having a whole and healthy body, that you can see, read this book, etc.… Make sure to be grateful for what you have in life, whether it’s in the morning when you get up or in the evening before you go to bed. Also, throughout the day, you can be grateful with any opportunity you get. Do it with all of your heart and as much as possible. There is no such thing as too much or the right amount of gratitude, simply do it often, whenever you can.

  Choosing goals that are too big in the beginning

  When a person who has only just started applying the Law of Attraction in his life and the belief that it does in fact work has not yet formed inside of him, he cannot start with grandiose requests. It’s important to start by asking for small things, like small sums of money, open parking spaces, an invite to a cup of coffee. First of all, form inside yourself the belief that it works and only after you’ve formed an inner belief and you’ve cleansed yourself of any doubt can you go on to larger requests.

  The wrong wording of your request

  Another big mistake that people make is regarding the wording of their request to the universe. The wording needs to include only positive words, for example: a person who wants love and says a sentence like, “I want love because I am alone,” is not phrasing it correctly. The moment he adds the word “alone,” he will remain alone. Another example: A person who wants money and says wrongly, “I want money because I’m broke,” the addition of the word ‘broke’ only confirms that he’s broke, so he will continue to be ‘broke.’ Avoid adding undesirable additions to sentences such as “Once I...” or “When...” or “Because I don’t want to…” Be clear and direct, without any negative additions. Choose positive phrases, word them in the present tense, and make sure to believe in them.

  Over attachment to your desires

  I’ve discussed this topic a lot because of its significance. Here I reiterate the disadvantage of extreme, obsessive focus on your desires that is likely to cause useless tension and frustration and likely delay their fulfillment. Focus on visualization, meditation, and affirmations twice a day. Throughout the day, when you think about your request, do it with positive emotions and calmly, without frustration, and let go of stressful or desirous feelings, to receive your request immediately. Try to focus on your inner work and enjoy the process.

  Happiness here and now

  People have a tendency to say, “I will be happy once the universe brings me my request,” or “I’ll be happy once I get a large sum of money.” As written in previous chapters, people who ask for any sum of money from the universe must feel happy, as though they’ve already gotten what they wanted. It’s also like this for relationships, career and so on. You have to feel happy now. Some people claim, and rightfully so, “it’s hard for me to feel happy when I don’t have what I want.” No one asked you to press a button and suddenly become happy. The right way is to train your mind and try to seek out situations in your life that make you happy. You have learned how to raise your vibration. Give yourself an order and say, “I am choosing to be happy now.” Believe it, say it with emotion! Your mind is like a muscle, train it to visualize and to feel and over time you will see results.


  Only consistently acting towards the goals you set for yourself will bring you to your fulfillment. Don’t just sit on the couch, one leg over the other, asking for a million dollars to lead to a messenger to knock at your door with a briefcase full of cash. You have to take steps that match your desires and the universe will already lead you down the path towards your goal. For example, if you requested a specific job from the universe, then go out and look for a job, send out resumes, go to meetings, look on the Internet, all while applying the Law of Attraction. Also for a relationship; go out to meet people, connect with people on dating sites or through friends or at the neighborhood café or pub.

  See the things that you want as already yours. Know that they will come to you at need. Then let them come. Don’t fret and worry about them. Don’t think about your lack of them. Think of them as yours, as belonging to you, as already in your possession.

  - Robert Collier

  20 Steps to Success

  I recommend you print this out and place it somewhere clearly visible to you.

  First of all, choose a goal that excites you. If you don’t have one, find one!!! Precisely define what you want, and see it as a requirement that you are burning with desire at the start of the path. Don’t think about how your dream will be fulfilled, just take action!!

  Surround yourself with aspiring and successful people and make sure to develop relationships with serious people who are imbued with faith like you. Participate in enriching events and workshops. You can succeed if you are surrounded by people whose aspirations are similar to your own. People who fail are surrounded by people who doubt their abilities.

  Strive for precision and clarity of your goal. Focus on what’s important—your goal—and disregard the old - the things that no longer serve you and drain your energy.

  Be one hundred percent active each day. Be efficient and strive for excellence. Know that you’ve given your best at the end of each day.

  Give value to your product - make it glorious in the eyes of others. It doesn’t matter what you’re selling: consultations, a book, an item or a type of service. Make sure you are selling a product that give value and benefit to others.

  Be proud of your product! Talk about it with pride and with the knowledge that it’s the best there is! Remember, the words you speak have great power and that what you say determines the extent of your success. Speak optimistically and with a positive connotation. Strive for progression and never have doubt in your success.

