One Hundred Poems, Volume IX

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One Hundred Poems, Volume IX Page 6

by Tuomas Vainio


  And afterwards: no matter how they glare,

  Thus no matter how they attempt to square,

  Their attempts will go without any fanfare,

  And if only they were just a little aware,

  They'd see no reason to pull any hair,

  How they could just end it all there,

  But mud is all that they can wear,

  It blinds and covers their hair,

  And it makes them despair.

  European union silences any dissent

  Parliaments have rules of conduct,

  And punishments for various misconduct,

  Simply to ensure that dialogue doesn't self-destruct,

  And turn any personal disagreement into a reason to obstruct.

  But now in the European parliament,

  They have measures to silence any opposing argument,

  Silenced and stripped from the records so none hear what they deem turbulent.

  European union is a cancer upon the west,

  Filled with petty bureaucrats sailing from disaster to another and claim to know the best.

  It must shatter before it can causes more harm.


  It snows and it rains,

  Slowly spring makes it gains,

  And drives away lovely frozen plains,

  Until muddy pools of water form their veins,

  And nothing of the pristine frozen beauty remains.

  The age of walls

  There is something new taking place while the old ever falls,

  Even if these words aren't spoken in high halls,

  We are now living the age of walls.

  Ultimately: violence only breeds ever more violence,

  Let us cut the growth of this bestial vehemence,

  So our hands are not stained by idleness.

  What has already happened we cannot withstand,

  This is not a problem difficult to understand,

  So we build walls to have them manned.

  These new walls will not stop the trade of goods,

  Or even ban the import of any exotic foods,

  Just the flood of bad people in hoods.


  Building a wall does not make a forbidden land,

  We just wish to live among people we can understand,

  And work together with the rest when our interests go in hand.

  A touch of madness (For a science fiction novel)

  He was touched by madness,

  Once born out of undying sadness,

  And had to escape it into that blackness,

  Seeking any answer through all that vastness,

  Watching new worlds burn out of mercy and malice,

  Perhaps what he seeks still lies somewhere in that vastness,

  A frozen rock hidden within a dead star's blackness,

  Some way shatter chains of undying sadness,

  Finally a cure to end all of his madness,

  That life without mercy or malice,

  And there lies another planet.

  Two five year old friends

  One boy cut his hair to be like his friend,

  And their appearances are quite similar to an extend,

  More than enough to fool me if a quick glance is all I could lend,

  And I am left to wonder how on earth this act of friendship could offend,

  Yet some are - and so their heads must reside deep within their very own back end.

  Half a moon

  It hangs there even at noon,

  Like some strange balloon,

  Out of reach of a harpoon,

  Beyond scoop of a spoon,

  And it will be gone soon,

  No reason to be a prune,

  Or howl like any goon,

  It is just half a moon.

  Those men of ill intends

  The world might be burning,

  Without lessons worth learning,

  Without any chance of overturning,

  And for some war is a thing of yearning,

  They clap as the age old signs keep returning,

  And the loss of life is not a topic worth concerning,

  Their minds have gone to profits they might be earning,

  And there is a need for a miracle for their tables to be turning,

  Before the massive machines of war begin their unstoppable churning.

  After a snowfall

  It has been a some while,

  But little by little it will pile,

  Cover the road mile after mile,

  And by morning some will smile,

  As nostalgia rises above to beguile,

  Overcome by joy it gets hard to dial,

  Or even see it as a nasty slippery trial,

  How beauty might hide something vile,

  And for a fleeting moment it is juvenile,

  Before being sent to sit at a doctor's aisle.

  Yet another '#' about women in the west...

  This is nothing more than yet another inane protest,

  A chance for the select few to pat on their own chest,

  Virtue signal without putting any of it to a real test,

  Or consider that perhaps not all are so blessed,

  That they can skip a day as if it were a jest,

  And therefore I greet it with pure detest,

  As the privileged claim be distressed,

  And claim mandate to speak behest,

  On topics not worthy to be addressed.


