Her First Love Billionaire

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Her First Love Billionaire Page 12

by Taylor Hart

  The girls laughed.

  “Stop,” Boston grunted. Ty was a hoot, but after the latest flare up with Lana, Boston was ready to swear off women forever.

  “Ha ha ha!” Ty let out an overly loud laugh. “Ah, you love me, bro. And you promised that this ‘No Regrets’ trip would be doing stuff I want to do, remember?”

  “We’re in South Carolina for your therapy. Remember?” A smoldering pit of regret went off in Boston’s gut. Ty wanted to act like dying gave him a license to do whatever, but this therapy was the best shot he’d get to fight this disease and possibly cure it.

  Ty gave him a suspicious look and wagged his finger at Boston. “I said I would do the alternative therapy and I’m doing it.” He instantly clenched his jaw and shoved Boston as they turned the corner to the baggage claim. “But, you have to have fun with me, too.”

  Briefly, Boston flashed to being young and having to babysit Ty. He would swear, it was the same whiney tone. “We will.”

  Ty continued. “Let’s not talk about the treatment until Tuesday. We still got the weekend for fun, baby.” He flashed a grin. “Today is about fun! Have you seen the pics of ‘The Palm.’” He air quoted. “It looks lit and legit!” He laughed again.

  Boston loved his brother’s optimism and excitement, even if he wasn’t feeling the same right now.

  They moved toward luggage claim and Boston thought about how all four brothers had agreed to do some no regrets bucket list items with Ty. It had just worked out that Doctor Cruz could get Ty in this month, and the off-season was the perfect time for Boston to take a month with his brother.

  “I have demands for this trip, because—remember it is still part of the ‘No Regrets’ trip. Are you ready to hear them?” Ty asked as they rounded the corner.

  “Lay them on me,” Boston conceded. With all the crap going on his life with Lana, it would be fun to spend the next thirty days doing whatever crazy stuff Ty wanted to do. Although, he was grateful Ziggy had already dealt with the retro RV trip. That had been loads of fun to sit back and hear about, all while not being a part of it.

  Ty turned to him. “Okay, good thing The Palm was on my bucket list, so we’re lucky there.”

  “The Palm will be cool.”

  Ty let out a light laugh. “I mean, how much luckier can a dying guy get, right?”

  Boston’s knee jerk reaction to Ty’s comment resulted in hesitation. Ziggy and his mother had told him how cavalier Ty was about this dying thing. “Totally.”

  Jerking his head to meet Boston’s eyes, Ty cocked an eyebrow.

  Boston needed to nip this ‘dying thing’ comment in the bud. “You don’t have to keep telling me how you’re dying though, right?”

  Ty narrowed his eyes at him, then pointed to the luggage carousel. “That one’s mine. Race ya.” He navigated through the other passengers and quickly took his bag off of the revolving belt then wound his way back out.

  Boston almost took the bag out of his hand, but then remembered Ziggy’s forceful warning. “Don’t treat him like he needs help, dude, don’t do it.”

  “I may be dying,” Ty commented, “but I’m still quicker than you.”

  Boston wasn’t going to do this the whole trip. “Guess what, baby bro. We’re all dying. Me, you, Ziggy, Ocean, Dax. And we don’t go around talking about it all day.” Maybe a form of tough love would shut him up.

  Ty hesitated, looking him up and down. “Whatever.”

  Boston didn’t want to get into it so soon. He gestured toward the east exit. “I’m in extended parking, this way.” He led him toward the parking lot. Shoving his hands in his pockets to keep from grabbing the suitcase, he hid a frustrated sigh and tried to be upbeat for Ty. “So—finish telling me what you got planned.”

  “Everything.” Ty started rattling off a list of activities.

  Boston frowned, feeling his phone buzz, he pulled it out and saw another ‘Loser’ picture Lana had posted of him.