  Don’t think about money… If you focus on your goal, the money will come.

  Neutralize the background noise in your mind and don’t allow your ego to divert you from your goal. The voices in your mind will always doubt your methods and abilities. Ignore them and continue with confidence towards your dream.

  Stay away from ‘energy vampires.’ These people lack empathy; they think that the whole world revolves around them and that only they are entitled to anything. This makes you feel tired, annoyed, bored and packed with an array of negative thoughts in your mind.

  Learn as much as you can, as deeply as you can, especially in your profession. Read books (all of the successful people I know read books regularly).

  Don’t be afraid of failure. If you want to be a successful person, don’t let failures break you. Let them turn you into a stronger person!

ink big, be big. Successful people think big, mediocre people think mediocre and so on…

  Don’t allow your moods to stop you (the ego is the obstacle to success).

  Consistently focus on the final goal. Hold it at the center of your attention and think about it all the time!

  Be consistently positive and neutralize your negative thoughts by transforming them into positive thoughts. (99% of your life is formed by thoughts).

  Don’t compare yourself to others! Each time you compare yourself to another, excess energy will be stolen from you and divert you from your goal.

  Be a better person and broadcast positive energy. Make sure to be respectful, loving, and radiating joy and happiness to everyone around you. This energy will come back to you even more. Go in the spirit of “Love thy neighbor as thyself.”

  Appreciate the success of others and encourage them with all your heart. Encouragement and appreciation for others will reward you even more.

  Be grateful each morning and each night for what you have in your life. After 21 days, you’ll see wonders.

  And finally, be consistently happy and feel good when you think about your final goal. Even if it’s hard for you to feel wonderful when your dream has not yet been fulfilled, know that applying the rules and maintaining a good feeling along the way will surely cause your dream to be fulfilled.

  It will happen, it’s the law!



  The proper application of the Law of Attraction requires practice and consistency; therefore, I recommend you read this book more than once, so you’ll understand the Law of Attraction and succeed at applying it. The Law of Attraction has always existed, it wasn’t discovered yesterday. It’s been around since the time of the Ancient Greeks, early Christians and Native Americans. Buddha even said:


  “All that we are is the result of what we have thought, the mind is everything - what we think we will become.”

  There have been many books written about the Law of Attraction. This book is unique because it was written in a clear, fluent and comprehensive manner so that you can apply the laws more easily.

  The Law of Attraction has been researched by scientists and studied by intellectuals for decades. To this day, some of the facts and processes of forming a thought and turning it into physical material are not understood and are interpreted as a higher force.

  The Law of Attraction works!!!

  So, implement and take action now!


  Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.”

  - T.S. Eliot

  Thank you for reading this book. I would like to offer you individual guidance in order to achieve the goals of your choice. I will personally show you how to apply the Law of Attraction and will customize a program designed specifically for you.

  Contact me to schedule a meeting:

  Tel.: 972-52-2593142

  Email: [email protected]

  About the Author

  Yuval Tabib is a personal consultant, lecturer and developer of PMCR (Physical Magnet Create Reality). The method adopts evidence from quantum physics and thus shows that each of us can create the reality he wants with thoughts. In his lectures and personal processes, Yuval shows his clients that with the basic understanding how the process works, we all can transform our lives from one end to another in all fields.

  Yuval accompanies clients, personally, from the first meeting to the last, in order to ensure that the implementation is accurate and free from mistakes until their goals are achieved. Yuval is considered by many to be a mentor when it comes to changing patterns of behavior and their influence on daily reality.

  Message from the Author

  One evening a dear friend popped over. He immediately noticed that I was out of sorts and seemed to have lost my zest for life. I wasn’t the depressed type, just the opposite. I was well liked and full of life. But, for some reason, during that time, I felt alone and frustrated. He decided to show me something and invited me to listen to a lecture about consciousness. At the beginning I didn’t follow, but I allowed myself to keep an open mind. Who knows? What do I have to lose? After a few minutes, I was mesmerized, as if I were watching a thriller. The movie he showed me changed my take on life completely. The next day I began reading more about how we create reality with our thoughts. I researched the topic by reading endless sources and I began applying the systems to my life and sharing what I was learning with people close to me. I went on to study the subject from the point of view of physics and Quantum physics.

  With time, I began to comprehend that our entire life is created by us and that this process is entirely physical. It has nothing to do with mystics or religion. I gathered the most significant information, that which reflects my personal beliefs, and would like to share them with you. My hope is that you, too, can quickly and effortlessly become the screenwriters and directors of your own lives.

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