  I wish I could claim to be shocked,

  And have my perception of privacy rocked,

  But the sad truth is that devices are not well locked,

  And these days even a complete nobody will get stalked,

  Because someday even that nobody might need to be blocked,

  And on that day: they blackmail you based on what you've talked.

  How could you not love humanity?

  A camera only showed a flag against the sky,

  An impossible task but they nevertheless gave it a try,

  With mere flight patters, rotation of stars, and sounds to rely,

  It was enough to locate and have it pulled down to please our eye.

  How could you not love humanity,

  When they perform feats beyond sanity,

  Even if in part: inspired by their own vanity!

  There is beauty in cleverness,

  Even if it is focused on foolishness.

  I love humanity at its best.

  And a novel draws to a close?

  The last pages are under way,

  I should be glad for this day,

  Yet I seek for another delay,

  What else could I even say,

  Soon I will have to read it?

  ? If you can even believe it.


  I don't really care for the taste,

  I need a tube of toothpaste,

  Yet I miss it in my haste,

  As if my mind was erased,

  Many grocery runs I've braced,

  And had them gone to waste,

  Only to return disgraced,

  Hoping to rid this after-taste,

  Searching toothpaste misplaced,

  From aisle perhaps too well placed,

  Seemingly failing to have a tube traced,

  Instead buying weird shit like tomato paste,

  Therefore I write this to inflict eternal lambaste!

  Power of repetition

  The same note on repeat,

  Throwing rhythm for the beat,

  Shifting gear to move all the feet,

  This sound so loud and yet so sweet,

  Exactly the thing the public loves to eat,

  There is not much you can differ to compete,

  After all, since birth, they've listened it on repeat.

  On a distant world (For a science fiction novel)

  Rain has stopped,

  And the clouds slowly clear,

  For a moment the stars are
not blocked,

  But it is a sight that will not last forever my dear,

  Not without this whole world being disastrously rocked,

  Thus the best course of actions is to live by seasons of this sphere,

  Let the fledgling life of this world find its course unhindered and unstopped.

  Dutch Election Results

  Look how quick they are to declare their new victory,

  Even when the result suggests something contradictory,

  And the left leaning parties are carved out beyond injury,

  A fact of life that should make people of the union shivery,

  Notice how the foundation of their policies became slippery?

  But they continue to fool themselves with their words of trickery,

  There are more elections to come to shake their pre-written history,

  As people find themselves sick and tired of the ever growing misery.

  The radical left and garbage bins

  Garbage bins have their purpose,

  They ensure trash free street surface.

  The radical left serves no purpose,

  And they wish to make others wordless.

  This explains the acts of violence,

  Which garbage bins suffer in silence.

  A radical leftist just cannot let go,

  All the good a garbage bin can bestow.

  And there is yet another video clip,

  Radical leftist with a garbage bin to whip.

  'How dare you be good for society',

  The leftists cries full of useless anxiety.

  Faces of Andromeda

  A brand new galaxy is out there,

  With creatures that might scare,

  With the strangest eyes to stare,

  With hides quite away from fair,

  Something that doesn't compare,

  Even if it was mauled by a bear,

  Horror so great you need prayer,

  Because there is no way to repair,

  This sight that creates more despair.

  > "Oh yes, I too find the mass effect faces funny!"

  > Sush you!

  That topic that escapes me mind

  There was something I wished to write about,

  I could say that without a moment of doubt,

  It was important as some saw effort shout,

  Perhaps it just wasn't worth it to act out,

  As I cannot recall at all what to spout,

  Or if there was some banner to tout,

  And discussion did not sprout,

  It was simply forced out?

  And now I can recall what it was about,

  I could point at it without any doubt,

  A mob of morons came in to shout,

  They had their 'protest' to act out,

  With only same nonsense to spout,

  And those moronic banners to tout,

  Nothing of use managed to sprout,

  As common sense was forced out.


  Opposing views are silenced for 'diversity',

  And there is

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