  That was it. Boston couldn’t sit back any longer and take the abuse. He had just the picture of Lana to get her back. She’d been half-blinking when he snapped it—

  “Dude.” Ty snapped in his face. “No, we’re not doing this social media every second. Every time you check that phone, I remind you that I’m dying.”

  “Sorry, Lana’s annoying.” Boston put his phone away. They got to the red Mustang that Boston had rented earlier, put the suitcase in the trunk, got in, and then navigated out of the parking lot.

  As they pulled on the freeway and started heading toward Myrtle Beach, Ty said, “You’re gonna forget all about the She Devil soon enough. The Palm has surf lessons, tennis, horse riding lessons, beach time, an auditorium for entertainers and shows, and fantastic food, like five-star restaurants, bro. But I told you the thing you’re doing with me.”

  Another tinge of hesitation washed over Boston. “Dance lessons,” he said cynically.

  Ty laughed and then clapped. “Yeah bro, dance lessons. We got the rumba, mamba, cha cha, and country.” Of course Ty, as a big-name country singer was biased toward that genre.

  “I thought I left that all behind in college,” Boston protested.

  Ty pointed at him. “They didn’t teach you country swing dancing in college. I bet it’s enough to convert you to country music.” Boston groaned and Ty roared out a laugh. “And I’m still not done negotiating my terms of fun, so suck it up.”

  “Fine,” Boston said, feeling his phone buzz and pulling it out, staring at a tweet from Lana that was tagged #loserBoston, complete with an unflattering picture of him doing chin ups. ‘Why did I ever stay with him?’

  “I’ll swing dance.” Instinctually, he started to reply to the tweet.

  Ty said casually, “The life expectancy for ALS is two to five years. How much of our short time together are you going to be on your phone, fighting with the She Devil?”

  Boston knew what Ty was doing, and he almost snapped back, but Ty was right. And he really didn’t want to hear keep talking about dying. “Fine.” He slid his phone into the cup holder.

  Ty shook his head. “I’m about ready to block you and Lana on all social media though. I hate it when you fight like this. What sparked the conflagration this time?”

  Boston wouldn’t tell Ty the reason. “Nothing a little country swing dancing won’t fix.”

  Ty let out another round of laughter, then leaned back into the seat and stared out the window. “Yep, country swing is just what you need to get over that screen addiction.”

  So what if he was addicted, wasn’t everyone addicted? Boston ignored the comment.

  “Seriously,” said Ty, “why do you live in the fake world? All that social media isn’t good for you.”

  Boston weaved down the freeway. “Clearly, you check my fake world, don’t you?”

  Ty grunted. “But you like…live in it. You guys fight on social media instead of just talking things out. It’s…stupid.”

  Boston glanced at him, staring out the passenger side window as the beach came into view. There was another prick at his heart. “It’s complicated.”

  Ty laughed. “That’s what dying does for you, bro; it uncomplicates things fast.”

  “Ty!” Boston said sharply.

  “Hey, you’re talking about complicated She Devil, it’s my right to talk about uncomplicated dying.”

  Boston rolled his eyes, but couldn’t help smile at the Ty’s nickname for Lana.

  The gigantic, palm tree-filled beach resort came into view.

  Ty grabbed Boston’s shoulder and shook it, letting out a little squeak. “We’re staying at The Palm, man.”

  Boston laughed. “Get off me and quit girl squealing!”

  Ty was giddy. “Never thought staying in a beach resort like this would be our lives, did you?”

  Boston took in the palm trees, the fancy cars in the parking lot, the sound of the beach and thought about how much his dad would have loved to bring him and his brother’s to a place like this. But his father
had been dead for almost three years. “It’s nice,” he finally said, pulling up to the security gate next to the entrance.

  “Yeah.” Ty was like a little kid, sitting up on his seat and peering over the gate. “Dude, I see girls.”

  That was the last thing Boston needed. He rolled down his window and saw a younger looking guy in a beach shirt and matching visor that read, ‘The Palm.’

  The guy stepped out of the guard shack. “Hi there, you must be the Brady Brothers?” He looked at an iPad.

  “Yep.” Boston felt the moist air and smelled the saltiness of the ocean. It was a formula for relaxation and Boston felt the tension leaving him immediately. Even though the trip wasn’t under the best of circumstances, at least he would be staying at a beach resort, right?

  The guy gave them keys to the Pemberly House along with a map, which he used to show them the layout of the resort, as well as some of the activities offered at the resort. The area behind their house was a private beach, and would be all theirs for the most part. Paparazzi wasn’t allowed anywhere nearby, which would be a welcome break for both brothers.

  A noise sounded and the huge, cast iron gate lifted.

  Boston drove through and saw a parking lot, and roads that led to the various parts of The Palm.

  “This is awesome,” Ty said, pressing the button to take down the top of the car. He put his hands up and yelled out as Boston took the street to their beach house. “Best trip ever!”

  Boston let out a chuckle. One way or another he had a feeling Ty’s prediction would come true.

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  Also by Taylor Hart

  Here is a list of Taylor's books, grouped by series:

  Last Play Masquerade Romances:

  The No Regrets Groom (A Brady Brother’s Romance)

  The Bighearted Groom by guest author

  The Ever After Groom by guest author

  The Blindsided Groom by guest author

  Last Play Christmas Romances:

  The Betting Groom (The Legendary Kent Brother Romances)

  The Risky Groom by guest author

  The Haunted Groom by guest author

  The Midnight Groom (A sequel to The Football Groom)

  The About Face Groom by guest author

  Christmas Romance Series

  Her Hollywood Fake fiance (The Legendary Kent Brother Romances)

  Texas Titan Romances (I recommend this order to read them)

  Texas Titan Romances

  The Tough Love Groom

  The Second Chance Groom

  The Dream Groom

  The Prince Charming Groom

  The Good Groom (A Brady Brother’s Romance)

  Navy Seal Romances

  The Broken Warrior

  The Found Warrior

  Bachelor Billionaire Romance Series (I recommend this order to read them)

  The Football Groom

  The Country Groom

  The Unfinished Groom

  The Barefoot Groom

  The Masquerading Groom

  The Christmas Groom

  Rescue Me (Park City Firefighter Romances--Cross over with Bachelor Billionaire Romances) (Freestone Brother Romances)

  The Lost Groom (Freestone Brother Romances)

  The Undercover Groom (Freestone Brother Romances)

  The Lone Star Groom

  Last Play Romance Series

  Book 1 Last Play

  Book 2 The Rookie

  Book 3 Just Play

  Book 4 A Player for Christmas

  Book 5 Pass Interference

  Book 6 End Zone

  Book 7 Hail Mary

  Book 8 The Perfect Catch

  Snow Valley Romances

  A Christmas in Snow Valley: The Christmas Eve Kiss

  Summer in Snow Valley: First Kiss

  Spring in Snow Valley: The Bet

  Fall in Snow Valley: The Better Man

  A Return to Snow Valley: The Christmas Boyfriend

  A Return to Snow Valley: The Christmas Girlfriend

  The Real Thing Suspense, Romantic Series

  Book 1 On the Run

  Book 2 Going Rogue

  Book 3 Get You Back

  Stand Alone Books

  A Girl Named Grace

  The Secret

  Prom Diaries

  Coming Soon—April of 2019

  Kissing a Billionaire Anthology—The Forgotten Billionaire by Taylor Hart

  About the Author

  Taylor Hart has always been drawn to a good love triangle, hot chocolate and long conversations with new friends. Writing has always been a passion that has consumed her dreams and forced her to sit in a trance for long hours, completely obsessed with people that don’t really exist. Taylor would have been a country star if she could have carried a tune—maybe in the next life. Find Taylor at:

  www.taylorhartbooks.com │ Twitter: @taylorfaithhart │ Facebook: Taylor Hart




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